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GCC Leaders Pin Hopes on Yemen Power Share Deal

President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi’s government agreed to form a power-sharing government in line with the Riyadh Agreement signed with the Southern Transitional Council last year … reports Asian Lite News

The UAE has welcomed the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement between the legitimate Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council.

President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi’s government agreed to form a power-sharing government in line with the Riyadh Agreement signed with the Southern Transitional Council last year. The new government, announced by Hadi on Yemeni state TV late on Friday night, consists of 24 portfolios divided equally between the north and south.

The UAE expressed its hope that this will be a step toward a political solution and an accelerated end to the Yemeni crisis.

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation commended the pivotal role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in implementing the Riyadh Agreement, and its support for all actions that serve the interest of the Yemeni people and contribute to their stability and security.

The Ministry stressed the importance of Yemeni forces’ solidarity and cooperation, and urged them to prioritise the national interest while addressing specific dangers stemming from the Houthi coup. The Ministry reiterated its commitment to stand by the Yemeni people, and to support their legitimate aspirations for development, prosperity, peace and stability.

GCC Secretary General Nayef Al Hajraf

The new government was “an important step for enhanced stability, improvement of state institutions and increased political partnership. It is also a pivotal step toward a lasting political resolution to the conflict,” said  Martin Griffiths, the UN secretary-general’s special envoy to Yemen.

Adel bin Abdulrahman Al-Assoumi, chairman of the Arab Parliament, said the formation of the new government would help restore security, stability and unity, activate state institutions, enable the implementation of development projects in liberated areas, and alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people.

Gulf Cooperation Council Secretary-General Dr. Nayef Mubarak Al-Hajraf praised Yemeni parties for prioritizing the interests of the people, supporting the new government and playing a role in ending the Yemeni crisis. He also thanked the Saudi-led Arab Coalition for supporting Yemen’s internationally recognized government.

Bahrain called it an important step in strengthening and unifying Yemeni efforts to confront the Iran-backed Houthi militia and achieve security, peace and stability for the Yemeni people.

“This is … another step toward peace that the Yemenis desperately need,” said British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab.

Britain’s Middle East and North Africa Minister James Cleverly urged the new government to work with Griffiths on “wider political progress” for the country.

Secretary-General of the GCC Dr. Nayef Falah Al-Hajraf has welcomed the decision.

Dr. Al-Hajraf expressed his appreciation for all the efforts of the Yemeni parties aimed at giving priority to the interests of the Yemeni people and preparing the atmosphere for the Yemeni government to practice all its work in Aden, praising the great efforts that the Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen, led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to accelerate the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement.

GCC Secretary General Nayef Al Hajraf

He affirmed the GCC’s keenness to restore security and stability in Yemen, and the GCC’s support for the efforts of the United Nations aimed at reaching a comprehensive political solution to the Yemeni crisis, in accordance with the GCC Initiative, the outcomes of the comprehensive national dialogue, and Security Council Resolution 2216.

Prince Khalid bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Deputy Minister of Defense, said that Saudi Arabia was continuing its policy of seeking to establish security and stability in Yemen, the Arab News reported.

 “In support of previous efforts to find a comprehensive political settlement, the efforts of HRH the Crown Prince have succeeded in bringing together our Yemeni brothers to implement the military aspect of the Riyadh agreement and the formation of a new government,” Prince Khalid said.

The agreement, which the prince referred to as “a political, diplomatic and military achievement,” was the outcome of months of negotiations between the Yemeni President, the Yemeni government, the Transitional Council, and military leaders in Aden and Abyan.

“The Riyadh Agreement overcame all difficulties and obstacles with the efforts of the Kingdom, the brothers in the Emirates, and in the Coalition,” the prince said.

“Today, more than ever, we are looking forward to seeing the Yemeni government lead Yemen and its people to safety,” added.

The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel Al-Jubeir also praised the developments in Yemen and said it should help reach a political solution to the conflict.

“What has been achieved for dear Yemen in forming a new government in accordance with the provisions of the Riyadh Agreement, is an important step in achieving a political solution, ending the crisis, establishing security and stability, and achieving the aspirations of the Yemeni people,” he tweeted.

Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al-Saudi echoed the ministers’ praise of the new Yemeni government and hoped it would end the current crisis.

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