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Turkish tensions ‘will not end well’: Arab League

“Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is interfering in Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Libya militarily,” Ahmed Aboul Gheit said…Reports Asian Lite News

The Arab League has warned Turkey over its role in increased regional tension in the Mediterranean regions, saying that “it will not end well” for the regional power.Arab News Reports

Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit said in a televised statement: “Turkey is facing a group of differences with regional and superpower parties to a degree that will not end well for it or its leadership.

“Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is interfering in Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Libya militarily,” he added.

“Erdogan also interfered in the Caucasus between Azerbaijan and Armenia, collided with Greece and Cyprus, and attacked the eastern Mediterranean in the gas areas, which made a large and influential country like France send fighters and an aircraft carrier to Cyprus.

“Even Italy, which was understanding of many of the Turkish positions, went to France. Everyone is telling Erdogan now that he will face consequences for his actions.

“It annoys me that the Syrians use mercenaries to fight with Azerbaijan against Armenia … It is very sad that Syrian mercenaries are being used by Erdogan in cases that are unrelated to Turkey,” Aboul Gheit said.

He claimed that former US president Barack Obama caused destruction in Arab countries by supporting the Arab Spring in 2011.

Also read:Israel ties: Palestine refuses to chair Arab league

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