Popular actress of southern films, Kajal Aggarwal, is all set to marry entrepreneur Gautam Kitchlu on October 30 in Mumbai. The actress took to Instagram to share the news with fans in a long note she posted on Tuesday.
“I said yes”, she headlined her note, which read: “It gives me immense joy to share that I am getting married to Gautam Kitchlu, on October 30, 2020 in Mumbai, in a small, private ceremony surrounded by our immediate families. This pandemic has certainly shed a sobering light on our joy, but we are thrilled to start our lives together and know that all of you will be cheering us on in spirit. I thank you for all the love you have showered upon me over the years and we seek your blessings as we embark upon this incredible new journey. I will still continue doing what I cherish the most – entertaining my audience – now, with a whole new purpose and meaning. Thank you for your unending support.”
Congratulations have poured in on social media from friends, colleagues and fans.
“Congratulations Kajal. Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness,” Hansika Motwani commented.
“Many many congratulations love,” actress Mehreen commented.
Kajal is best known for her roles in “Magadheera”, “Kavacham”, “Arya 2”, “Thuppaki”, and ” Paris Paris”. In Bollywood, she has been seen in “Singham” and “Special 26”.
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