The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) on Tuesday announced MPL Sports, the athleisure wear and sports merchandise brand from esports platform Mobile Premier League, as the new kit sponsor and official merchandise partner for the Indian cricket team.
MPL Sports has entered into a three-year agreement with BCCI from November 2020 to December 2023. The association begins with the upcoming India tour of Australia which will see Virat Kohli’s men sporting the new jerseys.
“We are delighted to announce the dawn of a new era for Indian cricket with the appointment of MPL Sports as the kit sponsor for the Indian men’s and women’s national cricket team until 2023. We look forward to MPL Sports adding a new chapter to the team’s kit, and bring Official BCCI licensed merchandise within easy and convenient reach for the billion-plus fans who cheer for Team India,” a BCCI release quoted BCCI President Sourav Ganguly as saying.
The senior men and women and the U-19 teams are also a part of the deal for the new kits.
BCCI Secretary Jay Shah said: “The partnership leads us to a new frontier for Team India and for sports merchandising in the country. We look forward to working with a young Indian brand like MPL Sports to tap the potential that this sphere holds. This partnership aims at facilitating access to high-quality Indian cricket fan merchandise, including the coveted Indian cricket team jersey for cricket fans not just in the country but globally.”
Apart from Team India jerseys, MPL Sports will also sell licensed Team India merchandise. MPL Sports will offer the jerseys and its wide range of Team India merchandise to fans.
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