COVID-19 India News

Bharat Biotech chairman slams Covaxin detractors

Bharat Biotech Chairman Krishna Ella said on Monday that the company does not deserve the backlash it is receiving in the light of the India’s drugs  regulator granting its coronavirus vaccine Covaxin approval for emergency use.

Without naming Serum Institute of India CEO Adar Poonawala he said, “Don’t accuse us of inexperience. We are a global company… have manufactured 16 vaccines. We are 200 per cent honest.” Poonawala had said in a TV interview on Sunday that there were only three vaccines with proven efficacy – Pfizer, Moderna and Oxford-AstraZeneca and the rest were just “safe like water.”

 Ella said the company conducts clinical trials not only in India but also many other countries.

His comments assume significance as Covaxin has been given an emergency approval despite allegedly only two of the required three trial phases being completed.

However, Ella pointed at the number of journal articles Bharat Biotech published and claimed that it was the first to identify Zika virus and file a patent for Zika and Chikungunya viruses.

Bharat Biotech was the only company to have a Bio Safety Level 3 (BSL- 3) production facility, he noted. “We do 200 per cent honest clinical trials and yet we receive a backlash. If I am wrong, tell me. Some companies have branded me ‘water’. I want to deny that. We are scientists,” he said. 

Ella also appeared to take on AIIMS chief Dr Randeep Guleria  who had on Sunday suggested that Covaxin could be a back-up for other vaccines. “It is a vaccine. It is not a back-up. People should be responsible before making such statements,” he said.

Ella claimed Covaxin had as many publications in international peer reviewed journals as Pfizer and more than many of the other Covid-19 vaccine candidates.

He said the Covaxin Phase III trials were being handled by an American MNC IQVIA, formerly Quintiles, and IMS Health Inc and that patients in Phase III trials will be monitored for 12 months after the dose administration. “As an Indian company, Bharat Biotech has been struggling alone without any backup of MNCs like AstraZeneca or Pfizer,” he said.

“We put all (data) transparently. We submitted to each committee and then we got the approval,” he said.

“I put everything in black and white and people still question me because Indian scientists are cheap people. People ask why we don’t have any data in the public domain. In fact, we are the only company to have published five articles. We are the only Bio-Safety Level 3 (BSL-3) production facility in the world. We are proud to say that even the US government does not have that, even the UK government does not have that.”

Effective against mutant strain

Ella added that Covaxin will be effective on mutant strains a major reason why the candidate has been granted approval for restricted use.

The company will be able to establish the “hypothesis” of the candidate’s ability to protect against mutations in a week, Ella said.

“It’s only a hypothesis right now…but just give me one week’s time (and) I’ll give confirmatory data,” Dr Ella said. He was responding to a question on whether there were data to show Covaxin is effective against the mutant strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that was first detected in the United Kingdom and has since been found in more than 30 other countries.

Also Read-No end to farmers-govt deadlock

-Top News Asia News

Hazaras continue sit-in against Baloch massacre

The sit-in started on Monday at the provincial capital’s Western Bypass and continued after talks between the protesters and Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid failed…reports Asian Lite News

Hundreds of Members of the Hazara minority community have refused to end their sit-in in Quetta against the killing of 11 coal miners in Pakistan’s Balochistan province, while demanding justice over the massacre.

The sit-in started on Monday at the provincial capital’s Western Bypass and continued after talks between the protesters and Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid failed, reports The Express Tribune.

On Monday night, Rashid met a delegation of the Majlis-e-Wahdatul Muslimeen (MWM) political organisation, who are leading the sit-in.

But the protesters refused to end their sit-in until Prime Minister Imran Khan visited them.

Addressing reporters after the meeting, Rashid said that he had asked the MWM to form a five-to-seven-member committee to meet the Prime Minister in Islamabad.

“I will arrange the meeting within two-three days,” he was quoted as saying.

The Minister also announced a 2.5 million PKR compensation to the victims’ families.

On Sunday, the 11 coal miners were kidnapped and killed by unidentified armed men in Machh, an area under serious security threat.

According to the police, the attackers abducted the miners and took them to the nearby hills where they were fired at and seriously injured.

The attack has been claimed by the Islamic State terror attack.

Also read:Khalilzad visits Pak ahead of Afghan peace talks

Also read:Daniel Pearl: US ‘Deeply Concerned’ Over Pak Court Ruling

Asia News

Khalilzad visits Pak ahead of Afghan peace talks

The meeting came ahead of the resumption of intra-Afghan negotiations in Qatar scheduled for Tuesday that will focus on reduction of violence and a ceasefire in conflict-stricken Afghanistan…reports Asian Lite News

US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad has embarked on a trip to Pakistan ahead of the resumption of the peace talks between representatives of the Taliban and the Kabul government.

Following his arrival on Monday, Khalilzad met Pakistan’s Army Chief Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa and discussed the Afghan peace process, Xinhua news agency quoted the army’s media wing Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said as saying in a statement.

The meeting came ahead of the resumption of intra-Afghan negotiations in Qatar scheduled for Tuesday that will focus on reduction of violence and a ceasefire in conflict-stricken Afghanistan.

The Taliban and an Afghan government’s negotiating team had announced a three-week break last month for consultations with their leadership.

Besides Bajwa, the ISPR statement said that Khalilzad met other military leaders at the army’s headquarters in Rawalpindi and discussed matters of mutual interest including overall regional security situation with particular reference to ongoing Afghan reconciliation process.

“Both reaffirmed the commitment towards the common goal of peace and stability in the region and agreed on continued engagement at multiple levels,” the statement added.

The peace negotiations, which formally kick-off in September 2020, witnessed a breakthrough last month after the two sides agreed on procedural rules for the talks.

They also confirmed to have exchanged their lists about the agenda of the peace talks.

According to TOLO News, in its draft of demands, the Afghan government’s team has added ceasefire, preservation of national sovereignty, media freedom and the prohibition of activity by foreign fighters in the war-torn country.

Meanwhile, the Taliban’s demands include an Islamic government structure, establishment of an Islamic council, and ensuring women’s rights and the rights of all citizens based on Islamic principles.

Also read:‘Targeted killings to be discussed in Afghan peace talks’

-Top News India News

No end to farmers-govt deadlock

Farmers delegation arrives at Vigyan Bhawan for their meeting with Agricultural minister Narendra Singh Tomar on the issue of farm laws, in New Delhi, India on January 04, 2021 (Pic Credits :Pallav Paliwal/Asianlite)

The seventh round of meeting of the farmers’ organisation with the government at Vigyan Bhawan on Monday remained inconclusive as the farmers were adamant about withdrawal of the three farm laws.

Two issues were to be discussed in the meeting but due to the stalemate over the withdrawal of the farm laws, demand for legal guarantee on MSP couldn’t be taken up. Now, the discussion over the minimum support price (MSP) will be held on January 8.

Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar said in the meeting that the farm laws are beneficial for the farmers across the country, therefore, decision will be taken after consulting farmers of all the states.

Farmers delegation arrives at Vigyan Bhawan for their meeting with Agricultural minister Narendra Singh Tomar on the issue of farm laws, in New Delhi, India on January 04, 2021 (Pic Credits :Pallav Paliwal/Asianlite)

Taking up the issue of the farmers who lost their lives during the protest, representatives of 40 farmers’ organisation proposed to start the meeting by offering condolences to them. Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Railways Minister Piyush Goyal and Union Minister of State Som Prakash along with the farmers’ leaders offered condolences by keeping a two-minute silence.

Sources said that the three ministers asked the farmers’ leaders to start the discussion on the three laws and discuss the issue related to MSP after that as these were two issues to be discussed today.

Farmers’ leaders demanded the withdrawal of the three laws to which Tomar said that these laws have been enacted after much deliberation. They will surely benefit from them.

Farmers delegation arrives at Vigyan Bhawan for their meeting with Agricultural minister Narendra Singh Tomar on the issue of farm laws, in New Delhi, India on January 04, 2021 (Pic Credits :Pallav Paliwal/Asianlite)

“As farmers of many states have supported the laws so we can’t take any decision without listening to them,” Tomar said.

Tomar also said that we will discuss every clause of the farm laws, and on whichever laws you have objections to we are ready to consider amendments.

On this, the farmers’ leaders refused to accept any amendments and unanimously demanded withdrawal of the three laws. The demand for withdrawal of the laws was put down by the Union Ministers.

After discussion of around 1.30 hours, the meeting was called-off for lunch. Last time the ministers and the farmers’ leaders had lunch together at a langar but this time they had it separately.

The farmers were adamant on their demand of withdrawal after lunch also. They said that they won’t end the protest on the borders of the national Capital till the laws are withdrawn.

Shivkumar Sharma ‘Kakka’, a farmers’ leader who was in the meeting said, “Legal guarantee of the MSP couldn’t be discussed today as the talks revolved around withdrawal of the laws. The ministers said that it takes around 20 years to bring a law to which all the farmers’ leaders said that the law should be beneficial for the public too. When we raised the issue of MSP after the lunch, the ministers said that it is a complicated matter so it will be better if both the parties can do a thorough preparation on it and discuss it in next meeting.”

 Kakka said the farmers are ready to end the protest if the government is ready to repeal the laws. “We will continue to protest for years to get these laws rolled back,” he added.

 Meanwhile, Bharatiya Kisan Union (Uttar Pradesh) President Rakesh Tikait said, “It is the tension of the government to end the protest not ours. Today’s meeting was inconclusive. Everything depends on government’s stand. Farmers don’t come to Delhi again and again. Now, they have come here so they don’t want to go back without any result.”

Kisan Congress threatens stir

Speaking to media, Kisan Congress vice president Surendra Solanki said, “The seventh round of talks has failed today. And as the talks has failed once again we demand the repealing of these farm laws.”

Solanki said that for the last 40 days our farmers have been fighting for their rights in the bitter cold on the borders of Delhi.

“So far 63 of our farmers have been martyred. This country will not forgive this government at any cost. We will take this movement to every district and village in the country,” he said.

Meanwhile, the NSUI started a ‘kisan chatra cycle yatra’ along with its President Neeraj Kundan.

They have started cycling from Jaipur to Delhi and are likely to reach Uttar Pradesh’s Shahjahanpur by Tuesday.

Speaking to media, Kundan said that our march is for the right of the farmers and we stand in solidarity and support to the ongoing farmer’s movement against the farm laws.

“Our ‘cycle yatra’ is not just a message to the government, instead, it is specified to triumph Delhi,” the NSUI chief said.

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Africa News

Sudan seeks ‘expert support’ for GERD talks

The Ministry further stressed Sudan’s adherence to the negotiation process under the AU pursuant to the principle of “African solutions for African issues”…reports Asian Lite News

Sudan has voiced reservation over participation in a ministerial meeting on the disputed Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) built on the Nile River, said the country’s Irrigation and Water Resources Ministry.

“Based on the outcome of the tripartite ministerial meeting held on Sunday, Sudan requested convening of a bilateral meeting with the African Union (AU) experts and observers on the evening,” Xinhua news agency quoted the Ministry as saying in a statement on Monday.

“Instead of a response to the request, Sudan received an invitation to continue the direct tripartite talks, which pushed it to announce reservation over participation, to show its firm position on the need to give a role to the AU experts to facilitate the negotiations and narrow the gap among the three parties,” the statement added.

The Ministry further stressed Sudan’s adherence to the negotiation process under the AU pursuant to the principle of “African solutions for African issues”.

On Sunday, Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia agreed to suspend the tripartite talks over the GERD for one week to resume on January 10.

The three countries have been negotiating under the AU patronage over technical and legal issues related to the filling and operation of the GERD.

The Sudanese negotiators believe that the GERD talks should go beyond the level of irrigation ministers and be referred to the AU and the leaders of the three countries to provide political will to bring their positions closer.

Ethiopia, which started building the GERD in 2011, expects to produce more than 6,000 megawatts of electricity from the project.

But Egypt and Sudan, downstream Nile Basin countries that rely on the river for fresh water, are concerned that the dam might affect their water resources.

Over the past few years, tripartite talks on the rules of filling and operating the GERD have been fruitless, including those hosted by Washington and recently by the AU.

Also read:Civilian protection: Sudan announces national mechanism

Arab News Asia News

Israel calls for global response against Iran

The Israeli Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Monday that Iran’s announcement on the resumption of 20 per cent uranium enrichment “should serve as a wake-up call for advocates of a peaceful approach to Iran”..reports Asian Lite News

Israel has urged the international community to take “a determined response” against Iran after the latter announced that it will increase its uranium enrichment level.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Monday that Iran’s announcement on the resumption of 20 per cent uranium enrichment “should serve as a wake-up call for advocates of a peaceful approach to Iran”, reports Xinhua news agency.

In the statement, Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi called on the international community “not to put up with Iran’s defiant moves.”

He said that Iran’s announcement “requires a determined and immediate response”.

Earlier on Monday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a separate statement that Tehran’s announcement could be only explained as an “intention to develop a military nuclear program”.

“Israel will not allow Iran to manufacture nuclear weapons,” he said.

On Monday, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) announced that the 20 per cent enriched uranium has started to be available at its Fordow facility.

Jerusalem, Sept. 13, 2020 (Xinhua) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gives a briefing on COVID-19 pandemic in Israel at his office in Jerusalem, on Sept. 13, 2020. Israel will reimpose a nationwide lockdown for three weeks, beginning on Friday, to slow a rapid resurgence of coronavirus infections, the government decided on Sunday. (Yoav Dudkevitch/JINI via Xinhua/IANS)

The enrichment started at the Fordow facility and has reached the stability level, Behrouz Kamalvandi, spokesman of AEOI, announced on state TV.

The uranium is being obtained in two enrichment cascades, he added.

While the 20 per cent enrichment used to take 24 hours, new methods adopted by Iranian technicians enable the process to be completed in 12 hours, Kamalvandi noted.

Iran already developed the ability to produce 20 per cent enriched uranium after it was denied the supply of uranium fuel in 2010, the spokesman said.
Also read:US aircraft carrier to stay in Gulf amid Iranian threats

-Top News China India News

Chinese loan apps swindle the desperate for a quick buck

Preying on the toxic mix of a pandemic and unemployment, Chinese-run fintech apps worked with impunity to provide quick loans at exorbitant interest and harassed defaulters leading to five deaths … reports Asian Lite Newsdesk

It took five deaths, a six-month manhunt involving crime branches of two states and 11 arrests across three states for police to finally nab four masterminds of the infamous loan apps scam. 

Preying on the toxic mix of a pandemic and unemployment, these Chinese-run applications worked with impunity to provide quick loans at ridiculously high interest rates, at times as high as 37%, and then harass borrowers who defaulted using tools which violated financial and privacy laws.

Investigations have now revealed that over 24 illegal apps made 1.4 crore transactions worth over Rs 21,000 crore to fleece unsuspecting people across the country.

According to a list released by Citizen Collective, a platform that raises awareness on consumer rights issues, Google Play Store is host to 426 rogue lending apps. These applications involve abusive lending practices and ask users for several permissions, that put them and their contacts at risk.

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Most of the people caught in the debt trap had borrowed money from apps such as Bubble Loan, Liquid Cash, Cash Bee, Rupee Factory, Paisa Loan, SnapIt Loan, In Need, Rupee Plus, Pan Loan, Cash Port, Wow Paisa, Gold Bowl, Ok Cash, Udhaar Loan, Go Cash, FlashCash, Cash Pot, One Hope and Bily Cash. A Google search reveals that none of these rogue apps have websites or contact details.

Alarmed by the proliferation of these coercive apps, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had last week issued a warning. The central bank said, “There have been reports about individuals and small businesses falling prey to the growing number of unauthorised digital lending platforms and mobile apps on promises of getting loans in quick and hassle-free manner.” Members of the public, it said, are hereby cautioned not to fall prey to such unscrupulous activities and verify the antecedents of the company offering loans online or through mobile apps.

Reserve Bank of India Governor Shaktikanta Das (Photo: IANS)

With the loan defaults surging due to high unemployment, consumers are forced to take unsecured credit lending. To make them aware of the dangers of taking these easy loans, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released an advisory asking consumers to not fall prey to the unauthorised digital lending platforms and also said that lending operations are only allowed for banks, NBFCs and other entities regulated by state governments under statutory provisions.

Modus operandi

A Chinese national identified as Zhu Wei who was arrested from the Delhi International Airport while trying to flee on New Year’s eve was the head of operations of loan apps being run by Aglow Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Liufang Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Nabloom Technologies Pvt. Ltd., and Pinprint Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

According to police, Zixia Zhang is the mastermind behind the entire operation. He and his Delhi-based accomplice started a company “Digipeergo Tech Pvt Ltd” in December last year. In the next few months, they launched another company by the name of “Skyline Innovations Technologies India Private Limited.”

With the help of a Singapore-based developer, the company developed 11 Instant loan applications that offer loans to individuals and collect huge repayments. These repayments included interest, processing charges, GST, default charges and once the loan period is over they charge 1 percent penalty and also resort to systematic abusing, harassing, threatening of the defaulters through call centers run by them. They even blackmail the borrowers by sending fake legal notices to their relatives and family members.

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These fintech apps advertise on social media, especially Facebook, luring people stating that the interest rate is only 0.98%. The interest rate sounds miniscule, but if these illegal digital loan apps charge 0.98% per day interest, it works out to an annual interest rate of 66%, which is almost double of the RBI-mandated upper limit of 36%. Moreover, in addition to the interest rate, the borrowers are always charged processing fees, and 18% GST.

These illegal fintech app-based loans gained prominence because the money was transferred almost instantly, unlike traditional banks which took weeks to release loans. When these apps are downloaded, they mandatorily require access to your contacts, video and photo gallery. Once the access is given, you have to share your PAN card and Aadhaar details. The salary slip is not one of the documents that these illegal fintech apps demand.

As soon as the documents are shared, unsuspecting customers are given Rs 3,000 and if the amount was paid within a week, the amount can go up to Rs 8,000 per week. The person can download several such apps to borrow a higher amount.

If the borrowed amount is Rs 4,000, you are required to pay back Rs 5,712, where the processing fee is Rs 1,425, GST on the processing fee is Rs 256 and the interest amount is Rs 31. If the payment is delayed by even a day, an overdue fee is charged. Unlike NBFCs or bank loans, where the processing fee is charged only the first time, here the processing fee is charged every week, for as long as the loan is active.

-Top News USA

Indian-American Niraj Antani sworn in as Ohio state Senator

Antani, 29, defeated Democrat Mark Fogel in the November 2020 election…reports Asian Lite News

Indian-American Republican Niraj Antani, who was elected to the Ohio state Senate from the 6th District, has been sworn in as a Senator, the media reported.

Taking to Twitter on Monday, Antani, who served as a state Representative since January 2015, said: “Truly honoured to have been officially sworn-in as state Senator today. As I became the first Indian-American State Senator in Ohio history today, I vow to work hard every day so each Ohio can achieve their American Dream.

“So grateful to be able to represent the community in which I was born and raised. To all my voters, supporters, and team: thank you.”

Antani, 29, defeated Democrat Mark Fogel in the November 2020 election.

The 6th Senate District includes southern, eastern, and northern Montgomery County, which has an Indian-American population of more than 87,000, the American Bazaar said in a report.

Antani was first elected to the Ohio statehouse in 2014, from the 42nd District. At 23, he was the youngest member of the House.

He was the first Indian-American Republican to serve in the Ohio House and second to get elected from the community to the statehouse.

The Senator, who was born and raised in the Miami Township, graduated from Miamisburg High School.

He earned a bachelor’s degree from the Ohio State University

In Ohio, a State Senator has a four-year term.

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Bollywood Films Lite Blogs

Southern biggies lined up to take a bow in B’ wood

As Bollywood enters the new year, a line up big names from the Telugu and Tamil film industries are gearing up to make their debuts in the Hindi film industry.

These are not ordinary debuts of newcomers, which sets this lot apart. They are all established stars down South. Although most of them are known names even outside their domain, the Bollywood audience is yet to fully experience their acting prowess and glamour.

IANS draws up a roster of some of the southern biggies lined up to take a bow in Bollywood this year:

The Telugu superstar is already known to pan-Indian audiences as the titular hero of “Arjun Reddy”, which was remade as “Kabir Singh” in Bollywood. Vijay, who made his name with his “Rowdy” brand of acting, in Telugu hits such as “NOTA” and “Geetha Govindam” is now ready for his debut Bollywood project. The Puri Jagannath directorial co-star Ananya Pandey, and is produced by Karan Johar.


She is one of the most sought-after female stars in Tollywood. Her work down South includes films such as “Rangasthalam”, “Mahanati”, and “Theri”. This year, Samantha will be seen in her first Hindi project, “The Family Man 2”. The second season of Raj and DK’s web series is being awaited by the audience with anticipation. While the details of her role have been kept under wraps, her fans are excited.

The Tamil star is known for his acting chops, and he garnered acclaim beyond his home turf with the OTT-released film “Super Deluxe” last year. He has started the year with bang, announcing his Bollywood debut. The actor will star in Santosh Sivan’s “Mumbaikar”, a Hindi remake of the 2017 Tamil hit, “Maanagaram”.

This blue-eyed girl from the Telugu film industry is taking a big leap this year, as she enters Bollywood with a bang. Rashmika, whose brand has always been that of the girl next door girl, has given hits such as “Geetha Govindam”, “Dear Comrade” and more. She enters Bollywood as Sidharth Malhotra’s co-star in “Mission Majnu”, a spy thriller.

All-India audiences have already seen her in the web space on season one of “The Family Man”, as well as prop roles in “Raavan” (2010) and “Rakht Charitra 2” (2010), besides the hit dance number “1 2 3 4 get on the dance floor” in “Chennai Express” (2013). This year the talented actress makes her debut as a bona fide Bollywood heroine in Amit Sharma’s “Maidan”, alongside Ajay Devgn.

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Bollywood Celebrity Lite Blogs

Kriti Reveals Her Passion For Bike Ride

Bollywood actress Kriti Sanon has shared a video on social media, where she is seen riding a motorbike. The song Hairat from the 2010 film Anjaana Anjaani plays in the background.

“Four wheels… Move the body…Two wheels…Move the soul.. P.S. I always wanted to ride a bike with this song playing in the background!” Kriti captioned the clip.

The actress is all set to start shooting for the upcoming film Bachchan Pandey starring Akshay Kumar.

She has also finished shooting for her next with actor Rajkummar Rao for Abhishek Jain’s upcoming comedy Second Innings. The film also stars Paresh Rawal and Dimple Kapadia, and is scheduled to release next year.

Kriti’s other upcoming film is Mimi, Laxman Utekar’s film that casts her as a young surrogate mother alongside Pankaj Tripathi, Sai Tamhankar, Manoj Pahwa and Supriya Pathak.

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