-Top News USA

NY reports 1st case of Covid-19 variant

“It’s a gentleman who is in his 60s. He was symptomatic, but he is on the mend and he’s doing better. He did not travel recently, so this suggests that it’s in the community, it was community spread as opposed to having travelled to the UK,”said Governor…reports Asian Lite News

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said that a laboratory has confirmed the state’s first case of the new Covid-19 variant, which was first discovered in Britain last month.

“An individual from Saratoga County, New York, tested positive for the strain. The individual had no known travel history,” Xinhua news agency quoted the Governor as saying in an official statement on Monday.

“It’s a gentleman who is in his 60s. He was symptomatic, but he is on the mend and he’s doing better. He did not travel recently, so this suggests that it’s in the community, it was community spread as opposed to having travelled to the UK,” he said in the statement.

“If you went to the N. Fox Jewelers store in Saratoga Springs from December 18 through December 24 (2020) you should contact us and get a test immediately.

“From a public health point of view now it’s about contact tracing, and this UK strain is reported to be 70 per cent more contagious than the normal Covid strain. So, we want to make sure we’re doing everything we can to do effective contact tracing on this case,” he added.

The test was conducted at the Wadsworth Center, the research-intensive public health laboratory of the New York State Department of Health (DoH) located in Albany.

On December 22, 2020, the New York state government announced that the Wadsworth Lab had begun aggressive research of the new, highly contagious Covid-19 strain.

Wadsworth and the DoH had signed agreements with six hospitals from across the state to obtain additional samples and is continuing to make arrangements with other hospitals to do the same, it said.

Meanwhile on Monday, the Governor announced that the total Covid-19 hospitalisations topped 8,000, reaching 8,251 on Sunday in New York state, up from 7,963 the previous day.

Meanwhile, of the 134,360 COVID-19 tests reported on Sunday in the state, 11,209 were positive, or 8.34 per cent of the total, up from 7.98 per cent a day earlier, said Cuomo, adding that the fatalities rose to 170 on Sunday, compared with 138 reported the previous day.

The last time that the rate topped 8 per cent was on December 29, 2020, reaching 8.66 per cent, according to Governor.

“We have the hospital system all across the state being monitored daily and we’re having those hospitals do what they need to do to the greatest extent possible within their capacity to manage the surge, what we call surge and flex,” Cuomo was quoted as saying in another statement.

As of Tuesday morning, New York state has reported 1,069,073 confirmed coronavirus cases and 38,583 deaths, the highest in the country.

Also read:Aus govt urged to support Covid impacted businesses

Health Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Adapt with the changing seasons

As winter comes along, the air gets crisp and dry. That has a direct effect on the metabolic functioning of the body. Yoga and Ayurveda strongly advocate to adapt with the changing seasons; hence it becomes important to make the necessary changes to your diet and exercise.

Nishtha Bijlani, a Mumbai based certified Yoga Expert suggests different ways to deal with the winter chills:

  1. Start your day with a warm glass of water. This helps to aid the sluggish digestion during the winters and helps clear the bowels effectively.
  2. Practice the Yogic Kriyas as hereunder:


Kapalbhati is also known as the breath of fire. It increases the agni or fire element in the body. It improves the functioning of the digestive and respiratory systems. With regular practice, it helps cleanse the frontal lobes of the lungs, releases toxins and drains the sinus beds.


Sit on the mat in a cross-leg position or on a chair with your back upright. The focus is on active exhalation. The inhalation is passive. Keep the eyes and mouth closed as you start the first round with 20 active exhalations.

Release the breath actively through the nose and belly. There will be a sound that accompanies your exhalation. You will notice the belly naturally pump inward with every exhalation. Avoid tensing the face and the rest of the body.

You can gradually increase to 50 strokes of breath and more. Practice this early morning on an empty stomach. Avoid during pregnancy, menstruation and in case of high BP.


Similar to Kapalbhati, the practice of Bhastrika is done with active inhalation & exhalation. It raises the heat in the body and helps clear the toxin build up. It gives great power to the lungs and leaves one feeling light and relaxed.


Begin in a comfortable seated position on the mat or chair. Along with the breath we will create a downward pulling action with the hands. On inhale take your hands up and on exhale, make a fist to pull down. Continue this up-down action with the hands coordinating with the breath. Remember to keep both the inhale & exhale active.

Practice this early morning on an empty stomach. Avoid during pregnancy, menstruation and in case of high BP.

Sukshma Vyayam:

These are gentle movements done to lubricate and mobilize joints. Especially helpful in cold dry weather when the joints stiffen up. Practice of Sukshma Vyayam takes just 10-15 min and it has the power to unblock the stagnant flow of energy in our joints. It sharpens the senses, refreshes the mind and redirects life back in.

Some movements that you can do:

Neck movement: Simply move the neck in all 4 directions: up, down, left, right and back to center.

Wrist rotation: Make a fist, extend your hands forward at shoulder height. Make outer circles with your wrists followed by inner circles.

Point & flex the feet: Can be done standing or seated with legs stretched open. Point your toes forward in plantar flexion and then turn your toes toward you in dorsiflexion. Keep the movement from the ankle joints.


Dhanurasana is a backward bend, also known as the bow pose. Not only does help to effectively open the spine, but also improves respiration and digestion.

It stretches open the body, releasing all stiffness and tightness. It helps to create suppleness in the spine and freeness in the breath.


Lie down in a prone position with your belly rested on the mat. Bend your knees and grab the outer sides of your feet. Using the strength of your legs, pull your chest up, lifting it off the mat. Remember to not pull your feet down to the hips.

Keep moving the legs back and create the expansion in the chest. When you are done, slowly release the feet and rest on the mat.

Avoid: If you have a back or knee injury.

  1. Eat warm foods

This is the season to have warm soups and meals. Choose to eat light home cooked meals instead of heavy dense foods. As the digestion tends to get sluggish during winters, it’s best to eat early dinners and keep the heaviest meal for lunch when the sun is the strongest.

Our bodies follow a circadian rhythm which moves as per the sun. Hence, the digestive power is the strongest at noon. Stay away from cold salads, frozen meals and raw food. Include spices, nuts, ghee and honey.

As the season changes, so shall our routine. This winter remember to keep yourself warm, nourished and active with these simple changes to the lifestyle.

Also Read-Hacks To Disinfect Winter Garments

Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Hacks To Disinfect Winter Garments

Fashion and generation Gen Z.

Come winter, we are faced with huge piles of clothes that just refuse to fit into assigned spaces in our wardrobes. While we look forward to the season to wear amazing jackets, sweaters, denim etc this year we also have the additional consideration of keeping our winter wear disinfected.

Most of the heavy garments we use are not of the ‘wash after every wear’ variety. The continuous tension of cleaning and disinfecting our surrounding and clothes is a serious and tedious task, especially when stepping out of our homes has increased manifolds. Here are some easy hacks to manage and disinfect our winter garments:

Purge – While we all have out routines of transitioning our wardrobes from summer clothes to winter clothes, we often forget to sift out the clothes we are done with. It is hard yes. One often feels ‘Maybe I’ll wear it with something else’, ‘Maybe I’ll use it at home’ etc, but do we really? Purging always helps.

Separate fresh clothes from the ones that have been worn before – Having an assigned rack space or hanger space to hand jackets/sweaters that are used on the regular helps to separate them from the garments that are only used on occasion. Especially this year, creating this designated space frees up the mind from clothes and disinfection management worries. You know where each item belongs, and you don’t need to mess up the section of clothes not used often.

Keep a clothes spray handy — Every time we come home from outside, the hand washing ritual has become sacrosanct. We usually go straight in to the shower and add the clothes we have been wearing to the ‘to be washed’ pile. This doesn’t work for winter clothes though does it? In the area designated for ‘already worn’ garments, keep a clothes disinfectant spray like the one from Savlon handy. This products doesn’t need any water for use, disinfects clothes in-between washes while also leaving a fresh smell behind. And it is completely safe for all a wide variety of materials (like shirts, pants, jackets, kurtas, etc). Instant rescue.

Here are a few more cool tricks:

– If you have garments in velvet, hang them in the bathroom inside out, after you have taken a hot shower. The steam in the bathroom helps remove creases from velvet, mildly disinfects and adds new life to the garment

– Allow 24 hours before wearing wool items you have already worn again to get rid of wrinkles and allow the elasticity of the knit to bounce back. This also gives enough time for your clothes spray to work its magic into the garment

– Triple fold cashmere items so there is no middle fold visible and put it back in the cupboard wrapped in a sheet of paper with some mild clothes fragrance pouch. This helps keep the garment fresh and last longer

– When throwing winter garments into the washing machine, remember to not mix wool with denim etc. Use a clothes disinfectant liquid for the final rinse cycle to ensure maximum germ protection.

Keep calm and disinfect on.

Also Read-Dia Suggests Greener Choices For 2021

COVID-19 Health Lite Blogs

Ayurvedic tips to protect lungs

 It is now known that Covid-19, which is a respiratory system-related disease, weakens the lungs of those who contract it. The pollution and dust while frequently stepping out can make the breathing process difficult for many.

According to Dr Partap Chauhan, Director, Jiva Ayurveda, the chemical in the smog gets deposited within the respiratory tract and causes symptoms like wheezing, breathlessness, suffocation, and heaviness in the chest.

“This is caused by the accumulation of Kapha Dosha in the body. Other than an increase in air pollution, tobacco smoking, use of coal for cooking, construction work and indoor pollutants (radon gas) are all causes of bronchitis, cancer, and other serious respiratory disorders.”

“Air pollution aggravates the imbalance in Prana Vata and Shleshaka Kapha, which leads to the production of shleshma (mucus) and settles in the nasal area and clogs the channels of the sinuses. Due to the underlying imbalance in Prana Vata and Shleshaka Kapha, Sinus is caused,” he adds.

The ayurveda expert lists herbs and Ayurvedic home remedies that protect and strengthen your lungs and keep your respiratory system healthy:

Kavala (oil pulling): Kavala or Gandusha is a process of gargling with oil. Usually, sesame oil is used for the process. This process cleanses the throat of phlegm, clears the sinuses and reduces the risk of allergic reaction in the respiratory system. Take a small amount of any edible oil, sesame or sunflower, and swish around your mouth for a few minutes and spit out. Repeat this process every morning for a few days.

Lung Toner Ayurvedic Tea: Take 3-4 tulsi leaves, a small amount of mulethi and pipali, blend and boil them in water until it is reduced to half. Strain the water in a cup and add mishri (cane sugar). Sip the tea warm. This will cleanse the lungs and liquefy the Kapha.

Ghee in Nostrils: Dip your little finger in liquid ghee and massage each nostril. Sniff deeply allowing the ghee to get inside the nasal passage. You may also lie down and pour 2-3 drops in each nostril. This helps in clearing the nasal congestion and balancing Kapha.

Vasp Swedana (inhaling steam): Mucosal secretions produced in the nose and throat expel pollutants, smoke and dirt particles that are inhaled daily. Vasp Swedana is an Ayurvedic process that keeps the mucosal layer healthy. You can do it at home; in 1 litre of steaming water, add 2-3 drops of Eucalyptus or peppermint oil and inhale the steam.

Pranayama: Pranayama helps in increasing the capacity of the lungs and boosts your immunity to fight lung diseases. Practicing Kapalbhati helps in relieving shortness of breath, congestion in the chest and clears mucus in the air passage. Ujjayi, Shitali and Anulom Vilom are some other Pranayama techniques that will help in keeping your lungs healthy.

Also Read-Dia Suggests Greener Choices For 2021

FEATURE Media Social Media

Detecting Fake Images on Social Media

Fake pictures are in use in social media for a long time ago. So how do we stop ourselves not to fall into the trap of fake pictures? One of the best ways to do this is to use a reverse image search. It means you will be able to know how to interpret information. Another way is to verify it yourself. Here are some tips and tricks.

Fake images are always there, but this term has received a lot of attention lately. First because of President Donald Trump’s phrase. Recently, it has been due to the Facebook-Cambridge analytic data scandal. The news is mainly a source of information, which means fake news is the opposite. According to the dictionaries, this is a false source of deliberately distributed information to fooling people.

1.     Use Reverse Image Search

Most often, forged news comes in the form of an image. Photos that try to deliver some information but actually from other incidents that are entirely unrelated are shared on social media. One of the easiest ways to check whether any picture is real is uploading it to reverse image search.

Press the enter button to browse from there and you can get results. It will help you see if the picture is what it was supposed to be or not. Whether it comes from the right incident or whether someone posts a similar image that might match the content you are looking for.

2. Check whether the image has been denied

Many fake images are recirculated and previously denied. Photo search is a simple and effective way to see how previous photos have been used. Unlike typical internet searches where keywords are determined, the reverse image search for pictures can give the same results yet from a broader database.

The reverse picture search engine index in depth from comprehensive content and get data from always changing social media pages as well. Irrespective of whether the picture is located over the internet, this site will find it. In this way, no online content is left untouched so that you get the most valid results.

You can increase the possibility of getting the finest results by cutting pictures containing areas that are in demand. Because this reverse image search requires you to upload pictures which will be compared to thousands of databases.

3. Check Metadata

Digital pictures often contain rich metadata that can provide instructions on their origin and authenticity. Metadata is data about data. Metadata for digital pictures, including making cameras and models; Camera settings such as the size of the aperture and exposure time; date and time when the picture is taken.

The location of the GPS where the picture is captured; and much more. All these procedures are easily possible with reverse image search which is available at

4. Get to know what is Fake

When assessing whether a picture is authentic or not, it is essential to know what can be fake. For example, two people’s picture standing shoulder to shoulder is relatively easy to make by connecting two photos. Likewise, the shark picture swims next to the surfer—the concept of two people who embrace more challenges to make because complex interactions are difficult to falsify.

Modern artificial intelligence and reverse image search can produce a difference between fake and real objects. This is mainly limited to changing faces in pictures, not the entire body. So it is possible to create a good fake from someone who says something they have never done but doesn’t have to do anything with physical actions.

5. Help against the wrong information

Fake pictures have led to terrible violence throughout the world, manipulating democratic elections and civil riots. The prevalence of incorrect information also allows anyone to “fake news” in response to any news stories they disagree with.

I believe that it is essential for the technology sector to make a broad and in-depth change in content moderation policies. Reverse image search technology can no longer ignore direct and measurable losses originating from their sources.

Social media. (File Photo: IANS) by .
Social media. (File Photo: IANS)

Finally, everyone must change the way they consume and spread content online. When reading online stories, diligently consider the source. Always be careful of extraordinary satirical stories that are often misinterpreted for real news.


Check the date of each story. Many fake accounts continue to recirculate the year after their introduction. Know that many primary backups such as reverse image search are designed to attract your attention. Readout of the editorial to ensure that the story is what it seems to be.

The news you read on social media is fed algorithmically to you based on previous consumption that matches your current view. Finally, extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence. The reverse image makes every possible way out to search for the authenticity of pictures within a couple of seconds.

India News Tech Lite

‘Card Data of 10 Crore Indians’ on Dark Web’

Independent cyber security researcher Rajshekhar Rajaharia claimed that the data was being sold on the Dark Web for an undisclosed amount via cryptocurrency Bitcoin….reports Asian Lite Newsdesk

Independent cyber security researcher Rajshekhar Rajaharia claimed on Sunday that data of nearly 10 crore credit and debit card holders in the country is being sold for an undisclosed amount on the Dark Web.

According to Rajaharia, the massive data dump on the Dark Web has been leaked from a compromised server of Bengaluru-based digital payments gateway Juspay.

JusPay told IANS that no card numbers or financial information were compromised during the cyber-attack and the actual number is much lower than the 10 crore-figure being reported.

“On August 18, 2020, an unauthorised attempt on our servers was detected and terminated when in progress. No card numbers, financial credentials or transaction data were compromised,” a company spokesperson said in a statement.

“Some data records containing non-anonymised, plain-text email and phone numbers were compromised, which form a fraction of the 10 crore data records,” the spokesperson added.

However, Rajaharia claimed that the data was being sold on the Dark Web for an undisclosed amount via cryptocurrency Bitcoin.

“For this data, hackers are also contacting via Telegram,” he told IANS.

According to him, PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) have been followed by Juspay in storing users’ card information.

“However, if the hackers can find out the Hash algorithm used to generate the card fingerprint, they will be able to decrypt the masked card number. In this condition, all 10 crore cardholders are at risk,” Rajaharia noted.

The company admitted that the hacker gained access to one of Juspay’s developer keys and was spawning new computation servers in the developer account, trying to gain access to any accessible data.

Juspay, however, said the masked card numbers that have been leaked are not considered sensitive as per compliance.

Only “few” phone numbers and email addresses have been leaked which have dummy values, the spokesperson said, adding that it had intimated its merchant partners about the data leak the very same day.

“No card numbers (like 16-digit card number and other financial credentials) were accessed, as it is stored in a completely different isolated system. No transaction or order information was compromised,” the company spokesperson informed.

“We are making long-term investments for strengthening security and data governance with industry experts,” the company said.

Founded in 2012, Juspay last year raised $21.6 million in its Series B funding round.

The round was led by Sweden’s Vostok Emerging Finance (VEF), which invested $13 million in the technology firm, marking its first investment in the country.

Also read:Prachanda due in India

Asia News

Prachanda due in India

Chairman of the ruling Nepal Communist Party (NCP), Pushpa Kamal Dahal aka ‘Prachanda’, will embark on a visit to India on Monday for his wifes treatment.

Prachanda’s wife, Sita Dahal is suffering from multiple ailments, including progressive supranuclear palsy, a rare kind of Parkinson’s disease, diabetes and high-blood pressure.

Her health deteriorated recently and was admitted in a local Kathmandu hospital.

Prachanda and his wife Sita will arrive in Mumbai later in the day, a member of the NCP Chairman’s private secretariat told IANS.

Earlier, Sita Dahal was taken to the John Hopkins University in the US, as well as Singapore for treatment.

Prachanda, who had recently split the NCP against Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli, informed a party meeting on Sunday that due to his India visit, he would be unable to participate in the agitation against Oli’s move against dissolution of the House of Representatives.

Sita Dahal has been unwell after their on;y son Prakash died in November 2017.

Also read:China, Nepal hold talks amid political turmoil

-Top News Arab News

Hamas calls for comprehensive Palestinian dialogue

Haniyeh said in a televised address on Al-Aqsa TV on Sunday that Hamas and Fatah put an end to their dispute over holding general elections, adding that his movement is ready to involve in the legislative and presidential elections…reports Asian Lite News

Ismail Haniyeh, politburo chief of the Hamas Islamic movement, has called for holding a comprehensive Palestinian dialogue as soon as possible following a decision to hold general elections in the territory.

Haniyeh said in a televised address on Al-Aqsa TV on Sunday that Hamas and Fatah put an end to their dispute over holding general elections, adding that his movement is ready to involve in the legislative and presidential elections, reports Xinhua news agency.

He stressed that the Palestinians should agree on a unified national political program, as well as a specific strategy of resistance in the Palestinian territories that would help Palestinians gain their legitimate rights.

On January 1, Haniyeh addressed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas via an official letter, confirming that his movement is ready to end the internal division and hold general elections.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian President welcomed what came in Hamas’s letter about ending division, building partnership and accomplishing national unity.

Abbas decided to invite Hana Nasser, Chairman of the Palestinian Central Elections Commission, to discuss the procedures for issuing the decrees related to holding the elections.

After Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip in 2007, an internal political and geographical division over administrative, financial and security issues has remained between the two sides despite a series of Arab and international mediations.

In March 2018, then Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah survived an explosion when his convoy entered Gaza, an incident that was blamed on Hamas.

Despite a history of strife, Fatah and Hamas recently announced their agreement to put differences aside.

Also read:Abbas Welcomes Hamas’ Call To End Disputes

-Top News Asia News

Japan mulls emergency declaration in Tokyo

Speaking at the first press conference of 2021, Suga said that the government could make the decision as early as this week..reports Asian Lite News

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said on Monday that his government was mulling the declaration of another state of emergency in Tokyo and three surrounding prefectures due to an unabated Covid-19 resurgence in those areas.

Speaking at the first press conference of 2021, Suga said that the government could make the decision as early as this week, Xinhua news agency reported.

“Even during the three days of the New Year’s holiday, cases didn’t go down in the greater Tokyo area,” he said.

Japan reported a record high of 4,519 single-day confirmed coronavirus cases on December 31, 2020, marking the first time that the nationwide daily tally has topped the 4,000-mark since the onset of the pandemic earlier last year.

The Japanese government had previously declared a state of emergency last April.

As infections have continued to increase, Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike and her counterparts in the neighbouring Chiba, Kanagawa and Saitama prefectures on January 1 urged the central government to issue a new declaration.

Suga had been reluctant to declare another state of emergency as the economy would face a severe blow.

Meanwhile during Monday’s press briefing, Suga confirmed that the country aims to start Covid-19 vaccination program by late February, which is earlier than the previous schedule for frontline healthcare workers to begin receiving the jabs in mid-March.

As of Monday, Japan’s overall Covid-19 caseload and death toll stood at 240,954 and 3,548, respectively.

Tokyo has reported a total of 62,658 infections and 587 fatalities.

Also read:Japan approves $3.7bn to combat Covid-19


Aus govt urged to support Covid impacted businesses

Katy Gallagher, Labor’s finance spokesperson, said that the government was withdrawing economic support measures at a time when domestic border restrictions have been re-imposed as a result of recent coronavirus outbreaks…reports Asian Lite News

Australia’s Opposition Labor Party on Monday urged the federal government to support businesses that continue to be affected by the coronavirus pandemic with emergency economic backing.

Katy Gallagher, Labor’s finance spokesperson, said that the government was withdrawing economic support measures at a time when domestic border restrictions have been re-imposed as a result of recent coronavirus outbreaks, reports Xinhua news agency.

As of Monday, the Jobkeeper economic stimulus payment was cut from A$1,200 ($924) per fortnight to A$1,000 for workers who normally worked more than 20 hours per week but have been unable to because of the pandemic.

The payment for recipients who normally worked fewer than 20 hours per week was cut from A$750 to A$650.

Gallagher further said that the changes would hurt regional communities that are reliant on tourism, calling for the government to “urgently consider options to provide targeted support to hard-hit parts of the economy and ensure those who need financial support continue to receive it”.

“Many business owners are seeing holiday bookings cancelled or empty tables in their cafes and restaurants at what is usually their busiest time of the year,” she said.

“This is the second time in three months that the Morrison government has cut jobkeeper without a proper plan for jobs, despite the fact that 2.2 million Australians are looking for work or more work and the government expects another 90,000 will join the jobless queues by March.”

More than 1.6 million Australians were receiving the Jobkeeper payment in the December quarter, down from a peak of 3.6 million at the height of the pandemic when all recipients were paid A$1,500 per fortnight.

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