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Egypt, Kuwait discuss reconciliation with Qatar

President Sisi “expressed his appreciation and support of the sincere Kuwaiti efforts stemming from its good intentions over the past years to achieve the desired reconciliation”, Egyptian presidential spokesman Bassam Rady said in a statement…reports Asian Lite News

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi held talks with Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah in Cairo, where they discussed reconciliation between Qatar and its boycott by the Arab quartet.

During the meeting on Saturday, the Minister handed a letter to Sisi from Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, including the recent developments of mediation efforts to reach reconciliation between Qatar and the quartet comprising Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain and Egypt, Xinhua news agency quoted the Egyptian presidency as saying in a statement.

President Sisi “expressed his appreciation and support of the sincere Kuwaiti efforts stemming from its good intentions over the past years to achieve the desired reconciliation”, Egyptian presidential spokesman Bassam Rady said in a statement.

Sisi also reiterated Egypt’s fixed principles to achieve inter-Arab reconciliation, cooperation and solidarity, including mutual respect and non-interference in other countries’ domestic affairs, according to the statement.

“It was agreed at the end of the meeting to intensify joint consultation and coordination between Egypt and Kuwait in this context during the coming period, with the aim of addressing everything that threatens the security and stability of Arab states and peoples, and preserving Arab national security,” Rady added.

Saturday’s development comes after Kuwait’s top officials recently announced the success of their country’s years of negation to end the Gulf crisis with the support of the US.

A Saudi-led Arab quartet including the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar in June 2017 and has since imposed an embargo on the Gulf state, accusing Doha of supporting terrorism.

Qatar has repeatedly denied all the charges.

Also read:Libyan, Egyptian FMs discuss bilateral ties

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