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Govt cautions people on aerosol spread of Covid-19

Introduction of cross ventilation and exhaust fans will be beneficial in curtailing the spread of the disease…reports Asian Lite News

The government on Thursday said that the aerosol can travel up to ten metres from the infected person, and that aerosol through the infected person can fall within two meters but can be carried to ten meters through the air.

“Aerosol and droplets are key mode of transmission of the virus,” it said.

The advisory said, to prevent it people should continue wearing mask, wear double masks or a N95 mask.

The advisory issued by the principal scientific advisors office said, “Ventilation is a community defense that protects all of us at home or at work. Introducing outdoor air in offices, homes and larger public spaces is advised. Measures to improve ventilation in these spaces must be taken up on urgent priority in urban and rural areas alike, recommendations for hutments, homes, offices and large centralised buildings are given. Simple strategic placement of fans, open windows and doors, even slightly open windows can introduce outdoor air and improve the air quality inside.

Introduction of cross ventilation and exhaust fans will be beneficial in curtailing the spread of the disease.

In buildings with central air-management systems improving central air filtration/increased filtration efficiency is especially helpful when enhanced outdoor air delivery options are limited. In offices, auditoriums, shopping malls etc use of gable fan systems and roof ventilators are recommended. Frequent cleaning and replacement of fiters is highly recommended.

ALSO READ: Covid-19 is airborne, CDC confirms

Saliva and nasal discharged in the form of droplets and aerosols, by an infected person while exhaling, talking, speaking, singing, laughing, coughing or sneezing etc is the primary mode of virus transmissions. infected person who shows no symptoms also transmit the virus. People without symptoms can spread the virus.

Only 24 hours after recording less than 4,000 deaths, India on Friday once gain breached the grim milestone as daily fatalities due to Covid-19 rose to 4,209, according to the Union Health and Family Welfare Ministry, even as new cases dropped to its lowest at 2,59,551 in exactly a month.

India registered record deaths due to Covid on Wednesday with 4,529 deaths — the highest number of fatalities from Covid infection in any country so far. It surpassed 4,468 deaths in the US on January 12, and earlier 4,211 in Brazil on April 6. These three are the worst-hit by the pademic.

Fresh Covid cases came down below the three lakh-mark for the first time on May 17 after touching record high of 4,14,188 on May 7.

India’s overall tally of Covid-19 cases now stands at 2,60,31,991 with 30,27,925 active cases and 2,91,331 deaths so far.

According to the Health Ministry, a total of 3,57,295 people have been discharged in the last 24 hours, with 2,27,12,735 being cured from Covid till date.

The Health Ministry said that a total of 19,18,79,503 people have been vaccinated so far in the country, including 14,82,754 who were administered vaccines in the last 24 hours.

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