Afghanistan Arab News News

Former Afghan President claims troubles with travelling abroad

Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai has claimed that he was facing “troubles” in travelling out of the country…reports Asian Lite News

Speaking to an Iranian media outlet, Karzai said that former Afghan reconciliation council chief Abdullah Abdullah was also facing the same issue, Khaama News reported.

“Abdullah Abdullah and I can go around Kabul city, many people come to visit us both every day but there are issues in traveling abroad” he was quoted as saying.

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Karzai and Abdullah have remained in Afghanistan after the Taliban took over the country in August last year, leading to many former government officials, including then-President Ashraf Ghani, to escape to other nations.

Earlier, there were reports about Karzai and Abdullah being imprisoned in their homes, but there were no official reports verifying it.

They have not been given any government post under the Taliban regime.

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