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My life is under threat: Imran

This is not the first time that the PTI chairman has claimed that his life is under threat, as after his ouster from the Prime Minister’s Office…reports Asian Lite News

Four persons are planning to have me killed and if something happens to me, then their names will be released, former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan warned on Friday, the media reported.

In an address to a ‘jalsa’ in Mianwali, the PTI chairman — who is embroiled in the recent audio leaks controversy — said: “The tape, which includes the names of four people, will be released if something happens to me”, The News reported.

This is not the first time that the PTI chairman has claimed that his life is under threat, as after his ouster from the Prime Minister’s Office, Khan and his party’s leaders have time and again stated that plans were being hatched to assassinate him.

In light of the threats to him, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif had also ordered to beef up the security given to his predecessor, following which nearly 100 police personnel were provided to keep Khan safe.

Without providing the names of the people planning to have him killed, Khan told the ‘jalsa’ that if he were to be assassinated, then the people behind the plot will claim that a “religious fanatic has killed me”, The News reported.

“The people making plans against me will fail,” the PTI chairman said, who has been at loggerheads with the incumbent government and plans to hold a long march seeking to oust the rulers from office.

Hinting that his party workers and leaders would not heed the government’s threats of putting them behind bars and thwarting his “Azadi March”, Khan said: “We are planning to start a ‘fill the jail campaign’.”

ALSO READ: Imran Khan is biggest liar on Earth: Shehbaz Sharif

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