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West steps up pressure to isolate Russia diplomatically

The remarks by the top US diplomat come after Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy accused Russia of war crimes for bombing the city of Kharkiv….reports Asian Lite News

Days after back-to-back sanctions against Russia and its leadership, United States and its western allies are stepping up pressure to isolate Russia diplomatically, including by pushing it out of multilateral institutions.

The US is also trying to rally other countries to step up their condemnation of Russian actions, particularly on the grounds of its alleged human rights violations in Ukraine, the Hindustan Times reported.

Speaking at the UN Human Rights Council, the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that Russia’s “crimes” in Ukraine are “mounting by the hour”, and added, “One can reasonably ask if a UN member state that tries to take over another UN member state, while committing horrific human rights abuses and causing massive humanitarian suffering, should be allowed to remain on this council.”

Meanwhile, a UK government spokesperson indicated that Prime Minister Boris Johnson was considering a proposal to seek Russia’s expulsion from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) – a proposal that UN officials privately indicate is a non-starter and experts dismiss it as a pressure tactic, it was reported.

Blinken also condemned Russia for killing civilians in Ukraine. He informed the United Nations Human Rights Council that Russian strikes “are hitting schools, hospitals and residential buildings.”

“They are destroying critical infrastructure, which provides millions of people across Ukraine with drinking water, gas to keep them from freezing to death, and electricity. Civilian buses, cars, and even ambulances have been shelled. Russia is doing it every day – across Ukraine,” Blinken added.

The remarks by the top US diplomat come after Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy accused Russia of war crimes for bombing the city of Kharkiv.

Over the past two days, Russian attacks have hit civilians, suggesting a shift towards a far-less restrained bombing campaign. Earlier Russian attacks were more focused on military targets.

Zelenskyy also made an impassioned plea Tuesday for European leaders to “prove” their solidarity with his country.

“We are fighting for our life,” he said in a speech to the European Union Tuesday. (ANI)

ALSO READ: Biden closes US airspace to Russia

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