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  MBRF backs UAE’s sustainability journey with innovation drive                    

MBRF recognises the significant role of knowledge as a key force that steers development, without which such activities are impossible. …reports Asian Lite News

The Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation (MBRF) supports and empowers future generations in creating sustainable solutions that promote knowledge and research advancements within the Arab world.

The Foundation supports research projects, environmental initiatives and other programmes in the UAE as part of its unwavering commitment to developing societies based on science and knowledge. It further exemplifies the guiding principles of effective leadership and its aspirations to create a sustainable future based on knowledge and innovation. The Foundation, motivated by the objective to protect the environment and the rich knowledge heritage of the UAE, assists the nation in its efforts to attain sustainability through the implementation of remarkable projects and initiatives.

Education and Sustainable Learning

MBRF places significant emphasis on the principles of education and sustainable learning as a prominent strategic focus in its strategies. It takes a leading position in this field by assisting schools and universities domestically and abroad in creating cutting-edge educational curricula that instil sustainability values in the youth, promote environmental awareness and foster critical and creative thinking.

MBRF recognises the significant role of knowledge as a key force that steers development, without which such activities are impossible. Therefore, it is keen to develop the skills of the young generation by offering them expertise, competencies and knowledge. It also offers them opportunities to enhance their knowledge, thus ensuring a better future.

In line with its commitment to enhancing the capabilities of the education sector, MBRF launched the “Literacy Challenge” Initiative targeting 30 million Arab youth and children until 2030. The initiative seeks to offer educational opportunities for non-formal education groups by supporting them to gain the skills and knowledge required to confront prevalent challenges.

It focuses on preparing and qualifying capable national cadres to ensure achieving growth, development and sustainability goals. It is also committed to allowing recognised individuals to pursue their educational achievements at prestigious international universities.

The Foundation further offers scholarships to develop skills by offering opportunities for the privileged to continue their academic achievements at a reputed university. Additionally, it assigns a special budget for graduating media professionals who can create content that helps develop a sustainable knowledge society through the Mohammed Bin Rashid School for Communication (MBRSC).

It also provides the Oxford Scholarship for Arab and UAE students who aspire to complete their postgraduate degrees at the University of Oxford. With the help of this scholarship, students get the opportunity to capitalise on their intellectual prowess and enrol in one of the top colleges in the world.

The scholarship marks a crucial step in the careers of those preparing to become influential global leaders. It also allows them to reinforce their abilities to create and share knowledge, further contributing to the progress and development of societies and building a better future.

Societal and Environmental Learning

According to MBRF, maintaining a healthy environment is a societal responsibility that involves the combined efforts of many organisations and people. In line with this, it makes a pioneering effort to raise public understanding of environmental issues through various awareness activities and events.

The institution serves as a foundational element in the UAE’s initiatives to create and promote social and environmental awareness and symbolises the nation’s dedication to encouraging sustainable development and community involvement.

By hosting workshops and interactive symposiums on these topics, MBRF seeks to educate and inspire people to play an active role in enhancing the environment and advancing sustainable development. In this regard, one of the most significant sessions it organised is the “KnowTalks” series.

These sessions were hosted in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), offering a platform to address various topics, including economic, health, educational, environmental, and social issues. These discussions examine international best practices and experiences and offer a stage for exchanging insights and creative solutions to current knowledge challenges.

The MBRF is committed to equipping decision-makers and other key players in society with the knowledge and tools they need to confront challenges, progress, and develop. Through these efforts, it seeks to strengthen its role as a link between academia, government and the private sector to attain integration in addressing diverse challenges.

These programmes and initiatives are a component of the mission to create a diligent and responsible society that strives for sustainable development and environmental preservation for both the present and future generations.

Research and Innovation

MBRF is committed to enhancing scientific research in different fields to prepare the future generation to innovate sustainable solutions and facilitate access to knowledge and research in the Arab world. As a result, it is dedicated to offering support to researchers and innovators who help create long-lasting answers to current problems.

The Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Award inspires innovators and key entities in various fields to devise ideas that could develop knowledge exchange and promote sustainability globally. Furthermore, MBRF strives to advance the research and innovation capabilities of the youth and professionals by conducting various educational programmes and workshops that offer participants the opportunity to attain key knowledge and skills to elaborate the scope of their projects and contribute to acquiring sustainable development.

The Knowledge Summit, held by the MBRF, is a one-of-a-kind annual event in the Arab world. It is one of the most significant and well-known international conferences focusing on disseminating knowledge and skills. Decision-makers, experts and stakeholders consider the event an essential resource for creating new plans and policies. The summit has evolved into a prime international forum that sheds light on various ways of creating sustainable societies and economies.

Ideal Environment to Support

MBRF exceeds expectations by creating an environment that promotes sustainability and leads to sustainable development across the nation as part of its active contribution to society. The “Digital Knowledge Hub” was introduced due to the Foundation’s efforts, which offers access for scholars and other interested parties to a variety of content in different areas.

The centre offers a valuable experience that allows visitors to explore knowledge through books, articles, studies, research, heritage materials, reports, guidelines, and multimedia. It also offers a digital memory for the content of Arab knowledge institutions, improving the capacity to develop digital platforms that strengthen communication and knowledge exchange.

The Foundation takes the lead in integrating sustainability concepts into practice throughout its operations. Additionally, it takes exceptional efforts to balance its operations and environmental preservation. It is dedicated to minimising its environmental impact by increasing the effectiveness of resource use, such as conserving energy and reducing waste, which further helps reduce environmental contamination and preserve the environment for future generations.

MBRF exemplifies the UAE’s forward-thinking leadership in laying the foundations for a sustainable knowledge society and making advancements that benefit both the present and coming generations. It seeks to promote sustainability-related values and accomplish holistic progress in all facets of life through its initiatives and programmes. These initiatives highlight knowledge’s crucial role in creating resilient and long-lasting communities.

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