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SCO call for inclusive government in Afghanistan

Prime Minister Narendra Modi who chaired the SCO summit, said, “The situation in Afghanistan has directly impacted the security of all of us…reports Asian Lite News

Expressing concern about the situation in Afghanistan, leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States (SCO) called for an establishment of inclusive government in Afghanistan with the participation of representatives of all ethnic, religious and political groups in Afghan society and pledged to continue to assist the Afghan people.

The member countries adopted New Delhi Declaration of the Council of Heads of State of Shanghai Cooperation Organization on Tuesday. Notably, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit concluded on Tuesday under India’s presidency with Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually chairing the meeting of head of states.

The SCO Member States called for an inclusive government in Afghanistan and stated that “the group consider it essential to establish an inclusive government in Afghanistan with the participation of representatives of all ethnic, religious and political groups in Afghan society.”

Prime Minister Narendra Modi who chaired the SCO summit, said, “The situation in Afghanistan has directly impacted the security of all of us. India’s concerns and expectations regarding Afghanistan are similar to those of most of the SCO countries. We must come together to strive for the well-being of the people of Afghanistan.”

“Humanitarian assistance to Afghan citizens; the formation of an inclusive government; the fight against terrorism and drug trafficking; and ensuring the rights of women, children, and minorities are our shared priorities,” he said.

“Between the people of India and Afghanistan, there have been centuries-old friendly relations. In the past two decades, we have contributed to the economic and social development of Afghanistan. Even after the events of 2021, we continued to provide humanitarian assistance,” PM Modi added.

“The Member States believe that one of the most important factors in the preservation and strengthening of safety and stability within the SCO region is the early settlement of the situation in Afghanistan. They advocate building Afghanistan as an independent, neutral, united, democratic and peaceful state, free from terrorism, war and drugs,” the joint decalaration said.

They further stressed the importance of long-term hospitality and effective assistance provided to Afghan refugees by regional and neighbouring countries of Afghanistan. The Member States consider important, the active efforts of the international community to facilitate their dignified, safe and sustainable return to their homeland.

However, “the member states stressed the historical significance of the admission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the SCO as a full Member State. They also noted the importance of signing the Memorandum of Obligations by the Republic of Belarus to achieve the status of an SCO Member State,” the release added.

The Member States highly appreciated the outcomes of India’s presidency of the SCO in 2022-2023 which has contributed to the further development of multi-faceted and mutually beneficial cooperation.

“They further called for greater effectiveness of the World Trade Organization (WTO) as a key platform for discussing the international trade agenda and adopting the regulations of the multilateral trading system,” the official release said. However, they emphasized the need for early implementation of an inclusive reform of the organization, focusing on the issues of its development and adaptation to modern economic realities, as well as, effective implementation of the functions of monitoring, negotiation and settlement of disputes.  (ANI)

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