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UAE President, UN Chief Discuss Gaza Humanitarian Crisis

The UAE President and UN Chief called for intensifying diplomatic efforts to open critical humanitarian corridors and to establish a humanitarian ceasefire…reports Asian Lite News

UAE President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres have discussed the urgent need to implement measures that prevent further deterioration of the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.

The conversation emphasised intensifying diplomatic efforts to open critical humanitarian corridors and to establish a humanitarian ceasefire to enable the unobstructed delivery of relief and medical aid to Gaza.

His Highness and the UN Secretary-General underscored the priority of ensuring civilian protection in accordance with international humanitarian law, particularly in light of the violence and worsening humanitarian conditions in Gaza.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.(photo:Twitter)

The two sides also emphasised the importance of urgent action to halt escalation and enable diplomatic efforts to contain the situation and restore calm. They also highlighted the grave potential repercussions of the crisis on regional peace, stability, and security.

Moreover, the discussion covered the role of the United Nations in coordinating with key international stakeholders to find a political horizon to advance a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace between Israel and Palestine, to achieve sustainable security and stability in the Middle East.

Later, President MBZ held a phone call with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in which discussed they discussed prioritising the full protection of civilians in accordance with the principles of international humanitarian law, emphasising the urgent need to shield them from further suffering amidst serious escalation in the Gaza Strip.

Both sides also discussed the need to intensify international efforts to take immediate measures to cease hostilities and prevent further escalation and the deterioration of humanitarian conditions. The two sides stressed the necessity of reinforcing diplomatic endeavours to promptly establish humanitarian corridors to deliver relief and medical aid unhindered and enable humanitarian organisations to fulfil their responsibilities in this regard.

Moreover, the two leaders underscored the need to advance efforts to achieve a comprehensive and just peace, curb the spread of conflict, and avert further unrest in the Middle East.

Sheikh Mohamed and Kishida also addressed ways to enhance bilateral cooperation and broaden prospects in various fields as part of the deep-rooted historical relations and comprehensive strategic partnership between the UAE and Japan.

ALSO READ: UAE, Russia Seek Urgent UNSC Meet After Gaza Hospital Attack

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