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China labels Quad a US containment tool

Lin described the Quad as a mechanism the U.S. uses to gather forces to exclude and contain China by pushing the “China threat” narrative….reports Asian Lite News

China on Monday criticised the Quad – a grouping of the U.S., India, Australia, and Japan – labelling it as a tool used by the Washington to contain Beijing, media reported.

It also stressed that external interference would not deter its resolve to defend its “sovereignty and maritime rights” in the contested South and East China Seas.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian emphasized that the Quad, comprising the U.S., India, Australia, and Japan, serves as a key component of the U.S.’s Indo-Pacific strategy, with the primary aim of maintaining American hegemony and containing China.

During a press briefing, Lin described the Quad as a mechanism the U.S. uses to gather forces to exclude and contain China by pushing the “China threat” narrative.

He stated that despite U.S. claims of not targeting China, the discussions at the Quad Summit, hosted by President Joe Biden in Wilmington, Delaware, focused heavily on China.

The summit brought together Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of Australia, and Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan.

Lin referenced informal remarks by Biden during the summit, where the U.S. president was overheard discussing China as a challenge, signalling Washington’s concern about China’s rising influence.

Biden reportedly told fellow Quad leaders that China was testing them, reflecting the American focus on the emerging Chinese threat.

In response to these remarks, Lin accused the U.S. of spreading lies and using fear tactics to rally support against China, claiming even U.S. media was skeptical of such narratives.

China reiterated its stance that the Quad undermines trust and cooperation among regional countries and contradicts the collective pursuit of peace, development, and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region.

According to Lin, efforts to create exclusive groupings such as the Quad are destined to fail.

China has consistently opposed the Quad since its inception in 2007, perceiving it as a direct challenge to its regional assertiveness, particularly in the South China Sea.

Despite Beijing’s objections, the Quad has gained momentum in recent years, emerging as a key strategic platform to counter China’s growing influence.

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