-Top News Arab News India News

India pledges support to Syria’s engagement with OPCW

The decade-long violence and terror have caused a devastating impact on the lives of Syrians..reports Asian Lite News

India at United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Monday (local time) supported Syrian engagement with the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

Talking about the Indian stand on chemical weapons convention, P Mathur, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of India to UN, said, “Syria to continue engagement with OPCW, reiterated high importance we attach to Chemical Weapons Convention & cautioned against the possibility of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) falling into hands of terrorists.”

The decade-long violence and terror have caused a devastating impact on the lives of Syrians. Syria, which was the fulcrum of Arab culture and a leading voice of the region, is now facing a precarious situation.

India has been calling for enhanced and effective humanitarian assistance to all Syrians throughout the country without discrimination, politicization, and preconditions.

More than 13 million people across Syria need humanitarian assistance in one form or another. Syrian women, children, elderly have been severely impacted in disproportionate ways.

Earlier, India, while joining the consensus on United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Syrian Humanitarian Resolution on Friday (local time), reaffirmed its commitment to Syrian-led, Syrian-owned UN-facilitated political process.

While explaining India’s vote on Syria, Permanent Representative/Ambassador of India to United Nations TS Tirumurti said, “India firmly believes that long-term security and stability of this region can only be achieved by preserving the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria. We are deeply concerned with the involvement of external actors in Syria which is making the situation worse.”

“We also remain convinced that there can be no military solution to the Syrian conflict and reaffirm our commitment to advancing a Syrian-led and Syrian-owned UN-facilitated political process in line with the UN Security Council Resolution 2254,” added Tirumurti.

Resolution 2254 calls for a ceasefire and political settlement in Syria.

“India calls for enhanced and effective humanitarian assistance to all Syrians without discrimination, politicization or preconditions, and consistent with sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Syria,” tweeted Tirumurti. (ANI)

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-Top News Afghanistan Arab News

Doha affirms commitment to facilitate inter-Afghan talks

The officials had a meeting in Doha during Khalilzad’s visit to the countries of Central and South Asia and the Middle East…reports Asian Lite News

Qatar’s Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani confirmed at a Monday meeting with US special envoy to Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad, Doha’s commitment to facilitate the inter-Afghan dialogue to achieve peace, according to a press statement.

The officials had a meeting in Doha during Khalilzad’s visit to the countries of Central and South Asia and the Middle East, as attacks by the Taliban (banned in Russia as a terrorist organisation) raged in Afghanistan.

“During the meeting, the two sides affirmed the State of Qatar’s efforts and role in mediating to achieve stability in light of the ongoing developments in the field, as well as its commitment to encourage dialogue between brothers in Afghanistan and facilitate peace talks until a just and lasting political settlement is reached in Afghanistan,” the statement read.

Last week, the US Central Command said the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan was 90% complete. At the same time, Commanding General Austin Miller warned that the country might be on the path to civil war after Washington and its allies are through pulling out their troops.

At the moment, Afghanistan is facing a standoff between government forces and the Taliban, who reportedly took over 85% of the country. Anti-terrorist operations are being conducted across Afghanistan to prevent a further takeover.

Zalmay Khalilzad. (Photo: Twitter/@US4AfghanPeace)

The inter-Afghan talks began in September of 2020, but the parties were unable reach an agreement on key issues, in particular on a ceasefire between the troops. (ANI/Sputnik)

Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday the withdrawal of the US forces from Afghanistan is too hasty as soldiers leave a lot of machinery and equipment behind.

“The Americans made a lot of things to understand over the 20 years of their presence in Afghanistan, starting with the declaration of the victory of democracy and ending with such a rather hasty withdrawal, abandoning a huge amount of equipment and other equipment,” Lavrov said during a press conference.

Meanwhile, three civilians lost their lives and six others were injured in a roadside bomb blast on Monday in Afghanistan’s Helmand province, Tolo News reported citing security sources.

The incident took place around 8 AM in the morning when a civilian vehicle was struck by a roadside mine in Bolan area Lashkargah city’s district 3.

The victims were taken to the emergency hospital in the city.

All the victims are members of one family who came from a district in Lashkargah city, and women and children are also among them, Tolo News reported.

Security officials have not made any remarks on the incident.

A day earlier, eleven members of the Afghan security forces lost their lives in two separate attacks that happened in the Helmand province. (ANI/Sputnik)

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-Top News Arab News Saudi Arabia

Saudi, Oman Agree to Expedite Opening of Borders

Sultan Haitham bin Tarik of the Sultanate of Oman left Saudi Arabia on Monday, following a two-day official visit to the Kingdom, reports Asian Lite Newsdesk

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Oman have pledged to continue strengthening their bilateral relationships while working towards enhancing cooperation in political, security and military field, a joint statement by the two Gulf countries said, media reported.

A day after signing a memorandum of understanding to form a Coordination Council over the countries’ stances in various issues, both countries agreed to expedite the opening of border crossings to ease the movement of people and goods, the Arab News reported.

“This will contribute to the consolidation of supply chains in order to achieve the desired economic integration between the two brotherly countries,” the statement said.

Both sets of leaders also agreed to stimulate the private and public sectors to reach “qualitative trade and investment exchanges that achieve the aspirations of their respective populations,” according to the report.

Potential areas of investments will include advanced technologies, renewable energy as well as the industry, health and pharmaceutical industries, among others, it was reported.

On Sunday, Saudi Arabia’s King Salman and Oman Sultan held a negotiation session in the planned cross-border city of Neom, according to state media.

In a report, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) said that during the session, the two leaders reviewed ties and cooperation in various sectors between the two countries.

The session was held following the Sultan’s arrival to the Kingdom earlier in the day on an invitation by King Salman. This was the first visit by an Omani leader in more than a decade.

The two-day visit aimed to strengthen relations and cooperation in various fields for the interest and steady progress of the peoples of the two countries, the SPA report highlighted.

Also in the day, the two country’s Commerce Ministers also met to discuss ways to promote bilateral trade and investment opportunities.

Sultan Haitham bin Tarik left Saudi Arabia on Monday. At Neom Bay Airport, the Sultan of Oman was seen off by Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, reported Saudi Press Agency.

The Sultan was also seen off by Prince Fahd bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz, Governor of Tabuk Region; Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Naif bin Abdulaziz, Minister of Interior; and Omani Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Sayyid Faisal bin Turki Al Said.

Over the past half-century, relations between Riyadh and Muscat have been characterised by cooperation and mutual respect between their leaders, and similar views on regional and international issues.

Meanwhile there are long-standing bonds of fraternity between the peoples of the two countries, framed by a shared history, authentic Arab customs and traditions, and popular heritage.

Pic credit@SultanHaithamT1

Regionally, they work with their brothers in other countries under the umbrella of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), in accordance with their shared visions and strategic goals, to achieve coordination and integration between member states in various fields.

These efforts are expanded through membership of the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, along with cooperation with the international community in support of peace and security as part of the UN.

Ongoing changes in the region motivate the leaderships of the Kingdom and Oman to push for more cooperation at the bilateral, Gulf, and wider regional levels, as part of efforts to guarantee security and stability, and boost development.

Sultan Haitham came to power in Oman at an important moment in history, given the political, economic, social and health developments and challenges in the region and the world.

Within the framework of joint action by Saudi Arabia and Oman to strengthen economic relations, Saudi Vision 2030 and Oman Vision 2040 offer similar approaches and opportunities in the fields of trade and investment to help both countries diversify their income and economies.

ALSO READ: Sultan Haitham begins first official visit to Saudi Arabia

-Top News Arab News Saudi Arabia

Sultan Haitham begins first official visit to Saudi Arabia

Sultan Haitham’s visit to Saudi Arabia this week, at the invitation of King Salman, is his first foreign visit since taking office in January last year…reports Asian Lite News

Under the respective leaderships of King Salman and Sultan Haitham bin Tariq Al-Said, Saudi Arabia and Oman are steadily broadening the horizons of cooperation and investment to boost their national capabilities, bring further prosperity to both nations and meet the aspirations of their citizens.

The principles of fraternity and unity form the foundations of a strong and solid relationship between the countries. This has helped to strengthen bilateral cooperation, and serves as a starting point for building bridges of understanding and dialogue with other countries in the region, and the wider world, in an effort to achieve security and stability.

Over the past half-century, relations between Riyadh and Muscat have been characterized by cooperation and mutual respect between their leaders, and similar views on regional and international issues. Meanwhile there are long-standing bonds of fraternity between the peoples of the two countries, framed by a shared history, authentic Arab customs and traditions, and popular heritage.

Regionally, they work with their brothers in other countries under the umbrella of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), in accordance with their shared visions and strategic goals, to achieve coordination and integration between member states in various fields. These efforts are expanded through membership of the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, along with cooperation with the international community in support of peace and security as part of the UN.

Ongoing changes in the region motivate the leaderships of the Kingdom and Oman to push for more cooperation at the bilateral, Gulf, and wider regional levels, as part of efforts to guarantee security and stability, and boost development.

Sultan Haitham’s visit to Saudi Arabia this week, at the invitation of King Salman, is his first foreign visit since taking office in January last year. This reflects the status of the Kingdom and its leadership at the political and popular levels in Oman, which is matched by the appreciation and respect the Saudi leadership and people have for the their Omani counterparts.

The meeting of the Saudi and Omani leaders to consult and coordinate on issues that serve the interests of both nations, including regional stability, reflects their wisdom and foresight in dealing with the latest local and international developments.

Sultan Haitham came to power in Oman at an important moment in history, given the political, economic, social and health developments and challenges in the region and the world. These issues must be addressed, taking into account the preservation of established traditions of governance in Oman but also the necessities and requirements of change and modernization. When he took office, the sultan announced major political, financial and economic reforms, including the development of the structure of state agencies and institutions to more effectively meet the hopes and aspirations of the Omani people, and preserve the safety and stability of the country.

At the same time, he pledged to continue with the traditional approach Oman has adopted in its foreign policy, including a commitment not to interfere in the affairs of other nations, and to advance the process of joint action among GCC member states.

As he continues to face the challenges that arise, he has the benefit of the accumulated experience of many years of diplomatic and governmental work before he became sultan, especially his presidency of the main committee responsible for the Oman 2040 vision for the future of the country.

Within the framework of joint action by Saudi Arabia and Oman to strengthen economic relations, Saudi Vision 2030 and Oman Vision 2040 offer similar approaches and opportunities in the fields of trade and investment to help both countries diversify their income and economies.

ALSO READ:GCC chief, Saudi minister discuss boosting ties

-Top News Arab News Saudi Arabia

Oman Sultan due in Saudi Arabia

The two-day visit is Haitham bin Tariq’s first foreign visit since he became the Sultan in January 2020 after the death of the late Sultan Qaboos bin Said, reports Asian Lite News

Sultan of Oman Haitham bin Tariq will embark on his first visit to Saudi Arabia on Sunday, the official media in Riyadh confirmed.

According to a Saudi Press Agency (SPA) report on Friday, the two-day visit is also his first foreign visit since he became the Sultan in January 2020 after the death of the late Sultan Qaboos bin Said.

He was invited by Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Xinhua news agency quoted the report as saying.

It aims to strengthen relations and cooperation in various fields for the interest and steady progress of the peoples of the two countries, the SPA added.

-Top News Arab News Saudi Arabia

GCC chief, Saudi minister discuss boosting ties

They discussed several affairs related to strengthening cooperation and economic integration among the GCC states…reports Asian Lite News

Secretary-General of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Nayef Al-Hajraf has met Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Economy and Planning, Faisal bin Fadel Al-Ibrahim, in Riyadh on Thursday.

They discussed several affairs related to strengthening cooperation and economic integration among the GCC states, such as the customs union and the GCC common market, according to an Arab News report.

According to the report, the meeting focused on the importance of investing opportunities for economic integration and moving forward on the paths of collective benefit to achieve the objectives of the Gulf Economic Agreement.

Al-Hajraf expressed his pride in the sustainable development plans the Kingdom is working on and the prospects for cooperation that will be strengthened and developed through the GCC.

He stressed the latter provides possible means of support for enabling the implementation of joint Gulf plans and strategies.

Al-Hajraf further praised the efforts made by the GCC states in facing the economic and trade challenges amid the pandemic. He also touched on the ways to enhance cooperation in light of these challenges for the benefit of the GCC states and peoples, it was reported.

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-Top News Arab News

GERD: Egypt vows to defend its citizens with ‘all means’

The UN remains ready to support Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan, and the African Union, in their efforts to achieve an agreement on GERD that is beneficial to all…reports Asian Lite News

Egypt is was facing an existential threat from the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the River Nile, said Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, media reported.

According to Arab News report, Shoukry warned that, if the interests and livelihoods of its citizens are threatened, Cairo will defend them “with all means available.”

He said Egypt is committed to the principles of the UN and will continue to demonstrate flexibility and to support the negotiating process, it reported.

Shoukry, during a UN Security Council meeting, described the massive hydroelectric dam as “a colossal wall of iron and steel (that) has arisen along the banks of a great and ancient river and has cast a long and dark shadow over the future and fate of the people of Egypt.”

The meeting came days after Addis Ababa began the second stage of filling the reservoir behind the dam.

Meanwhile, Inger Andersen, Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), said that an agreement between Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan on the disputed Nile dam in can and must be reached.

While shared watercourses have been the cause of dispute, they can also be the foundation for cooperation and well-planned hydraulic infrastructure on a shared river course can be a source of enhanced collaboration and need not be a zero-sum game, she told the Security Council on Thursday during a briefing on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), whose construction is nearing completion.

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With integrated planning, damaging seasonal inundations can be prevented, energy can be traded, water storage can be optimised, and benefits can materialize both in terms of development and in terms of water optimisation, Xinhua news agency reported citing the UNEP chief as saying.

While progress has been made in many areas of the negotiations, consensus has not been reached regarding some critical aspects, including arrangements for the management of protracted drought, development of upstream and downstream of GERD, and a dispute resolution mechanism, she noted.

“At this stage, and with other sources of regional tension increasing, we must recognize that overcoming the remaining differences among the parties will require careful, meticulous work, supported by the relevant technical and legal experts and with a determination by the three states to arrive at a cooperative solution, in pursuit of sustainable development for all in the spirit of ‘one river, one people, one vision’.

“An agreement on GERD can be reached, and, indeed, must be reached,” Andersen said.

A large dam — any large dam — impacts and alters a river’s flow and where water is scarce and drought frequent, such as is the case in the Blue Nile Basin, cooperation on a shared river is the only long-term sustainable option, she said.

The UN remains ready to support Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan, and the African Union, in their efforts to achieve an agreement on GERD that is beneficial to all, the UNEP chief added.

Ethiopia, an upstream Nile basin country, started building the GERD in 2011 and carried out the first phase of filling the dam in July 2020 despite the concerns of the downstream countries Egypt and Sudan, which have repeatedly called for a tripartite binding agreement on the rules of filling and operating the dam.

Over the past few years, tripartite talks on the rules of filling and operating the hydropower dam with a total capacity of 74 billion cubic meters have been fruitless, including those hosted by the US and the recent ones by the African Union.

ALSO READ: Egypt slams Ethiopia for ‘shirking obligations’ toward GERD

-Top News Arab News India News

New Delhi rejects OIC offer to assist India-Pak talks

This was days after the OIC Secretary General, Yousef Al-Othaimeen had offered assistance in arranging a meeting between India and Pakistan…reports Asian Lite News

India has called on the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to not allow its platform to be subverted by “vested interests” such as Pakistan to interfere in India’s internal affairs or to carry out propaganda against the country, media reported.

This was days after the OIC Secretary General, Yousef Al-Othaimeen had offered assistance in arranging a meeting between India and Pakistan during a meeting with the Indian envoy to Saudi Arabia. It also proposed to send a delegation to Jammu and Kashmir.

While responding to a question based on the matter, India’s external affairs ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi noted that the meeting with the Indian envoy was held in response to an earlier request from the OIC secretary-general, the Hindustan Times reported.

“OIC should be watchful that their platform is not subverted by… vested interests for comments on internal affairs of India or for anti-India propaganda through biased and one-sided resolutions,” the HT quoted Bagchi as saying.

On Monday, the head of the Islamic bloc met the Indian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia and discussed a number of issues concerning the situation of Muslims in India, along with the Jammu and Kashmir dispute with Pakistan.

The OIC chief also told the Indian Ambassador, Ausaf Sayeed, about the possibility of a meeting between Pakistan and India, “stating that the General Secretariat stands ready to assist if the two parties would so request”.

During the meeting, the Secretary General discussed “relevant UN and OIC resolutions opposing any unilateral actions on the issue”.

Meanwhile, Pakistan’s Foreign Office has reacted to the meeting stating that OIC’s Secretary General underscored its clear and principled position on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute to the Indian envoy.

In a statement issued in response to media queries about the meeting, Pakistan Foreign office stated that the OIC CFM rejected “India’s unilateral actions since August 5, 2019”.

“The meeting between the OIC Secretary General and the Ambassador of India to Saudi Arabia on July 5 at the OIC’s General Secretariat in Jeddah took place in the context of the mandate afforded by Resolution 10/47-Pol of the 47th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers. The Secretary General underscored the OIC’s principled position on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute during the meeting,” read a statement issued by the Pakistan Foreign Office.

“The OIC CFM in Niamey in November 2020 categorically rejected India’s unilateral actions since August 5, 2019. It also demanded that India rescind its illegal actions and respect the inalienable rights of the Kashmiri people to self-determination, as promised by numerous UNSC resolutions,” the statement added.

Highlighting the resolutions of the OIC, the statement maintained that “the OIC resolutions, inter alia, call on the Secretary General to dispatch a fact-finding mission to IIOJK to ascertain the situation on ground and report its findings to the next CFM. The CFM resolutions also call on the Secretary General to take up the matter with the Indian authorities”.

Pakistan maintains that India has ignored various OIC resolutions and “evaded its responsibility of protecting the fundamental rights of the Kashmiri people”.

However, it was the first time that the “principled position of the 57 OIC member states has been duly conveyed to India”.

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-Top News Arab News USA

Biden to host Jordan King on July 19

King Abdullah II will be the first Arab leader to visit the White House since Biden took office…reports Asian Lite News

President Joe Biden will host King Abdullah II of Jordan at the White House on July 19, Press Secretary Jen Psaki has said.

“His Majesty’s visit will highlight the enduring and strategic partnership between the United States and Jordan, a key security partner and ally of the US,” Psaki said in a statement on Wednesday.

“It will be an opportunity to discuss the many challenges facing the Middle East and showcase Jordan’s leadership role in promoting peace and stability in the region,” she added.

King Abdullah II will be the first Arab leader to visit the White House since Biden took office. The Biden administration voiced support for his leadership during a royal rift in April.

Jordan king holds talks with Abbas ahead of Biden summit

Abdullah is on a three-week visit to the United States that will include Biden’s first meeting with an Arab leader at the White House since taking office, a July 1 statement from the palace said.

Abdullah strongly opposed former President Donald Trump’s Middle East peace plan, which he saw as a national security threat that would also undermine his Hashemite family’s custodianship of holy sites in Jerusalem.

Officials say the shift in policy under Biden towards a more traditional commitment to a two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict has relieved pressure on Jordan, where a majority of the population of 10 million are Palestinians.

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-Top News Arab News India News

India eyes GCC market for exporting fly ash

Fly ash, a by-product from electricity generation in thermal power plants, is used in road-building and is a sturdy raw material in constructing flyovers…reports Asian Lite News

India is exploring avenues to export its excess stocks of fly ash to markets in the Gulf and the rest of the Arab world.

The state-run National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) this week invited Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the export of fly ash specifically from the GCC and Arab countries through tender. The tender application, which is now open, will close on 25th July, the Ministry of Power said in a press release.

Fly ash, a by-product from electricity generation in thermal power plants, is used in road-building and is a sturdy raw material in constructing flyovers. It is widely used by the cement industry and in the manufacture of bricks and tiles for various construction purposes.

Under the norms set by India’s Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, it is mandatory that thermal plants should utilize the entire by-product of fly ash from thermal plants from their fourth year of operation.

India has a creditable record of using all its output of fly ash, mainly in its massive road-building projects and its sprawling construction industry. India has 101 power plants which generate fly ash that are monitored by the Central Electricity Authority. Penalties are imposed on them by the government if these power plants are unable to put all their fly ash to productive use.

Demand for fly ash from domestic industries that use the by-product came down drastically after the COVID-19 outbreak last year. Such demand fell further during the second wave of the pandemic in India in the last two months. NTPC recently held a competition on the innovative utilization of fly ash.

NTPC, India’s largest integrated power producer, is endeavouring towards one hundred per cent utilization of fly ash by inviting EOIs for export of fly ash to the Middle East, the Ministry of Power said. It has earmarked 14.5 million tonnes of fly ash for export this year.

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