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China slams US’ ‘bullying behaviour’ over blacklist

The remarks came after the US placed 58 Chinese companies on a list of firms with alleged military ties…reports Asian Lite News

China’s Ministry of Commerce on Tuesday urged the US to stop unilateral and bullying behaviours and said it would take necessary measures to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises.

The remarks came after the US placed 58 Chinese companies on a list of firms with alleged military ties, the Xinhua news agency reported.

The US government has added a dozen Chinese companies including chipmaker Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC) and drone company SZ DJI Technology Co Ltd to a trade blacklist.

The US Department of Commerce on Friday said that the action against SMIC stems from China’s military-civil fusion (MCF) doctrine and evidence of activities between SMIC and entities of concern in the Chinese military industrial complex.

The “Entity List” designation limits SMIC’s ability to acquire certain US technology by requiring US exporters to apply for a licence to sell to the company.

“We will not allow advanced US technology to help build the military of an increasingly belligerent adversary,” US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said in a statement.

Also read:Russia Bans More EU Officials To Retaliate Sanctions

-Top News Asia News China USA

Chinese envoy calls on Iran to return to nuke deal

The Iran nuclear deal is an important achievement of multilateral diplomacy endorsed by Security Council Resolution 2231, is legally binding, and should be effectively implemented, said Geng Shuang…reports Asian Lite News

A Chinese envoy on Tuesday called for efforts to bring the Iran nuclear deal back on the right track and asked the US to rejoin the agreement as early as possible.

The Iran nuclear deal is an important achievement of multilateral diplomacy endorsed by Security Council Resolution 2231, is legally binding, and should be effectively implemented, said Geng Shuang, China’s deputy permanent representative to the United Nations.

To preserve the July 2015 agreement is to uphold multilateralism, maintain peace and stability in the Middle East, safeguard the international nuclear non-proliferation regime, and the international order underpinned by international law, he told the Security Council.

The US unilateral withdrawal from the deal in May 2018, its continued maximum pressure on Iran, and its undermining the efforts of parties to uphold the agreement are the root causes of the current predicament of the Iranian nuclear issue, he was quoted as saying by the Xinhua news agency.

This year, the US has openly pushed in the Security Council for the extension of the arms embargo against Iran, demanded to invoke a snapback mechanism and unilaterally announced the reinstatement of international sanctions against Iran. In disregard of the views of the international community, the United States staged several farces, he noted.

Faced with the unreasonable demand of the US, the overwhelming majority of Security Council members adhered to an objective and fair stand, refused to endorse the US position, and did not recognise that the US actions had any legal, political, and practical effects, he said.

The rotating presidents of the Security Council also concluded that they were in no position to take any action on the US request for a snapback. This represents a resounding rejection of bullying by fairness and justice, unilateralism by multilateralism. It reflects vividly the support of the international community for justice and multilateralism, he said.

At present, the situation on the Iranian nuclear issue is pregnant with important changes and faced with new opportunities and challenges. All parties should maintain calmness and restraint, resolutely implement the agreement, resolve differences through dialogue and consultation, and restore the balance of rights and obligations under the agreement, he said.

On Monday, a foreign ministers’ video teleconference on the Iranian nuclear issue was successfully convened. The parties reaffirmed their commitment to safeguarding the agreement and Security Council Resolution 2231, ensuring their complete and effective implementation, recognising the prospect of the US rejoining the deal and agreeing to make joint efforts to positively address the US return as soon as possible, he said.

The foreign ministers’ meeting has sent a positive and strong message to the world. All parties should seize the opportunity to speed up engagement and consultations, strengthen diplomatic efforts, and move the deal back to the right track as soon as possible. The most urgent task at the moment is for the US to mend its ways, rejoin the agreement unconditionally at an early date and return to full compliance, he said.

Also read:China To see 40% 5G connected cars by 2025: Report

-Top News Asia News

Bhutan to impose 7-day lockdown from Wednesday

It has been decided to impose a seven-day nationwide lockdown from Wednesday, which will enable the government to control the spread of the disease and also discern the extent of transmission in the communities…reports Asian Lite News

The Prime Ministers Office in Bhutan on Tuesday announced that in continuation to the inter-district movement restrictions imposed this morning, the national Covid-19 taskforce has decided to take stringent action after the detection of sporadic Covid-19 cases in flu clinics in Thimphu and Paro, and also in Lhamoizingkha, which is evident of local transmission.

Accordingly, it has been decided to impose a seven-day nationwide lockdown from Wednesday, which will enable the government to control the spread of the disease and also discern the extent of transmission in the communities.

“In doing so, His Majesty has commanded that it should be of minimum inconvenience to the people. The government will strive to work towards that,” the PMO said.

All dzongdas and thrompons have been requested to take charge, activate and ensure the smooth implementation of the zone system. It is left to the districts to decide the time for the activation of the zone system. All other support and actions required will be carried out in close consultation with the national taskforce and the zoning team.

While only designated shops within the zones and essential services will be available, all schools, institutions, offices and business establishments should remain closed.

Similarly, movement of individuals with permits within the zones and delivery of essentials will start in Thimphu from Wednesday, as it completes the third day of lockdown. However, zone relaxation will not apply to houses under isolation.

Relevant agencies will ensure that there are no disruptions in supply of goods, vegetables and other essential items, including animal feed, within the country. The government will also facilitate and ensure minimum disruption in import and export of all goods.

“While we have decided on the seven-day lockdown to begin with, the pattern of disease transmission will determine the way forward. This time, we have obvious indication of rampant local transmission and urge people to take maximum precaution,” the PMO said.

Also read:Thimphu enters complete lockdown

-Top News Arab News Asia News

Jerusalem sees battered tourism amid Covid-19

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in March, Israel has already imposed two nationwide anti-virus lockdowns…reports Asian Lite News

Sarah Abu Seir, who runs with her father a small bakery in the Christian quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, has seen a very slow business this year even with the approach of Christmas, as the global Covid-19 pandemic throughout the year has cast a big shadow on the tourism of the holy city which now looks almost deserted.

“We need to see people sitting at our place, enjoying the pastries, but we couldn’t because of the coronavirus. We hope that next year will be better,” Abu Seir told Xinhua, referring to the Israeli health ministry’s restrictions to curb the pandemic.

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in March, Israel has already imposed two nationwide anti-virus lockdowns.

A third one is on the horizon since the number of cases is spiking again, foreshadowing a sombre Christmas festival, a peak period of tourism in previous years, for Jerusalem, where few lights have been put up and the celebrations scaled down.

“Jerusalem is becoming a ghost city,” said Abu Seir. “Walking in the streets in the morning – no people. It’s very sad.”

Yahya Attieh, who owns shops in Jerusalem that sell religious artifacts, was sitting idly outside his prime shop located next to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher where Jesus is believed to be buried, lamenting one of the worst tourist seasons he has ever seen.

“You can see the street is very quiet. We hope it could get better and nicer in the near future,” the 84-year-old told Xinhua.

“There are no tourists at all. I have not seen one dollar since the third month (March),” said Michel, owner of a kiosk at the entrance to the Christian quarter of the Old City, who did not reveal his family name.

Data published by the Israeli Employment Service show that the unemployment rate in Jerusalem is over 30 percent, with the catering and hosting business hit hardest. For the Arab population in the city, many of whom work in tourism-related businesses, the unemployment is over 50 per cent.

Also read:Palestine’s economy shrinks 12% amid pandemic

-Top News Asia News USA

US Congress Passes Landmark Tibet Bill

The bipartisan Bill commends the Dalai Lama for his decision to implement democratic governance and also commends the Tibetan exile community for successfully adopting a system of self-governance with democratic institutions to choose their leaders…reports Vishal Gulati

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

In a historic achievement for the Tibetan government-in-exile, the US Senate on Tuesday unanimously passed the Tibetan Policy and Support Act (TPSA) of 2020 that had been stuck at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee since May.

Describing as a historic decision, Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) President Lobsang Sangay, who is currently in Washington, told IANS over phone that the Tibetan Policy and Support Act makes it official the US policy that decisions regarding the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama are exclusively within the authority of the current Dalai Lama, Tibetan Buddhist leaders and the Tibetan people.

Also Read – ‘My office committed to advocating autonomy of Tibet’

“Any interference by Chinese government officials will be met with serious sanctions and be deemed inadmissible into the United States,” he said.

The TPSA was part of the appropriation Bill that was debated and passed.

“I have been in DC for the last five days closely overseeing and finally good to see efforts bearing fruit,” Sangay informed in a tweet.

“By passing the TPSA, Congress has sent its message loud and clear that Tibet remains a priority for the United States and that it will continue its steadfast support for His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the CTA,” said Sangay in a statement.

Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) President Lobsang Sangay

“It is a momentous landmark for the Tibetan people.”

The bipartisan Bill commends the Dalai Lama for his decision to implement democratic governance and also commends the Tibetan exile community for successfully adopting a system of self-governance with democratic institutions to choose their leaders.

In addition, it formally acknowledges the CTA as the legitimate institution reflecting the aspirations of the Tibetan diaspora around the world and the Sikyong as the President of the CTA.

Also Read – The Lost And Forgotten Tibetan Cause

The TPSA also introduces new key provisions aimed at protecting the environment and water resources on the Tibetan plateau. It recognizes the importance of traditional Tibetan grassland stewardship in mitigating the negative effects of climate change in the region as opposed to the Chinese government’s forced resettlement of the Tibetan nomads.

In addition, it calls for greater international cooperation to monitor the environment on the Tibetan plateau.

Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) President Lobsang Sangay (left) and his office representative Ngodup Tsering outside the White House compound after the crucial meeting in Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh on November 21, 2020. (Photo: IANS)

American citizens and companies engaged in business activities in Tibet are encouraged to practice corporate social responsibility and to adhere to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

The TPSA also authorizes a number of appropriations for Tibet and Tibetan related issues including (not less than) $8 million for Tibetan communities in the Tibet Autonomous Region and in other Tibetan communities in China; $6 million for Tibetan communities in India and Nepal; $3 million to strengthen the capacity of Tibetan institutions and governance in exile; over $3.4 million and $4 million respectively for Voice of America’s and Radio Free Asia’s reporting on Tibet and Tibetans; $1 million for Office of the United States Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues, among others.

Finally, in order to promote access to Tibet as enumerated in the Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act of 2018, the TPSA calls for the establishment of a United States Consulate in Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet.

Until such an establishment, the Bill calls upon the Secretary of State to not authorize any new Chinese consulate in the US.

Built on the landmark Tibetan Policy Act of 2002, the TPSA was introduced to the Congress by the Chairman of the Congressional China Commission and Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, Jim McGovern, and Marco Rubio.

The CTA President expressed his gratitude to the key sponsors, co-sponsors and everyone who supported the bill, particularly Senators Marco Rubio and Ben Cardin; and Congressmen Jim McGovern and Chris Smith for their “extraordinary leadership” in introducing the Bill in the House and Senate.

“I would like to especially thank House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for their steadfast support in making this historic bill come true,” Sangay, who is at the helm for his second consecutive term, added.

The Dalai Lama has lived in India since fleeing his homeland in 1959. The Tibetan exile administration is based in this hill town.

-Top News Asia News

Extremists plot to destabilise B’desh: Minister

The minister said this while addressing a discussion meeting on ‘The Great Victory Day 2020 and Ongoing Politics’ at the VIP lounge of the National Press Club in Dhaka…reports Sumi Khan

Bangladesh’s Minister for Information Murad Hasan said on Monday that extremist militant outfits are conspiring to destabilise Bangladesh in a planned way in the name of removing sculptures.

“When the country is marching forward under the leadership of PM Sheikh Hasina and the development of Bangladesh is being acclaimed globally, some religion based businessmen and extremist groups are out to resort to anarchy. The people of the country must foil their evil design,” Hasan said.

The minister said this while addressing a discussion meeting on ‘The Great Victory Day 2020 and Ongoing Politics’ at the VIP lounge of the National Press Club in Dhaka.

Speaking about the assassination of father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his family members on August 15, 1975, the minister said the killers and colliders involved in the grisly incident should be brought to justice, and pleaded for the formation of an independent commission to probe the matter.

He called upon all to strive hard by upholding the ideals of Bangabandhu and the spirit of the war of liberation of 1971.

Also read:B’desh Celebrates 50th Victory Day

-Top News Asia News

Israel warns Iran of ‘forceful attack’

If Iran or Hezbollah, an Iran-backed Lebanese armed group and party, “will take action against the State of Israel, they will find themselves in a very costly endeavour,”said Kochavi…reports Asian Lite News

Israel’s military chief, Aviv Kochavi, has warned Iran that any attack against the Jewish state will be responded with a forceful attack.

“Lately, we’ve noticed a rise in Iranian threats against Israel,” Kochavi said during a ceremony on Monday, referring to fears of Iranian retaliation to the recent death of an Iranian nuclear scientist who was allegedly assassinated by Israel.

Kochavi said that if Iran or Hezbollah, an Iran-backed Lebanese armed group and party, “will take action against the State of Israel, they will find themselves in a very costly endeavour”.

“The IDF (Israel Defense Forces) will strike all those involved in activities against Israel or against Israeli targets, whether in part or in full, whether near or far.

“I say these things simply, clearly and with complete commitment: our retaliatory steps have been prepared and rehearsed. I advise our enemies not to test us,” he said.

Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, head of the Iranian Defence Ministry’s Organization of Defensive Innovation and Research and dubbed the “father of the Iranian bomb”, was targeted in a terrorist attack in the city of Absard on November 27.

President Hassan Rouhani has blamed Israel for the scientist’s killing.

Also read:Is Pakistan ready to align with Israel?

-Top News Asia News

Tropical depression kills 8 in Philippines

The NDRRMC said the tropical depression affected over 36,000 residents in central and southern Philippines and caused infrastructure damages worth 110.4 million pesos ($23 million)…reports Asian Lite News

Floodwaters and landslides triggered by a tropical depression that battered the Philippines over the weekend have left at least eight people dead, two injured and one missing, authorities said on Monday.

According to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC), the casualties were reported in the regions of Eastern Visayas, Davao and Caraga, reports Xinhua news agency.

The NDRRMC said the tropical depression affected over 36,000 residents in central and southern Philippines and caused infrastructure damages worth 110.4 million pesos ($23 million).

The country’s 22nd storm continues to blow away from the Philippines, packing maximum sustained winds of 65 km per hour with gusts of up to 80 km per hour, the state weather bureau said.

Typhoons and tropical storms regularly batter the Philippines from June through December, claiming lives and causing billions of dollars in damages.

Located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, the Philippines is among the most disaster-prone countries, including active volcanoes, frequent earthquakes, and an average of 20 typhoons a year, causing floods and landslides.

Government data showed the Philippines lost 463 billion pesos in damages to natural disasters from 2010 to 2019.

Also read:Nepal PM urges dissolution of House

Asia News

Nepal PM urges dissolution of House

Nepal Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli on Sunday recommended dissolution of the House of Representatives of the Federal Parliament at an emergency Cabinet meeting.

The recommendation to to dissolve the House came two years prior to its term.

It will now be forwarded to President Bidya Devi Bhandari for approval and effect.

Also read:Chinese Defence Minister lands in Nepal

Asia News

Curfew imposed in Thai province

Schools, stadiums and boxing arenas have been ordered temporarily closed while convenience stores will be closed during the curfew period, according to the provincial Governor…reports Asian Lite News

Thai authorities have imposed a curfew throughout the coronavirus pandemic-hit Samut Sakhon province near Bangkok in the wake of a rapid resurgence of new confirmed cases in the region.

On Saturday, provincial Governor Verasak Vichitsangsri announced the curfew between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m., which came into immediate effect, will remain until January 3, reports Xinhua news agency.

Schools, stadiums and boxing arenas have been ordered temporarily closed while convenience stores will be closed during the curfew period, according to the provincial Governor.

Restaurants are allowed to offer only take-out and delivery food, with no indoor dining allowed, Verasak said.

A travel ban has been imposed to keep residents of Samut Sakhon from leaving the province during the lockdown while no migrant workers or other foreigners are allowed to enter, which locates a large number of Myanmar migrant workers mostly employed in the fishing industry.

The lockdown measures and curfew followed Saturday’s official confirmation of infection so far with a total of 548 people, most of them being Myanmar migrants.

Thailand has so far reported a total of 4,331 confirmed coronavirus cases and 60 deaths.

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