-Top News COVID-19 EU News

Europe reels under second Covid-19 wave

Pedestrians wearing face masks are seen in Berlin (IANS)

Europe has continued its battle with a second wave of the novel coronavirus, with several countries reporting a record surge in the number of single-day confirmed cases.

On Friday, Germany, Greece and Slovenia set new records for daily cases, a day after Italy, Portugal and Lithuania hit their single-day highs, reports Xinhua news agency.

German national disease control agency, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), said that new Covid-19 infections in the country broke Thursday’s record with 7,334 cases confirmed within one day, bringing the total number to 348,557.

Thursday’s daily figure of 6,638 had marked a jump of some 1,500 over the day before. The previous daily infection peak, at around 6,300 cases, was registered in March, German news agency dpa reported.

Increased infection numbers were linked particularly to private celebrations with family and friends. However, there were also more Covid-19-related outbreaks reported in older people’s homes and nursing homes, according to the RKI.

A man wearing a face mask walks past a shop in London, Britain

Meanwhile, France confirmed 25,085 Covid-19 infections in the past 24 hours, increasing the total count to 834,770.

The number of new infections was lower than a record 30,621 registered on Thursday, but it remained at a high level unseen during the first wave.

In Italy, the first European country battered by the pandemic, 10,010 new coronavirus infections were reported on Friday, pushing the total number to 391,611,.

Due to the grim development, countries have started to turn to tougher measures against the second wave.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Friday defended his government’s coronavirus restrictions as “the right and responsible thing to do” in the fight to curb the spread of the disease in the country.

“Without action, our health service will be overwhelmed,” he said. “I want to avoid another national lockdown.”

Also on Friday, the region of Kozani in northern Greece became the first area of the country to enter lockdown during the second wave of the pandemic.

Authorities announced that until October 29, protective face masks will be compulsory everywhere, and public gatherings and traveling outside the region are forbidden. Retail shops, restaurants, cinemas, and gyms will remain closed for two weeks.

In Cyprus, Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou said that because of the possibility of the coronavirus to get out of control in the country, President Nicos Anastasiades would chair a meeting of the scientific team advising the ministry to consider new restrictive measures.

eople wearing face masks walk on the Champs Elysees Avenue in Paris, France (Xinhua/Gao Jing/IANS)

In Slovenia, new restrictions kicked in as of Friday in the country’s so-called “red” regions.

Two more of Slovenia’s 12 statistical regions have been turned from “orange” into “red” on the coronavirus incidence meter, which means that lockdown restrictions now apply in nine regions in total.

Bars, restaurants and sports facilities will close in all “red” regions on Saturday as part of the tightened coronavirus measures.

-Top News EU News UK News

UK Prepares For a No-Deal Brexit

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday that as the European Union (EU) Summit in Brussels refused to offer London a Canada-style deal, Britain will prepare to embrace a no-trade deal scenario.

Johnson’s remarks came following the EU Summit discussions on Brexit on Thursday. EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said he will continue intensive talks in the coming weeks and the EU hopes to reach a deal with Britain, but not at any price, Xinhua news agency reported.

Johnson said Britain wanted nothing more complicated than a Canada-style relationship. But to judge by the latest EU summit in Brussels, that won’t work for the EU because they want the continued ability to control Britain’s legislative freedom and fisheries.

“And given that they have refused to negotiate seriously for much of the last few months, and given that this summit appears explicitly to rule out a Canada-style deal, I have concluded that we should get ready for January 1 (2021) with arrangements that are more like Australia’s based on simple principles of global free trade,” the Prime Minister said.

The Australia-style arrangement is an euphemism for failure to reach a free trade agreement with the EU, which means the Britain-EU trade will fall back on World Trade Organization (WTO) rules in 2021.

He called on British businesses, hauliers and travelers to get ready since there are only 10 weeks until the end of the transition period due on December 31, 2020.

Boris Johnson (L) meets with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in London (Photo by Ray Tang/Xinhua/IANS)

Johnson said Britain is willing to discuss the practicalities with the EU where a lot of progress has already been made, on such issues as social security, aviation, nuclear cooperation and so on.

“But for whatever reason it is clear from the summit that after (more than) 45 years of membership they are not willing — unless there is some fundamental change of approach — to offer this country the same terms as Canada,” he said.

Johnson said Britain will prepare to embrace the Australia-style arrangement with complete confidence, adding that Britain will prosper mightily as an independent free trading nation, controlling its own borders, fisheries, and setting its own laws.

Prior to the EU Summit, Johnson held a telephone conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron. Both leaders had said an agreement needs to be struck in October to ensure there is enough time for ratification.

Meanwhile, Johnson and Macron also discussed the coronavirus crisis in their bilateral discussions as a sharp rise in COVID-19 infections was reported in their countries.

The discussion took place at a time when Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States are racing against time to develop coronavirus vaccines to check the spread of the virus in the world.

Britain and the EU started their lengthy and bumpy post-Brexit talks in March after Britain ended its EU membership on Jan. 31, trying to secure a future trade deal before the Brexit transition period expires at the end of the year.

-Top News EU News UK News

UK adds Italy to quarantine list

The latest announcement came after Italy recorded another 8,804 coronavirus cases, its biggest daily increase in infections since the start of the outbreak…Reports Asian Lite News

Italy has been added to Britain’s quarantine list, which means travellers returning from the country will have to self-isolate for 14 days, a senior British official said.

British Transport Secretary Grant Shapps also announced that people arriving in Britain from the Vatican and San Marino will have to isolate, adding that the measure will come into force at 4 a.m. BST (0300 GMT) on Sunday, Xinhua news agency reported on Thursday.

Meanwhile, the Greek island of Crete has been removed from the quarantine list so people arriving from the island will no longer have to isolate, said Shapps.

The latest announcement came after Italy recorded another 8,804 coronavirus cases, its biggest daily increase in infections since the start of the outbreak.

Another 18,980 people in Britain have tested positive for COVID-19, bringing the total number of coronavirus cases in the country to 673,622, according to official figures released Thursday.

The coronavirus-related deaths in Britain rose by 138 to 43,293, the data showed.

The latest figures were released as the British capital, along with some other areas, is placed in a higher level of the government’s alert system.

Under the Tier Two of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s three-level COVID-19 alert system, millions of Londoners will face tougher measures from Saturday with different households banned from meeting in indoors, including in pubs and restaurants.

“Now, I know that these measures are not easy but I also know that they are vital,” British Health Secretary Matt Hancock said in a statement to the House of Commons (lower house of parliament).

“Responding to this unprecedented pandemic requires difficult choices, some of the most difficult choices any Government has to make in peacetime,” Hancock told MPs.

London mayor Sadiq Khan said currently there was “simply no other option” to fight the fast spread of coronavirus.

“Nobody wants to see more restrictions but this is deemed to be necessary in order to protect Londoners,” he told London’s City Hall.

The London mayor said he will continue to urge the government for more financial support.

“We’ve got a difficult winter ahead,” he added.

The new three-level COVID-19 alert system came into force across England on Wednesday, with the level being decided according to local infection rates.

The alert system comprises three levels: “Medium”, “High” and “Very High”. The Liverpool City Region will be placed in the “very high” level since Wednesday,

Along with London, areas including Essex, Elmbridge, Barrow-in-Furness, York, North East Derbyshire, Chesterfield and Erewash, will also go into “High” alert restrictions this weekend.

To bring life back to normal, countries, such as Britain, China, Russia and the United States are racing against time to develop coronavirus vaccines.

Also read:MI5 Suspects China, Russia Threat On UK Security

-Top News EU News

European countries enforce new Covid-19 curbs amid spike

As of Thursday, the continent’s overall caseload stands at 4,301,247, while the death toll has surged to 197,075, according to the latest update by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control…Reports Asian Lite News

Countries across Europe were imposing a series of new restrictions in an effort to curb the spread of the coronavirus pandemic amid a spike in the number of fresh cases and deaths across the continent.

As of Thursday, the continent’s overall caseload stands at 4,301,247, while the death toll has surged to 197,075, according to the latest update by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

The agency said that Europe’s infection rate “has been increasing for 77 days” and there were more than 700,000 new coronavirus cases last week, which was a 36 per cent weekly increase.

In France, one of the worst-hit European countries, President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday announced that a curfew will be introduced in big cities as a reaction to the recent resurgence of new cases.

Starting from Friday midnight, a four-week 9 p.m.-6 a.m. curfew will be imposed in the greater Paris region and the eight major cities of Grenoble, Lille, Lyon, Aix-Marseille, Rouen, Toulouse, Montpellier and Saint-Etienne, Xinhua news agency reported.

These regions are already on maximum alert, with bars and gyms shut down, theatres and restaurants under strict health protocol.

Gatherings of more than 10 people are prohibited in public spaces such as beaches and parks.

Anyone violating the curfew would be fined 135 euros, and permissions will be available for those who have health emergencies and work at night.

Presently, France has a total of 779,063 Covid-19 cases, Europe’s second biggest tally after Spain, with 33,037 deaths.

In the UK, a new three-tier Covid-19 alert system came into force across England on Wednesday.

The alert system comprises three levels: “Medium”, “High” and “Very High” with the level being decided according to local infection rate.

The UK has so far reported a total of 654,644 coronavirus cases, with 43,155 fatalities, the highest death toll in Europe.

On Wednesday, Italy, the once epicentre of the pandemic in Europe, reported its largest single-day spike, with more than 7,300 cases, which took the overall tally to 372,799, while the death toll surged to 36,289.

The grim milestone came a day after Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte signed a decree putting new limits on gatherings, sports and school activities.

But bars and restaurants are still allowed to operate until midnight, but only for table service, NPR news reported.

The Catalonian region of Spain has ordered all bars and restaurants to close their on-premises operations, saying they can only sell to-go items for the next 15 days.

Shopping areas, theatres and gyms will have to operate at reduced capacity.

While the Czech Republic, has closed schools, restaurants and bars, The Netherlands is enacting a partial lockdown due to a recent resurgence

Also read:Brexit: UK PM expresses “desirability” for EU trade deal

-Top News EU News UK News

Brexit: UK PM expresses “desirability” for EU trade deal

Johnson “noted the desirability of a deal, but expressed his disappointment that more progress had not been made over the past two weeks”…Reports Asian Lite News

Ahead of a European Union (EU) summit, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson expressed the “desirability” of a new trade deal with the bloc, but also his disappointment that more progress had not been made.

Johnson’s comments came during a phone call with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council President Charles Michel on Wednesday evening, Downing Street said in a statement.

The leaders discussed the latest state of play of the negotiations on Britain’s future relationship with the EU, reports Xinhua news agency.

Johnson “noted the desirability of a deal, but expressed his disappointment that more progress had not been made over the past two weeks”, the statement said.

“The Prime Minister said that he looked forward to hearing the outcome of the European Council and would reflect before setting out the UK’s next steps in the light of his statement of 7 September,” it said.

Johnson said last month that a future trade deal needs to be agreed by mid-October to enable it to be approved ahead of January 1, 2021.

While Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, said the deal needs to be ready by the end of October.

Both sides started the lengthy post-Brexit talks in March after the UK ended its EU membership on Januart 31, trying to secure a future trade deal before the Brexit transition period expires at the end of the year.

If there is no deal in place, the UK will trade with the EU on terms of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2021.

Also read:EU Settlement Scheme Gets More Than 4 Million Applications

-Top News EU News

France imposes curfew to curb Covid spread

France has been in a second wave of the coronavirus epidemic with an average of 20,000 new infection cases per day…Reports Asian Lite News

President Emmanuel Macron announced on Wednesday that a curfew from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. will be implemented in the greater Paris region and eight other big cities in France.

The curfew starts from Friday midnight, and will last for at least four weeks to stem the spread of coronavirus,

“A curfew will apply to the Ile-de-France region…and eight metropolitan areas — Grenoble, Lille, Rouen, Lyon, Aix-Marseille, Saint-Etienne, Toulouse, Montpellier and Rouen,” Macron said in a televised interview, Xinhua news agency reported.

France has been in a second wave of the coronavirus epidemic with an average of 20,000 new infection cases per day. “We have now entered a phase to which we must react… The virus is everywhere in France,” Macron added.

The situation is worrying and the curfew is a “pertinent” measure while having the whole country locked down again would be “disproportionate”, he explained.

“We have not lost control. We are in a situation which is worrying and which justifies that we are neither inactive nor in panic. We have learned from the first wave,” Macron said.

The curfew does not ban driving between 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., but travel will be strictly limited unless with good reasons.

“We must continue to be able to go to work in all sectors,” said Macron. “For those who have emergencies, health for example, there will be authorisations.”

Prime Minister Jean Castex will address a press conference on Thursday to unveil details of these measures, Macron added.

Also read:France witnesses steep fall in Covid 19 cases

EU News Travel & Tourism

EC holds meeting on sustainable recovery of tourism

Throughout the day, participants at the European Tourism Convention on Monday mapped out key challenges and opportunities of the EU tourism sector…Reports Asian Lite News

The European Commission convened a meeting aimed at exploring paths out of the coronavirus crisis and chances of gaining a sustainable recovery of the tourism sector badly hit by the pandemic.

Following nine consecutive years of growth, the tourism ecosystem of the European Union (EU) is among the hardest hit by the global Covid-19 pandemic, reports Xinhua news agency.

Throughout the day, participants at the European Tourism Convention on Monday mapped out key challenges and opportunities of the EU tourism sector and proposed a set of actions as a basis for pledges and further discussion feeding into the European Agenda for Tourism.

“Tourism — one of the biggest sectors of our economy — is the hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic. The Commission is providing unprecedented support for this extraordinary situation, including financial means for struggling businesses,” EU Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton.

But participants generally agreed that the new post-pandemic tourism era will also bring many new opportunities and new challenges, especially for more sustainable, greener tourism and more information accessible and data-driven tourism, which will enable the digital transition.

“Although the virus is still with us, now is the time to pave the way for a greener and more digital tourism,” Breton said.

Secretary-General of the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Zurab Pololikashvili also called on governments to promote green investment to drive sustainable recovery from the crisis caused by the pandemic.

SHARM EL-SHEIKH (EGYPT), May 8, 2018 (Xinhua) — Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary-General of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), is interviewed by Xinhua News Agency at the 44th meeting of the UNWTO Commission for the Middle East and UNWTO Regional Conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, on May 8, 2018. The inflow of world tourism to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region increased by five percent in 2017, a record high since 2011, said Zurab Pololikashvili here on Tuesday. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa/IANS)

Monday’s on-line conference gathered more than 700 participants, including national and regional public authorities, representatives of European sector associations and the tourism and travel industry, international organisations, academics and NGOs. Discussions focused on three main themes — resilience; sustainability/green transition; digital transition, data and innovation.

According to UNWTO, the EU saw 66 per cent less international tourist arrivals in the first half of 2020, compared to the same period last year.

Although the EU interior borders were partially reopened in the summer, the exterior border has largely been closed to the world.

Also read:Google challenges European Commission’s $5 bn Android fine

COVID-19 EU News

France witnesses steep fall in Covid 19 cases

According to the authorities, the number of news cases are usually lower on Mondays because tests are fewer or data is not fully collected the previous day…Reports Asian Lite News

French health authorities have reported 8,505 new Covid-19 cases in the past 24 hours, a sharp fall from the 16,101 fresh infections registered two days ago.

According to the authorities, the number of news cases are usually lower on Mondays because tests are fewer or data is not fully collected the previous day, reports Xinhua news agency.

On October 10, France recorded 26,896 new cases, setting a new all-time high.

Currently, the country’s caseload stands at 743,479, with a total of 32,825 fatalities.

The number of patients who are receiving treatment in hospital surged to 8,671, up from 8,252 on Sunday.

Early Monday, two more cities in southern France, Toulouse and Montpellier, joined the list of maximum alert zones, which includes capital Paris, Marseille, Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Grenoble, Saint-Etienne and Guadeloupe, an overseas region.

In those zones, where the incidence rate exceeds 250 people per 100,000 inhabitants and over 30 per cent of beds in intensive care units are occupied with Covid-19 patients, the authorities have already announced additional restrictive rules.

That includes closure of bars, pools and gyms, tougher health protocol in restaurants, cinemas and theatres.

Attendance to public events is cut from 5,000 to 1,000 and gatherings of more than 10 people are prohibited in public spaces such as beaches and parks.

Earlier on Monday, Prime Minister Jean Castex warned that the country was witnessing “a strong second wave”, saying that “there can no longer be any relaxation” to contain the pandemic.

“Nothing is excluded,” he said, adding further restrictions may be decided next two weeks “if health indicators deteriorate a lot and resuscitation beds are occupied even more than expected”.

President Emmanuel Macron is set to address the nation on the Covid-19 situation on Wednesday evening.

Also read:France decries Turkish involvement in Karabakh

-Top News COVID-19 EU News

Covid 19: Italy to impose new social restrictions

The Minister said the new rules would include limits or a full ban on parties at home, as well as a prohibition for people to linger outside bars, clubs, and stores in order to avoid gatherings…Asian Lite News

Italy is set to impose new social restrictions in an effort to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus, after registering some of the highest increases in the number of single-day cases, Health Minister Roberto Speranza said.

In a statement on Monday, the Minister said the new rules would include limits or a full ban on parties at home, as well as a prohibition for people to linger outside bars, clubs, and stores in order to avoid gatherings, reports Xinhua news agency.

Speranza said that the measure on private parties were aimed at stemming the virus from spreading within family circles.

According to the latest monitoring report by Italy’s National Health Institute (ISS), 77.6 per cent of the hotspots across the country “keep occurring in the domestic circle”.

A new cabinet decree containing the new rules has to be passed by October 15 at the latest, but might be delivered sooner before the deadline, according to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

“I have good reasons to rule out a national lockdown, but such provision at the local level might be needed if the (pandemic) curve keeps rising,” the state-run Ansa news agency quoted Conte as saying on Monday.

“We will try to approve the new decree tonight,” he added.

Other expected rules include a reduction from 14 days to 10 days in the period of isolation at home for those who got in contact with a person that has tested positive for the the disease.

Presently, Italy’s overall Covid-19 caseload stands at 359,569, with 36,205 deaths.

Since October 1, the daily increases in new cases ranged between 2,500 and 5,700, still low compared to other European countries, but enough to raise the alert to the national level.

As a result, the cabinet on October 7 reintroduced the mandatory use of face masks everywhere outdoor and indoor, when not in contact with household members, and extended the state of emergency until January 31, 2021

Also read:Italy makes face masks mandatory outdoors

-Top News Arab News Asia News EU News

GCC raises concern over Azerbaijan-Armenia violence

The Gulf Cooperation Council, GCC, has raised “great concern” over the continued war between Azerbaijan and Armenia on the Nagorno-Karabakh region, resulting in casualties and injuries from both countries.

In a statement, GCC Secretary General Nayef Al Hajraf said that the Council ”urges Azerbaijan and Armenia to cease-fire and enter into comprehensive negotiations to reach an inclusive political solution in line with the UN Security Council resolutions and the international law.”

This dispute threatens stability and security of the Caucasus, as well as international peace, he noted as quoted by KUNA.

He appealed to the Security Council to assume its role for an immediate ceasefire and a political solution to the dispute to protect the lives of civilians and guarantee peace and security in this “sensitive area in the world.”

Also read:UAE chairs GCC-Russia meeting