COVID-19 Health Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Cardiac Care Via Tele-Consultation

United Nations: Confident of winning in the struggle against epidemic in China

We are going through a difficult, unique and challenging time because of the Covid-19 pandemic. It has changed our lives remarkably, has affected practically every person, every individual, every professional, every industry. Affected governments across the globe and their functioning in ways more than we could have ever imagined…writes Dr.T.S Kler.

Until an effective vaccine is created, Covid is here to stay and the sooner we accept it and change or adapt the way we live, we will be able to cope up with the same in a much efficient manner. The whole world moved to Digital mode of communication across all sectors to keep up with the new normal. And similarly, we all witnessed a major shift in the healthcare industry replacing face to face patient visits with Tele-consultation, which have proven to be a boon for doctors and patients, ensuring safety for all.

This pandemic led to a sudden nation-wide lockdown, the hospitals were turned into Covid centres, leaving other patients in need of care and treatment high and dry. Statistics show that Indians are already into self- medication which can be very dangerous in case of critical conditions. During the early days of Covid, patients had little or no access to the hospitals and they continued to take treatment according to their will and whatever was prescribed to them in their earlier visits to the doctors. To ensure continuity of quality treatment and care for patients with heart disease, it became important to differentiate between deferrable and non-deferrable activity.

heart functions. (Photo: Pixabay)

In such a scenario, despite being in its early days in terms of acceptance and patient adoption, telecardiology has played a pivotal role. While has made sure that patients with cardiovascular diseases get the much-needed diagnosis, second opinion and relevant treatment, it moreover helped in limiting clinical visits, unless there was an emergency case which could not otherwise be controlled.

The use of telemedicine within cardiac care primarily seeks to achieve remote, real-time diagnosis and treatment of heart disease – including cardiac arrest, congestive heart failure, and arrhythmia.

During this pandemic situation, telemedicine emerged as a key solution providing all sorts of necessary healthcare-related support required by all stakeholders, including – doctor consultation, urgent medicine delivery, home testing and home care. Not only were the existing players seen expanding and stretching their limits but there were many new players and start-ups who entered the market to serve the country in times of such distress. Telemedicine helps in bridging the gap between patients and doctors from overseas by making it possible for medical practitioners or hospitals to consult with different specialists, regardless of their location. However, when it comes to complex medical conditions requiring expert opinion, it’s not easy to find and connect with seasoned specialists.

Tele-cardiology: How Covid-19 changed healthcare from traditional to digital. (Photo Courtesy: Pixabay)

Hypothetically, let’s say a patient can identify a trusted doctor abroad; getting an appointment for an office visit with associated travel arrangements could easily take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. With SeekMed, however, a patient can get through a video consultation with a doctor of repute in less than a week. Patients also have a choice to consult with multiple doctors on the platform before deciding on the doctor they best respond to.

Telemedicine holds the potential to easily meet the needs of today’s cardiologists and has the capacity to completely revolutionize the delivery of cardiac care.

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Health Lite Blogs

Preventive Measures For Digital Eye Strain In Kids

The booming market for digital devices has flooded us with plenty of options to choose from, for various purposes ranging from entertainment to educational and professional uses…writes Dr. Nandini Sankaranarayanan, Specialist Ophthalmologist, Thumbay Medical and Dental Specialty Centre, Sharjah.

Mobile phones, tablets, laptops and video gaming devices have come to play an important part in our daily lives, however, they have also impacted our lifestyles, resulting in some new types of health issues. One of the most common results of the improper/excessive use of digital devices has been an unpleasant eye condition called ‘digital eye strain’.

What is digital eye strain?

Digital eye strain results from spending long hours on digital devices. Common symptoms include watering, itching, stinging or burning sensation, with tired and achy eyes. Sometimes there may be blurring of vision and headache after intense use of digital devices.

Until recently, this condition was commonly seen among IT professionals. But lately, we see many children as young as 4-5 years old being brought to the Ophthalmologist, with digital eye strain.

What has changed for these children? With the shifting of schools to online learning due to the current pandemic, children now spend longer durations with gadgets. It is important that we teach our children on ways to use digital devices without straining their eyes.

Dos and Don’ts for children while using digital devices for long durations

Make sure that they sit in well-lit rooms.

The device must have a large screen. Avoid small screens like mobile phones or tablets.

The screen should be about 40-50 cm from the eyes with a tilt of 10-20 degree and just below the eye level for comfortable viewing.

Encourage them to take a break from the screen every 20 minutes or so, and look at some far off object about 20 feet away for 20 seconds before resuming work on the screen. This is called 20-20-20 rule which gives much needed relief for the muscles of the eyes.

Use break times to rest and relax the eye. Avoid using digital devices during breaks.

Encourage them to blink more often. The blink rate of eyes comes down to about 3-4 from a normal blink rate of 12-15, as one works on the screen for long periods. This hampers the spreading of tear-film, causing dry patches and discomfort in the eyes.

For any online extracurricular activities, it’s a good idea to cast it on television which has a bigger screen and can be viewed from far off distance without strain on the eyes.

Avoid screen-related activities about 1-2 hours prior to bedtime.

When to consult a doctor

Children watching Television.

Following the tips outlined above will go a long way in avoiding digital eye strain, especially in young eyes. In spite of all these precautions, it’s not unusual for the child to complain of redness, watering, itching, blurring, headache and in severe cases, even squinting of eyes.

In any of the aforementioned cases, immediate consultation must be sought from a qualified Specialist Ophthalmologist who will thoroughly evaluate their eyes and give appropriate treatment. It’s not unusual for the ophthalmologist to detect refractive problems or squint in eyes which the child and parents may not be aware of.

The only connect for our children with the outside world in these challenging times is through these digital devices! Let us not chide them for using these devices, but teach them the proper way of utilizing them for their benefit!

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Health Lite Blogs Woman

Alert! Women More Prone To Diabetes


Traditionally, women play the role of caregivers in India when it comes to families and their health. More often than not, this means that they prioritise the health of their loved ones over their own. When it comes to diabetes in women, a new study shows higher incidence of diabetes in women – as compared to men…writes Siddhi Jain.

A study by BeatO, a digital health platform for diabetes management, indicates that women tend to have higher blood sugar levels or poorer control than men, by almost eight percent. As per the platform, this can be attributed to gender roles in a household, inequitable access to resources and even lack of time to cater to their wellbeing.

While Type 2 diabetes is more frequently diagnosed at a younger age and lower body mass index in men; the most prominent risk factor is obesity, which is more common in women. BeatO’s study shows that women (especially above 40 years of age) on their platform tend to have higher BMI, with average BMI for women being 27.5, versus that of men being 26.

Lack of sleep linked to diabetes, says expert.

The study also indicates that for women above the age of 40 years, almost 67 per cent of the population is obese and overweight, whereas, for men, this number is 59 per cent. Healthcare experts suggest that reduced physical activity and obesity fasten the onset of diabetes in genetically predisposed people.

It is also interesting to note that while there is awareness amongst women about diabetes and the impact of nutrition and lifestyle on their health, there is a minimalistic effort into the management of the condition.

The current study states that women tend to ignore regular monitoring and self-management, (they monitor approximately 25 per cent lesser than men). It is also noticed that participation of women on health platforms like BeatO, which enable self-management of the condition – is only 26 per cent compared to men (74 per cent).

Uncontrolled diabetes also poses risks for other complications including cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and neuropathy. Although both genders are at-risk for heart disease, it has a greater impact on women’s heart health than men.

Dr Minal Mohit Vohra, Consultant Endocrinologist on the platform, shared: “While the occurrence of diabetes in both men and women do not have any clear disparities, factors such as obesity, lifestyle, high blood pressure and even hormonal changes contribute to the onset of diabetes. Women are more susceptible to complications arising from uncontrolled blood-sugar levels, especially when it comes to cardiac health. Further, women are also more prone to unique complications of uncontrolled sugar levels, such as vaginal and oral yeast infections along with the increased risk of urinary tract infection. Women in menopause also face high blood sugar and weight given, due to changes in hormones.”

(Photo: IANS)

Studies also show that more than half of women with PCOS develop Type 2 diabetes by the age of 40. This is because PCOS may cause insulin resistance that results in elevated blood sugar levels and increases the risk of developing diabetes.
This brings forth the burgeoning need for women to earnestly manage their health regularly, especially when evidence suggests that that lifestyle conditions affect women more strongly than men. A conscientious decision by them to better manage their lifestyle with balanced food and exercise can be key to controlling diabetes.

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Food Health Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Make Your Habits Fruitful

Nourish yourself with these ‘fruitful’ nutrients.

“Yatha Annam Tatha Mannam,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi recalled the maxim during his Mann ki Baat session a few days back, which signifies that mental and intellectual development is directly related to the quality of our food intake. With the COVID – 19 cases on the rise, good nutrition is critical for one’s survival and for maintaining a better quality of life. National Nutrition Month 2020, aims at throwing light on the importance of �Eating right bite by bite.

Common nutrient deficiencies in India:

Micronutrients – The Vitamins and Minerals that our body needs in small quantities are most often neglected which results in �Nutritional Deficiencies’. These deficiencies are seldom recognized. However, some studies have shown that 80 to 90 percent of Adult Indians suffer from Vitamin D deficiency, 50 to 60 percent are affected by anemia, others being Vitamin B12 and Folate. As much as these deficiencies are getting onto the adults, they are equally affecting the younger ones. 1 in 5 children are being diagnosed with Child Obesity and nearly half of under-5 child mortality is attributable to under nutrition. A child must be provided with essential nutrients so they don’t face immunity problems at a later stage.

While veggies are a great source of nutrients- its fruits that will save you the cooking hassle! Kimaye Health lists down a few fruits that could help you achieve good nutrition levels.

List of 5 fruits you could be missing out on:

Orange – The pandemic’s biggest mystery is our very own immune system and what better than an Orange could help us save the day. Loaded with the goodness of Vitamin C and Folate, Orange makes for a perfect dose of daily nutrition, certainly not the one that you should miss!

Orange juice.

Pomegranates – Pomegranate high on Vitamin C, A & E, with Ruby red seeds that match the color of your blood. Did you know that 100 gm of pomegranate contains 0.3 mg of iron? Yes, the iron-rich fruit, is one of the most common recommendations for fighting anemia (iron deficiency).

Banana -The fruit that’s never out of vogue. Easiest to find, sweetest to taste, apart from all the good that it does to your body Bananas are widely referred to as the Super fruit’ high in potassium, vitamin B6 & Folate help in maintaining a healthy blood glucose level.

Apples -An apple a day keep the doctor away! A delicious source of Iron & suitable when it comes to giving your low hemoglobin levels a boost.

How to stay safe while eating outdoors.

Strawberries – What’s good for you but also good to taste? Yes, the Strawberries- beautiful red fruits with seeds on the outside grace the planet with their taste & beauty. Strawberries are rich in Iron & Vitamin C (helps in the absorption of Iron). We do love the berries, berry much!

While all kinds of vegetables and fruits are equally essential for nutrients, you can start with these for their sweet-snacky nature. It’s time to give up on all that junk food and turn to a nutritious, yet tasty diet. The only way to achieve a healthy body and mind is to tread the path of good nutrition. So make the most of this Nutrition month by carving your food habits into a fruitful-nutritious lifestyle!

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Health Lite Blogs

Diabetics, A Threat To Visual Loss


Glucose is an essential energy source for all living cells of the human body, which is programmed in a way wherein the glucose levels in the blood are maintained at an optimal level through various hormones…Dr. Samyak V Mulkutkar.

Blood glucose levels are normally referred to as blood sugar levels in our day to day life. Diabetes is a condition wherein blood glucose levels are abnormally high. Consistently high glucose levels cause damage to various organs of the human body in the long run.

‘Diabetic Retinopathy’ is one such condition wherein abnormally high blood glucose or blood sugar levels cause slow, progressive and long-standing damage to the eyes.

Diabetes has now assumed the title of a silent global pandemic. With India set to become the diabetic capital of the world, the threat of visual loss due to diabetic retinopathy has gained massive proportions.

How diabetes can affect your eyes

To understand how diabetes impacts the eyes, let us ?rst understand the structure of the human eye. The human eye has structures and functions roughly equivalent to those of a simple camera. Similar to the light sensitive lm of a camera, the human eye has a light-sensitive structure called the retina.

It is this retina or the light sensitive structure of the human eye that is most adversely affected by diabetes. This condition is called diabetic retinopathy or is also referred to as diabetic eye disease in common understanding.

The advent of diabetic retinopathy simply starts as the appearance of small bleeding spots or “microaneurysms” on the surface of the retina. This is the initial stage of the disease or non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy, wherein the vision remains reasonably good despite having an abnormality.

The retinal blood vessels eventually develop leaks that cause the retinal tissue to “swell up like a sponge” (also called macular edema) It is this stage wherein an individual’s vision starts getting affected and prompts her to seek medical attention.

Treatments like the application of laser spots to the retina or instilling injections into the eye at this stage are very effective if instituted in time.

If the blood sugar levels continue to remain uncontrolled, the retina suffers from larger bleeding spots and blood may entirely fill up the jelly inside the eye causing a sudden loss of vision. Many patients go undetected until this stage of the disease because they miss undergoing an eye check-up while they suffer from diabetes all these years.

In the later stages of the retina starts getting crumpled and this results in a near-permanent loss of vision and blindness. Major surgery is then required to remove the blood and fix the retina back to its original position. Despite multiple major surgeries, only a few individuals may gain back their original vision.


As the diabetic eye disease progresses through the late stages, the microscopic damage to the cells of the retina leads to permanent structural and functional changes that, unfortunately, cannot be reversed.

Early detection of diabetic retinopathy and early treatment is hence, the key to preventing permanent visual loss due to diabetic eye disease.

It is strongly recommended to get a retina evaluation for every diabetic individual, at least once in a year. This retina evaluation is performed by an eye doctor who is a retina specialist and usually takes about an hour at the doctor’s clinic.

Long-standing diabetes, poor blood sugar control, associated hypertension, and deranged lipid proles are the most important risk factors for the development and progression of diabetic eye disease. Hence, all diabetics must have regular evaluations with the physician.

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COVID-19 Health Lite Blogs

Are We Wearing Masks Properly?

Patna: People seen wearing masks as a precautionary measure against COVID-19 (coronavirus). (Photo: IANS)

When it came to non-compliance towards covering face, breathing problems have emerged as a key reason, with 50 percent listing it in a nationwide survey, followed by discomfort and inconvenience at 44 per cent. Around 45 percent also assume that as long as social distancing was maintained, a mask was not required.

The survey, spread over 18 cities, was initiated by ApnaMask, an initiative by EkDesh, to understand overall compliance around wearing of masks. Only 44 per cent of Indians are wearing a mask while awareness levels around masks is at 90 per cent high. As the country is inching towards a complete Unlock, wearing a mask properly, maintaining social distancing and hand hygiene will be the three essentials of prevention of Covid-19.


The survey also revealed that young people within the age group 26-35 years believe that social distancing suffices as a preventive measure and are indifferent to being infected and are not convinced about the ability of a face mask or cover to control spread of virus. Compliance towards wearing a mask was seen to be highest among those in the age group of 36-55 years. Only 28 per cent ensure to masking-up while taking delivery of groceries or home deliveries.

Findings also show that 90 percent of respondents who participated in the survey are aware of all the guidelines issued by the Government of India as well as other organizations to protect from Covid-19 infection. However, when it came to overall practice, compliance was low especially among the lower social strata. Interestingly, only around 44 per cent are completely compliant in terms of wearing it correctly and in all relevant situations.

When it comes to proper usage of masks, the survey revealed interesting findings: Only 50 per cent respondents wear a mask during the entire duration while out of home; Around 30 per cent put on the mask only when someone is in close vicinity; Over 73 per cent respondents ensure their masks cover mouth and nose when stepping out; and that users belief handkerchief and face shield offered highest protection with regards to coverage of ears, mouth and nose.

It also found that women are more compliant and conscious to using masks properly than men.

Respondents also showed a clear preference for N95 masks, cloth masks and surgical masks has emerged in the findings. The N95 masks was most popular, especially among the higher income group. Only around 21 per cent respondents go as far as using a face shield in addition to a mask. Over 70 per cent use a mask only while stepping out of home to visit crowded marketplaces or at work. Usage of a dupatta or scarf was lowest.

Finally, one out of four clean their mask only with water, and similar proportion of people keep their mask in sunlight for cleansing, found the study.

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Health World News

‘Humanity above the realm of politics’: Guterres hails WFP

Guterres said he is delighted by the decision of the Nobel Committee to award this year’s Prize for Peace to the WFP…Reports Asian Lite News

UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ has hailed the World Food Programme’s Nobel Peace Prize Award, calling its Humanitarian-Driven Work ‘Above the Realm of Politics’ In a statement on the awarding of the 2020 Nobel Prize for Peace to the World Food Programme, he said he is delighted by the decision of the Nobel Committee to award this year’s Prize for Peace to the WFP.

“The World Food Programme is the world’s first responder on the front lines of food insecurity. In a world of plenty, it is unconscionable that hundreds of millions go to bed each night hungry. Millions more are now on the precipice of famine due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The women and men of the WFP brave danger and distance to deliver life-saving sustenance to those devastated by conflict, to people suffering because of disaster, and to children and families uncertain about their next meal.”

“I warmly congratulate David Beasley, WFP Executive Director, and the entire staff of the World Food Programme for advancing the values of the United Nations every day and serving the cause of “we the peoples” as the Organization marks its seventy-fifth anniversary year”.He added”

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Health Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Diabetics, A Threat To Visual Loss


Glucose is an essential energy source for all living cells of the human body, which is programmed in a way wherein the glucose levels in the blood are maintained at an optimal level through various hormones…Dr. Samyak V Mulkutkar.

Blood glucose levels are normally referred to as blood sugar levels in our day to day life. Diabetes is a condition wherein blood glucose levels are abnormally high. Consistently high glucose levels cause damage to various organs of the human body in the long run.

‘Diabetic Retinopathy’ is one such condition wherein abnormally high blood glucose or blood sugar levels cause slow, progressive and long-standing damage to the eyes.

Diabetes has now assumed the title of a silent global pandemic. With India set to become the diabetic capital of the world, the threat of visual loss due to diabetic retinopathy has gained massive proportions.

To understand how diabetes impacts the eyes, let us ?first understand the structure of the human eye. The human eye has structures and functions roughly equivalent to those of a simple camera. Similar to the light-sensitive lm of a camera, the human eye has a light-sensitive structure called the retina.

How diabetes can affect your eyes

It is this retina or the light sensitive structure of the human eye that is most adversely affected by diabetes. This condition is called diabetic retinopathy or is also referred to as diabetic eye disease in common understanding.

The advent of diabetic retinopathy simply starts as the appearance of small bleeding spots or “microaneurysms” on the surface of the retina. This is the initial stage of the disease or non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy, wherein the vision remains reasonably good despite having an abnormality.

The retinal blood vessels eventually develop leaks that cause the retinal tissue to “swell up like a sponge” (also called macular edema) It is this stage wherein an individual’s vision starts getting affected and prompts her to seek medical attention.

Treatments like the application of laser spots to the retina or instilling injections into the eye at this stage are very effective if instituted in time.

If the blood sugar levels continue to remain uncontrolled, the retina suffers from larger bleeding spots and blood may entirely fill up the jelly inside the eye causing a sudden loss of vision. Many patients go undetected until this stage of the disease because they miss undergoing an eye check-up while they suffer from diabetes all these years.

In the later stages of the retina starts getting crumpled and this results in a near-permanent loss of vision and blindness. Major surgery is then required to remove the blood and fix the retina back to its original position. Despite multiple major surgeries, only a few individuals may gain back their original vision.


As the diabetic eye disease progresses through the late stages, the microscopic damage to the cells of the retina leads to permanent structural and functional changes that, unfortunately, cannot be reversed.

Early detection of diabetic retinopathy and early treatment is hence, the key to preventing permanent visual loss due to diabetic eye disease.

It is strongly recommended to get a retina evaluation for every diabetic individual, at least once in a year. This retina evaluation is performed by an eye doctor who is a retina specialist and usually takes about an hour at the doctor’s clinic.

Long-standing diabetes, poor blood sugar control, associated hypertension, and deranged lipid proles are the most important risk factors for the development and progression of diabetic eye disease. Hence, all diabetics must have regular evaluations with the physician.

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Fashion Health Lite Blogs

Tips To Protect Beard From Mask

Care for your beard while wearing mask.

The COVID-19 crisis has definitely brought in infinite changes in the lifestyle and face masks are on top of the list. And, wearing the masks constantly can cause skin irritation, red rashes and marks to those with sensitive skin.

Men are more prone of skin issues while wearing masks because of the beard. It can be irritating; moreover, the mask can cause more problems. A layer of hair underneath the mask can get very messy and causes skin problems.

Also, the masks don’t fit properly due to the beard and leave spaces for germs to escape and get into your nose and mouth. So, keep the length of the beard hair as small as you can to avoid viruses entering your body.

Lalita Arya, Vice President Dermapuritys shares a few tips to protect the beard from mask:


If you have a dense or long beard, make sure you dry your beard properly, as the dampness caused due to the mask can make the skin itchy and even cause beard dandruff.

Always wash your mask post wearing as it can cause acne & skin rashes. Don’t forget to clean your beard and apply a good SPF lotion before wearing the mask.

Avoid putting on any oil before putting on a mask during this hot and humid weather as it can vet greasy and uncomfortable.

This is the time when you must leave the habit of running your hand through the beard because it may transfer germs and viruses near your mouth by allowing them to settle on the beard. Combing your beard is also important to keep them untackled & doesn’t become uncomfortable.

Use a breathable cotton mask for a comfortable go. One must prefer disposable masks and later dispose of them properly after use because they are light to handle by the beards. Let your beards breathe to avoid any irritation.

Do you have a case of ‘Maskne’?.

Keep your beard, as well as skin moisturized as excessive dryness, can cause problems too. If you decide to shave, even then your skin will need extra attention, cleanse and moisturize your face before wearing a mask and exfoliate and soothe it after removing the mask.

If you have pre-existing skin allergies or infections then you should use a mild cleanser to keep your beard moisturized and clean. Don’t forget to clean your mask every time you wear it.

These days face masks have become a new normal. We cannot step out of our houses without wearing a mask. It has become our prior responsibility to keep the beard protected. Whereas shaving off your beard is still the best option to keep yourself safe right now.

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Health Lite Blogs Woman

Think Of Your Reproductive Health

Explaining time-sensitiveness of assisted reproduction.

Modern lifestyle, related stress at work and personal front especially in the urban set up have been deterrents for delayed family planning…writes Puja Gupta.

Recent studies have shown that the average age of planning the first births amongst new mothers is 31 years and it is 3-4 years more for their male counterparts. The bottom line is that millennial couples plan their pregnancy as per their career stability, which might result in a complex outcome and success rates of conceiving naturally or through assisted reproduction if required, says Dr. Aindri Sanyal, Clinical Director, Nova IVF Fertility.

“These potential intricacies can cause overwhelming emotional stress and anxiety for couples planning for parenthood at their later stages of lives. Lack of awareness and social stigma associated with fertility issues just adds up to further delay. Therefore, considering the present fast-paced life, it is important to know where to halt and respond to your biological clock, which can also help in chalking out assisted reproduction plans in case of any criticality,” she says.

It will always be advantageous to identify the fertile state of women on time to avoid any delay in conceiving. It is time for people to be aware about the various fertility tests and procedures so they can make a more informed decision. Nevertheless, the question remains how to identify the fertility stage on time amongst women? The answer lies within having an AMH test done, says Dr Sanyal. It is one of most simple, useful and non-invasive tests that women are still quite unaware about, she adds.

The expert explains it all about AMH, its benefits and the process.

AMH Test: Have you left it too late to have a baby.

What is AMH and how does it indicate your fertility?

AMH (Anti Mullerian Hormone) also known as Mullerian inhibiting hormone, which secretes from ovarian follicles. The level of AMH indicates the ovarian reserve of the woman (how many eggs she has) and is often a good estimator of the number of reproductive years she is left with.

Benefits of AMH Test for women who are planning or trying to conceive

An AMH Test is a simple blood test that can be done at any time of the menstrual cycle. Getting a test done will give women a clear picture of their reproductive health. Here are few of the reasons for considering the same:

To determine fertility treatments: If a couple is having problems in conceiving, cross-checking the AMH level is part of initial fertility tests conducted. AMH Scans when combined with other tests like Ultrasound of ovaries, semen analysis and other hormonal tests can help fertility clinics decide on the best treatment suited.

To plan the timeline of conceiving: Even if one is not having problems in conceiving, getting an AMH tested can still be useful as it helps in identifying one’s reproductive window. AMH indicates the ovarian reserve and understanding this can help in making choices about your reproductive goals and stay ahead of your biological clock.

To estimate response to IVF: According to several studies there is a positive correlation between AMH levels and the number of oocytes that are retrieved from women undergoing IVF treatments. Thus, AMH level can give insights to how a woman would respond to ovarian stimulation in IVF.

Sperm. (File Photo: IANS)

It is important to remember that an AMH test alone is not enough to determine your chances of getting pregnant, but it is a good indicator of your ovarian reserve. Keeping track of your AMH levels helps you know the cards you are holding with regards to your fertility. However, it is equally important to get the testes done from a good fertility clinic with a lab that adheres to clinical standards for this test.

If you have abnormal levels of AMH, do not get discouraged, you can still conceive with appropriate treatment from your doctor who can properly interpret the results and also provide required the guidance and support. Fertility issues and treatments are time sensitive that is the harsh reality. So, the earlier you check your AMH levels and ovarian reserve, the more time you will have to plan and decide. Making yourself aware about such different tests and options available is the first step towards good reproductive health and motherhood.

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