Fashion Health Lite Blogs

Tips To Protect Beard From Mask

Care for your beard while wearing mask.

The COVID-19 crisis has definitely brought in infinite changes in the lifestyle and face masks are on top of the list. And, wearing the masks constantly can cause skin irritation, red rashes and marks to those with sensitive skin.

Men are more prone of skin issues while wearing masks because of the beard. It can be irritating; moreover, the mask can cause more problems. A layer of hair underneath the mask can get very messy and causes skin problems.

Also, the masks don’t fit properly due to the beard and leave spaces for germs to escape and get into your nose and mouth. So, keep the length of the beard hair as small as you can to avoid viruses entering your body.

Lalita Arya, Vice President Dermapuritys shares a few tips to protect the beard from mask:


If you have a dense or long beard, make sure you dry your beard properly, as the dampness caused due to the mask can make the skin itchy and even cause beard dandruff.

Always wash your mask post wearing as it can cause acne & skin rashes. Don’t forget to clean your beard and apply a good SPF lotion before wearing the mask.

Avoid putting on any oil before putting on a mask during this hot and humid weather as it can vet greasy and uncomfortable.

This is the time when you must leave the habit of running your hand through the beard because it may transfer germs and viruses near your mouth by allowing them to settle on the beard. Combing your beard is also important to keep them untackled & doesn’t become uncomfortable.

Use a breathable cotton mask for a comfortable go. One must prefer disposable masks and later dispose of them properly after use because they are light to handle by the beards. Let your beards breathe to avoid any irritation.

Do you have a case of ‘Maskne’?.

Keep your beard, as well as skin moisturized as excessive dryness, can cause problems too. If you decide to shave, even then your skin will need extra attention, cleanse and moisturize your face before wearing a mask and exfoliate and soothe it after removing the mask.

If you have pre-existing skin allergies or infections then you should use a mild cleanser to keep your beard moisturized and clean. Don’t forget to clean your mask every time you wear it.

These days face masks have become a new normal. We cannot step out of our houses without wearing a mask. It has become our prior responsibility to keep the beard protected. Whereas shaving off your beard is still the best option to keep yourself safe right now.

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Health Lite Blogs Woman

Think Of Your Reproductive Health

Explaining time-sensitiveness of assisted reproduction.

Modern lifestyle, related stress at work and personal front especially in the urban set up have been deterrents for delayed family planning…writes Puja Gupta.

Recent studies have shown that the average age of planning the first births amongst new mothers is 31 years and it is 3-4 years more for their male counterparts. The bottom line is that millennial couples plan their pregnancy as per their career stability, which might result in a complex outcome and success rates of conceiving naturally or through assisted reproduction if required, says Dr. Aindri Sanyal, Clinical Director, Nova IVF Fertility.

“These potential intricacies can cause overwhelming emotional stress and anxiety for couples planning for parenthood at their later stages of lives. Lack of awareness and social stigma associated with fertility issues just adds up to further delay. Therefore, considering the present fast-paced life, it is important to know where to halt and respond to your biological clock, which can also help in chalking out assisted reproduction plans in case of any criticality,” she says.

It will always be advantageous to identify the fertile state of women on time to avoid any delay in conceiving. It is time for people to be aware about the various fertility tests and procedures so they can make a more informed decision. Nevertheless, the question remains how to identify the fertility stage on time amongst women? The answer lies within having an AMH test done, says Dr Sanyal. It is one of most simple, useful and non-invasive tests that women are still quite unaware about, she adds.

The expert explains it all about AMH, its benefits and the process.

AMH Test: Have you left it too late to have a baby.

What is AMH and how does it indicate your fertility?

AMH (Anti Mullerian Hormone) also known as Mullerian inhibiting hormone, which secretes from ovarian follicles. The level of AMH indicates the ovarian reserve of the woman (how many eggs she has) and is often a good estimator of the number of reproductive years she is left with.

Benefits of AMH Test for women who are planning or trying to conceive

An AMH Test is a simple blood test that can be done at any time of the menstrual cycle. Getting a test done will give women a clear picture of their reproductive health. Here are few of the reasons for considering the same:

To determine fertility treatments: If a couple is having problems in conceiving, cross-checking the AMH level is part of initial fertility tests conducted. AMH Scans when combined with other tests like Ultrasound of ovaries, semen analysis and other hormonal tests can help fertility clinics decide on the best treatment suited.

To plan the timeline of conceiving: Even if one is not having problems in conceiving, getting an AMH tested can still be useful as it helps in identifying one’s reproductive window. AMH indicates the ovarian reserve and understanding this can help in making choices about your reproductive goals and stay ahead of your biological clock.

To estimate response to IVF: According to several studies there is a positive correlation between AMH levels and the number of oocytes that are retrieved from women undergoing IVF treatments. Thus, AMH level can give insights to how a woman would respond to ovarian stimulation in IVF.

Sperm. (File Photo: IANS)

It is important to remember that an AMH test alone is not enough to determine your chances of getting pregnant, but it is a good indicator of your ovarian reserve. Keeping track of your AMH levels helps you know the cards you are holding with regards to your fertility. However, it is equally important to get the testes done from a good fertility clinic with a lab that adheres to clinical standards for this test.

If you have abnormal levels of AMH, do not get discouraged, you can still conceive with appropriate treatment from your doctor who can properly interpret the results and also provide required the guidance and support. Fertility issues and treatments are time sensitive that is the harsh reality. So, the earlier you check your AMH levels and ovarian reserve, the more time you will have to plan and decide. Making yourself aware about such different tests and options available is the first step towards good reproductive health and motherhood.

Also Read-One in 10 in world may have had Covid 19: WHO

Food Health

Almond Technique To Prevent Heart Diseases

Being Nut-wise: Busting the myths about almonds.

According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is the number one cause of deaths across the globe, and in India. CVD is also a costly disease to treat and can cause a huge economic burden on the patient, and his/her family…reports Asian Lite News.

For India in particular, CVD has become a severe cause of concern, owing to the disease’s accelerated buildup, early age of onset in the population and the high case fatality rate. Some factors that have contributed to the rise of CVD cases across India include the south Asian genetic makeup and it’s a proneness to the disease, the ever-changing lifestyle, lack of exercise, dietary imbalance and a high intake of saturated and/or trans fats amongst the population.

In the past, multiple studies have also shown that regular consumption of almonds may help reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL “bad”) cholesterol levels, a recognized risk factor for CVD – especially amongst Indians.

Are men at a greater risk of heart disease than women?. (Photo: Pixabay)

Recent research by Tufts University shows that eating 42.5 grams of almonds each day compared to not eating almonds may help reduce healthcare costs associated with cardiovascular disease among US consumers.

The objective of this study, funded by the Almond Board of California, was to estimate the cost-effectiveness of almond consumption in preventing coronary heart disease through changes in LDL cholesterol levels in the U.S. population, using both short-term base case analysis and 10-year risk prevention. The researchers developed a model to assess the relationship between eating 42.5g of almonds per day versus no almond intake. CVD parameters included the probabilities of increasing LDL levels, developing acute myocardial infarction (MI, or heart attack), MI-related surgeries, and death due to the disease and surgeries and the cost of disease and procedures in the US population in 2012. The cost of almonds used in this research was also factored into the model and was based on price in the US market in 2012, as well.

The base-case model used in this research, which was a study of 150 US adults with increased risk of type 2 diabetes, showed that eating 42.5g of almonds per day would result in an annual cost savings of $363 compared to eating no almonds. The almond eaters had reductions in CVD risk factors including LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, body weight and Apoliprotein B (also known as Apo-B, the main protein found in harmful LDL cholesterol). These improved parameters decreased the average healthcare costs for treating CVD.


Speaking about the study, Regional Head-Dietetics, Max Healthcare – Delhi, Ritika Samaddar noted: “The study establishes a very positive correlation between almond consumption, heart health, and a derived cost benefit, each of which are relevant for a country like India where CVD cases are rising every day. While the health benefits of almonds have been analyzed by several other studies in the past, this new research also highlights a long term cost advantage of almond consumption which is very unique. So make sure to include almonds in your family and your diet, to lead a healthier and more cost efficient lifestyle.”

When the time horizon was expanded to 10 years, findings were similar in pattern: it cost non-almond eaters $2566 in CVD prevention compared to a cost of just $1806 for almond eaters, or a savings of $760.

Sheela Krishnaswamy, Nutrition and Wellness Consultant said: “The results of this new study are interesting to note. Owing to the genetic makeup, sedentary lifestyle, poor dietary regime and high salt intake, Indians are at higher risk of heart disease. If one develops the disease, it adds to the household’s medical expenses. Therefore, I suggest that people with a genetic history of CVD or those with established risk factors (high BP, diabetes, obesity etc.) for heart disease alter their diets to include a daily dose of almonds, among other things. In the long run, improving your lifestyle will have a positive impact not just on your heart health, but may also reduce overall medical expenses.”

A ‘healthy’ shift in India’s snacking habit.

Based on these analyses, researchers concluded that consuming 42.5g of almonds per day is a cost-effective strategy for preventing CVD in short term and potentially, up to 10 years.

Acknowledging the findings in the study, Madhuri Ruia, Pilates Expert and Diet & Nutrition Consultant commented: “It is interesting to note the long term viability of this study, especially in context of a country like India where CVD is one of the leading causes of mortality. Opting for healthier snacking options like almonds, is a small yet impactful investment that is sure to pay off in the long run, especially for people with high risk to CVD. So the next time you head to the supermarket, stock up on roasted, salted or raw almonds instead of unwholesome or fried snacks, to begin your journey towards a healthier lifestyle.”

Health UAE News

UAE expats hand over ‘Knitted Knockers’ to Indian survivors

The knockers are distributed free of cost to survivors who have undergone mastectomies or other cancer treatment procedures in India…Reports Asian Lite News

A group of expats in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have created a total of 517 pairs of knitted and crocheted prostheses for breast cancer survivors in India, a media report said.

According to a Gulf News report published on Thursday, the items are distributed free of cost to survivors who have undergone mastectomies or other cancer treatment procedures in India.

The latest despatch of prostheses was headed to India with Geetha Krishnan, a support group member of the group, Saaisha India.

“At Saaisha, we craft these knockers and give them to survivors. We purchase the yarn, we knit the knockers and hope it will give hope and strength,” Krishnan, 49, a special educator, told Gulf News.

Each knocker, made of locally available cotton yarn, takes about four hours to craft. Worn under regular undergarments, they are comfortable, and provide the look and feel of regular breasts.

The patterns are specified by Knitted Knockers of USA, which first developed the concept of the cotton breast prostheses.

This was then taken up by Saaisha India, a registered charitable trust since April 2018.

“Many of the ladies who lend their time and effort to us learnt crocheting from scratch. We are enthused and encouraged by the response of our beneficiaries, and are in the process of scaling up in terms of operations, identifying beneficiaries and adding to our volunteer base,” the Gulf News report quoted Akhila Devi, a freelance trainer who works with the group, as saying.

The knockers crafted by Saaisha’s UAE-based volunteers have so far been given to 1,000 beneficiaries, either through hospitals in Chennai, Mumbai, Coimbatore and other cities, or via individual contact.

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Health Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Sleep Apnea The Potential Cause Of Depression

Sleep apnea and depression – Is there a correlation?

Depression is often also connected with sleep-disordered breathing, and not only by conventional wisdom but by increasing clinical evidence day after day. ..writes Puja Gupta.

As the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) in the United States puts it, “depression may cause sleep problems and sleep problems may cause or contribute to depressive disorders,” noting that symptoms of depression seem to come before sleep problems just as frequently as the other way around…writes Puja Gupta.

Conversations around the subject only focus on insomnia but there are other sleep issues as well that are equally significant is disturbing our mental health. Issues like Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) and sleep apnea have been gaining attention to be potential causes of depression.

(Photo Courtesy: pixabay)

So, what exactly is sleep apnea? What is it association with depression and what are the potential ways to manage it? Dr. Sibasish Dey, Head – Medical Affairs, India & South Asia, ResMed shares the 10 things about sleep apnea and its relation to depression that you need to know:

Sleep apnea is a sleep-disordered breathing condition where an individual may stop breathing for a few seconds during sleep. This phenomenon may occur multiple times while sleeping.

Due to repeated hypoxia and arousals, there is inflammation, oxidative stress and this results in imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. This imbalance may result in different neuropsychiatric symptoms and depression.


National Sleep Foundation (NSF) points out to a study published by the National Library of Medicine that says that people suffering from depression are five times most likely to suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) – the most common form of sleep-disordered breathing.

It is to be noted that several studies have observed that patients suffering from depression also have issues related to sleep. In OSA, disturbed sleep leading to disturbances in neurotransmitters levels are believed to be the cause for its association with depression.

Sleep apnea manifests with symptoms like fatigue, lack of energy, morning headache, difficulty concentrating, irritability and sexual dysfunction, all of which may lead to depression.

In simpler words, sleep apnea disturbs sleep, causing micro-arousal all throughout the night. This disturbance in the sleep cycle is potentially harmful. So, such an individual will wake up tired in the morning and experience excessive daytime sleepiness

In addition, sleep apnea may also lead to road traffic accidents, loss of productivity at workplaces, difficulty in concentrating and accomplishing tasks and generally decreased psychomotor performance. All these may alter the work-life balance.

Now coming to solutions to deal with the issue – Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device is a gold standard treatment for people who suffer from sleep-disordered breathing, such as OSA. It is also one of the most commonly used treatment method for OSA.

(Photo Courtesy: Pixabay)

Other non-pharmacological methods to reduce OSA includes quitting smoking and alcohol, reducing weight and following sleep hygiene tips.

The takeaway? If you’ve found yourself suffering from the effects of depression and sleep apnea, it is prudent to take sleep apnea into consideration. Adequate sleep apnea management may help alleviate the problems of both, and bring you closer to experiencing a healthier, more energetic lifestyle. Talk to your doctor about whether taking a sleep test may be a good option for you. ResMed’s home sleep tests have proven to be an effective tool for testing sleep apnea in the times of the pandemic as well because they can be undertaken at the comfort of your homes without having to visit a clinic/sleep lab.

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Bollywood Health Lite Blogs

‘Dance Sparks Mental And Physical Joy’

Ashley Lobo.

Indian-Australian choreographer Ashley Lobo, who is also the founder and artistic director of Danceworx Academy and Navdhara Theatre, says that for dancers, dance is the workout and their gym and naturally, their fitness companion.

The noted choreographer speaks to IANSlife on achieving mental and physical health through dance. Excerpts:

Dancing comes naturally to everyone from a baby to an adult. How does it spark mental and physical joy?

Yes, that is true, dancing is a natural movement and because it connects the mind and body it sparks mental and physical joy. You don’t need to be the perfect dancer, you have to just want to move your body. Close yourself to everything else, play the music you like and sway away. Dance helps you liberate yourself and it is what makes you feel happy. Today the world has come to a standstill, we are all in shock and dance can help keep the calm and balance our bodies and minds. Dance, for yourself, dance because it is the most natural thing for us to do.

Being a dancer yourself, your thoughts ln dance being a fitness companion as well?

When you exercise, be it dance or any other form, you become flexible and that is the first step in staying healthy. Dance also builds strength and stamina which are other requirements to keep fit and healthy. Also, do not forget, dance helps you ease out socially and sociability is quite another way of staying in the groove. For dancers, dance is the workout and their gym and naturally their fitness companion.

Lockdown is helping me design new choreographies: Ashley Lobo.

Dancing is the best cardio workout. Do you agree?

Cardio has been designed to increase your heart rate and sweat you out – what one does in dance is a form of cardio like aerobics was a craze years ago. Dance helps keeps the muscles moving and the heart is ultimately a muscular organ so inevitably dance helps it stay conditioned. Dance also gives the body strength training – which is important to keep your heart healthy. Not to forget that dance gives the body flexibility which is a way to keep your movement smooth and comfortable. And most importantly, dancing is also fun and a happy person means a happy heart.

Speaking about your technique Prana Paint, how is it an exercise in spirituality and holistic health?

Prana Paint is a technique that involves a unique sensitizing approach through yoga, breath, connectivity and touch. Prana is a Sanskrit word for life force or energy. The key in this technique is to listen to the body rather than tell it and, to allow rather than to create. It involves various experiential exercises from floor to skin to air that are used to get the person closer to accepting themselves fully and activate the prana flow.

In our world today, we need to look at things that matter more closely than chase things which are not meant to be. Prana Paint helps you to adopt a more expansive approach to listen to yourself – which is your body and mind and calms you to do what is best.

Health Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Resilience, A Pathway To Cope With Stress

5 natural alternatives to help you cope up with work stress.

Covid-19 has triggered a global financial crisis and due to strict adoption of lockdown measures, the magnitude of poor mental health is increasing across the world. The ‘New Normal’ hopes to bring a positive outcome, but the fear of contracting the virus is making it difficult for people to live through these times.

All we need is to do is go back to basics and work on maintaining mental health by sculpting resilience on a daily basis. Resilience is a healthy pathway to cope with stress, fear and anxiety. It will make you, the people you care about and the community stronger. The bounce-back-ability is a kind of “miracle drug” personality trait, something that can heal all wounds and right all wrongs. It is a wonderful trait to have as it is related to a plethora of positive outcomes, and “perhaps most important of all” it can be improved.

Resilient outcome doesn’t come about as a result of something particularly earth shattering, it’s just everyday stuff, like getting a teacher to give a bit more attention to a particularly weak or disadvantaged student.

According to the research, resilience contains 5 essential elements:

Knowing your inner self — Your inner self is who you really are on the inside, to know your purpose, values, vision, goals, motivations, and beliefs. Your inner self is who you really are on the inside.

Challenge — Resilient people encompass an adverse situation as a challenge and not as a paralysing phenomenon. They look at their failures and mistakes as lessons to be learned from, and as opportunities for growth in future. They don’t view themselves as a negative reflection on their abilities or self-worth.

Analysing situations — Resilient people are very good at analysing any negative situation and turn the situation into a positive phenomenon.

Commitment — Resilient people possess a strong sense of commitment, they are committed to their lives and their goals. Commitment isn’t just restricted to their work – it’s to their relationships, their friendships etc.

Self control — People with resilience, focuses only on self-regulation and self-control. They like to invest their time and energy focusing on situations and events that they have control over. They put their time and effort where they can have the most impact, they feel empowered and confident in.

9 ways to build resilience and tackle mental health problems. (Photo: Unsplash)

Here are nine ways to build resilience:

Cognitive Restructuring — Do you often find yourself “stuck in your own head,” caught in endless spirals of negative thinking? Try cognitive restructuring! It is a simple but powerful technique for identifying and undoing negative thinking patterns like worry and rumination. When thought patterns become destructive and self-defeating, it’s a good idea to explore ways to interrupt and redirect them. That’s what cognitive restructuring can do.

Sleep is vital — Sleep is a vital component of every person’s overall health and well-being, often neglected. It reinvigorates the body and prepares it for another day. Getting adequate rest may also help prevent excess weight gain, heart disease, and increased illness duration. Poor sleep is linked to physical problems such as a weakened immune system and mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.

Sleep apnea and depression – Is there a correlation?

Maintain perspective — Resilient people are well-versed with the fact that although a situation or crisis may seem overwhelming in the moment, it may not make that much of an impact over the long-term. Remind yourself of your priorities. Doing the “things that matter most” is all well and good – but it requires actually knowing what your priorities are.

Physical Wellness — Physical activity in any kind is a great way to keep you physically healthy as well as improving your mental wellbeing. Research shows that doing physical exercise influences the release and uptake of feel-good chemicals called endorphins in the brain.

Building Social Connections — Being social enables you to interact with these people and relate to them in a positive manner. People with social connection helps build our resilience and improve our physical and mental health, and help us cope with life stress.

Thought awareness — People with resiliency don’t let any negative thoughts destroy their efforts. Instead they consistently work upon restructuring a positive mindset.

(Photo: Unsplash)

Empathetic and compassionate — Resilient people don’t think of themselves as a victim. They don’t waste time worrying what others think of them. They maintain healthy relationships, but don’t bow to peer pressure.

Balanced diet — A recent study found that a balanced diet (a diet high in vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, beans, cereals, grains, fish, and unsaturated fats such as olive oil.) supplemented with fish oil led to a reduction in depression among patients. To boost your mental health, focus on eating plenty of fruits and vegetables along with foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon. Dark green leafy vegetables in particular are brain protective. Nuts, seeds and legumes, such as beans and lentils, are also excellent brain foods.

Spirituality — Spiritual resilience comes by cultivating gratitude and counting your blessings. Be thankful for what you do have rather than focusing on what you’re missing. Build optimism and be positive, accept the past and focus on the future.