Lite Blogs Parenting

Keep Kids Entertained on Rainy Days with These Creative Activities

Transform your living room into an indoor campsite. Set up a small tent or make a fort using blankets and pillows. Bring in sleeping bags, flashlights, and some snacks. You can tell stories, play board games, or even watch a movie from your “campsite.” …reports Asian Lite News

Make rainy days fun for kids with these 5 indoor activities

Rainy days can be a challenge for parents trying to keep their kids entertained indoors. When the weather doesn’t cooperate, it’s easy for children to get bored and restless. However, with a bit of creativity, rainy days can become a time for fun and learning. Here are five activities that can make a rainy day enjoyable for your kids.

Indoor Treasure Hunt

An indoor treasure hunt is a great way to keep kids engaged and active. You can create a simple treasure map and hide small items or treats around the house. Provide clues and riddles to lead them to each spot. This activity encourages problem-solving and physical activity. Plus, it’s a lot of fun watching them work together to find the treasure.

DIY Crafts and Art Projects

Rainy days are perfect for getting creative with arts and crafts. Set up a crafting station with supplies like paper, crayons, markers, glue, and scissors. You can find easy craft ideas online, such as making paper airplanes, origami, or creating homemade cards. This activity allows kids to express their creativity and can keep them occupied for hours.

Baking Together

Baking is a wonderful way to spend time with your kids while teaching them valuable skills. Choose simple recipes like cookies, muffins, or cupcakes. Let them help with measuring ingredients, mixing, and decorating. Baking together not only results in delicious treats but also provides a great opportunity for bonding and learning about teamwork.

Indoor Camping

Transform your living room into an indoor campsite. Set up a small tent or make a fort using blankets and pillows. Bring in sleeping bags, flashlights, and some snacks. You can tell stories, play board games, or even watch a movie from your “campsite.”

Interactive Games and Puzzles

Board games, puzzles, and card games are excellent ways to entertain kids on a rainy day. Games like Monopoly, Scrabble, or Uno can be both fun and educational. Puzzles, especially large ones, can be a group effort and provide a great sense of accomplishment when finished. These activities promote critical thinking and family interaction.

ALSO READ-Electrical Noise Stimulation Boosts Math Skills in New Study

Lite Blogs Parenting

Electrical Noise Stimulation Boosts Math Skills in New Study

“Previously, we have shown that a person’s ability to learn is associated with neuronal excitation in their brains. What we wanted to discover in this case is if our novel stimulation protocol could boost, in other words excite, this activity and improve mathematical skills.” …reports Asian Lite News

According to a new study from the Universities of Surrey and Oxford, Loughborough University, and Radboud University in the Netherlands, activating a brain region with electrical noise stimulation may improve mathematical learning in those who struggle with the subject.

This study was published in PL0S Biology During this unique study, researchers investigated the impact of neurostimulation on learning. Despite the growing interest in this non-invasive technique, little is known about the neurophysiological changes induced and the effect it has on learning.

Researchers found that electrical noise stimulation over the frontal part of the brain improved the mathematical ability of people whose brain was less excited (by mathematics) before the application of stimulation. No improvement in mathematical scores was identified in those who had a high level of brain excitation during the initial assessment or in the placebo groups. Researchers believe that electrical noise stimulation acts on the sodium channels in the brain, interfering with the cell membrane of the neurons, which increases cortical excitability.

Professor Roi Cohen Kadosh, Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and Head of the School of Psychology at the University of Surrey who led this project, said:

“Learning is key to everything we do in life – from developing new skills, such as driving a car, to learning how to code. Our brains are constantly absorbing and acquiring new knowledge.

“Previously, we have shown that a person’s ability to learn is associated with neuronal excitation in their brains. What we wanted to discover in this case is if our novel stimulation protocol could boost, in other words excite, this activity and improve mathematical skills.”

For the study, 102 participants were recruited, and their mathematical skills were assessed through a series of multiplication problems. Participants were then split into four groups: a learning group exposed to high-frequency random electrical noise stimulation, an overlearning group in which participants practised the multiplication beyond the point of mastery with high-frequency random electrical noise stimulation. The remaining two groups, consisted of a learning and overlearning group but they were exposed to a sham (i.e., placebo) condition, an experience akin to real stimulation without applying significant electrical currents. EEG recordings were taken at the beginning and at the end of the stimulation to measure brain activity.

Dr Nienke van Bueren from Radboud University, who led this work under Professor Cohen Kadosh’s supervision, said:

“These findings highlight that individuals with lower brain excitability may be more receptive to noise stimulation, leading to enhanced learning outcomes, while those with high brain excitability might not experience the same benefits in their mathematical abilities.”

Professor Cohen Kadosh adds:

“What we have found is how this promising neurostimulation works and under which conditions the stimulation protocol is most effective. This discovery could not only pave the way for a more tailored approach in a person’s learning journey but also shed light on the optimal timing and duration of its application.” (ANI)

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Lifestyle Lite Blogs Parenting

Childhood Sleep Loss Tied to Adult Psychosis

While previous research has highlighted links between sleep problems and psychosis at specific time points, this is the first study to show that persistent lack of sleep is a strong predictor of psychosis…reports Asian Lite News

According to recent study, children who suffer from chronic sleep deprivation from an early age may be more likely to have psychosis in their early adult years.

A large cohort study of children between the ages of six months and seven years old provided data on the duration of sleep at night that researchers from the University of Birmingham analyzed.

Throughout this time, they discovered that children who consistently slept less hours had a roughly four-fold increased risk of experiencing a psychotic episode and a more than two-fold increased risk of developing a psychotic condition in early adulthood.

While previous research has highlighted links between sleep problems and psychosis at specific time points, this is the first study to show that persistent lack of sleep is a strong predictor of psychosis.

Lead author, Dr Isabel Morales-Munoz, said: “It’s entirely normal for children to suffer from sleep problems at different points in their childhood, but it’s also important to know when it might be time to seek help. Sometimes sleep can become a persistent and chronic problem, and this is where we see links with psychiatric illness in adulthood.

“The good news is that we know that it is possible to improve our sleep patterns and behaviours. While persistent lack of sleep may not be the only cause of psychosis in early adulthood, our research suggests that it is a contributing factor, and it is something that parents can address.”

The results, published in JAMA Psychiatry, were based on data taken from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), which includes records of 12,394 children from 6 months to 7 years, and 3,889 at 24 years old.

While the association between lack of sleep in childhood and psychosis in early adulthood was robust in the study, the team have not proven a causal link and other factors associated with both childhood sleep and psychosis need to be explored.

The team looked, for example, at overall immune system health in the children to see whether impairments in the immune system could also account for some of the associations between lack of sleep and psychosis.

This was tested at nine-years-old by measuring levels of inflammation in blood samples. Results showed that a weakened immune system could partially explain the links between lack of sleep and psychosis, but other unknown factors are also likely to be important.

Dr Morales- Munoz’ research is part of the Mental Health Mission Midlands Translational Centre, led by the University of Birmingham and funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research. Its aim is to test and validate treatments in early psychosis and depression among children and young people.

“We know that early intervention is really important in helping young people with mental illness. One of the priorities of the Midlands Mental Health Mission Translational Research Centre of Excellence is to develop and test targeted interventions that could have a real impact on young people who have an illness or who are at risk of developing one. Understanding the role that good sleep hygiene plays in positive mental health could be a really important part of this process.” (ANI)

ALSO READ-Exercise Rejuvenates Immune Cells in the Brain

Lite Blogs Parenting

Foster Self-Play for a Screen-Free Childhood

Every child has some unique talent. Do Bring it out. If he likes drawing/colouring then keep a small colouring book and crayons in your bag, so you can keep them busy with it when you are travelling or if they love music then let them hear some good music. This helps in building their talent…writes Shilpa Divakar

Screen time is the most discussed topic these days among parents. In this digital world going completely off screen is not possible, but getting your child addicted to screen is also not good. But by making a few changes we can create a screen free childhood for our children.

1. Self-Play: It plays a major role in overall development of children. It makes them learn to be more independent and helps in building leadership quality. Do start this at a very young age. Let them play and just see how they get engrossed in their own world.
2. Activities: Building blocks, puzzles, board games, activity boxes, there are many such activities which help in keeping children engaged for a long time and they also help in improving their creativity.
3. DIY activities: You can also create your own Do It Yourself (DIY) activity for your child. For example, counting beads, molding using flour dough, creating a small water pond with fishes and many more. Children do enjoy doing such activities.
4. Reading: Books are indeed a great companion, so do introduce books to children at a very young age. It helps in improving knowledge and language vocabulary. Storytelling is a very good habit, it helps in improving their imagination and they get to learn some moral values.
5. Outdoor play:This is very much essential for the physical development of children. Just by sitting inside, they don’t learn anything. They need to be exposed to the outside world where they get to learn many things. It keeps them active and also helps in sleeping better.
6. Hobbies: Every child has some unique talent. Do Bring it out. If he likes drawing/colouring then keep a small colouring book and crayons in your bag, so you can keep them busy with it when you are travelling or if they love music then let them hear some good music. This helps in building their talent.
7. Play with your children: We all have busy schedules, yet we need to make some time for our children and play with them. Children feel very happy when the parents get down on the floor and play. It also helps in improving the bonding between the parents and child.
8. Pretend play: Children love to imitate. So choose a certain character from a storybook or some profession and let your child enact it. For example: My son loves enacting a doctor. He pretends to be a doctor and we become his patients.
9. Give them household chores: Include children in house chores by giving them small tasks like folding clothes, putting clothes to washing machine, putting garbage to dustbin, etc. Such kind of chores helps in teaching children about cleanliness and leading an organised life in the future.
10. Spend quality time together: Set aside at least 1-2 hours of family time where you sit together without any gadgets and spend some quality time. Interact with your children the same way you interact with your partner. Talk to them, ask them about their day. This helps in creating a beautiful family bond.
11. Practice what you preach: Last but not the least to create a screen free childhood for our children, we need to limit our screen time too. If we are addicted towards the screen, then children will also be doing the same. Therefore, to create a screen free childhood parent’s role is really very important.

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Lifestyle Lite Blogs Parenting

89% of Indian Moms Worry About Kids’ Screen Time

Mothers feel that deep fakes and Gen AI will add to their future parenting worries as they get to see the rising cases along with learning how these can be negatively used to malign the reputation and credibility of individuals…reports Asian Lite News

A whopping 89 per cent of Indian mothers are concerned about the screen time of their children, according to a report on Sunday.

The report, released by market research firm Techarc on Mother’s Day, is based on a survey of 600 working mothers, across four metro cities, having at least one child between grade 3-10 in school.

It explores insights on the digital ecosystem in which mothers operate today viz-a-viz the challenges, concerns, interests, and preferences.

“Mothers believe that increased screen time affects their studies and has a negative impact on the mental and physical health of their children,” the report said.

Further, the report showed that privacy (81 per cent), inappropriate content (72 per cent), teenage influencers (45 per cent), deep fakes, and impersonation (26 per cent) were other top concerns bothering mothers.

Mothers feel that deep fakes and Gen AI will add to their future parenting worries as they get to see the rising cases along with learning how these can be negatively used to malign the reputation and credibility of individuals.

Among the devices, mothers are concerned about the expected popularity of VR headsets, especially after the launch of Apple Vision Pro.

Mothers believe that “this form factor will zone out their children who will lose attentiveness towards the environment adding to their distractions,” the report said.

On the other hand, mothers also found the digital world much more useful and relevant for children, compared to five years ago.

More than 60 per cent of the mothers spent 51-85 per cent on their children through digital mediums buying various goods and services. Nearly 20 per cent of digital savvy mothers spent more than 85 per cent, the report said.

Mothers’ most trusted digital partners include Amazon (for shopping), Swiggy (for food), and Disney Hotstar (for entertainment)

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Lite Blogs Parenting

Shefali Shah Shares Parenting Insights

Shefali, who launched the Dish TV Smart+ services in Delhi on Monday, said, “There is a very nice thing I read somewhere – ‘The most important thing you give your children is roots and wings’…reports Asian Lite News

Actress Shefali Shah, who earned a lot of acclaim for her work in ‘Three of Us’, has shared her parenting secrets as she opened up about the reading habits of her two kids.

Shefali said while her children were not avid readers when they were young, over the years they have developed a taste for reading books. She also said that their reading habits are very different from hers.

Shefali, who launched the Dish TV Smart+ services in Delhi on Monday, said, “There is a very nice thing I read somewhere – ‘The most important thing you give your children is roots and wings’.

“Now, to accept that my children have grown up and are going to make their own decisions is a little difficult for parents. But it is a fact. ‘Mene bachpan mein unhne sikhaya, padhaya’. However, what they will do will depend on them as they grow up. And whether they listen to me or not, they will accept what they want.”

She added, “I kept telling my children – ‘You must read, you will love it’. Both the children were not into reading, which was very sad for me. But then, as they grew up, suddenly they started reading. And not the stuff that I read. I read everything. But they started reading a lot of stuff which tells them life hacks. You know, my older one wants to be a businessman. My younger one wants to do something else.

“So, they started reading on their own. Honestly, children do what they have to do. You can control them until a certain age. After that, they will do everything.”

She also spoke about the challenges of repeating roles, saying it’s not difficult for her.

“I am an actor because I want to play different roles. If I wanted to play only one role, Shefali is not a bad role to follow. So it’s not difficult for me. In fact, that is what excites me. ‘Oh, this is completely different. I have done this. Let’s do this’. So, this question is not difficult for me. It’s exciting for me.”

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Lite Blogs Parenting

Why Quality Time Matters Most in Parenting?

Establishing a structured daily routine at home fosters a disciplined lifestyle, yielding abundant fruits in life’s journey. Craft a flexible timetable for your children, incorporating dedicated slots for reading, writing, play, recreation, and daily tasks to instill a robust work ethic and moments of relaxation. …writes Niru Agarwal

In our rapidly advancing, materialistic society, the significance of good parenting often gets overshadowed. Prioritizing the essential aspects of a child’s upbringing is crucial for their overall development. There is no universal rule for prioritization, as it varies for each parent based on their child’s needs. With each new year, parents should stay attuned to evolving trends to ensure their children’s safety, security, and education. Recognizing children’s interests and establishing clear objectives are vital, as kids learn rapidly from the external world. Facilitating the setting of realistic, measurable goals for children enhances effectiveness in parenting. Here are five key priorities for parents to raise their children successfully.

Have a daily routine at home

Establishing a structured daily routine at home fosters a disciplined lifestyle, yielding abundant fruits in life’s journey. Craft a flexible timetable for your children, incorporating dedicated slots for reading, writing, play, recreation, and daily tasks to instill a robust work ethic and moments of relaxation. Encourage each activity with joy and satisfaction, cultivating a sense of responsibility in your kids. Prioritize their happiness and well-being by actively participating in their studies or arranging for a tutor. Regularly monitor their overall growth, engaging the learning process and ensuring their continued progress. This holistic approach contributes to fostering happy, healthy, and well-rounded individuals.

Spending quality time with your kids

The significance lies not only in spending time with your children but in effectively utilizing that time. Prioritize quality moments with your family by establishing goals for regular weekend family nights or monthly outings. Cultivate honesty in your interactions with your children, avoid superficial relationships, and strive to build a robust bond with them. Invest in meaningful experiences that deepen connections and create lasting memories. Dedicated focused and intentional time enhances the quality of your relationships and fostering a solid and genuine connection with your kids. In doing so, you contribute to the overall well-being and harmony within your family unit.

Freedom with Responsibility

Granting freedom to children is vital, but it must be accompanied by a sense of responsibility and defined boundaries. Stay adaptable and open to your children’s evolving world, understanding their needs. Instill a sense of responsibility and prioritize freedom with accountability in your kids. Be a positive role model at home, teaching them the true meaning of life through your actions. Correct their mistakes gently, steering them back on the right path. Encouraging them to participate in school extracurricular activities fosters growth and responsibility. Balancing freedom with guidance cultivates positive self-esteem in your child, laying the foundation for their development into responsible individuals.

Prioritize healthy lifestyle 

Guiding children towards making healthy life choices is paramount. As genuine mentors, parents are crucial in providing the right direction. Prioritizing both mental and physical well-being is essential. Instill the importance of a healthy diet, regular exercise, and proper sleep habits through consistent bedtime routines. Actively identify and address your children’s feelings of worry, anxiety, sadness, or fear, offering gentle guidance. Practice empathy to connect with your children on an emotional level. By fostering a holistic approach to health, parents contribute significantly to the overall well-being of their children, equipping them with the tools to lead balanced and fulfilling lives.

Monitor digital absorption 

Children tend to absorb vast amounts of information swiftly, particularly in today’s tech-driven era. The universal use of mobile screens and immersion in the digital world, offering instant gratification through video games and social media, poses a risk to the balanced life cycle. While technology brings benefits, excessive usage can lead to imbalance. Many children develop social media addiction, which impacts them negatively. Parents must familiarize themselves with their children’s digital activities, designating screen-free times to foster a tech-free environment at home. Encourage offline hobbies, create a tech-free zone, and instruct children on safe online browsing practices to ensure a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

In conclusion, prioritizing essential habits at home is paramount. When parents prioritize the upbringing of their children, placing them at the forefront despite other commitments, a deep impact is possible in children’s holistic growth. This commitment fosters a strong parent-child bond, positioning parents as their kids’ best friends. By dedicating time and attention to fostering a nurturing environment, parents play a pivotal role in shaping a child’s character and ensuring a foundation for a promising and harmonious future.


Lite Blogs Parenting

Safeguarding Kids with Safe Personal Care Products

The term “child-friendly” is not always synonymous with safety, therefore it can be deceptive. Animations and vibrant packaging are common strategies used by manufacturers to attract both parents and kids…reports Asian Lite News

Selecting the right personal care products for kids is an important aspect of parenting. With so much buzz around skincare and routine for kids parents are becoming more anxious in their selection process. Eventually the anxiety results in decisions that can negatively impact kids’ wellbeing.

Let’s explore some common mistakes parents make when purchasing personal care products for their children and how to avoid them with the expert help of Prasanna Vasanadu, Parent Educator and Founder of Tikitoro.

Ignoring Ingredient Labels:

Parents commonly make the mistake of not reading the ingredient labels on personal hygiene products. Harmful ingredients such as sulphates, parabens, and phthalates are often found in many products marketed to children. For instance, many shampoos contain sulphates, which can irritate skin, and parabens, which can disrupt the endocrine system. Parents must prioritize products with natural, hypoallergenic ingredients to avoid these problems. By taking this preventive measure, potentially hazardous chemicals are kept away from children’s sensitive skin.

Thinking ‘Child-Friendly’ Always Means Safe:

The term “child-friendly” is not always synonymous with safety, therefore it can be deceptive. Animations and vibrant packaging are common strategies used by manufacturers to attract both parents and kids. However, these promotional strategies might divert attention away from potentially harmful ingredients. Parents should carefully read product labels to ensure that the contents meet their safety standards, looking beyond the branding.

Falling for Marketing Gimmicks: 

When purchasing personal hygiene products for children, parents often fall prey to marketing tactics. It is important to prioritize ingredients over colourful child-attractive packaging. As responsible parents, it is important to choose products considering the ingredients used in the products. Focus on the actual benefits of the product rather than being influenced by catchy slogans. Spend some time to educate yourself about potential irritants and allergens. Parents may protect their children’s health and well-being by making educated decisions.

Ignoring Allergen Considerations: 

Every child is different, and so are their allergies and sensitivity levels. If product compositions are not checked for allergens, the child may experience adverse effects. To prevent unnecessary health issues, parents should carefully review ingredient lists, especially if their child has documented allergies.

Ignoring Environmental Impact: 

Parents unintentionally contribute to waste and pollution by neglecting to consider the environmental impact of the personal care products that they buy for their kids. Opting for recyclable packaging can help mitigate this issue. Seek accreditations such as “sustainable”, “cruelty-free” or  “recyclable” on the packaging of the product or check the Brand for sustainable processes. Parents may help future generations live sustainable lifestyles by ensuring that their children’s well-being aligns with a healthier world by making these wise choices.

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Lite Blogs Parenting

Ways to Foster Breastfeeding Success

Introduce Skin-to-Skin Contact: Skin-to-skin contact isn’t just beneficial for the baby; it also strengthens the bond between parents. New couples should be encouraged to engage in skin-to-skin contact with the baby, promoting feelings of warmth, comfort, and security…reports Asian Lite News

Welcoming a newborn into the world is a magical experience, but it often comes with challenges, especially when it comes to establishing breastfeeding. For new couples navigating the intricate journey of parenthood, Dr Harini Manjunath, Chief Scientific Officer of NeoLacta Lifesciences shares  five ways to promote and support breastfeeding, fostering a connection that goes beyond nourishment.

Educational Antenatal Classes: Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to breastfeeding. New couples should be encouraged to attend antenatal classes that specifically focus on breastfeeding techniques, positions, and the importance of early initiation. Education helps demystify the process, empowering parents with the information they need to confidently embrace breastfeeding.

Create a Supportive Environment: Emotional support is key to a successful breastfeeding journey. Partners play a crucial role in creating a supportive environment. Encourage open communication, expressiveness, and patience. New couples should strive to understand the emotional and physical changes that come with breastfeeding, fostering a sense of teamwork in the parenting journey.

Introduce Skin-to-Skin Contact: Skin-to-skin contact isn’t just beneficial for the baby; it also strengthens the bond between parents. New couples should be encouraged to engage in skin-to-skin contact with the baby, promoting feelings of warmth, comfort, and security. This not only facilitates breastfeeding but also enhances the overall emotional connection between the parents and the newborn.

Lactation Consultant Guidance: Sometimes, a little professional guidance can make a significant difference. Lactation consultants, especially in the early days of breastfeeding can provide personalized advice, address concerns, and ensure that both partners feel confident and supported in their breastfeeding journey.

Create a Breastfeeding-Friendly Space: Set up a comfortable and breastfeeding-friendly space at home. Having a designated area with a cosy chair, nursing pillows, and all the essentials can make the process more convenient and enjoyable. This not only supports the physical aspects of breastfeeding but also creates a nurturing atmosphere for both the mother and the baby.

In conclusion, promoting breastfeeding in new couples goes beyond the physical act; it involves creating an environment that supports, educates, and nurtures the emotional connection between parents and their newborns. By embracing these five strategies, couples can navigate the challenges of early parenthood and experience the joys of breastfeeding as a shared journey.

ALSO READ-Necessity of newborns’ skincare

Books Parenting Woman

‘The Parents I Met’ By Mansi Zaveri: An Anthology of Conversations With Parents of Successful Individuals

Featuring interviews conducted by Mansi Zaveri, the founder of the award-winning parenting platform, The Parents I Met is an anthology of her authentic conversations with parents of successful individuals who made it big against all odds. What was it that they did right while raising their kids to create the person their child is today? A feature by columnist Riccha Grrover for Asian Lite International

Mansi wants parents find their voice through these stories. “It is important to read stories of people you don’t know as their journeys are inspiring and interesting too. As parents to Gen Z and Gen Alpha, it will take a lot for us to unlearn that education is no longer the game changer and our kids will choose paths that may not be built on the foundations of a formal education system. They will learn differently and they will embrace learning styles that are best suited for them. Their role models will also evolve and it may not be someone brilliant in one field like academics, sports, Bollywood or politics like it’s always been. 

“This book gave me a new perspective on parenting, and on the way we should listen to our kids”, said author Mansi Zaveri. Through the collection of stories, “The Parents I Met” unveils invaluable insights, guidance, and validation for every parent navigating the complexities of raising children in today’s world. 

“The Parents I Met,” published by Penguin Random House, is available on online portals and bookstores for readers to explore the captivating stories of successful individuals and the parenting journeys that shaped them. 

“I always believe that we are all products of our childhood and our self-portrait, as we present it to the world, is a polished and curated version of who we want to be, but our parents are the only people who ever get to see the real us. They understand us more intimately than we know ourselves. They have known us even before we knew ourselves. And as a mom of 2, my experience has taught me that parenting is different, yet the same for everyone. So, I set out on a journey to learn what it takes to raise an outlier from the parents who raised successful outliers. Every single story is different, just like yours and just like mine. This book is not going to give you rules or any tips but it will surely give you lessons, stories and experiences that will bring a small impact in the way you see parenting and the way you see your kids”, stated Mansi as she signed off. 

About Mansi Zaveri:

Mansi Zaveri is the founder and CEO of India’s most trusted discovery platform for parenting and childcare,, which boasts a digital reach of 20 million people per month. She was also featured in Exchange4Media’s Content 40 Under 40 list in 2020. In June 2013, this mom of two decided to combine her passion for digital medium and her parenting journey to become an entrepreneur, leaving behind her corporate life to empower parents to make informed choices. 

Mansi is a certified Conscious Parenting Coach and works with families, educators and stakeholders to build healthier and happier families. Her first book The Parents I Met, published by Penguin Random House continues to top the charts on Amazon for Families and Relationships & True Accounts. She has successfully filled a void in the Parenting section across bookstores with her latest book. 

She hosts 2 podcasts one for kids and the other for families that continue to rank among the top 30 podcasts in the Kids & Family category on Apple and Spotify with over 20 million + listens. Mansi is the voice of the New Age Indian parents and has emerged as one of the most popular influencers in the parenting and baby care space. With a whole lot of passion and hard work, she has built into an enormously successful brand that today hosts online courses for parents, kids and women entrepreneurs. Her first book, 50 Indian Meal Plans, ranked no. 1 on Amazon in Food and Encyclopaedias in 2020. The Kids Stop Press (KSP) Awards, which celebrates excellence in parenting and baby care, is her brainchild. 

A yoga student and sustainable living advocate, Mansi lives in Mumbai with her two daughters, husband and family.