-Top News COVID-19

Ebola drug remdesivir ineffective against Covid-19: WHO

Trials with four drugs conducted among 11,000 patients in 30 countries “appeared to have little or no effect” on survival and on the progression of the disease among hospitalized patients…Reports Asian Lite News

The World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday dashed hopes that the Ebola drug remdesivir and three other existing medications could be useful tools against Covid-19.

Trials with four drugs conducted among 11,000 patients in 30 countries “appeared to have little or no effect” on survival and on the progression of the disease among hospitalized patients, the WHO said in Geneva.

The UN health agency’s Solidarity Trial involved remdesivir, the HIV treatment lopinavir/ritonavir, the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine and Interferon, which was developed for multiple sclerosis, said dpa international.

The European Union had placed its bets on remdesivir. The European Commission announced a contract this month to secure additional supplies of the antiviral drug for up to 500,000 patients.

Despite questions about its effectiveness, remdesivir was the first drug to receive EU approval to treat severe cases of the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.

US President Donald Trump has received remdesivir as well as the anti-inflammatory medication dexamethasone and other drugs following his recent novel coronavirus infection, according to his doctors.

Although dexamethasone was not included in the WHO trials, it was shown to reduce mortality among hospitalized Covid-19 patients in a British study.

Also read:One in 10 in world may have had Covid 19: WHO

-Top News Arab News

Biden Presidency Ideal For Middle East Crude Oil Sector: Report

A Biden presidency is likely to be a huge win for the Middle East to gain back the market share as it restricts shale production and can be supportive for crude oil prices.

According to a report by Motilal Oswal Financial Services, for years, if not decades, OPEC members have been jousting for market share, which is, of course, the reason why the latest Saudi-Russia oil price war happened in the first place.

“A Biden presidency is likely to be a huge win for the Middle East to gain back the market share as it restricts shale production and can be supportive for crude oil prices,” the report said.

Talking about the OPEC approach, Trump would likely continue practicing Twitter oil diplomacy, which he started in his first term to urge OPEC plus producers to increase or cut supply during their meetings in Vienna. He takes credit for helping to negotiate an end to the March oil price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia.

“Under Biden, any US diplomacy toward OPEC might return behind the scenes. Antitrust legislation against OPEC would only see renewed interest if gasoline prices soar,” the report said.

Crude oil investors are facing a confused stance as US President Donald Trump’s presidency brings stability and Presidency under Joe Biden might bring uncertainty and more volatility in the market.

Prices can remain in levels of $45 as President Trump would like to keep prices at this level to make sure gasoline prices remain in control, which remains a main concern of taxpayers in U.S.

If U.S. voters decide to stay the course, the current push for energy dominance through increased drilling will continue. He is seen as a promoter of Shale which might put pressure as any stimulus and benefit to shale sector would lead to overproduction and more responsibility on OPEC plus to cut production and bring balance in the market.

Compared with a second term of the Trump administration, a Biden presidency could be a positive for U.S. oil and gas drillers because tougher regulations on hydraulic fracturing would likely reduce production, raising crude prices to levels of WTI $45-$55 in coming months after elections. If they elect a new president, the challenger has pledged to end new drilling on public lands and move toward a carbon-free future.

With his $2 trillion plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions, Joe Biden might seem a far-from-ideal president for the Texas oil and gas industry. Looks like for Crude oil to rally, markets are praying for Vice President Biden to win and bring back optimism in the market as demand recovery is stalling and it might take more months for crude demand to recover.

A Biden win will likely be an upward catalyst for oil prices because it will increase costs for shale patch and will likely result in a weaker U.S. dollar, the report said.

However, headwinds remains to this optimistic view that if sanctions are pulled off from Venezuela or Iran, they might re-emerge as a significant oil exporter, it might put pressure on prices and can force adjustment in production for the three big oil producers and likely a reduction in through cycle prices which can push additional pressure on prices and bring back glut fears and push prices to levels of $35.

Also Read: Oil prices decline as US crude stockpiles surge

Also Read: Challenges mar OPEC’s 60th anniversary

-Top News EU News UK News

UK Prepares For a No-Deal Brexit

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday that as the European Union (EU) Summit in Brussels refused to offer London a Canada-style deal, Britain will prepare to embrace a no-trade deal scenario.

Johnson’s remarks came following the EU Summit discussions on Brexit on Thursday. EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said he will continue intensive talks in the coming weeks and the EU hopes to reach a deal with Britain, but not at any price, Xinhua news agency reported.

Johnson said Britain wanted nothing more complicated than a Canada-style relationship. But to judge by the latest EU summit in Brussels, that won’t work for the EU because they want the continued ability to control Britain’s legislative freedom and fisheries.

“And given that they have refused to negotiate seriously for much of the last few months, and given that this summit appears explicitly to rule out a Canada-style deal, I have concluded that we should get ready for January 1 (2021) with arrangements that are more like Australia’s based on simple principles of global free trade,” the Prime Minister said.

The Australia-style arrangement is an euphemism for failure to reach a free trade agreement with the EU, which means the Britain-EU trade will fall back on World Trade Organization (WTO) rules in 2021.

He called on British businesses, hauliers and travelers to get ready since there are only 10 weeks until the end of the transition period due on December 31, 2020.

Boris Johnson (L) meets with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in London (Photo by Ray Tang/Xinhua/IANS)

Johnson said Britain is willing to discuss the practicalities with the EU where a lot of progress has already been made, on such issues as social security, aviation, nuclear cooperation and so on.

“But for whatever reason it is clear from the summit that after (more than) 45 years of membership they are not willing — unless there is some fundamental change of approach — to offer this country the same terms as Canada,” he said.

Johnson said Britain will prepare to embrace the Australia-style arrangement with complete confidence, adding that Britain will prosper mightily as an independent free trading nation, controlling its own borders, fisheries, and setting its own laws.

Prior to the EU Summit, Johnson held a telephone conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron. Both leaders had said an agreement needs to be struck in October to ensure there is enough time for ratification.

Meanwhile, Johnson and Macron also discussed the coronavirus crisis in their bilateral discussions as a sharp rise in COVID-19 infections was reported in their countries.

The discussion took place at a time when Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States are racing against time to develop coronavirus vaccines to check the spread of the virus in the world.

Britain and the EU started their lengthy and bumpy post-Brexit talks in March after Britain ended its EU membership on Jan. 31, trying to secure a future trade deal before the Brexit transition period expires at the end of the year.

-Top News USA

Trump wants ‘honest election’ to leave peacefully

Trump’s remarks came after less than a month after he had refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he did not win the election, while adding that the result would be challenged in court…Reports Asian Lite News

US President Donald Trump has said that he will accept a peaceful transfer of power following the November 3 election, but said he wanted an “honest election”.

“Peaceful transfer? I absolutely want that. But ideally, I don’t want to transfer, because I want to win,” The Hill news website quoted the President as saying during his NBC News tonw hall in Miami on Thursday night.

Trump’s remarks came after less than a month after he had refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he did not win the election, while adding that the result would be challenged in court.

The Republican-majority Senate has already passed a resolution reaffirming its commitment to a peaceful transition of power.

Despite a change of heart, Trump on Thursday night accused Democrats of failing to participate in a peaceful transfer when they “spied heavily on my campaign” and “tried to take down a duly elected sitting President”.

“And then they talk about, ‘Will you accept a peaceful transfer?’. The answer is yes, I will. But I want it to be an honest election. And so does everybody else,” he added.

For months, Trump has slammed mail-in ballots, a preferred method of voting this year in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The President has suggested that he would win the election if there was no expansion of mail-in voting, which according to him are “rigged” or “fraudulent”.

Also read:Trump, Biden hold showdown in separate town halls

-Top News

India Aims To Promote Safe Healthy Food

Union Health & Family Welfare, Science & Technology and Earth Sciences Minister Harsh Vardhan (Photo: IANS/PIB)

Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan on Friday said that due to the unprecedented challenges faced by the world on account of the coronavirus pandemic, there has been a renewed focus on food, nutrition, health, immunity and sustainability…reports India Daily News.

Presided over an event organised by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) to celebrate World Food Day, he said: The “FSSAI’s Eat Right India movement targets to promote safe and healthy food for everyone in an environmentally sustainable way. It is a part of its mandate to provide safe and wholesome food for all citizens. This will improve the food safety ecosystems and lift the hygiene and health of our citizens.”

Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare Ashwini Kumar Choubey also joined, via video conferencing, the event, whose theme this year’s event is “Grow, Nourish, Sustain. Together”.

Ashwini Kumar Choubey. (File Photo: Photo)

A key focus this year is elimination of trans fats from the food supply chain. A food toxin present in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (PHVOs) (e.g. vanaspati, shortening, margarine, etc.), baked and fried foods, trans fat is a major contributor to the rise in non-communicable diseases in India.

Harsh Vardhan said: “Trans fat is a modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Eliminating CVD risk factor is especially relevant during Covid-19 as people with CVD are predisposed to have serious conditions having an impact on mortality.”

He reminded everyone of the government’s effort to make India trans fat free by 2022, a year ahead of WHO’s target, in synergy with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of a New India on 75 years of the country’s independence.

Reiterating the game changing potential of ‘Eat Right India’ and ‘Fit India Movement’, the Minister said: “These two movements along with Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Jal Jeevan Mission and other efforts of the Environment Ministry will improve the health of Indians and heal the environment.”

Expressing his amazement at the marvels of the internet where curious citizens can look up things on the whole gamut of information available, he asked officials of FSSAI to promote awareness and consumer education leveraging technology so that informed citizens can make responsible choices.

Harsh Vardhan also launched the Eat Right Creativity Challenge for schools which is a poster and photography competition and aims to promote healthy dietary habits.

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. (Photo: Facebook/@fssai)

He also launched the ‘Eat Smart City’ (challenge) by FSSAI in partnership with Smart City Mission and The Food Foundation, UK which will create an environment of right food practices and habits in India’s smart cities and can set an example for other cities to follow.

Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan, FSSAI CEO Arun Singhal, and other senior officials of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and FSSAI were present at the event.

State Food Safety Commissioners, Regional Directors and officers of FSSAI, professionals of scientific panel of oils and fats, officials of international public health organisations, the WHO, the World Bank, members of NePRoFaN – Network of Professionals of Food and Nutrition, prominent food business corporates, industry associations, implementation partners, development partners for Food Fortification were also invited to attend the event through video conference.

Also Read-Study: Lockdown Improved Air Quality

-Top News USA

18 Days to go: Biden tops Trump by 7points

According to the poll, three per cent of the voters said they would prefer someone else as their candidate for President and another 3 per cent do not plan to vote…Reports Asian Lite News

A new poll has revealed that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden was currently leading US President Donald Trump by seven points nationwide, with just 18 days remaining for the November 3 election.

According to the new national Hill-HarrisX poll released on Thursday, 47 per cent of registered voters have said that they would cast their ballots for Biden if the election was held today, a 2-point spike from an October 3-6 survey, while 40 per cent said they would vote for Trump.

Three per cent of the voters said they would prefer someone else as their candidate for President and another 3 per cent do not plan to vote.

Seven per cent of the surveyed remains unsure.

The former Vice President was also leading Trump among independents, at 40 per cent versus 32 per cent.

Also read:Trump, Biden hold showdown in separate town halls

-Top News COVID-19 World News

40% World’s population lack access to handwashing facilities: UNICEF

Although handwashing with soap is vital in the fight against infectious diseases, including the novel coronavirus, 40 per cent of the world’s population, or 3 billion people, do not have access to it, according to new Unicef estimates.

The estimates issued on Thursday revealed that the number is much higher in the least developed countries, where nearly three-quarters do not have handwashing facilities at home, reports Xinhua news agency.

Kelly Ann Naylor, associate director of water, sanitation and hygiene at Unicef, said that it was “unacceptable” that the most vulnerable communities are unable to use the simplest of methods to protect themselves and their loved ones.

“The pandemic has highlighted the critical role of hand hygiene in disease prevention. It has also stressed a pre-existing problem for many: handwashing with soap remains out of reach for millions of children where they’re born, live and learn.

“We must take immediate action to make handwashing with soap accessible to everyone, everywhere — now and in the future,” she said.

The situation is also alarming at schools: 43 per cent globally (70 percent in the least developed countries) lack a handwashing facility with water and soap, affecting hundreds of millions of children, according to the estimates.

Against this backdrop, Unicef, along with the World Health Organization, launched the “Hand Hygiene for All” initiative to support the development of national roadmaps to accelerate and sustain progress toward making hand hygiene a mainstay in public health interventions.

The initiative brings together international, national, and local partners, to ensure affordable products and services are available and sustainable, especially in vulnerable and disadvantaged communities.

The estimates coincided with the Global Handwashing Day marked annually on October 15, which serves as a platform to raise awareness on the importance of handwashing with soap.

The global campaign is dedicated to raising awareness of handwashing with soap as a key factor in disease prevention.

Also read:463 mn children unable access remote learning: UNICEF

-Top News Arab News

Oman Health Minister urges to avoid protocol violations

Dr. Ahmed bin Mohammed al-Saidi, Oman’s Minister of Health has reiterated his plea to all members of the public to stick to the decisions of the Supreme Committee and precautionary measures it has set for the management of the pandemic.

The Minister who is also a Member of the Supreme Committee tasked with tackling developments resulting from coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, expressed his deep appreciation for the continuous support of His Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik to the health sector and departments dealing with the pandemic.

Speaking at the 17th press conference held by the Supreme Committee at the Ministry of Education, the minister said that all segments should refrain from gatherings and to report any violations. “Failure to report a crime is a crime in itself,” said the minister, who described crime reporting as a national duty.

Dr. Ahmed also pointed out that doctors and other health undergo tremendous stress as they watch young people dying from the disease. He explained that COVID-19 mortality rate in the Sultanate is still within the mark of 1% from total infection cases, “but any such death represents a disaster and great pain that could be limited if we follow proper preventive measures.”

Last week, COVID-19 death rate at Intensive Care Units (ICUs) reached 83% (Mortality rate in cases admitted to ICUs ranges from 75%-85%), said the minister, noting that the percentage of death among men is higher than women and that the disease damages a lot of organs in the body.

He added that all should understand that this virus spreads fast, with imminent risk looming from a third wave of infection, which already began in many countries, not only in our region. “The more we cooperate and rally efforts as a government, citizens and residents, the more we could cut down the number of infection cases and ease pressure on health establishments,” said Dr. Ahmed.

Also Read: EU commends Oman’s decision to exchange tax data

Also Read: Oman Restarts Diplomatic Mission In Syria





-Top News COVID-19 UAE News

UAE FM takes Covid 19 vaccine

Al-Nahyan tweeted an image of himself receiving the trial vaccine with a caption saying “corona vaccination is our way to return to normal life.”…Reports Asian Lite News

The United Arab Emirates’ Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al-Nahyan has taken the Covid 19 vaccine.Reports Arab News

Al-Nahyan tweeted an image of himself receiving the trial vaccine with a caption saying “corona vaccination is our way to return to normal life.”

Last month, UAE issued emergency approval for the COVID-19 vaccine for frontline healthcare workers.

“The vaccine will be available to our first line of defense heroes who are at the highest risk of contracting the virus,” the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority said.

Its effective and has resulted in a “strong response” by generated antibodies in trial volunteers, the health minister said.

The Ministry of Health and Prevention, MoHAP, announced that it conducted 116,470 additional COVID-19 tests over the past 24 hours, using state-of-the-art medical testing equipment.

On Friday,As part of its intensified testing campaign, MoHAP announced 1,412 new coronavirus cases, bringing the total number of recorded cases in the UAE to 112,849.

According to the Ministry, the infected individuals are from various nationalities, are in a stable condition, and are receiving the necessary care.

MoHAP also announced 3 deaths due to COVID-19 complications, bringing the total number of deaths in the country to 455.

Also read:Israel Parliament Approves Peace With UAE

-Top News UK News

UK disappointed with EU summit outcomes

“Disappointed by the euco conclusions on UK/EU negotiations. Surprised EU is no longer committed to working ‘intensively’ to reach a future partnership,” Frost tweeted…Reports Asian Lite News

British chief negotiator David Frost said that he was “disappointed” and “surprised” that the conclusions at a summit of the European Union (EU) said that the regional bloc is no longer committed to working “intensively” to reach a future partnership with Britain.

“Disappointed by the euco conclusions on UK/EU negotiations. Surprised EU is no longer committed to working ‘intensively’ to reach a future partnership,” Frost tweeted on Thursday, pointing out that intensive talks had been agreed with Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on October 3, Xinhua news agency reported.

“Also surprised by suggestion that to get an agreement all future moves must come from UK. It’s an unusual approach to conducting a negotiation,” Frost said.

He said British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will set out UK reactions and approach on Friday in the light of his September 7 statement.

Johnson said last month that a future trade deal needs to be agreed by mid-October to enable it to be approved ahead of January 1, 2021.

After EU Summit discussions on Brexit on Thursday, EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said he will continue intensive talks in the coming weeks and the EU hopes to reach a deal with the UK, but not at any price, urging Britain to agree to a level playing field for access to EU market.

Also read:Brexit: UK PM expresses “desirability” for EU trade deal