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Asian Lite Daily Digital – JOBLESS RATE SOARS

JOBLESS RATE SOARS; Sadiq joins campaign against Government’s travel ban; Oli Facing Heat From Own Party Over Chinese Encroachment; Border Talks End in Deadlock; Slight Delay Expected For India’s Human Space Flight – All in Asian Lite Daily Digital, October 14, 2020 – please click here to read.

-Top News COVID-19 UK News

Jobless Rate Soars

In its latest update, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said that an estimated 1.5 million people were unemployed between June and August, while redundancies stood at 227,000…reports Asian Lite Newsdesk

The UK’s unemployment rate has hit the highest level in three years in the wake of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said on Tuesday.

The unemployment rate grew to 4.5% in the three months to August, compared with 4.1% in the previous quarter.

In its latest update, the ONS said that an estimated 1.5 million people were unemployed between June and August, while redundancies stood at 227,000.

Jonathan Athow, the ONS’s deputy national statistician for economic statistics, told the BBC there had been a “sharp increase” in those out of work and job hunting since March.

“Overall employment is down about half a million since the pandemic began and there are particular groups who seem to be most affected, young people in particular.

“(Of those out of work) about 300,000 are aged 16-24, so about 60 per cent of the fall in employment… that’s really disproportionate,” he added.

Meanwhile, the number claiming work related benefits hit 2.7 million in September, an increase of 1.5 million since the beginning of the pandemic in March.

Also, a Citibank analysis has suggested that the unemployment rate could hit 8.5 per cent in the first half of 2021, a level not seen since the early 1990s.

Government slammed

Meanwhile, Responding to the statistics released showing that unemployment has reached 4.5%, the highest level in over three years, Liberal Democrat Treasury Spokesperson Christine Jardine said:

“Today’s figures throw into stark and depressing relief the scale of the issues facing families and businesses and act as a reminder that the Chancellor must extend more help.

“Liberal Democrats have warned that by prematurely ending the Furlough scheme, this Government is potentially leaving thousands to face ruin.

“Responsibility sits squarely on the Chancellor’s shoulders. Instead of dismissing lost jobs as not viable, he should be working day and night to protect people’s livelihoods. 

“Generations will judge whether this Government has taken every conceivable step to protect people’s’ livelihoods and futures, or tossed them on the unemployment pile marked non-viable.”

Earlier, The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan has reiterated the urgent need for further employment support, as new analysis from the GLA shows that London’s economy may take more than three years to recover from the pandemic.

The Mayor has warned of a ‘looming unemployment crisis’ when the Government’s furlough scheme ends at the end of October. The latest GLA macroeconomic analysis shows that employment levels in London may not recover to pre-crisis levels until as late as 2023, with employment levels in London contracting by 5.5% next year.

Meanwhile according to an extended job support plan announced by Chancellor Rishi Sunak, the UK government will pay two thirds of salaries for employees who worked for firms that were forced to close due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Under the scheme, businesses across the UK whose premises are legally required to shut for some period over winter as part of local or national restrictions will receive grants to pay the wages of staff who cannot work, reports Xinhua news agency.

The government will support eligible businesses by paying two thirds of each employee’s salary, up to a maximum of 2,100 pounds a month, from November 1 and it will be available for six months.

“Throughout the crisis the driving force of our economic policy has not changed,” Sunak said, adding: “I have always said that we will do whatever is necessary to protect jobs and livelihoods as the situation evolves.”

In addition, the UK government is increasing the cash grants to businesses in England shut in local lockdowns to support with fixed costs.

-Top News COVID-19 UK News

Boris Unveils 3-Tier Covid Restrictions

The Liverpool City Region will be placed in the “very high” level from Wednesday, the Prime Minister said, adding that following talks with local leaders, gyms, leisure centres, betting shops and casinos will also close in the region…reports Asian Lite News

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has unveiled a new three-level Covid-19 alert system that will be implemented across England, with the levels being decided according to the infection rates.

“We must act to save lives,” Xinhua news agency quoted Johnson as saying while addressing while the House of Commons, or the Lower House of Parliament, on Monday evening.

“We cannot let the virus rip.”

The current set of rules are “complex to understand and enforce”, he said, so the new system is designed to “simplify and standardize” the curbs.

The alert system comprises three levels: “Medium”, “High” and “Very High”.

“Medium” includes the current restrictions already in place, including the Rule of Six and the 10 hospitality curfew, Johnson said.

Most areas currently under local restrictions will “automatically” enter this level, he said.

“High” level reflects the local lockdown rules that are in place in parts of England currently, which primarily prevents people from socializing with other households indoors, but the so-called “support bubbles” will still be permitted.

“Very High” level is for places where “transmission rates are rising most rapidly” and the National Health Service (NHS) “could soon be under unbearable pressure”.

This level will see venues such as bars and pubs closed unless they can operate as restaurants, while people are also banned from socializing with other households both indoors and in private gardens, with local residents being advised against travelling in and out of these areas.

Further restrictions on hospitality, leisure, entertainment, and personal care sector could follow, but retail and education will stay open, Johnson said.

The Liverpool City Region will be placed in the “very high” level from Wednesday, the Prime Minister said, adding that following talks with local leaders, gyms, leisure centres, betting shops and casinos will also close in the region.

Johnson added that the number of confirmed cases had quadrupled over the past three weeks and there were more people in hospital now with the virus than when the country went into lockdown in March.

On Monday, the UK reported 13,972 new cases, which increased the overall tally to 617,688, according to official figures. The death toll currently stood at 42,965.

Meanwhile, further restrictions for London may be announced within days as the number of coronavirus cases in the city hit more than 7,700 a week.

Explaining the government’s move, Johnson said that this is “not how we want to live our lives”, but is “the narrow path we have to tread between social and economic costs of a full lockdown and the massive human and indeed economic cost of an uncontained epidemic”.

For those who will be affected by the new measures, Johnson also set out relevant financial support plans.

For example, the government will provide about 1 billion pounds of new funding to local authorities across the UK on top of the 3.6 billion-pound Towns Fund.

Meanwhile, responding to the new Covid-19 tier system announced by the Boris Johnson, Labour leader Keir Starmer said that he was “deeply sceptical” that Johnson had a plan to “get control of the virus, to protect jobs or regain public trust.”

Sir Keir Starmer

“We have tried to give the prime minister the benefit of the doubt, but it increasingly feels like he is several steps behind the curve and running to catch up with a virus that he has lost control of long ago,” Sir Keir said.

 Leader of the Liberal Democrats Ed Davey said that the prime minister has failed the north of England and the whole country.

 “People across this country have endured terrible hardships over the past six months, losing loved ones, losing livelihoods and isolating from friends and family. That’s why people are so angry to see their hard work and sacrifices utterly wasted by the incompetence of Boris Johnson,” he said.

“The priority now has to be keeping people safe and ensuring no one is left behind, particularly in the north of England, which is bearing the brunt of the government’s shambles. Boris Johnson must get testing, tracing and isolating right, and provide proper economic support to save jobs and livelihoods. If the Government does not do more to help, it risks pushing millions of families into poverty.”

Businesses unhappy

Richard Burge, Chief Executive of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said: “Bringing in a simplified system to manage and understand Covid-19 restrictions makes sense in theory, but it must be accompanied by evidence that explains clearly why certain businesses and sectors are the target of increased restrictions.

“Businesses have proven throughout this crisis that they will put the health of their staff and customers first, but after their valiant attempts to trade through this challenging climate and keep people employed, as the tiers change, they deserve a specific explanation of why and how their sacrifice will lower transmission rates.

For example, many London businesses question the basis of the 10pm curfew, especially when we see scenes of masses of people packing into public transport at once after.

“In London, businesses will also still be pondering whether any changes will be delivered city-wide or more locally.”

-Top News UK News Uncategorized

Asian Lite Daily Digital – Boris Unveils 3-Tier Covid Restrictions

Boris Unveils 3-Tier Covid Restrictions; Sadiq Seeks Govt Action To Protect Rough Sleepers; Pandemic Disrupted Critical Mental Health Services; Asia-Pacific Group Retains Pakistan on ‘Enhanced Follow-Up’ list; Taiwan Sends Strong Message Against Chinese Expansionism – all in Asian Lite Daily Digital – please click here to read.

Arts & Culture Lite Blogs UK News

Hinduja Brothers emphasise on promotion of Culture and Heritage

Renu Gidoomal at Shaandaar Sindhi event

In continuation of highlighting the rich cultural diversity of India, Sanskruti Centre for Cultural Excellence organised “Shaandaar Sindhi” on the virtual platform recently, spotlighting incredible Sindhi performing arts, language promotion and cuisine.

Singer, Songwriter, Composer, Guitarist, Producer and MD of music & events company Atmasphere Renu Gidoomal kickstarted the high-spirited event with an invocation and presented Sindhi songs Nangda Nimani Da, Sindhi Abani Boli and climaxed with Mast Kalandar.

Hinduja brothers of the business conglomerate Hinduja group have all spoken passionately on the occasion. While Gopichand P Hinduja accentuated Sindhu civilisation, Sindhi heritage and culture, Prakash P Hinduja and Ashok P Hinduja have outlined Hinduja Foundations contributions to the social sectorand philanthropy.

Gopichand Hinduja at Sanskruti’s Shaandaar Sindhi event

Opening his message with “Jai Jhulelal”, GP Hinduja said “Dr. Ram Jawhrani, Dr. Nandakumara, Ragasudha Vinjamuri– thank you for allowing my brother AP and I to say a few words for this celebration of our Sindhi culture. Sindhiyat or the Sindhi culture is one of the oldest in the world dating back to the times of Sindhu civilisation or Indus valley civilisation. That our culture is the oldest and traces its roots to Vedic period, is a fact not known to many, including Sindhis themselves. Sindhu civilisation prospered around Sindhu Darya (Sindhu river leading to the sea), the backbone of the economy, we have had close affinity with water as we were sea travellers and merchants. That’s how the mercantile system (finance and trade) runs in our DNA”.  

Emphasising on the importance of preserving the identity, he said “For the survival of Sindhiyat, or Sindhi culture, three things must be passed on to our next generation – one, our language, two- our cuisine and three, our festivals and traditions. Because the main ingredients of any culture are its language, food and traditions. Jeko Chavando Jhulelal, Tehnja theenda Bedapaar!” Prakash P Hinduja reminisced of Sindhi programs he attended in South East Asia, the cruise organised by Sateesh Raisinghani in Spain and the Sammelans organised by American Sindhis, that brought Sindhi people together.

Prakash Hinduja at Sanskruti’s Shaandaar Sindhi event

He also hailed the Sindhis’ contribution in business and spiritual sector, including Brahma Kumaris and referred to Sindhi community leaders in Dubai and other places. Echoing the sentiments of his brothers, Ashok P Hinduja has emphasised on economic growth so that more charitable and cultural activities can be promoted.

Chairman of Global Sindhi Council and Sahyog Foundation Dr Ram Jawhrani spoke on what Sindhiyat means, and stressed on taking pride and celebrating Sindhi identity by preserving the unique Sindhi culture and restoring the lost Sindhi traditions among the young. Executive Director of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan London Dr M. Nandakumara exalted Sindhu civilisation, recited the Sanskrit poem that mentions Sindhu River, acknowledged the support of people of Sindhi community to Bhavan and recalled Sindhi language classes held on the premises by Chandroo Malkani.

Dr Ram Jawhrani speaking at Shaandaar Sindhi event

He stressed on identifying scholars and recording their works for posterity. Author of Shattered Sindh Scattered Sindhis and Co-Founder of Sindhi Association of UK Raj Daswani recounted the formation of SAUK and highlighted the Sindhi drama & theatre arts, mentioning his wife Geeta Daswani holds the distinction of the first lady to have participated in Sindhi drama in India.

Gulshan Makhija, Hero Parwani and Kishan Ramnani of Sindhu Sakha Sangam presented the beautiful Sindhi Bhagat performance, which added to the vibrancy of the event. Chair of Harrow Interfaith and recipient of 2009 Mayor’s Award for Service to the Community in Harrow  Sonoo Malkani presented some of the mouthwatering Sindhi dishes such as Pakwaan Daal, Sayee Bhajee and Besan Kadhee.

Bhagat Performance by Sindhu Sakha Sangam

The event was conceived and conducted by Ragasudha Vinjamuri, Founder of Sanskruti Centre, in collaboration with Sindhi Association of UK and supported by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, while technical support was rendered by Sushil Rapatwar. All have commended with one voice the efforts of Sanskruti Centre for organising this event.

Video of the programme is available at

-Top News Asia News UK News

Iraqi PM due in UK

The UK is part of a US-led international coalition tasked with helping the Iraqi security forces in the fight against the Islamic State militants…Reports Asian Lite News

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry has confirmed that Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi is expected to pay an official visit to the UK.

In a statement on Sunday, Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein said he received the British Ambassador to Iraq, Stephen Hickey, in his office and the two discussed al-Kadhimi’s visit, The Baghdad Post newspaper reported.

The statement however, did not provide any other detains, including the date of the visit.

“They also touched on developments of issues of common interests in the region and the world,” it said.

Hussein added the Iraqi government has taken security measures to provide a suitable environment for the work of all diplomatic missions in Baghdad.

Unidentified militant groups frequently fire mortar rounds on Iraqi military bases housing US-led coalition forces as well as the American embassy in Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone, where the main Iraqi government offices and some foreign embassies are located.

The UK is part of a US-led international coalition tasked with helping the Iraqi security forces in the fight against the Islamic State militants by carrying out airstrikes against their positions in Iraq and Syria as well as providing military equipment and training for Iraqi forces.

Also read:US to formally Pull out troops from Iraq

Also read:Covid 19: Iraq suspends Iran flights

-Top News COVID-19 UK News

Second nationwide lockdown likely in UK

A top UK scientist has said that a second nationwide lockdown was a possibility in the face of a worsening situation of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

In a BBC interview on Sunday, Peter Horby, chair of the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (Nervtag) and a government adviser, said the UK was at a “precarious point” as Covid-19 cases and hospital admissions have continued to increase.

He said the “critical mission” now was to protect the NHS to avoid non-essential hospital services being cancelled, as many were when the UK went into its first nationwide lockdown in March.

“We really need to provide care to everybody – those with Covid-19 and those without. The way to do that is to keep the numbers down,” the scientist said.

He warned that some hospitals in the north of England were already coming under pressure and it might not be long before intensive care beds fill up.

“I am afraid we are going to have to make some very difficult choices and act very quickly,” Horby told the BBC, adding that the country must accept more stringent measures to lower the virus transmission.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson

The scientist’s remarks came a day ahead of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s announcement to imposed tougher local restrictions in the wake of the spike in the number of fresh cases.

In a statement to MPs, Johnson will outline plans for a three-tier system, where each region in England will be placed into a tier based on the severity of the Covid-19 situation.

It is expected that parts of the north of England and the Midlands will be placed under tougher measures as part of the Prime Minister’s announcement, the BBC reported.

Liverpool, where there are currently 600 cases per 100,000 people, is expected to be placed under the most severe set of restrictions, with all the city’s pubs forced to close.

Pubs and restaurants across Scotland have shut for at least two weeks.

On Sunday, 12,872 new cases and 65 fatalities were reported in the UK, which increased the overall tally and death toll to 606,447 and 42,915, respectively.

India News Lite Blogs UK News

IIW Celebrates Hindi Diwas with Women Poets and Kids Show

Inspiring Indian Women (IIW) and Hindi Shiksha Parishad UK celebrated Hindi Diwas supported by High Commission of India UK. The event was attended by Mr Ravi Shankar Attache Political, Ms Shashi Mathur, Ms Sunitaa and Ms Parveen Rani.

14 th September marked the celebration of Hindi Diwas all over the world and London was no exception. IIW invited young children from all over England to participate. The program coordinated by Anita Nayyar was delivered via zoom and children from all over UK participated from within the comfort of their homes. The enthusiastic children demonstrated their Hindi skills through poems, bhajans (religious sons), Dohas (couplets) and songs.

Young Vivaan, Prithviraj Dalal, Pulkit, Swayam Dahiya Kapur, Mihir, Siddhant, Poonam Guha were some of the kids who added a special flavor to the evening.

The programme was a great success as parents and audience watched little British born Indian Kids making effort to learn and speak Hindi, trying to connect to the roots.

There was a question answer round too where in parents interacted with the teachers as well as the High Commission representative Mr Ravi Shankar to know whether there was any recognised exam conducted in UK to qualify Hindi Language course? There was a united appeal to do something about it.

The programme ended with mixed emotions of pride and happiness, of being connected with likeminded people. It infused the feeling of being in our native country and left many teary eyed.

Kavya Ras

IIW also organised an event “Kavya Ras” – Online Kavi Sammelan a first of its kind, presented by Darshana Shah who is a poet herself. IIW encouraged budding poets to come and recite on the platform which was much appreciated. A Stupendously successful fantabulous an all women poetry evening, was hosted by Darshana Shah with women poets from USA, Germany, Bahrain, India and of course UK!!! Marathi, Hindi, Gujarati, Sindhi, Tamil poems echoed the atmosphere too!! It was for the first time, women who wrote but never ever recited before or got busy in family responsibilities or never took it seriously got a platform to express!!!

Chief Guest was Jai Verma, Guest of Honours Ms Mini Narang, Special Guests Ms Indu Barot and Ms Manju Lodha!!!

 Special invitees -Mr Tejendar Sharma, Mr Tarun Kumar (Hindi Attaché) HCIUK, Mr Madhav. Turumella and the one and only Mr Ravi Sharma!!!  This show lasted for 3 hrs!!!

Some of the upcoming poets who participated were Pratibha Pandey, Dhalia Gosh, Vini Kalia, Bhavi Ram, Aditi Tiwari, Garima Kapoor, Medha Sharma Tyagi, Dharti Vasani , Rupali Ravi, Deepika Ganesh, Swati Saxena, Mita Joshi, Purva Joshi, Parin Somani, Sanskriti Sharan and Purvi Virani. Poetries recited were on various topics from life to longing for motherland to romance to love of a mother and loss of a father. Poetries were also recited about self-love and importance of giving time to your own self and how we forget about worldly things.

It was a mesmerising evening with all these topics which left the audience enchanted and even after three hours audience wanted more. Everyone stayed online and no one left despite some poets joining from different time zones.

This event was much appreciated and the motivation behind it was to give chance to upcoming women poets a platform where they can feel comfortable and recite their piece of art.

Suggestions were made to continue this kind of programme once a month.

-Top News EU News UK News

EU Settlement Scheme Gets More Than 4 Million Applications

The latest statistics also show that, of the more than 4 million applications across the UK, there have been nearly 3.7 million from England, 204,700 from Scotland, 67,200 from Wales and 66,300 from Northern Ireland up to the end of September 2020…reports Asian Lite News

Britain’s Home Secretary Priti Patel leaves 10 Downing Street after attending a cabinet meeting in London, Britain. (Photo by Alberto Pezzali/Xinhua/IANS)

The UK Home Office has announced that there have been more than four million applications to the EU Settlement Scheme, according to the latest published statistics.

This important milestone was reached with eight months still to go before the 30 June 2021 deadline. Nearly 3.8 million grants of status have also been made, securing millions of European’s rights in UK law for years to come.

The latest statistics also show that, of the more than 4 million applications across the UK, there have been nearly 3.7 million from England, 204,700 from Scotland, 67,200 from Wales and 66,300 from Northern Ireland up to the end of September 2020.

Minister for Future Borders and Immigration Kevin Foster said:

“European citizens are an integral part of our society, culture and community which is why I’m really proud we’ve already surpassed four million applications to the hugely successful EU Settlement Scheme.

“A wide range of support is available online and over the telephone if you need it and we are funding 72 organisations across the UK to help the more vulnerable in society.”

The EU Settlement Scheme has been fully open since 30 March 2019 and at its height Home Office caseworkers were regularly processing up to 20,000 applications a day. The highest number of applications processed in one month was in October 2019 when there were more than 400,000 grants of status.


28 August 2018 – EU Settlement Scheme first tested with a small number of NHS staff

1 November 2018 – Launch of second phase of testing

30 March 2019 – EU Settlement Scheme fully opened

15 August 2019 – One million applications

9 October 2019 – Two million applications

6 February 2020 – Three million applications

8 October 2020 – Four million applications

The Home Office also has a dedicated team of more than 1,500 people working on the EU Settlement Scheme with support provided seven days a week by telephone and by email.

The EU Settlement Scheme uses cutting edge technology and launched the EU Exit: ID Document Check app which allows people to apply from the comfort of their own home in as little as 15 minutes.

The Home Office has also made up to £17 million available to organisations across the UK who support the more vulnerable in society. The number of organisations funded has increased from 57 to 72 and includes charities, local authorities and local government associations.

EUSS Team Manager of Newport Mind Association in Wales Tom Finney said:

“We’re pleased to confirm that with Home Office funding we will now be able to provide practical EU Settlement Scheme support to vulnerable EU citizens throughout the whole of Wales.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Chancellor Rishi Sunak join Gemma Connell from the Royal Squadron at RAF Northolt in her 24 hour cycle Challenge to raise money for Great Ormond Street 10 Downing Street. Picture by Andrew Parsons / No 10 Downing Street

“We’ve already broken-down barriers and reached out to more than 10,000 vulnerable EU citizens living in Wales and we are determined to build on that success.”

Deputy CEO at Advice NI in Northern Ireland Fiona Magee said:

“Advice NI has already helped more than 20,000 people in Northern Ireland to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme and the Home Office funding will allow us to continue this important work with the more vulnerable in society including the elderly, isolated or those who lack IT literacy skills.”

Chief of Mission at International Organization for Migration Dipti Pardeshi said:

“To date, the IOM UK led project has provided EUSS support to over 25,000 individuals in vulnerable situations. People who have been supported include children in care, people who are homeless or rough sleeping, survivors of modern slavery and domestic abuse, as well as people living with disabilities, or facing language, literacy or economic barriers.

“We have been working closely with Local Authorities and our model has expanded the ability to reach out to at-risk migrants. The new Home Office funding will help us to continue such vital work to ensure that no one is left behind”.

Additional support is available for those who do not have the appropriate access, skills or confidence to apply online.

The Home Office has also run two bursts of marketing campaigns, spending £4 million across the UK to encourage EU citizens to apply.

To raise awareness of the scheme at a local level, the Home Office held a series of pop-up events across the UK where staff answered questions and helped people to apply in person, with more planned in 2020.

Communication materials have also been translated into 26 EU languages including Polish, Romanian and Italian.

-Top News UK News

‘Evidence of collusion between Huawei, Chinese state’, UK MPs allege

The accusations in the new report have the potential to increase suspicions surrounding the company’s operations….Reports Asian Lite News

There is clear evidence of collusion between Huawei and the Chinese state, a UK parliamentary inquiry concluded in its report on Thursday.

The designation of Huawei as a “high-risk vendor” by the UK government is “appropriate and completely justified” with the correct steps being taken to remove it from the UK’s 5G, said the Defence Committee of the House of Commons.

During the course of the inquiry the UK government announced that Huawei technology will be removed from the UK’s 5G network by 2027.

However, the committee noted that developments could necessitate this date being moved forward, potentially to 2025.

The government should take necessary steps to minimise the delay and economic damage and consider providing compensation to operators if the 2027 deadline is moved forward, it suggested.

Huawei, however said that “this report lacks credibility as it is built on opinion rather than fact”, the BBC reported.

“We’re sure people will see through these accusations of collusion and remember instead what Huawei has delivered for Britain over the past 20 years,” a spokesman for the company was quoted as saying.

However, the accusations in the new report have the potential to increase suspicions surrounding the company’s operations.

The report, however, said that Huawei has been, and continues to be, “sufficiently distanced from sensitive defence and national security sites.”

“Protecting the public and preserving our nation’s security are amongst the principle responsibilities of Government. The decision to embed a technology that compromises this would constitute a gross dereliction of these duties,” Chair of the Defence Committee, Tobias Ellwood, said in a statement.

The West must urgently unite to advance a counterweight to China’s tech dominance, said the report.

The committee consulted a number of technical experts on 5G networks, telecom industry insiders and and academics for the inquiry.

Executives from Huawei were not asked to testify, although they appeared before a separate UK parliament committee in July.

Also read:Covid-19: Nearly 16K cases missed in UK daily figures