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British High Commissioner visits Balochistan

Secretary Liz Truss pledged £97 million of additional funds to help Afghanistan this winter…reports Asian Lite News

British High Commissioner Dr Christian Turner visited the Chaman border to see at first-hand how the UK and Pakistan are working together to help the people of Afghanistan.

According to an official statement, Turner was briefed by Pakistani officials on the border processes and how authorities are working with the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in this regard.

“It was part of a wider visit to Balochistan, during which he met the Chief Minister of Balochistan, Abdul Quddus Bizenjo, and discussed how the issues in Afghanistan are affecting the province,” it added.

The communique further said the two sides also discussed the wider security situation in the area and the protection of human rights.

“During his two-day trip, the High Commissioner also met Commander 12 Corps, Lieutenant General Sarfraz and gave a keynote speech at the Quetta Staff and Command College.”

Turner said, “It’s very important for the UK to understand the issues facing Balochistan. During my visit to the Chaman border, I saw how the UK is working to help the people of Afghanistan, and that this is vital for the stability of the whole region.”

Last week, UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss pledged £97 million of additional funds to help Afghanistan this winter.

The statement added that the funding will provide over 2.7 million people with food, health services, and water amid a worsening crisis.

“The allocation of vital support means the UK has now delivered on its promise to double UK aid to Afghanistan, with £286 million committed this financial year.”

It added “the aid will “support over 60 hospitals, provide health services for over 300,000 people, ensure 4.47 million people get emergency food assistance through the World Food Programme, and provide 6.1 million people with emergency health, water, protection, shelter, food, and education support through the UN Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund.”

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New Baloch insurgent group a real headache for Pakistan

Balochistan has become a major challenge for Pakistani security forces as various separatist groups, who demand independence from the central government of the country…reports Asian Lite News

Pakistans Balochistan province has seen a major surge of targeted terror attacks on security check posts, security camps, located at sensitive districts. A newly-formed group Balochistan Nationalist Army (BNA), which is fast becoming a major opponent to Pakistans security forces operating in the province, has claimed the fresh wave of attacks.

BNA, a merged organisation of United Baloch Army (UBA) and the Balochistan Republican Army (BRA) established about a month ago, has started to make its strong presence be felt severely as it has targeted important security check posts and camps of the Pakistani armed forces, claiming lives of soldiers and showcasing it capability of carrying out parallel targeted attacks.

In a latest of such attacks, armed assailants targeted two security posts in Panjgur district of Balochistan.

As per Pakistan’s Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the attack was successfully foiled while the attackers were neutralized with heavy casualties inflicted to the terrorists.

The attack triggered an hours-long gun battle between the attacks and the security forces, resulting in killing of at least four attacks and one Pakistani soldier.

Few hours after the attack, BNA terrorists tried to enter into security camp in the Naushki district of Balochistan province, engaging the security forces in a heavy exchange of fire. According to the Pakistan military, this attack was also foiled; killing at least four attackers while one Pakistani soldier was wounded.

The latest attacks come about a week after at least 10 Pakistani soldiers were killed in a attack on a security post in Kech town of Balochistan province.

Kech has been among the main sites of armed rebellion groups, where Pakistan has been carrying out Intelligence Based Operation (IBO) and fighting against separatist groups.

Balochistan has become a major challenge for Pakistani security forces as various separatist groups, who demand independence from the central government of the country, have vowed to fight against what they called occupation of the Pakistani forces.

On the other hand, Pakistan maintains that these rebel groups have been repressed and their armed uprising has been quashed. Pakistan has maintained that many revel groups like the BNA, are supported by Iran and India, who use them as mercenaries to spread chaos in the country.

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Pak Army Chief visits Balochistan amid tensions

Gen Bajwa said that the Pakistani army would make all-out efforts to assist the provincial government achieve peace and prosperity….reports Asian Lite News

Pakistan’s Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa paid a visit to a city in southern Balochistan amid the worrying security situation in the province.

Bajwa’s visit to Turbat comes a few days after ten Pakistani soldiers got killed in a terrorist attack at a security force check-post in Balochistan’s Kech district.

During his visit, Bajwa was given a comprehensive briefing at the FC Balochistan headquarters on the prevailing security situation in the area and Pakistan-Iran border fencing, the Dawn newspaper reported citing the country’s military media wing.

Gen Bajwa said that the Pakistani army would make all-out efforts to assist the provincial government achieve peace and prosperity.

Pak COAS also visited Kech district, where he said that terrorists would be brought to justice. Security, stability, and prosperity of Balochistan would be pursued and ensured at all cost, he added.

The recent surge in the insurgency in Balochistan and elsewhere in Pakistan has been a cause of concern, most of which is credited to the revival of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

Experts familiar with the region say that TTP’s resurgence has a direct link with the Taliban taking power in Afghanistan.

In an editorial published on Saturday, a Pakistan daily had warned against the use of lethal force “to deal with Balochistan’s insurgency”.

It said that there is a lack of sincerity on part of the government in the approach towards Balochistan. (ANI)

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10 Pakistani soldiers killed in Baloch checkpost attack

During the intense exchange of fire, one terrorist was killed and several injured. While repulsing terrorists’ fire raid, 10 soldiers were killed, said the ISPR statement….reports Asian Lite News

Ten Pakistani soldiers were killed after militants attacked a security forces’ checkpost in Balochistan’s Kech district, the military’s media wing said.

According to a statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the “fire raid” by militants occurred on the night of January 25-26, Dawn news reported.

During the intense exchange of fire, one terrorist was killed and several injured. While repulsing terrorists’ fire raid, 10 soldiers were killed, said the ISPR statement.

It added that three terrorists were apprehended in the follow-up clearance operation, which it said was still in progress to hunt down the perpetrators of the incident.

“The armed forces are determined to eliminate terrorists from our soil no matter what the cost,” the ISPR statement said.

Earlier this month, a soldier was killed after terrorists attacked a military post in Bannu’s Janikhel.

On January 5, two soldiers were killed and as many terrorists killed in two separate intelligence-based operations (IBOs) conducted by security forces in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Last month, four soldiers of the Pakistan Army were killed in an exchange of fire with terrorists during an IBO in the Mir Ali area of North Waziristan tribal district.

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Gwadar protests put Imran on hooks

Haq Do Tehreek leader Rehman said that this time the protesters would not negotiate with the chief minister or the chief secretary, but with the Pakistan Prime Minister and the Army chief….reports Asian Lite News

Illegal fishing has now resumed in Gwadar, Pakistan, and citizens continue to face humiliation and harassment at check-points, the Friday Times reported.

It has been a month since the sit-in in Gwadar against illegal fishing and other local issues ended after assurances from the Balochistan government that had claimed to have accepted all the demands of Haq Do Tehreek (HDT).

But HDT leader Maulana Hidayat-ur-Rehman said that the provincial government has failed to implement the agreements and demands made by the HDT movement, and vowed to resume the sit-in at Dharna Chowk in Gwadar on March 1.

Rehman addressed a press conference earlier this week. Surrounded by hundreds of supporters, he said that this time the protesters would not negotiate with the chief minister or the chief secretary, but with the Pakistan Prime Minister and the Army chief.

The original agreement, which was written on December 16, was signed by HDT on the provision that the government would comply with the movement’s demands within a month. However, as the HDT leader claimed, the government has ‘failed to implement its promises’ and is ‘not serious about resolving the issues’.

At the time, several individuals in the movement had criticised the agreement, saying that the 31-day sit in had been ended on the basis of ‘promises’, rather than action.

Rehman outlined the various ailments still plaguing Balochistan. He claimed that drug dens are still in operation and alcohol and drugs are being sold in every ward of Gwadar.

Despite Balochistan Chief Minister Mir Abdul Qaddos Bizenjo’s visit to Markan, illegal trawling is still occurring along the coast, said Rehman, demanding that fisheries advisor Akbar Askani be dismissed for failing to curb illegal fishing.

Protests at Gwadar Pic credits ANI

The Maulana also said that the CM had announced a package for fishermen, which has not yet been delivered.

He railed that when Gwadar has been declared a disaster area, the district’s administration is content to supply victims with just 1 kg of flour and 1 lt of cooking oil, the report said.

He said that the people of Makran are not satisfied with the performance of the Balochistan government.

Further sit-ins have been scheduled across Makran, starting January 20 and throughout the month of February.

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Baloch groups unite to take on Pak forces

Numerous nationalist organisations in Balochistan have taken to arms against the Pakistan government, military and intelligence agencies….writes Rahul Kumar

Two Baloch nationalist organisations, the Baloch Republican Army (BRA) and the United Baloch Army (UBA) announced their dissolution and the formation of a new organisation the Baloch Nationalist Army (BNA).

In a news article on Tuesday, The Balochistan Post reported that BRA spokesman Beebagr Baloch and UBA spokesman Mureed Baloch announced in a joint statement that the councils of the two organisations met in Balochistan to discuss the political situation in the province and how to take forward their resistance against the Pakistani forces.

Mureed Baloch will be the official spokesperson of the merged group and the new outfit will continue to be a part of the Baloch Raaji Aajoi Sangar (BRAS). The Central Command Council of the BNA will organise and plan the resistance to Pakistani forces.

Geo-political analyst Mark Kinra told India Narrative: “Since its formation in 2018, the BRAS has been in the limelight for its attacks on Pakistani forces and Chinese investments. Formed by Allah Nazar Baloch, it is an umbrella organization which initially comprised many groups. Now Beebagr Baloch and Mureed Baloch have merged their groups to make BNA within the umbrella organization BRAS”.

The joint statement said that the new organisation, Baloch Nationalist Army, has been formed after dissolving the BRA and UBA and will now “expand the national resistance and will unite Baloch forces against the fascism of the Pakistani military”.

Pakistan rushes more troops to Balochistan as rights movement spreads wings.(Photo:IN)

Kinra adds: “The coming together of these groups makes BRAS a unified armed Baloch nationalist organisation today, representing almost all nationalist Baloch armed factions from Balochistan. With the coming together of these groups, they can share weapons, intelligence and even safe havens to conduct operations against Pakistani security forces and Chinese nationals working on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects in a more effective manner”.

The Baloch people claim that their region was an independent nation in 1947 as it had been granted freedom by the British government. They claim that Pakistan sent its troops and forcibly annexed it, ignoring the resolution passed by the Baloch legislative assembly.

Numerous nationalist organisations in Balochistan have taken to arms against the Pakistan government, military and intelligence agencies.

Data analysed by the South Asia Terrorism Portal (SATP), says that overall fatalities in Balochistan have increased from 215 in 2020 to 311 in 2021, up by 44.65 per cent. This shows a rising trend that Baloch nationalists have been successful in intensifying their attacks against the Pakistani forces.

The region had recently witnessed a mass agitation against poor development, and lack of basic facilities like water and power as well as the depletion of opportunities for fishermen.

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Imran under pressure as Gwadar protests gain momentum

The Gwadar protests have spread across the entire coastal belt of Balochistan, taking the Pakistani government by surprise, reports Rahul Kumar

As the protests in the Gwadar port city garner the attention of the international media, the Imran Khan government is coming under pressure from political parties.

Samiullah Khan, member of the Punjab assembly from the Pakistan Muslim League (N), (PML-N) has submitted a resolution in the assembly urging Islamabad to accept the demands of the Gwadar protestors without delay.

Pashtuns in Balochistan in revolt against Islamabad as ethnic nationalism in Pakistan soars.(photo:IN)

Geopolitical analyst Mark Kinra analysed the situation for India Narrative: “The Gwadar protests are taking a political turn as Baloch issues are being raised in the Punjab provincial assembly. A PML (N) party member has raised the issue of rights for Gwadar people in the Punjab Assembly. The PML (N) is the opposition party in Balochistan assembly while Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) is a coalition partner with the ruling Balochistan Awami Party (BAP)”.

Kinra adds that as the PML (N) is in competition with the Imran Khan government over the upcoming general elections, taking up human rights issues of Baloch people in the Punjab Assembly could simply be pure politics than real sympathy for Baloch people.

Samiullah Khan’s resolution says that even women and children have taken to the streets for their just demands. “Gwadar played an important role in the progress of the country and ignoring its residents would not be wise on the part of the government…”, the resolution says.

Pakistan rushes more troops to Balochistan as rights movement spreads wings.(Photo:IN)

The Gwadar protests have spread across the entire coastal belt of Balochistan, taking the Pakistani government by surprise. The Baloch people have been demanding basic rights such as water, power, creation of livelihoods, removal of security posts and access to the sea for Baloch fishermen.

The people have raised issues like providing education, curbing drugs and liquor and improving health facilities for the people.

The protests in Gwadar are strategically important for Pakistan to resolve as the city is a base for China’s multipurpose port, which is a part of the all-important China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

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ALSO READ: INTERVIEW: ‘Baloch People Angry With CPEC, Pak Govt’


INTERVIEW: ‘Baloch People Angry With CPEC, Pak Govt’

Baloch people feel that CPEC activities have robbed them of their dignity in their own land and are annoyed with their own government, reports Rahul Kumar

People in Balochistan resent the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) for degrading their lives in their own country. They feel that CPEC activities have robbed them of their dignity in their own land.

India Narrative spoke with Hassan Murad Bakhsh, Jamaat-i-Islami’s (JI) follower and team member of Maulana Hidayat-ur-Rehman Baloch-the man leading a powerful civil rights movement for the Baloch people against the Pakistan government.

Bakhsh says: “When we go out to the sea, we cannot return home because the Chinese VIP movement is happening. Imagine that we spend eight hours working at the sea and then we are blocked because some Chinese engineer is moving about. Even if it is a Chinese cook, we have to wait on the roads for hours together. The situation is so bad that we cannot even take a patient to the hospital if the coastal highway is blocked by the security forces”.

Hassan Murad Bakhsh (Photo: India Narrative)

He clarifies that they are not really bothered about China because it is an alien country. “China na hamara mulk hai, na hame China se shikayat hai (neither is China our country, nor do we have complaints against China). China is doing what it wants to do”, says Bakhsh. In the same breath he makes it clear that the Baloch people are annoyed with their own country Pakistan and with their own government.

Bakhsh says that the protestors are at odds with the government because it does not allow them to work. “Our government does not allow us to earn our own living. We cannot go to the border to trade and we cannot go for fishing activities in the sea. We do not have water and power”, says Bakhsh.

He adds: “We are angry with our government. We are angry with the check-posts, we are angry with our bureaucrats. We have restrictions on our movement and we cannot go out of our homes. We cannot go anywhere”.

Free Baloch Movement leader refutes Beijing statement on Gwadar protests as ‘fake news’. (Photo: India Narrative)

Right now, the all-important port city of Gwadar is witnessing sustained protests under the banner of ‘Gwadar ko haq do’, ‘Give rights to Gwadar’ movement which have continued non-stop for the past 19 days. The Baloch people have been meticulously organised in their protest which has drawn the attention of the international media as also the Chinese foreign ministry.

Earlier this week, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian had termed Gwadar port city protests as “fake news” being carried by the international media with a view to damage relations between China and Pakistan.

However, flying in the face of Chinese assertions, Maulana Baloch has made Gwadar a hotspot of community mobilisation and resistance with daily agitations.

Explaining why the protests have drawn so many people including women and children, Bakhsh says: “Yeh, awaam ke dil ki aawaz hai (this protest is a reflection of the voice of the masses)”.

He explains further: “Maulana Baloch first took up the cause of the Baloch people on August 19, when he launched his protest from Surbandar and Ras Kappar regions of Balochistan for basic necessities. He was the only leader to have raised the demands for basic rights of the people at that time”.

Pakistan rushes more troops to Balochistan as rights movement spreads wings.(Photo: India Narrative)

Now, the protests have spread across the entire coastal belt of Balochistan, including important towns and ports-Jiwani, Pasni, Ormara, Kech, Turbat and others.

The charter of demands shared by the protestors include basic rights like water and power, access to fishing in the Arabian Sea, opening up the border with Iran and removal of Pakistani security check posts. Besides these, closure of liquor shops, curbing drugs and other illegal activities also fares in the list of demands.

With the government sending another 5,500 troops, Bakhsh says laughingly: “Let them come. We will offer them halwa (sweets)”.

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Pashtun revolt against Pakistan peaks in Balochistan

Over the past few weeks, Balochistan has been riven by protests by unsettled communities and groups putting a harsh light on ham handedness by Pakistani security forces. ..writes Rahul Kumar

The Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) held a protest rally of thousands of people in Balochistan capital Quetta against the imprisonment of its leaders-Ali Wazir and Muhammad Hanif besides putting other civil demands.

PTM leader Ali Wazir, who has been under arrest for 11 months, is Member of Parliament from South Waziristan.

The PTM rally also asked the government to take back the ‘Criminal law Ordinance’-by the Balochistan assembly that bans protests in the province. Under the ‘Criminal Law Balochistan Amendment Ordinance’, the government can arrest anyone without warrant for three to six months and impose a fine of Rs 10,000. The ordinance has come into immediate effect.

Significantly, PTM Chief Manzoor Pashteen who addressed the rally also said that Pashtun soldiers in the Pakistani Army and paramilitary forces should not battle Baloch nationalists, reports The Balochistan Post.

The PTM demanded removal of checkpoints, opening up of the Chaman border with Afghanistan, releasing missing persons and ending emergency rule in the region.

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It also sought the release of activists Mohib Wazir and Said Rasul, who were arrested for raising their voice against oppression of Pashtuns by Pakistani forces. The leaders also want an end to checkpoints in South Waziristan near the Durand line that separates Pakistan from Afghanistan.

Historically, the Pashtuns have not observed the border as they claim it has divided their community into two countries and has split families.

Over the past few weeks, Balochistan has been riven by protests by unsettled communities and groups putting a harsh light on ham handedness by Pakistani security forces.

For nearly three weeks, students of the Balochistan University have been on a strike in Quetta demanding that Pakistani forces release two students allegedly kidnapped from their hostel by Pakistani forces. The students have boycotted their classes and examinations while continuing their sit-in at the university campus.

Many of the PTM’s demands echo those by Baloch nationalist leaders who have been leading both civil and violent movements against Islamabad.

Baloch protestors in the port city of Gwadar have blocked roads for a fortnight demanding social development, opening up the Iran border, reducing security checkpoints, improving livelihoods and providing water and electricity to the local people.

Towns and cities on the entire Makran coastline have joined the agitation demanding more facilities for the Baloch people. They have also threatened to close China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) facilities if their demands are not met as many Baloch feel that the economic benefits due from the mega project have not percolated to the local people.

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Sit-in at Gwadar against unnecessary check posts

Protesters demand removals of all unnecessary checkpoints and stopping deep-sea trawlers from fishing in the area because it was causing huge losses to the local fishermen….reports Asian Lite News

Thousands of people have been protesting and staged a sit-in against the unnecessary check posts and fishing trawlers in Gwadar district of Balochistan province.

According to Express Tribune, the sit-in has entered the third day on Saturday. The protest was started by locals by Maulana Hidayat-ur-Rehman, Provincial General Secretary of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Balochistan.

They demand removals of all unnecessary checkpoints and stopping deep-sea trawlers from fishing in the area because it was causing huge losses to the local fishermen.

A delegation sent by Jam Kamal Khan Aylani, Chief Minister of Pakistan’s Balochistan province returned empty-handed as the protesters refused to end their protest.

The protestors have announced that the sit-in will continue till the government resolves these issues.

In August, hundreds of people in Pakistan’s Gwadar staged a demonstration against illegal fishing by Chinese trawlers.

In 2015, China announced the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project in Pakistan worth USD 46 billion, of which Balochistan is an integral part.

It would link Pakistan’s southern Gwadar port in Balochistan on the Arabian Sea to China’s western Xinjiang region. It also includes plans to create road, rail and oil pipeline links to improve connectivity between China and the Middle East.

The Balochs opposed China’s increasing involvement in the province.

The CPEC has not benefited the people of Balochistan while people of other provinces enjoy the fruits of the mega project. This has led to widespread protests as the Chinese are viewed as encroachers who are squeezing out all the wealth from the region. (ANI)

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