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What will it take for you to help save Balochs from genocide?

It has been more than 4,790 days since the Baloch missing person’s families have been protesting in Quetta at the hunger strike camp demanding information from the government about their loved ones who have gone missing….writes DR AMJAD AYUB MIRZA

I sit down to write this article with a very heavy heart. On October 14, a total of 500 dead and mutilated bodies were found on the roof top and in the morgue of Nishtar Teaching Hospital in Multan city in Pakistan.

The corpses had their chests surgically opened and internal organs removed. Some of the dead bodies seemed to be laying in the open for quite some time since they had been reduced to mere skeletons while other seemed fresh.

What was shacking was that some of the dead bodies had still got their clothes on, and guess what, the dresses were of Baloch pattern. It has been more than 4,790 days since the Baloch missing person’s families have been protesting in Quetta at the hunger strike camp demanding information from the government about their loved ones who have gonemissing. Now we might know where those sons and husbands and mothers and daughters might have ended up.

Over 14,000 persons missing in Balochistan and the count is rising each day

It is widely believed that the Baloch people hail from the Iranian plateau. In his research work Naseer Dashti informs us that “nearly 3,000 years ago, a multitude of tribes left their abodes in Central Asia and moved towards west, south, and southeast directions”.

These tribes were pastoralist nomads who later settled in the south and eastern fringes of Iranian plateau. Originally called the Balashchik they became Baloch. And the name of the region they finally settled in became known as Balochistan. Meaning the country of the Baloch.

Dashti’s research, based on extensive enquiry in classic manuscripts and references, concludes that the Baloch “created a nation state (Balochistan) that lasted for nearly 300 years as an independent state, (until it) vanished from the map of the world when it was occupied by Pakistan in 1948”.

The Baloch have been fighting to rid themselves of foreign occupation from the time of the Persian empire to that of the British and more recently Pakistan. During the British Raj in 1839 the British occupied the territory of Kalat and Balochistan was divided into several administrative regions. Dashti claims that “in the context of the ‘Great Game’, the British, under various boundary commissions, granted western and northwestern regions of Balochistan to Persia and Afghanistan”.

However, the Baloch people never accepted the division of their land and rose in revolt time and again. During the early decades of the twentieth century the Baloch resistance was crushed jointly by the British, Afghans and the Persians.

Since the early twentieth century the Baloch have formed several political organisations to fight against the illegaloccupation of their home land. From the formation of Anjuman-e-Itehad-Wa Balochistan in the early 1900s to the establishment of Kalat State National Party in 1937, to the growth of several armed struggles since 1948 such as the Baloch Liberation Army, Baloch Liberation Front, UnitedRepublican Guards to BRAS, a coalition the Baloch militant organisation, they have continued with their tradition to fight for the freedom of the native soil from usurpers and colonialist.

The India Independence Act of 1947 granted freedom to all the 560 plus princely states which had agreements with the British Indian government and the Crown. Balochistan became a self-governing state once again. However, on March 28, 1948 Pakistan sent its troops and forcefully annexed Balochistan.

Ever since the Baloch have risen at least five times to fight the Pakistani occupying army but this time the fight is proving to be the most determined and with gruesome consequences.

Dozens of desecrated bodies found on hospital’s roof in Multan

Pakistan continues to conduct military operations in Balochistan under the pretext of chasing terrorists while in actuality Pakistan army is targeting those who are against the occupation and are joining the resistance.

Over 15,000 Baloch have so far been reported missing. The government of Pakistan claims that they have escaped to Iran and Afghanistan to seek asylum. But now we know where these innocent Baloch people are actually ending up.

The current oppression conducted by the Pakistan army and the nation state is different from the previous ones. The state and army of Pakistan is conducting systematic genocide and the evidence that has surfaced on pervious occasionsregarding mass graves in TuTak, Panjgor and other parts of occupied Balochistan as well as the recent 500 dead Baloch bodies recovered from Nishtar Hospital are testimony to the ongoing genocide.

The question is what has to happened to make it stop? Firstly, on a national level the Supreme Court of Pakistan should take a Suo Moto notice, DNA tests of all the dead should be conducted before they are buried, the Medical Superintendent of Nishtar Hospital should be arrested, an investigation into the role of the Multan Corps Commander Lt. Gen. Akhtar Nawaz Sati should be investigated and the Chief Minister of Punjab (current and previous ones) should be made accountable.

Secondly, internationally the International Court of Justiceshould take notice of such a heinous war crime and launch an enquiry and the UN Human Rights Council should form a committee to investigate the genocidal massacre of the Baloch people.

The Baloch people are rightfully asking why the world bodies are silent on the genocide of their people when they were swift in reacting to the genocide of Tutsi minority ethnic group in Rwanda in 1994 and the ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Bosnia between 1992 and 1995.

Since Balochistan is the gateway for China’s Pakistan-China-Economic-Corridor, the role of China in the ongoing killing of the Baloch people cannot be ignored and must be looked into.

With tears rolling down my face I ask the world community this question: what will it take for you to help save the innocent Baloch people from the ongoing genocide?

( is an author and a human rights activist from Mirpur in PoJK. He currently lives in exile in the UK.)

ALSO READ: Former Balochistan chief justice gunned down in Pakistan

ALSO READ: Balochistan on alert over possible TTP attacks

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Pak Army targets Balochs opposing CPEC

The BLA claimed to have killed 100 Pakistani soldiers in the February attacks, even though the Pakistan army maintained that only ten of its men had died…reports Asian Lite News

The Pakistani Army is using jihadist assets to target separatist groups in Balochistan who have been opposing the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) for exploiting the province’s resources and denying locals any share.

However, the recent killing of three Chinese workers in the Karachi minibus attack is not coincidental and is a part of Balochistan Liberation Army’s (BLA) wider aim of fighting a war of independence for the province.

Three Chinese nationals and a Pakistani van driver lost their lives in a car explosion carried by a 31-year old female suicide bomber associated with the BLA inside the premises of the Karachi University of Pakistan on April 26.

In an article published on UK-based media, Kunwar Khuldune Shahid, Pakistan-based correspondent for The Diplomat, wrote that China is calling the shots when it comes to the corridor and it has also colluded with the Pakistani army to exploit the resources of Balochistan.

The Chinese language centre which was targeted by BLA was a ‘symbol of Chinese economic, cultural and political expansionism’.

The BLA has been resisting the Chinese linkages with Pakistan and the Karachi minibus attack is not new. Earlier, the BLA also targeted and killed Chinese workers employed in the mining and shipping industries in Balochistan.

The rift between the BLA and the Pakistani army is another bone of contention. The BLA launched its deadliest spate of attacks in Balochistan’s Panjgur and Noshki districts this February, intending to coincide with the then prime minister Imran Khan’s trip to China.

The BLA claimed to have killed 100 Pakistani soldiers in the February attacks, even though the Pakistan army maintained that only ten of its men had died, with 20 BLA members killed in the military operation, as per the UK-based media outlet.

The situation is inflamed by China’s treatment of its own Muslim citizens in the Xinjiang region in China. Many Islamists have been motivated by the persecution of Uyghur Muslims to open another front against Beijing, with jihadist groups like the Pakistani Taliban also targeting China. (ANI)

ALSO READ: Delimitation Commission loses an opportunity to counter Pakistan

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Probe on into enforced disappearances of Balochs

IHC Chief Justice Athar Minallah said that ethnic profiling cannot be accepted and courts would not turn a blind eye to human rights violations…reports Asian Lite News

The Islamabad High Court (IHC) has decided to form a commission to probe the allegation of ethnic profiling involving Baloch students in the country and to investigate enforced disappearances, the media reported.

The court on Thursday ordered the Home Secretary to put in place a mechanism to redress complaints from Baloch students, Samaa TV reported.

IHC Chief Justice Athar Minallah said that ethnic profiling cannot be accepted and courts would not turn a blind eye to human rights violations, Samaa TV reported.

He criticised the present government — which recently took charge — and reminded the ministers that they must walk the talk on the issues they used to highlight while in opposition.

Islamabad High Court.

“Were not they going to the families of missing persons until yesterday,” he asked.

In a democratic society, it is the responsibility of the political leadership to resolve such issues, Minallah said.

These real issues have been overlooked by successive political leaders of the country, Minallah said, adding that ethnic profiling was happening.

The chief justice demanded the names for the commission members and told the Home Secretary to come up with a redressal mechanism.

He also ordered the Home Secretary to to visit the ancestral towns of Bloch students and address their concerns.

In another case, Minallah directed the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Director General and Islamabad Inspector General of Police to not harass journalist Arshad Sharif.

He has summoned both the officials before his court on Friday. Sharif’s counsel filed a petition before the court on Thursday, saying that on the previous night the journalist had instructed him to approach the court before he lost contact with him.

Social media users claimed that people in plainclothes raided Sharif’s house at 1:30 am on Thursday, though no one was arrested.

ALSO READ: Balochs set up govt in exile