-Top News UAE News World News

UAE, Brazil celebrate 50 years of diplomatic ties

Brazil established its Embassy in Abu Dhabi in 1978, and the UAE opened its first Latin American Embassy in Brasília in 1991…reports Asian Lite news

The United Arab Emirates and the Federative Republic of Brazil have issued a joint statement to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of their diplomatic relations.

Below is the full text of the statement:

“The Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Brazil and the United Arab Emirates are pleased to mark 50 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Established on 10th June, 1974, these ties have evolved into a robust strategic partnership across political, economic and cultural fields.

Brazil established its Embassy in Abu Dhabi in 1978, and the UAE opened its first Latin American Embassy in Brasília in 1991. This diplomatic presence was further expanded with the establishment of the Emirati consulate in São Paulo in 2017.​

The strength of the bilateral relationship is evident in the frequency of high-level official visits. In 2023, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva visited the UAE twice. In April, he met with the UAE President, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Following this, in December 2023, the Brazilian President participated in COP28 in Dubai.

The strategic partnership between the UAE and Brazil facilitates extensive governmental and investment cooperation, encompassing diverse sectors such as technology, tourism, culture, space, trade, and renewable energy. This alignment extends beyond bilateral frameworks, promoting joint initiatives in third countries.

The economic relations between the two countries are characterized by a high level of mutual investments and significant trade flows. The UAE is Brazil’s second-largest trade partner in the Middle East. In 2023, bilateral trade surpassed US$4.3 billion.

In the climate field, joint cooperation between Brazil and the UAE aims to ensure a seamless transition from COP28 to COP30, which will take place in Belém in 2025. During COP28, the UAE and Brazil collaborated closely, culminating in the adoption of the significant UAE Consensus agreement, which was endorsed by 198 participating nations.

In addition, both nations share a commitment to promote a more prosperous and equitable world where peace, tolerance, coexistence, inclusiveness, and sustainable development prevail.

As the two countries celebrate this milestone, Brazil and the UAE recommit to further strengthen their strategic ties and cooperation that will yield growth, prosperity and mutual benefits for the next 50 years and beyond.”

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-Top News Environment World News

‘Last 6 months saw worst Amazon wildfires in 2 decades’

This surge in wildfires presents a challenge for President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s administration, as the number of fires rises despite a decline in deforestation….reports Asian Lite News

The Brazilian Amazon recorded 13,489 wildfires in the first half of this year, the worst figure in 20 years, according to satellite data released Monday, media reported.

This marks a 61 percent increase from the 8,344 fires detected during the same period last year, attributed to a historic drought that impacted the world’s largest tropical rainforest, AFP reported.

Since Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research began tracking this data in 1998, only 2003 (17,143) and 2004 (17,340) have seen more wildfires from January to June.

This surge in wildfires presents a challenge for President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s administration, as the number of fires rises despite a decline in deforestation.

Record-breaking wildfire numbers were also observed in two other biodiverse ecosystems south of the Amazon: the Pantanal and the Cerrado savanna.

The Pantanal, known for its rich wildlife including caimans, parrots, giant otters, and the world’s highest density of jaguars, recorded 3,538 wildfires in the first half of 2024 — a more than 2,000 percent increase from last year.

The Cerrado experienced almost as many fires as the Amazon during this period, with 13,229 wildfires recorded, it was reported.

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-Top News Arab News UAE News

UAE launches initiative to support flood-hit Brazilian state

The initiative aims to collect relief packages including food supplies and essential items for children and women…reports Asian Lite News

The UAE has launched a humanitarian initiative under the theme “Support the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul” in addressing the impact of the recent floods. This effort is being coordinated by a collaboration between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Islamic A Charitable Activities Department in Dubai, Expo City Dubai and includes the participation of the ‘Day for Dubai’ volunteer program, and members of the Brazilian community in the UAE.

The initiative aims to collect relief packages including food supplies and essential items for children and women, with the participation of around 300 volunteers at the Dubai Exhibition Centre in Expo City. The packages will then be shipped to Brazil.

Sultan Al Shamsi, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Development Affairs and International Organisations, stated: “This initiative reflects the deep-rooted strategic partnership between the UAE and Brazil, and highlights the UAE’s continuous efforts to provide rapid responses to natural disasters wherever they occur in the world.”

He added: “In the past few days, two aircraft carrying 200 tonnes of food and medical supplies, electric generators, and solar lighting equipment were dispatched to Brazil. Launching this humanitarian campaign reflects the UAE’s continuous endeavours in providing relief to those impacted by the floods in Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul state, following heavy rains and their severe humanitarian repercussions.”

For his part, Sidney Leon Romeiro, Ambassador of the Federative Republic of Brazil to the UAE, stated: “On behalf of the Government of Brazil, I extend our heartfelt gratitude to the government and people of the United Arab Emirates for their generous humanitarian donation to the State of Rio Grande do Sul. This demonstration of empathy, initiated by His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed al Nahyan, comes at a crucial moment where the flood starts to recede and reveals the amplitude of the devastation and the severe hardships ahead. The prompt and timely support offered by the UAE underscores the strong friendship between our countries. This gesture of kindness and solidarity will be forever remembered in the hearts and minds of the Brazilian people.”

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-Top News Arab News UAE News

UAE Reaches out to Flood-Hit Brazil

The plane has been dispatched under the directives of President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan….reports Asian Lite News

The UAE today sent the first relief plane carrying 100 tonnes of food, medical supplies, and relief aid to help the victims of the floods and heavy rains that recently swept Brazil.

The plane has been dispatched under the directives of President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

Reem bint Ebrahim Al Hashimy, Minister of State for International Cooperation, said that the UAE’s robust monitoring systems track a wide range of natural disasters, including floods and their aftermath.

When these disasters strike and cause damage, the UAE is quick to provide urgent humanitarian relief through its foreign assistance programmes.

This aid helps people in affected countries recover from the devastation, especially vulnerable groups like women, children, and the elderly.

The minister indicated that the plane flown today is carrying 100 tonnes of relief, medical, and food aid, with two more aircraft scheduled to be sent over the next two days carrying 200 tonnes of aid, bringing the total aid to be provided to around 300 tonnes in line with the UAE’s relief efforts. (ANI/WAM)

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-Top News Arab News UAE News

UAE sending flood aid to Brazil

His Highness instructed the dispatch of urgent relief aid from the UAE to support those impacted by the flooding and heavy rains in Brazil….reports Asian Lite News

UAE President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan has received a phone call from His his Brazilian counterpart Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

During the call, Sheikh Mohamed expressed his deepest condolences and sympathies to the President and the people of Brazil, as well as to the families of the victims of the recent floods that have affected the country. He also wished a swift recovery to those injured.

His Highness instructed the dispatch of urgent relief aid from the UAE to support those impacted by the flooding and heavy rains in Brazil.

In response, President Lula thanked His Highness and expressed his appreciation for the kind sentiments towards Brazil and its people. He also offered his condolences to His Highness and the Al Nahyan family on the recent passing of Sheikh Hazza bin Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

The two leaders also discussed strengthening various aspects of UAE-Brazil cooperation and collaboration within the framework of the strategic partnership between the two countries, particularly in the fields of economy, technology, development, renewable energy, and food security.

Additionally, His Highness and the Brazilian President exchanged views on regional and international issues and joint efforts to support peace and stability in the Middle East and the world.

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-Top News World World News

Death toll hits 143 from Brazil’s ‘worst-ever’ weather catastrophe

Governor Eduardo Leite said this week it will take nearly 19 billion reais ($3.7 billion) to rebuild Rio Grande do Sul after the floods….reports Asian Lite News

The death toll rose to 143 from the worst extreme weather to ever hit south Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul state, with 125 people missing and more than 600,000 evacuated, the Civil Defence agency said.

In two weeks of record rainfall that has unleashed flooding and mudslides across the state, 446 towns have witnessed dramatic scenes of survivors rescued from floodwaters, including in the state capital Porto Alegre, where the Guaiba river burst its banks, inundating more than half of the city.

Downpours began on April 29 and continued on Sunday, erasing hopes of floodwaters receding, and raising the number of the displaced from about 441,000 on Saturday to 618,550 on Sunday.

The National Institute of Meteorology has forecast more heavy rains through Monday in Brazil’s southernmost state, which borders on Argentina and Uruguay.

Governor Eduardo Leite said this week it will take nearly 19 billion reais ($3.7 billion) to rebuild Rio Grande do Sul after the floods.

As search and rescue operations continue amidst the relentless rainfall, authorities fear the death toll and displacement numbers will continue to climb in what is being described as the worst extreme weather event to ever strike the region.

Col. Jose Carlos Sallet, subcommander of Rio Grande do Sul Military Firefighters, said that approximately 1,000 firefighters are working on rescue missions, reported CNN.

“When the rain stops, they have been doing short operations to save as many people as possible. Yesterday (Saturday) were we able to intensify operations,” Sallet said.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva also visited Rio Grande do Sul for a second time on Sunday, accompanied by Defence Minister Jose Mucio, Finance Minister Fernando Haddad and Environment Minister Marina Silva, among others, according to Al Jazeera.

The leader and his team surveyed the flooded streets of the state capital, Porto Alegre, from a helicopter.

Moreover, some of the images showed muddy brown waters rising as high as rooftops in some areas, while rescue teams were out with inflatable rafts, taking people and pets on board.

Governor Eduardo Leite declared a state of emergency as the region grapples with the aftermath of the catastrophic weather event.

“We are dealing with the worst disaster in [our] history,” Governor Leite lamented, acknowledging the grim reality that the death toll is expected to rise further as rescue efforts continue.

In recent years, Rio Grande do Sul has been increasingly hit by extreme weather events and at least 54 people died in the state in September after it endured a sub-tropical cyclone, according to CNN.

The climate crisis, caused primarily by humans burning fossil fuels, is supercharging extreme weather globally, making many events more intense and more frequent.

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World Bank provides $125 mn in emergency support

The World Bank is providing emergency support to the state of Rio Grande do Sul, heavily impacted by recent rains and floods. Approximately $125 million (around RD 625 million) in resources from ongoing projects are already available for immediate reallocation.

The funds come from the projects “Urban Resilience Program in Southern Brazil”, “Revitalization Program for the Central Area of Porto Alegre”, and “Support Program for the New Bolsa Familia”. In addition, teams from the institution are providing technical assistance in damage assessment, resource prioritization, and funds deployment.

In addition, the institution is talking to the federal, state and municipal governments and the Regional Development Bank of the Far South (BRDE) about making new resources available on an accelerated basis. These resources will be used to finance recovery and provide technical assistance in structuring what is being called a “Marshall Plan” for rebuilding the state, including developing urban resilience and flood mitigation structures.

“The World Bank stands in solidarity with the population of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, so affected by the recent disaster,” said Sophie Naudeau, Acting Director and Operations Manager of the World Bank for Brazil. “We have extensive experience in crisis management and reconstruction linked to natural disasters in several countries around the world and we are bringing this knowledge to bear on the state’s rapid recovery. We are also ready to work together with the competent authorities to prevent future disasters like this from causing so much personal and material damage,” added Naudeau.

Disasters like the one in Rio Grande do Sul are clear examples of the need for greater preparation for future climate-related events, which tend to be more frequent. Recently, the World Bank approved a new set of crisis response tools to allow countries to quickly redirect unused resources in their portfolio to make emergency relief easier and faster. (ANI/WAM)

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-Top News India News World News

New Delhi Hosts India-Brazil 2+2 Political-Military Dialogue

The dialogue was led by Additional Secretary (LAC) GV Srinivas, MEA & Joint Secretary (IC) Vishwesh Negi, MoD from the Indian side…reports Asian Lite News

India and Brazil held their first-ever 2+2 Political and Military Dialogue in New Delhi on Thursday, the Ministry of External Affairs said.

The dialogue was led by Additional Secretary (LAC) GV Srinivas, MEA & Joint Secretary (IC) Vishwesh Negi, MoD from the Indian side.

In a post on social media platform X, the official spokesperson of MEA, Randhir Jaiswal wrote, “Energising – Strategic Partnership!”

“First ever (2+2) India-Brazil Political and Military Dialogue held in New Delhi today. Co-chaired by Additional Secretary (LAC) GV Srinivas, MEA & Joint Secretary (IC) Vishwesh Negi, MoD, from the Indian side; and Director Marcelo Camara, MoFA & Rear Admiral Fernando de Luca Marques de Oliviera, MoD, from the Brazil side,” the post added.

Both sides discussed a variety of subjects including defence, space, energy, technology and more.

“Discussions spanned defence, space, energy, critical minerals, tech, counter-terrorism and regional, multilateral & other issues of mutual interest,” the MEA posted on X.

Notably, India and Brazil share a very warm and cordial bilateral relationship with each other.

The 18th G20 Leaders’ Summit, which was held in New Delhi on September 9 and 10, saw the presence of Brazil President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. During his meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi the, he also extended support to India’s bid for a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council for the 2028-29 term.

The 2024 G20 Rio de Janeiro summit is the upcoming nineteenth meeting of the Group of Twenty (G20) which will take place in Brazil under its chairmanship.

PM Modi had earlier expressed confidence that Brazil under its G20 Presidency will continue to move forward with its human-centric approach. He also said that G20 members will come together in the spirit of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ to pave the way forward for global peace and stability. (ANI)

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-Top News World World News

Brazil urges ‘new globalization’ at G20 meet  

Brazilian officials said they were working on a compact final statement that would steer clear of divisive issues such as the Ukraine and Gaza wars….reports Asian Lite News

Brazil called for a “new globalization” to address poverty and climate change as finance ministers from the world’s top economies met Wednesday, but the Ukraine and Gaza wars risked overshadowing the plea.

“It is time to redefine globalization,” Brazilian Finance Minister Fernando Haddad told his counterparts from the Group of 20 leading economies, opening their first meeting of the year in Sao Paulo.

“We need to create incentives to ensure international capital flows are no longer decided by immediate profit but by social and environmental principles,” said Haddad, who gave his speech remotely after coming down with Covid-19.

The meeting, which follows one by foreign ministers in Rio de Janeiro last week, will lay the economic policy groundwork for the annual G20 leaders’ summit, to be held in Rio in November.

Brazilian officials said they were working on a compact final statement that would steer clear of divisive issues such as the Ukraine and Gaza wars.

“We know the world is going through a tense geopolitical moment,” said finance ministry executive secretary Dario Durigan.

But “there’s consensus on the economic issues,” he told journalists. “The whole world speaks the same economic language.”

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva wants to use the rotating G20 presidency this year to push issues like the fights against poverty and climate change, reducing the crushing debt burdens of low-income nations, and giving developing countries more say at institutions like the United Nations.

International Monetary Fund chief Kristalina Georgieva called for bolder climate action, urging countries to accelerate emissions cuts, end fossil fuel subsidies — which reached an estimated $1.3 trillion worldwide last year — and massively mobilize climate financing.

“The climate crisis is already upon us, and we have to admit we have been a bit slow to address it,” she said at a panel discussion on the sidelines of the meeting.

Also on the agenda: increasing taxes on corporations and the super-rich.

“We need to ensure the billionaires of the world pay their fair share of taxes,” said Haddad.

French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire backed that call, telling journalists that Paris is pushing to “accelerate” international negotiations on a minimum tax on the ultra-wealthy.

However, Durigan said the issue was unlikely to make it into the final statement. Even before the meeting opened, the conflict in Ukraine took center stage.

The Group of Seven countries — Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States, plus the European Union — held their own meeting on the sidelines to discuss shoring up Western support for Kyiv.

Officials said the meeting — attended remotely by Ukrainian Finance Minister Serhiy Marchenko — focused on proposals to seize an estimated $397 billion in Russian assets frozen by the West.

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Tuesday the issue was “urgent.” But there were divisions among G7 members.

“I want to be very clear: We don’t have the legal basis for seizing the Russian assets now. We need to work further… The G7 must act abiding by the rule of law,” said France’s Le Maire.

ALSO READ: Brazil Slams UNSC’s ‘Paralysis’ on Gaza, Ukraine

-Top News Arab News World News

Brazil Slams UNSC’s ‘Paralysis’ on Gaza, Ukraine

At the two-day G20 meeting in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil has denounced ‘paralysis’ of the UN Security Council over Gaza, Ukraine….reports Asian Lite News

As the G20 convenes in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil voiced frustration over the UN Security Council’s failure to address conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine.

Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira highlighted the ineffectiveness of international institutions like the UN, citing the Security Council’s ‘paralysis.’

The ongoing crises in Gaza and Ukraine, Vieira argued, result in tragic loss of innocent lives. The G20, led by Brazil since December, had hoped to address such issues but faces challenges after former president Lula’s controversial remarks accusing Israel of “genocide.”

Despite efforts to de-escalate tensions, divisions persist within the G20, particularly concerning Russia’s actions in Ukraine. UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron plans to confront Russian aggression directly at the summit.

Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov criticised the West for arming Ukraine and blamed the lack of political will for the conflict’s resolution.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed skepticism about diplomatic prospects for Ukraine. Alongside addressing conflicts, Brazil aims to prioritise poverty and climate change during its G20 presidency.

However, tensions may hinder bilateral discussions, including a potential encounter between Blinken and Lavrov. Established in 1999, the G20 initially focused on economic matters but has expanded its scope to include global political issues.

Amid recent struggles for consensus, the requirement for joint statements at G20 meetings has been waived, except for the annual leaders’ summit in November.

Recently, the Brazilian government had called its ambassador in Tel Aviv, Frederico Meyer, back to the country for consultations after President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva voiced harsh criticism of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, in response to the fact that Israel summoned the diplomat for statements, the Brazilian Foreign Ministry confirmed.

The Ministry said on Monday in a statement that Foreign Affairs Minister Mauro Vieira also summoned Israel’s ambassador in Brazil, Daniel Zonshine, Xinhua news agency reported.

The Israeli government declared Lula da Silva “persona non grata” on Monday. Lula da Silva on Sunday accused Israel of committing “genocide” against Palestinian civilians living in the Gaza Strip.

In January, Brazil joined South Africa in bringing a case of genocide against Israel at the International Court of Justice.

Last week, during a tour of Africa, Lula da Silva announced Brazil will make new contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

Blinken Conveys US Disagreement to Lula on Israel

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva engaged in a candid conversation on Wednesday, during which Blinken expressed the United States’ disagreement with Lula’s recent remarks regarding the conflict in Gaza, media reported.

Lula’s comparison of the situation in Gaza to the Nazi genocide during World War Two had led to a diplomatic rift with Israel, resulting in his exclusion from the country until he retracts his comments.

“I would say that it was a frank exchange, with the secretary making clear that we don’t agree with those comments,” Reuters quoted a senior State Department official as saying.

U.S. officials had previously said they expected Lula and Blinken to have a robust conversation on issues of global security, including the conflict in Gaza that was sparked by attacks in Israel by Hamas militants on Oct. 7, the Reuters reported.

Meanwhile, according to Brazil’s presidential office, the meeting, which lasted nearly two hours in Brasilia, covered various topics, including the G20 summit and peace efforts in Gaza and Ukraine.

Lula reiterated his commitment to peace and resolution in both regions, with a shared agreement on the necessity of establishing a Palestinian state, the Brazilian government said in a statement.

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-Top News EU News Europe

Brazil recalls ambassador to Israel

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described Lula’s comments as “disgraceful and grave”….reports Asian Lite News

Brazil has recalled its ambassador to Israel, and Israel says Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is not welcome in the country in a diplomatic rift after Lula compared Israel’s military campaign in Gaza to the Holocaust.

“What’s happening in the Gaza Strip with the Palestinian people hasn’t happened at any other moment in history. Actually, it has happened: when Hitler decided to kill the Jews,” Lula said on Sunday.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described Lula’s comments as “disgraceful and grave”.

On Monday, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz announced that Lula is not welcome in the Middle Eastern country until he takes back his comments.

“We will not forget nor forgive. It is a serious anti-Semitic attack. In my name and the name of the citizens of Israel, tell President Lula that he is persona non grata in Israel until he takes it back,” Katz told Brazil’s ambassador, according to a statement from Katz’s office.

In response, Brazil’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it would summon Israel’s ambassador to Brazil, Daniel Zonshine, for a meeting in Rio de Janeiro.

“He [Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira] also recalled the Brazilian ambassador in Tel Aviv, Frederico Meyer, for consultations. He will depart for Brazil tomorrow,” the Foreign Ministry added on Monday.

Meanwhile, Lula, 78, also faced backlash at home over his statements on Sunday, which came during a press conference on the sidelines of an African Union summit in Addis Ababa.

The Brazil-Israel Institute called his comments “vulgar” and warned they risk “fuelling anti-Semitism”.

Lula condemned the Hamas-led October 7 attacks on southern Israel as a “terrorist” act the day it happened, and he has since grown vocally critical of Israel’s retaliatory military campaign in Gaza.

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