Tag: breathing

  • Breathe for happy life, yoga the best route

    Breathe for happy life, yoga the best route

    Make sure to practise Anulom-Vilom 4-5 hours after eating. Cardiac or blood pressure patients, as well as pregnant women, should not hold their breath while performing pranayama, but should simply inhale and exhale…writes Dr Sonia Lal Gupta

    “Breathing is simple, gracious, soothing and always there for you” — Karenina Ana Murillo

    I recall my very first yoga session vividly. My teacher asked me to do the Anulom-Vilom breathwork at the end of a slightly exhausting but relaxing session.

    “This is the most important posture,” she said, “my own teacher taught me that; and it feels like if I don’t practice breathwork at the end of a session, the entire session did no benefit.

    “It’s like a form of meditation,” she continued, “Your attention is the most important part. Do this every day.”


    Prana refers to the breath or life force, and yama refers to control. Breathwork, also known as breathcontrol, is the conscious navigation of the life force that flows through your entire body.

    In eastern medicine, blockages of prana in your nadis, or chakras, are the root cause of all disease. Pranayama can assist in clearing these blockages and restoring life by providing you with:

    . More energy in day-to-day life

    . The ability to handle stress more effectively

    . Higher resistance to diseases, according to eastern medical beliefs


    Anulom-Vilom, which translates as Alternate Nostril Breathing Exercise, aids in mind strengthening and complete relaxation.

    Make sure to practise Anulom-Vilom 4-5 hours after eating. Cardiac or blood pressure patients, as well as pregnant women, should not hold their breath while performing pranayama, but should simply inhale and exhale.

    . Sit comfortably with a straight spine

    . Block the right nostril with your right thumb. Inhale for 2 seconds through the left nostril, then hold for 4 seconds (Cardiac and blood pressure patients and pregnant women should not hold their breath).

    . Block the left nostril and exhale through the right for 2 seconds. Inhale for 2 seconds through the right nostril, then hold for 4 seconds. Block the right nostril and exhale through the left for 2 seconds. Block both nostrils and exhale for 2 seconds. This cycle finishes one round.

    . Start the cycle again, this time starting with the right nostril.

    . Repeat for a maximum of 10 rounds.

    There are several different types of pranayama, and Anulom-Vilom is just one of them. I encourage you to try them all and be consistent in your practice of pranayama.

    ALSO READ-Yoga for good health and living

  • Any connection between breathing and diet?

    Any connection between breathing and diet?

    A bloated stomach can leave you gasping for air besides causing severe headaches. It is important to identify the specific foods which cause you to inflate and avoid them completely…writes  Naaznin Husein (Former president of the Indian Dietetic Association, Mumbai Chapter.) 

    You didn’t ever think that your dietary habits could also determine your breathing patterns, did you? Yes, there is a relation between breathing problems and diet.

    Nutrition from the food we eat circulates through every part of the body. Hence our diet can be the direct cause as well as the solution to all our problems. At a time when record-high pollution levels in major cities across the country are proving to be a nightmare for people with breathing difficulties, these easy-to-follow dietary habits can provide significant relief. 

    1. Cut down on the carbohydrate content

    Carbon dioxide, the end product obtained after the breakdown of carbohydrates, can cause trouble breathing. Replace this with whole grains, fibrous fruits, and sources of proteins like pulses, eggs, fish, etc. 

    1. Include potassium in your diet 

    Potassium deficiency can also be a cause of breathing issues. Fruits like apples, pears and amla can help you make up for it. 

    1. Avoid foods that cause you bloating

    A bloated stomach can leave you gasping for air besides causing severe headaches. It is important to identify the specific foods which cause you to inflate and avoid them completely. 

    1. Drink lots of water

    It lubricates the joints, forms saliva and mucus, and delivers oxygen throughout the body. It boosts skin health and beauty, cushions the brain, spinal cord, and other sensitive tissues, and regulates body temperature. 

    1. About milk products

    Avoid dairy products if they cause phlegm. 

    1. Monitor your salt intake

    Limit the intake of salt as excess salt may cause the body to retain fluids, which can make breathing difficult.  

    1. Reduce weight

    Shedding off those few extra kilos can reduce the pressure on your lungs, hence allowing them to function better. 

    Despite following your medication sincerely and protecting your lungs from pollution, you find yourself breathless at some points during the day, it might be helpful to take a closer look at your diet.

    ALSO READ- Delicious and healthy breakfast options for kids