-Top News China Economy

CCP leaders gather to chart course amid economic slowdown

The 1978 meeting marked China’s shift towards economic reform and openness, while Xi’s inaugural plenum in 2013 laid the groundwork for dismantling the long-standing one-child policy…reports Asian Lite News

Top officials from China’s ruling Communist Party have convened in Beijing for the third plenum, a pivotal event held every five years to set the country’s economic and political course, CNN reported.

This gathering assumes significant importance as China, the world’s second-largest economy, grapples with a myriad of challenges including a property sector crisis, escalating local government debt, and strained consumer demand amid geopolitical tensions with Western nations.

The economic backdrop leading up to the plenum has been punctuated by China’s latest GDP figures which revealed a growth rate of 4.7 per cent for the second quarter of the year, falling short of earlier expectations and highlighting underlying economic vulnerabilities exacerbated by stringent pandemic control measures.

President Xi Jinping, at the helm of China’s most powerful leadership in decades, faces mounting scrutiny over his handling of economic policies amidst internal party reshuffles and the backdrop of a slowing economy. The delayed scheduling of this year’s plenum has sparked speculation, with some attributing it to disagreements over economic strategies and recent high-level personnel changes within Xi’s administration, reported CNN.

Historically, the third plenum has been a platform for announcing pivotal economic reforms. The 1978 meeting marked China’s shift towards economic reform and openness, while Xi’s inaugural plenum in 2013 laid the groundwork for dismantling the long-standing one-child policy.

However, observers familiar with China’s opaque political landscape do not anticipate sweeping reforms this time. Instead, the focus is expected to be on targeted measures to address structural economic issues, enhance technological self-reliance in response to Western restrictions, and bolster social stability amid economic hardships.

A key focus of the plenum is expected to be on fiscal reforms aimed at easing pressure on local governments burdened by high debt levels and diminishing revenue streams, exacerbated by the ongoing property sector turmoil. Efforts to stimulate consumer spending and improve household income are also anticipated, with potential reforms targeting rural land ownership, the restrictive household registration system, and expanding social safety nets.

Xi Jinping has acknowledged the economic challenges facing China, emphasising in his New Year’s address the need to address job creation and basic needs amid social discontent. His administration’s priorities now include balancing economic stability with ambitions for technological dominance and national security, particularly in sectors critical to China’s industrial and innovation capabilities.

Tech self-reliance has emerged as a central theme amidst US-led efforts to curtail China’s access to advanced technologies, a move perceived by Beijing as a strategic challenge to its economic sovereignty and global competitiveness. The plenum is expected to endorse measures aimed at advancing China’s capabilities in science, technology, and green industries, potentially exacerbating tensions with Western nations already wary of China’s growing influence.

The geopolitical dimension of China’s economic policies is underscored by recent trade disputes, including tariffs imposed on Chinese electric vehicles by the EU and US citing unfair subsidies and market practices. Any decisions made during the plenum to bolster China’s high-tech sectors could further intensify these conflicts, adding to the strain on global economic relations.

Global investors, meanwhile, are closely monitoring China’s commitments to market liberalisation amid a climate of increased state control and regulatory scrutiny under Xi’s leadership. Expectations for greater market access and regulatory transparency are tempered by concerns over China’s evolving political landscape and its implications for foreign businesses.

The plenum may also see the formal removal of senior Communist Party officials implicated in corruption probes or administrative reshuffles, including former defence minister Li Shangfu and other military figures linked to Xi’s ongoing efforts to consolidate authority within the armed forces, CNN reported. (ANI)

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-Top News Asia News China

Party Expels Former Chinese Legislator Over Discipline Violation

An investigation of Yin’s case found that he had lost his ideals and conviction and had started engaging in superstitious activites….reports Asian Lite News

Yin Meigen, former senior legislator in China’s Jiangxi province, has been expelled from the Communist Party of China (CPC) and dismissed from public office over severe violations of discipline and law, China-based Xinhua reported.

The CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Commission of Supervision announced the decision in an official statement on Saturday. Previously, Yin served as vice chairman of the Standing Committee of Jiangxi Provincial People’s Congress, according to Xinhua report.

An investigation of Yin’s case found that he had lost his ideals and conviction and had started engaging in superstitious activites. According to the statement, Yin had violated the CPC’s eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct and breached relevant rules to accept gifts and money and visit luxury private venues.

According to the investigation, Yin had taken cash and houses of people under his jurisdiction for his own use. He has been accused of engaging in power-for-sex and money-for-sex trades, according to Xinhua report.

In addition, he was found to have been involved in market activities, discipline, and law enforcement activities in violation of relevant rules. He had collaborated with some lawless private business owners and carried out power-for-money trades.

Yin had taken advantage of his posts to seek benefits for others with regards to promotion and project contract in return of accepting money and gifts, Xinhua reported.

According to the statement, Yin’s case will be moved to prosecutors for review and prosecution procedures and his illegal gains would be confiscated. At the sametime, Yin’s qualification as a delegate to the CPC Jiangxi provincial congress was also terminated. (ANI)

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-Top News China UK News

UK govt’s funding of groups with alleged links to CCP raises concerns

The controversy has raised concerns within the charity, as they fear some families may retreat from the community centres…reports Asian Lite News

A consortium of Hong Kong community groups has raised apprehensions regarding the UK government’s flagship programme aimed at welcoming Hongkongers, alleging that it has provided funding to an organisation purportedly connected to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The concerns emerged following the announcement of grants exceeding £3 million to support east and southeast Asian communities, including individuals who have recently arrived in the UK via the British National (Overseas) (BNO) immigration route.

According to a report by the Guardian, one of the grant recipients, the Wai Yin Society, a Manchester-based charity operating three community centres, received £39,990. In an open letter published on Monday, 28 groups supporting Hongkongers accused senior members of the Wai Yin Society’s leadership team of maintaining an “unusually close relationship” with the CCP and its UK apparatus.

The focus of these concerns centres around Juanita Yau, the chair of Wai Yin Society, and Karen Wang, the vice-chair. In 2021, Yau participated in a virtual celebration organised by the Chinese consulate in Manchester to commemorate the CCP’s 100th anniversary. The signatories of the letter argue that Yau’s attendance amounted to a public display of political support for the CCP.

Similarly, Wang has held the position of deputy director at the University of Manchester’s Confucius Institute since 2010. She was involved in a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping to the University of Manchester in 2015. Confucius Institutes, which offer Mandarin language and Chinese cultural lessons through British universities, have faced criticism due to perceived ties to the Chinese state.

Responding to the allegations, a spokesperson for Wai Yin Society emphasised their commitment to attending various community events as a gesture of courtesy and promoting community cohesion. The charity talked about participating in events representing diverse communities, including Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, and even royal occasions such as the king’s birthday.

The controversy has raised concerns within the charity, as they fear some families may retreat from the community centres. The spokesperson claimed that the news could deter individuals who may require support in the future from approaching the organisation. Rishi Sunak had previously pledged to close Confucius Institutes. However, since assuming the role of Prime Minister, he has voiced concerns that such action would be disproportionate.

The allegations against the Wai Yin Society have ignited a significant debate about potential affiliations between organisations supporting Hongkongers in the UK and the CCP. It remains to be seen how the UK government will address these concerns and ensure transparency within its flagship programme designed to welcome Hongkongers.

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-Top News Asia News China

Report exposes CCP’s ‘smear campaign’ against Dalai Lama

Most people in the West have no clue about Tibetan cultural practices, let alone about “eat my tongue” as a non-sexual concept…reports Asian Lite News

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) recently launched a smear campaign on social media against the Dalai Lama, Tibet’s spiritual leader, who has lived in exile in India since 1959 when he was forced to flee his homeland, occupied by Mao’s China, reported The Diplomat, adding that this campaign was not new as China has been vilifying him in every medium possible ever since 1959.

But how did the CCP initiate the April campaign? The source of the raw material was a relatively routine event in Dharamsala, the report stated, adding that a Tibetan refugee charity employee from India was able to arrange for her small son, who is about 8 years old, to meet the Dalai Lama. This took place on February 28 and online video clips were uploaded to celebrate the joyous event. “A month went by and the Chinese propaganda agencies were likely formulating strategies about how to respond to the expected renewed criticism of China. In recent years, they have increased their efforts to manipulate social media globally rather than only domestically, using international platforms rather than Chinese ones,” the report read.

When the propaganda officers discovered the footage from February, they must have thought they had hit gold. To make it appear as though the Dalai Lama wanted to kiss the 8-year-old boy, they cropped away a portion of the image. (He does stick his tongue out, and even says, in halting English, “Suck my tongue!”), reported The Diplomat, an international current-affairs magazine for the Asia-Pacific region.

The clip was distributed via a Twitter account created in February and included a slur on the Dalai Lama. It spread globally through networks of trusted pro-regime people and linked bot accounts. Within days, it had millions of hits. And so it went on, with many memes adding to the conversation, the report stated, adding that suddenly, many people with only the vaguest notion of the Dalai Lama could be heard condemning him.

“What actually happened, though? It turns out that feeding toddlers by mouth is usual in Tibet and that this tradition still exists, at least in the Dalai Lama’s former home region of Amdo. Because of this history, there is a running joke among elderly Tibetans that when they run out of treats to give their grandchildren, they will thrust out their tongues and say, ‘You may eat my tongue, for I have nothing else left’. That the Dalai Lama said ‘suck’ instead of ‘eat’ was possible because he was thinking of sugar, not food-the actual Tibetan phrasing is che le sa, literally ‘eat my tongue’,” the report stated.

The entire video isn’t “sexual” in any way, it added.

The Dalai Lama humorously pushes his head onto the boy’s shoulder to demonstrate how he used to fight with his elder brother when they were younger. Then he performs another traditional gesture of respect known as oothuk, which is similar to a formal handshake in the West, by pressing his forehead against the boy’s forehead, the report noted.

“Afterwards, both the boy and his mother (who sat a short distance away during the entire exchange) were interviewed. Both of them were ecstatic to have experienced this. Nothing untoward occurred; in fact, the boy received a po kiss (a customary elders’ kiss on the mouth and cheek given to children) immediately before the Dalai Lama stuck out his tongue to indicate that they were finished,” The Diplomat stated.

The Indian child asked whether he can “hug” the Dalai Lama. At first, the Dalai Lama did not get the English word, the report stated, adding that in Tibet, handshakes and hugs are typically avoided.

“But he got the best of both worlds: oothuk, po, and the “che le sa” joke; plus a hug, a handshake and a chat, as we see in the full video,” it added.

Most people in the West have no clue about Tibetan cultural practices, let alone about “eat my tongue” as a non-sexual concept. In addition, many people in the West are aware of Catholic priests who have been found guilty of paedophilia, the report noted, adding that combining the two, Chinese propagandists found an opening for implying that the Dalai Lama too, as a male “priest” of sorts, indulged in a similar crime.

The trick succeeded, beyond expectations: Damage was inflicted globally, to the reputation of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people. The recent widespread atrocities committed in Tibet by China have received little attention in the Western media, the report noted.

Curiously, the Dalai Lama’s office sent out a statement expressing regret for “the hurt his words may have caused.”

Many Tibetans were angry about this. The majority of people don’t believe there is a need for the Dalai Lama to apologise to the world, not even strategically. In fact, the apology for “any hurt caused” may have something to do with Tibetan Buddhists’ inclination to feel bad (independent of culpability). There were spontaneous demonstrations in Dharamshala and in Ladakh in support of the Dalai Lama.

Democracies must clearly exercise better control over platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and others, lest these potent ones be taken over and turned into weapons in the hands of authoritarians both at home and abroad, according to The Diplomat. (ANI)

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-Top News Asia News China

Li Qiang appointed new premier of China

Chinese President Xi Jinping nominated Li Qiang for the post of premier during the ongoing first session of the 14th National People’s Congress.

China’s Shanghai Party Secretary Li Qiang became the new premier on Saturday after being nominated for the post during a session of the 14th National People’s Congress, Global Times reported.

Earlier today, Chinese President Xi Jinping nominated Li Qiang for the post of premier during the ongoing first session of the 14th National People’s Congress. Li Qiang will replace Li Keqiang, who became premier in 2013 with high hopes that he would usher in liberal reforms. But his power was curbed by Xi, who increasingly sidelined Li Keqiang and placed allies in key strategic positions over him.

Yesterday, Keqiang took his final bow as the country’s premier, marking a shift away from the skilled technocrats who have helped steer the world’s second-biggest economy in favour of officials known mainly for their unquestioned loyalty to China’s most powerful leader in recent history, the Voice of America (VOA) reported.

After exiting the ruling Communist Party’s all-powerful Politburo Standing Committee in October, despite being below retirement age, Li’s last major task was delivering the state of the nation address to the rubber-stamp parliament on Monday. The report sought to reassure citizens of the resiliency of the Chinese economy but contained little that was new.

Xi Jinping was unanimously elected Chinese president on Friday at the ongoing session of China’s national legislature. (Photo: Xinhua)

Li Qiang, who joined the Communist Party’s powerful Politburo Standing Committee in October, is considered a novice in China’s complex central government administration encompassing 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, according to Nikkei Asia.

The 63-year-old politician served for four decades in his home province of Zhejiang and became a secretary to Xi when the latter was a top official in that industrial region in eastern China.

Li was later promoted to become party boss of Jiangsu and later Shanghai, where his reputation plunged during the financial centre’s gruelling two-month COVID lockdown last year.

Even so, Li is rising to become the second most powerful Chinese official after Xi in the country’s intricate system of governance.

As per Nikkei Asia, Li earned a degree in executive business administration from Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2005, decades after he graduated from Zhejiang Agricultural University in 1982.

Meanwhile, Zhang Youxia and He Weidong were nominated as candidates for vice chairmen of the Central Military Commission (CMC) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), reported Global Times. (ANI)

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CCP laundered mafia money in Italy: Report

A report published in Bitter Winter read, the Beijing dictatorship instantly remarked they are billions of dollars – at least 15 billion, according to Tax Police – so certainly those guilty would be punished…reports Asian Lite News

The Italian Tax Police (Guardia di Finanza) has uncovered evidence proving that the Chinese Communist Party routinely cooperates with several criminal organizations– the Italian Mafia, Colombia’s drug cartels, and Russian oligarchs–to launder billions of dollars, reported Bitter Winter.

In September 2022, the Guadia di Finanza, a famously militarised police force in Italy, paid a visit to a husband and wife business team in Brescia. The couple had allegedly sent 4.5 million euros to Slovenia and other Eastern European nations as payments for ferrous materials that had never reached Italy. They decided to excavate in the garden after being unable to find the proof they were looking for in the home. There, they discovered several odd metal drums. When the drums were opened, they found eight million euros’ worth of money within. In the couple’s cellar, another three million euros were discovered concealed. All of this money had come from China, reported Bitter Winter. This was a part of a sizable investigation known as “Operazione Via della Seta” (Silk Road), which engaged hundreds of Tax Police agents for several years. According to a fairly thorough account of the operation that appeared in the Italian newspaper “La Repubblica” on March 5, what they found could have significant effects on foreign policy. Evidence was found that the Chinese Communist Party habitually collaborates with multiple criminal organizations–the Italian Mafia, Colombia’s drug cartels, and Russian oligarchs–to launder billions of dollars was unearthed, possibly for the first time in Europe.

A report published in Bitter Winter read, the Beijing dictatorship instantly remarked they are billions of dollars – at least 15 billion, according to Tax Police – so certainly those guilty would be punished. The group of banks led by the Bank of China, the fourth-largest bank in the world with the majority of its assets in the powerful hands of the Party-state, was responsible for organising the entire operation in Beijing and Shanghai. Obviously, “those guilty” refers to the CCP itself.

As the lawful transfers of money from Chinese residents if Italy to China declined from Euro 5 billion in 2027 to EUR 9 million in 2021, which could not be attributed to COVID alone, the Italian Tax Police got concerned. They began their inquiry with the presumption that a CUB (China Underground Bank), was active in Italy. Although CUB is not a true bank and is certainly not one that is legally permitted. However, it runs just efficiently as most banks.

Customers bring cash there, which is then transferred to either Chinese banks directly or businesses in Europe, notably Hungary, where Chinese influence is quite strong. China, or the CCP, retains its fair part and finds a means to remit the funds in cash to Italy. Those who donated money to China (directly or via Eastern Europe) receive it back after deducting the hefty percentage maintained by the CCP and its allies, and they then visit Chinese supermarkets or small stores to withdraw their money.

When the Tax Police discovered burlap sacks containing millions of euros that the CUB’s clients were stealing from Chinese-owned stores in the Venetian region, they finally realised how the scheme worked. They found that the majority of Italian regions used the same system.

Who uses the CUB for money laundering? Chinese themselves come first. They specialise in fast establishing and shutting down businesses. These businesses don’t pay taxes, VAT, or social security, but instead vanish so quickly–along with their managers, who allegedly or actually return to China–that no one can be held accountable. According to the Tax Police, Italy has lost at least Euro 2 billion as a result of this Chinese tax evasion. However, the CUB has other “customers” besides just Chinese people, according to Bitter Winter.

There are dishonest Italian businesspeople who don’t submit their revenue to the tax authorities, like the Brescia couple who hid the money. A portion of this money originates from industries where cash payments are or were very popular, including the sale of secondhand cars.

The CUB uses genuine banks in other nations, like Switzerland, to send money to China and take some of it back to Italy (or another country). This process is incredibly convoluted. Yet, according to the Revenue Police, manual smuggling is still done using the tried-and-true method. They found cash worth 37 million euros hidden in the hand luggage of travellers heading to China, primarily at Rome’s Fiumicino airport. Moreover, they detained a jeweller in Tuscany who had been giving CUB customers gold bars that were simpler to transport to China in exchange for cash.

In fact, it was one of the biggest Tax Police operations in Italian history. Yet, there is no evidence to suggest that the CCP simply steals and recycles money from Italian tax officials. Several police agencies with whom Italy is in contact now refer to themselves as CUB. The CUB narrative demonstrates that the CCP is a criminal organisation for reasons more than just its political crimes and ruthless persecution of dissidents and members of minor ethnic and religious groups. It is a group that routinely commits common crimes in collaboration with international organised crime and other criminal organisations, Bitter Winter reported. (ANI)

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-Top News China Politics

Xi consolidates power as Li Keqiang retires

Take the role of the premier, the person managing the world’s second-largest economy and, in theory, second only to Xi in the power structure.

The National People’s Congress, which starts this weekend, will be the symbolic culmination of Xi Jinping’s epic power grab, the media reported.

China’s leader has overhauled the Communist Party placing himself at the core and nobody else has even a remote chance of challenging him, BBC reported.

The starkest representation of this will be in the shift in personnel to be announced at the annual political meeting, a rubber-stamp session of nearly 3,000 delegates, BBC reported.

Take the role of the premier, the person managing the world’s second-largest economy and, in theory, second only to Xi in the power structure.

Outgoing premier Li Keqiang will take centre stage on day one. Then, at the end, a new premier, almost certainly Li Qiang, will occupy the limelight.

They’re two very different people, especially in terms of their loyalty to Xi, who started an upheaval a decade ago with his anti-corruption crackdown, cutting a swathe through the ranks of rival party factions, BBC reported.

Outgoing premier Li Keqiang

At last October’s Communist Party Congress, new appointments to the seven-man Politburo Standing Committee meant the most powerful group in the country now had only Xi loyalists.

At this gathering, it is the heads of various departments and ministerial positions which will be replaced. They are all expected to fall into the same camp.

“On the one hand this might mean Xi can really get things done with his new leadership but, on the other, there is a danger of him being stuck in an echo chamber,” an experienced business figure told the BBC.

If Li Qiang is indeed the new premier, sitting up there on the last day of the NPC, taking screened questions at the annual press event, it will have been a meteoric rise for him.

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-Top News China

What’s really going on in China ahead of key CCP meet?

Xi has been absent from the public eye since he returned to China from the SCO Summit in Uzbekistan last weekend. Observers said he is likely to be quarantining…reports Asian Lite News

Purges of senior officials and unfounded rumours of military coups in Beijing have fed into feverish speculation ahead of a key meeting of Chinas ruling party next month, when President Xi Jinping is expected to be granted an unprecedented third term.

The jailing of a clique of senior security officials for corruption, followed by days of strange and quickly dispelled rumours of Xi being under house arrest, have fuelled what one analyst called a “hothouse” environment mired in secrecy and suspicion, The Guardian reported.

Last week, a Chinese court jailed the former vice-minister of public security Sun Lijun, the former justice minister Fu Zhenghua, and former police chiefs of Shanghai, Chongqing and Shanxi on corruption charges.

Fu and the police chiefs had been accused of being part of a political clique surrounding Sun, and being disloyal to Xi.

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech at a meeting commending role models of the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China April 8, 2022. REUTERS/Florence Lo – RC2RIT993BUJ

Xi is expected to be re-appointed as leader of the party and military commission at the meeting, after he abolished the two-term limit in 2018 and waged a years-long anti-corruption campaign that also targeted many political opponents.

On Sunday, the state media announced the list of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) central committee delegates, numbering almost 2,300, had been finalised.

Xi’s inclusion on the list further refuted social media rumours that had been swirling since September 24 of a military coup.

The unfounded claims, accompanied by unsourced videos of military vehicles and based mostly on mass flight cancellations, were debunked, but not before it began trending on Twitter, The Guardian reported.

There was no specific mention of the coup rumours on China’s social media, but a Weibo hashtag related to “airports across the country cancel flights” was viewed by more than 200,000 people over the weekend.

CCP at 100 (Source twitter@ChinaAmbUN) (5)

Some made fun of the rumours, noting the lack of evidence of a political takeover on the ground in Beijing, The Guardian reported.

Drew Thompson, a scholar with the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, said a coup in China wasn’t entirely implausible, and Xi had reportedly shown concern about the prospect in the past, but the weekend’s rumours looked more like “wishful thinking”.

They appeared to originate in accounts associated with the Falun Gong movement, which Thompson said was “essentially not credible”.

“The rumour that Xi Jinping has been arrested has legs because it is such a sensitive political moment in China, and the recent trials (and convictions) of long-serving senior officials creates a hothouse atmosphere,” he said on Twitter.

Other analysts like Sinocism author, Bill Bishop, said he thought the rumours were “BS” but the “inherent opacity” of the CCP mechanisms easily fuelled their spread.

The party congress is a secretive process of power distribution, with the most senior positions not announced until the final day.

Government control of the domestic narrative and crushing of dissent has intensified in recent weeks as the meeting approaches.

Xi has been absent from the public eye since he returned to China from the SCO Summit in Uzbekistan last weekend. Observers said he is likely to be quarantining, The Guardian reported.

“I think the fact this rumour spread so far, and was considered plausible enough to analyse is really a reflection of an underlying shortcoming of Chinese governance,” said Thompson.

China’s government has not responded to the rumours, but public security authorities were among those posting under the hashtag “the truth about large-scale cancellation of flights across the country”, disputing the significance of the cancellations which they said was normal for the pandemic.

The party congress begins on October 16, The Guardian reported.

The event, in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People, is closed to the public but is the most important date on the CCP’s five-year political cycle.

There is speculation that Xi could further consolidate power with the promotion of stronger allies to senior positions, and that the party will resurrect the ‘people’s leader’ title not used since Mao Zedong.

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-Top News China

Will CCP regulations block Xi from securing a third term?

A regulation entitled “Interim Provisions on the Term of Office of Leading Party and Government Cadres” supposedly could challenge Xi’s ability to remain at the head of the CCP in the next term

As the Chinese President Xi Jinping is eyeing to secure a third term in office, his political opponents are challenging this bid of the President at a time when his much-criticized strict “Zero-COVID” policies have brought the entire nation to the brink of economic collapse.

Xi obviously faced an ever-increasing attack from his opponents and this is evident in a recent post published by Cai Xia, a retired professor at the Party School of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party.

In his post, he referred to a regulation entitled “Interim Provisions on the Term of Office of Leading Party and Government Cadres”. According to a post by him on Twitter, he said that this provision is still in effect.

It is interesting to note that this interim provision supposedly could challenge Xi’s ability to remain at the head of the CCP in the next term, reported Global Strait.

As per this provision, the tenure of the CCP party and the Chinese government leading cadres is limited. They can only serve in the same position for two consecutive terms or a total of 15 years.

After this post by Cai, a Taiwanese media outlet published an article on this provision. In June 5 article, the interim provision could hinder Xi’s wish to extend his Party leadership.

The article talks about how Xi, since 2017, had been meeting various substantive obstacles to his re-election. According to former diplomat and author Roger Garside, the Chinese president Xi’s opponents are also taking advantage of the country’s internal troubles to undermine him.

Chinese President and General Secretary of Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping (Xinhua_Ju Peng_IANS)

Garside, the author of the book “China Coup,” said that the Chinese leader is facing a combination of external and internal pressures.

“There are tipping points… looming up in the Chinese scene of the very gravest kind,” he said, adding that these would allow rivals within the leadership to move against Xi, as per the media portal.

To add insult to injury, China’s Zero-COVID policy and mass lockdowns have produced “a very vulnerable state in China, and an imperative to isolate China from the rest of the world,” he said.

“And internally, it is aroused, as we have seen on videos from Shanghai and elsewhere, anger, indignation, and an erosion of respect and loyalty for the Communist Party,” Garside said adding, “But this came against a background of a disastrous performance in the property sector. We have seen the default of major property developers,” he added. (ANI)

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-Top News Asia News

CCP trying to erase memories of Tiananmen massacre

The CCP has made many attempts to erase the incident from public consciousness over the years by creating a sort of ‘cultural amnesia,’…reports Asian Lite News

Asserting that the recollection of the Tiananmen Square massacre still haunts the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), a media report said that the party is making attempts to erase the memory of the ruthless political crackdown from public memory.

Last December, authorities in Hong Kong removed the ‘pillar of shame,’ an iconic memorial dedicated to the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989, Hong Kong Post reported.

The memorial was designed by Danish sculptor Jens Galschiot symbolized the ruthless killings committed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) in June 1989 when thousands of students gathered in central Beijing demanding political reforms and democracy.

Chinese state television reinforced the propaganda by beaming images of violence committed by these ‘counter-revolutionaries’ against the PLA in various parts of the capital. However, the party is still unsure whether its propaganda has worked, the report said.

The CCP has made many attempts to erase the incident from public consciousness over the years by creating a sort of ‘cultural amnesia,’ the report said.

Chinese history textbooks rarely mention the incident and instead focus on historical incidents which portray China’s experience of being a victim of foreign subjugation. Likewise, textbooks in Hong Kong included for the first time reference to the massacre in 2004 but excluded any reference to the violent crackdown of the democracy movement or the fact that unknown numbers of students, Beijing residents, and soldiers were killed when the military moved into the city centre, the report further said.

Every year when the anniversary of the massacre approaches, there is a usual crackdown on human rights activists, and authorities ensure that the day passes like any other day.

Pro-democracy activists used to hold an open candlelight vigil till about 2019. The city’s pro-democracy activists regarded this open celebration of the massacre as a sign of defiance against the CCP and Beijing, which flexed muscles over the city’s residents. But in the last two years, citing the Covid-19 pandemic, authorities have disallowed any gathering.

Following the removal of the ‘pillar of shame’, a few days later, Lingnan University in the city took down the Tiananmen Square Massacre sculpture for the “general interest of the university community.”

Chinese-born New Zealand artist Chen Weiming’s ‘Goddess of Democracy’ sculpture was also removed from The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Ironically all these authoritarian moves come when China has exercised a great degree of repression in Hong Kong, in what was once an ‘oasis of liberty,’ in the desert of authoritarianism, the report said.

While economic realities may have changed, in many ways, politically, things have remained the same for those on the mainland. In 1989, ordinary Chinese lacked the right to vote and could not freely criticise the government. Three decades later, the situation is the same, the report further said, adding that, the CCP’s heavy hand has extended beyond its borders to intimidate, threaten, and cajole those who criticise its human rights record and its repression in Tibet, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong. (ANI)

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