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Saudi pavilion at Expo 2025 gets new Commissioner-General

The pavilion of Saudi Arabia at Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan aims to showcase the Kingdom’s historical heritage, natural resources, and diverse culture, as well as its innovation and creativity…reports Asian Lite News

Saudi Arabia has announced the appointment of Othman Almazyad as Commissioner-General of the Kingdom’s pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan.

Almazyad obtained a bachelor’s degree in business administration and the college Dean’s Award from Tokai University in Japan in 2013 and a master’s degree in policy making and social innovation and won the Best Dissertation Award from Keio University in 2015. He has been employed in several jobs in various sectors, such as the non-profit sector and the Japanese higher education sector, the last of which was his work as a faculty member at Tokai University, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Political Science and Economics. He is also a senior researcher at the Keio Research Institute at SFC.

The pavilion of Saudi Arabia at Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan aims to showcase the Kingdom’s historical heritage, natural resources, and diverse culture, as well as its innovation and creativity.

At Expo 2020 Dubai, Saudi Arabia’s pavilion earned several awards, including best pavilion in the category of large suites, two honorary awards from EXHIBITOR magazine for best exterior design and best display, and the Platinum Certificate in LEED granted by the US Green Building Council.

The Saudi Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai also holds three Guinness World Records: the longest interactive water curtain, the largest interactive light floor, and the largest interactive digital screen mirror.

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