Lite Blogs

Increased Spending on Dieticians and Health Coaching

The report analysed more than a billion transactions between April 1, 2023, and March 31, 2024, to know the spending habits of Indians…reports Asian Lite News

Indians have increased their spending on dieticians by a remarkable 125 per cent in FY24, indicating a strong commitment to healthy eating habits, a new report revealed on Tuesday.

According to the full-stack financial services platform Razorpay, health coaching also saw a notable 45 per cent jump in transactions, showing a clear interest in fitness guidance.

“There’s a noticeable emphasis on holistic well-being, as evidenced by a 39 per cent uptick in products related to preventive healthcare,” said Shashank Kumar, MD & Co-founder, Razorpay.

“This signals a collective shift towards expanding horizons while prioritising health, affirming the adage that ‘health is truly wealth,” he added.

The report analysed more than a billion transactions between April 1, 2023, and March 31, 2024, to know the spending habits of Indians.

Moreover, the report found that mutual fund investments increased by an impressive 86 per cent, insurance payments saw a significant 56 per cent growth and trading experienced a remarkable 62 per cent jump in value in FY24.

Payments for air travel surged by 2.4 times while spending on travel accommodations soared by 29 per cent in the same period.

Multiplex transactions witnessed a staggering 42 per cent increase in volume. Ticket agencies also reported a remarkable 2.7 times surge in sales.

“Indian consumers are evolving rapidly, encouraging brands to revolutionise their customer engagement strategies across all touchpoints,” said Kumar.

In addition, the report noted that close to the New Year, aviation spending soared to nearly three times the daily average.

On December 31 last year, online food orders doubled and dine-ins soared to 60 per cent above the daily average.

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Lite Blogs

Cancer-Preventive Lifestyle Through Dietary Choices

Eat more and more yogurt. In addition to being better equipped to metabolize lipids, which may help reduce the risk of cancer, the yoghurt contains beneficial bacteria that generate metabolites, which are known to prevent cancer in the gut…reports Asian Lite Newsdesk

Cancer is now considered a lifestyle illness. It is caused by lifestyle factors including drinking alcohol, smoking, and so on, but nutrition also has a significant impact on the disease’s development.Every time a person is exposed to carcinogens, cancer is brought on, and when they are exposed to elements in our food, the growth of the cancerous cells is also inhibited.

Dr. Manish Sharma, Sr. Medical Oncologist at Action Cancer Hospital, New Delhi and Medical oncologist at Cancer Care Clinic in Faridabad said, “Although there is no one diet that can prevent cancer completely, eating a good, balanced diet can improve general health and possibly lower the risk of developing some cancers. These are some broad dietary recommendations that could encourage cancer.-a lifestyle that is preventive.”Read on to learn more about cancer preventive diet recommended by Dr. Manish Sharma:Begin consuming meals high in omega-3 fatty acids or supplements. Cold-water fish like salmon and sardines, as well as walnuts and flax seed, are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. They can all effectively combat cancer thanks to their anti-cancer properties.Aim for plant-based diets. Make sure your diet has a sufficient amount of leafy green vegetables. Eat a lot of grains, beans, and fruits. Naive observers are unaware that fruits and vegetables with green hues include vitamins and antioxidants that can fight cancer. Include a colorful array of fruits and vegetables in your diet. These foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, which can help protect against various types of cancer. Fruits and vegetables, including grapes, mangoes, melons, oranges, papayas, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, mint, and coriander. Some people consume them as soups or juices, but eating them raw is preferable to juicing.Eat more and more yogurt. 

In addition to being better equipped to metabolize lipids, which may help reduce the risk of cancer, the yoghurt contains beneficial bacteria that generate metabolites, which are known to prevent cancer in the gut.Reduce meat consumption as meat is deficient in fibre and other nutrients that have been demonstrated to have anti-cancer effects. There is a lot of fat in meat, and most of that fat is saturated fat. Diets heavy in fat, especially saturated fat, have been associated with increased cancer risks. Its high fat and protein composition may have an impact on the development of cancer-causing substances when cooked. Lastly, carcinogenic chemicals can emerge in meat depending on how it is processed. Even so, choose for leaner foods like fish or chicken if you’re eager.Try cancer fighting foods like ginger, garlic, onion, turmeric, coriander they all have cancer fighting properties.Retain a high fluid level throughout the day by staying hydrated. It also lessens fatigue and promotes improved bodily functioning. When the body is properly hydrated, the amount of oxygen in the blood flow increases. Additionally, you can have infused water, such as cucumber or watermelon.Restrict your alcohol intake. Drinking too much alcohol dehydrates the body, which increases the likelihood that cells will proliferate. The more alcohol you consume in a single sitting, the more likely this is to happen. Research has demonstrated a clear link between alcohol use and an increased risk of cancer, particularly colorectal, breast, esophegal, pancreatic and liver cancer.Control your portion sizes to stay within a healthy weight range. Because obesity has been linked to a number of cancer kinds, it’s imperative to maintain a healthy weight.One of the best methods to reduce your risk of cancer is to stop smoking. In addition to being linked to a number of other malignancies, smoking is a primary cause of lung cancer.Lastly, but just as importantly, incorporate certain supplements into your regimen. For example, folic acid lowers the risk of breast cancer; folic acid combined with vitamin B12 can help prevent colon cancer; vitamin D lowers the risk of prostate, colorectal, and other cancers; etc.“It’s important to keep in mind that individual factors, such as genetics and choices made about lifestyle in addition to eating, also have a big impact on cancer risk. Seek guidance from medical professionals for tailored recommendations depending on your health state and risk factors. Regular examinations and screenings are also essential for the early diagnosis and prevention of some malignancies,” said Dr. Manish Sharma.

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Food Health Lite Blogs

Mediterranean Diet Boosts IVF Success

There are many strategies and tactics available for attempting to conceive that guarantee to increase the likelihood of conception…writes Lothungbeni Humtsoe

For more than 20 years, millions of women have successfully utilized in vitro fertilization (IVF) as a reproductive treatment. Doctors advise women to consider IVF if all other attempts at conception have failed if they have endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, blocked or absent fallopian tubes, or if they suffer from any other condition that affects fertility. Hormones that encourage the creation of several eggs rather than just one are injected by doctors to begin the IVF procedure. When more than one egg is found, the eggs are collected and mixed with sperm in a lab dish. An embryo is delivered to a woman’s uterus when it reaches the mature blastocyst stage, at which point a typical pregnancy is anticipated to begin.

There are many strategies and tactics available for attempting to conceive that guarantee to increase the likelihood of conception.

However, women undergoing IVF should follow a Mediterranean diet to increase their chances of becoming pregnant rather than using supplements, according to a study published in The European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology published a study titled “Mediterranean Diet May Help Women Receiving IVF Achieve Successful Pregnancies.” The researchers discovered that women who followed a Mediterranean diet for six months before undergoing IVF had a “significantly better chance” of becoming pregnant and giving birth than women who did not eat foods associated with the diet. According to the study’s findings, women who ate less or no red meat and more fruit, vegetables, seafood, whole grains, legumes, and vegetable oils had a 65–68% higher chance of becoming pregnant and giving birth than women who followed the Mediterranean diet to the “lowest degree.”

What are the Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet for a Successful IVF Procedure?

The Mediterranean diet places a strong emphasis on plant-based foods such as nuts, legumes, whole grains, low-fat dairy, fruits, and vegetables. It also emphasises lean protein sources like fish and chicken as well as olive oil, which is a healthy form of fat. A strictly Mediterranean diet typically excludes red meat and salt. Mediterranean diet dishes are flavoured with spices and herbs rather than high-calorie, high-fat condiments.

Antioxidants and the Outcome of IVF

Antioxidants are chemicals that prevent other molecules from oxidising and destroying themselves. The Mediterranean diet is rich in these kinds of molecules. Since molecules make up cells, eating foods high in antioxidants shields the body’s cells from free radicals, which are other molecules that damage good molecules and cells. The cells that make up a woman’s eggs, reproductive hormone glands, and reproductive organs are susceptible to harm from an excess of free radicals. While a woman is undergoing in vitro fertilisation, eating foods from the Mediterranean diet can help maintain glands and organs operating at their best and considerably reduce the damage caused by free radicals.

Omega-6 Fat Acids and the Outcome of IVF

A key component of a Mediterranean diet is the use of healthy vegetable oils. Vegetable oils, which are high in omega-6 fatty acids, give the body the precursors it needs to produce prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are a unique kind of hormone that is not secreted by glands; rather, the body produces them on demand. Prostaglandins are involved in the regulation of a woman’s reproductive system; they also regulate ovulation and initiate labour by inducing contractions of the uterine muscles.

Dr. Shobha Gupta, Medical Director, Gynecologist and IVF Expert from Mother’s Lap IVF Centre, New Delhi and Vrindavan says, “First of all IVF treatment success depends on several factors like ovarian reserve, or the quantity and quality of eggs in your ovaries, ovarian stimulation, fertilisation, embryo growth, and implantation are just a few of the many variables. A successful pregnancy that goes to term requires the optimisation of numerous complex steps. Furthermore, most people undergoing IVF already battle with infertility, which might make it even harder to guarantee that the procedure will be successful.”

She asserts that adopting the Mediterranean diet would be a straightforward nutritional strategy to support IVF conception and that taking supplements of omega-3 fatty acids would also be beneficial. Folate pills or folic acid should be used by all women who are trying to conceive.

The Mediterranean diet, which is high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats like nuts and olive oil, is often regarded as a healthful eating pattern.

According to Dr. Shobha Gupta following a Mediterranean diet may help improve fertility since it may have a positive impact on variables including hormone balance, oxidative stress, and inflammation, according to some research. Still, there is a lot of study to be done in this field, and different studies have produced different findings. Also, these findings cannot be generalised to all women trying to become pregnant, nor to obese women, a category excluded from the study”.

“It is important to note that fertility is a multifaceted matter that is impacted by an array of factors, such as age, genetics, lifestyle choices, and underlying medical disorders. No one diet will work better than another for fertility treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF), even though a good diet is generally advised for overall well-being,” concludes Dr. Shobha Gupta.

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Lite Blogs

Dietary enhancements to supercharge results

Practicing mindfulness while eating can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your Pilates routine. Pay attention to your body’s hunger and satiety cues, and avoid mindless snacking…reports Yasmin Karachiwala

Long recognised as a transforming kind of exercise that strengthens the body, increases flexibility, and promotes general wellbeing, Pilates has gained popularity in recent years. Pilates requires frequent practise in order to gain its many advantages, but it’s also crucial to eat the correct foods in order to maximise your workouts. You may advance your Pilates regimen, speed up your development, and more successfully reach your fitness objectives by strategically altering your nutrition. Here are some food modifications that are suggested for improving your Pilates programme.

Mindful Eating: Practicing mindfulness while eating can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your Pilates routine. Pay attention to your body’s hunger and satiety cues, and avoid mindless snacking. Moreover, replacing unhealthy snacks with nutritious options like a handful of almonds can be a great first step. Almonds not only provides you energy but are a natural source of 15 essential nutrients like protein, zinc, magnesium, copper, phosphorus amongst others. They can keep you satiated for a long time and keep hunger at bay. And when you eat mindfully, you become more aware of your body’s nutritional needs and are better equipped to make healthier food choices. Additionally, eating slowly and savoring each bite allows you to fully enjoy your meals while promoting better digestion.

Prioritize Protein Intake: Protein plays a crucial role in muscle repair and growth, making it an essential component of any effective fitness regimen. Including protein sources in your diet such as poultry, fish, nuts like almonds can help support your Pilates routine. Protein not only aids in the development of lean muscle mass but also promotes faster recovery after exercise. In fact, a recent nutrition research found that eating almonds promotes muscle recovery and reduces fatigue from exercise[1]. Hence, by consuming a handful of almonds, you may enhance your body’s ability to repair and strengthen muscle tissues, leading to improved performance during Pilates sessions.

Opt for Whole Grains: Swap refined carbohydrates for whole grains to provide your body with sustained energy throughout the day. Whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat bread, and oats are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They release energy slowly, preventing spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels, which can affect your focus and stamina during Pilates. Including whole grains in your diet provides the necessary fuel for your workouts, helping you maintain optimal energy levels and improving your endurance.

Embrace Healthy Fats: Contrary to popular belief, not all fats are harmful. Incorporating foods rich in healthy unsaturated fats such as nuts like almonds,fish into your diet can provide numerous benefits for your Pilates routine. Healthy fats support joint health, aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and help maintain the body’s hormonal balance. Moreover, they provide a sense of satiety, preventing unnecessary snacking and overeating. Remember to consume healthy fats in moderation, as they are calorie-dense.

Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration is often overlooked but is of utmost importance when it comes to optimizing any fitness regimen, including Pilates. Water plays a vital role in maintaining optimal bodily functions, regulating body temperature, and supporting muscle function. Dehydration can lead to decreased performance, muscle cramps, and fatigue, hindering your progress in Pilates. Aim to drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day, especially before and after your Pilates sessions, to keep your body hydrated and functioning optimally.

Achieving maximum results from your Pilates routine involves more than just exercise. By making smart dietary choices, you can elevate your performance, enhance your endurance, and expedite your progress towards your fitness goals. Remember, true fitness is a holistic journey that encompasses both exercise and nutrition, so nourish your body well and reap the rewards of a more effective Pilates practice.

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Health Lite Blogs

Indian diet and healthy ageing

Balanced diet, adequate proteins, high fibers, stress-free life, regular exercise, weight control, and sound sleep are critical for a successful transition of the hormonal foundation during the early years…reports Asian Lite News

It’s challenging to eat healthy in our fast-paced society. The increased preference for convenience foods and packaged foods, combined with stress and environmental pollution, renders people more vulnerable to health problems. This is where clean eating and eating fresh foods come into play.

While we cannot control the environmental pollutants to which we are exposed, we can certainly adopt a healthier diet. As more people become aware of this, Dr. Irfan Shaikh, Head, of Medical and Scientific Affairs at Abbott’s Nutrition business, highlights robust and healthier foods that comprise a balanced diet, as well as certain activities you can take to age properly.

Start Out Young

As teens grow, three essential systems in their bodies change muscle mass along with long bones, hormonal maturity and blood, and immunity. To ensure these areas grow properly, you need the right nutrients.

Bone development: Most people think of adequate proteins and calcium when they think of bone development, but vitamin D, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin K, collagen, and essential fatty acids are also necessary for bone health and turnover. Consumption of these nutrients can help reduce bone fracture risk for teens. Fish, egg, chickpea curry, mixed vegetable sabzi, dal tadka, and even some chutneys like flax seed chutney is rich in these nutrients.

Blood: Iron, vitamin B-12, and folate are essential for the formation of healthy red blood cells. Without adequate iron, teens are unable to produce the red blood cells they need to carry oxygen throughout the body. Preparations made from spinach, like palak paneer, palak rice palak dal, lentil soups, methi paratha, and beetroot poriyal are some dishes that are rich in these nutrients.

Hormonal maturity: Balanced diet, adequate proteins, high fibers, stress-free life, regular exercise, weight control, and sound sleep are critical for a successful transition of the hormonal foundation during the early years.

Preventative Care in the 30s and 40s

People in their 30s and 40s should focus on preventive care, particularly when it comes to their hearts.

Cholesterol: To lower cholesterol, eat plenty of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, protein-rich meals (particularly fish and seafood), legumes (such as beans and lentils), nuts and seeds, and so on.

Stress: Career, income, and family responsibilities create several possibilities to experience stress. Regular exercise and coping abilities to handle stressful situations are crucial to protect your health and mind. Some of the best ways to cope with stress are exercising, yoga, journaling, and meditation.

Blood Pressure: Many people are unaware that they have high blood pressure because it has no symptoms, and the only way of finding out is to get examined. Reducing your sodium and chai or caffeine intake is vital to controlling high blood pressure, additionally, it is important to stay active and lose fat around the waistline.

The Importance of Prioritising

As we age, what we eat can impact our health, so it’s important to put some thought into what we eat and drink. Some key ingredients for future healthy ageing are:

Protein: It is essential at every age, whether you want to build muscle, retain strength or recuperate from surgery. One can find protein in meats, beans, dairy products, fish, nuts, seeds, and cottage cheese and can serve these in the form of various curry preparations.

Fiber-rich: Foods like fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains can help with lowering cholesterol and managing body weight simply by keeping you full. Chana, masala, bainganbharta, and oats upma are some ways in which you can add fiber to your meal.

Calcium: As we age, our bones lose some of their calcium and mass, heightening the risk of fractures and weaker bones. Consuming milk, dahi, and cheese is a good source of calcium uptake. Ragi dosa, tilchutney and paneer, masala are some Indian dishes that are high in protein due to their ingredients.

Vitamin D: It is important for healthy bones and is the only one that can be synthesized when the skin is exposed to sunlight. It can be found in fatty fish, eggs, and vitamin D-fortified dairy products.

Nutritional supplements: A regular, balanced diet is crucial to meet daily nutritional requirements and also build stronger muscles as you age. However, while we recognize that muscles matter and eat accordingly, some nutritional gaps may exist. To fill these gaps, one can include a balanced nutrition supplement like Ensure HMB which is a science-based nutritional supplement formulated with 32 vital nutrients and a special ingredient – HMB or β-hydroxy-β-methyl butyrate – that helps counteract muscle loss and restore strength and energy.

Every person passes many milestones throughout life and health should stay top-of-mind every step of the way. By embracing your cultural dishes which are prepared through locally and organically sourced foods, you can stay healthy as you age.

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Healthy diet for healthy lifestyle

At least once a week, try to eat a bean-based dish. Add legumes, such as beans and lentils, to soups, stews, casseroles, salads, and dips, or consume them on their own…reports Asian Lite News

Actor Arjun Kapoor recently shared a post with which people from all walks of life could probably relate. The ‘2 States’ actor posted how it started v/s how it ended video which portrays an unending fight between ‘stick to diet’ and ‘binge on junk food’. So there’s something for everyone! If you want to have a binge day on the weekend, you must be fit and healthy during the week. To avoid becoming sick, fill your plate with nutritious grains, seafood, beans, and lentils. So Here’s a list of some foods that you should have throughout the week.

Green vegetables

Consume green veggies three to four times each week. Broccoli, peppers, brussel sprouts, and leafy greens such as kale and spinach should be part of your daily diet.

Whole Grains

Consume whole grains at least twice a day. Look for whole wheat flour, rye flour, oatmeal, barley flour, amaranth flour, quinoa flour, or a multigrain flour. Each serving of a high-fiber food contains 3 to 4 grams of fibre.

Beans and Lentils

At least once a week, try to eat a bean-based dish. Add legumes, such as beans and lentils, to soups, stews, casseroles, salads, and dips, or consume them on their own.


Eat two to three servings of fish every week. A serving of cooked fish is 3 to 4 ounces. You may eat mostly local seafood with a side of salmon, herring, and bluefish.


Consume two to four portions of fruit every day. Take berries such as raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries.

Flaxseed, Nuts and Seeds

Every day, add 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed or other seeds to your cuisine, or include 1/4 cup of nuts in your diet.

Organic Yogurt

Men and women aged 19 to 50 require 1000 milligrammes of calcium per day, while those aged 50 and over require 1200 mg. Three to four times each day, consume calcium-rich foods such as nonfat or low-fat dairy products.

Most importantly, don’t forget to drink 8-12 cups of water daily.

Remember, food should be enjoyed. And to achieve that, following discipline is equally important. (ANI)

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Food Lite Blogs Recipes

Vegan recipes for healthy diet

Eating a no-meat diet has benefits, such as being suitable for weight loss, offering protection against heart disease, and protecting the environment. The most prominent challenge vegetarians face is how to compensate for all the nutrients they will no longer get by giving up the consumption of animal protein. Do not fret; here are some lip-smacking healthy recipes that can even sway core meat-eaters to give up animal protein. So, before you start wavering on your decision, read on a mouthwatering healthy recipe shared by Nikhil Bendre, Chef and Head Of Content, Urban Platter that will help you down the Vegan path.

Tofu Tikka Masala – appetizing, delectable, and healthy recipe

Prep Time: 3 hours

Cook TimE: 30 minutes


2 blocks firm tofu (pressed to remove excess water)

2 tbsp tandoori tikka masala

1 tbsp ginger-garlic paste

2 tbsp oil

1kg tomatoes (roughly chopped)

100 gms cashews

20 gms garlic

30 gms ginger

3 cloves

3 green cardamom

9 black peppercorns

500 ml water

2 onions (finely chopped)

2 tbsp ginger-garlic paste

2 tbsp tandoori tikka masala


Making Marinated Tofu Tikka

Cut tofu pieces into roughly 1-inch squares

To marinate – mix tandoori tikka masala, ginger garlic paste,and oil in a separate bowl and mix well to form a paste of smooth consistency.

Pour the marination over the tofu to coat it well and refrigerate it for 2 hours.

Preheat the oven to 200o C.

Remove the marinated tofu from the refrigerator and put them on metal and wooden skewers.

Take a baking tray and grease the surface well. Place the skewers onto the tray and bake it for 10 to 15 minutes until a charred crust is formed.

Remove the beautifully charred tofu and let it cool down.

Making Tikka Masala Gravy

Add tomatoes, ginger, garlic, cashew, and whole spices to a large pot, cover with water, and place the pot over medium heat.

Bring the pot to a boil and let it simmer till the cashews are completely soft. Once the cashews are entirely soft, remove the pot from the stove and let it cool down. The entire process will take approximately one hour.

Blend it into a smooth puree once the mixture has cooled down. You can add water as needed to make a smooth puree. Be mindful of the whole spices and ensure they are entirelyblended; otherwise, they can be unpleasant to chew on.

Making Tofu Tikka Masala

Heat oil in a pot. Add finely chopped onions and cook till the onions are completely caramelized.

Add ginger garlic paste to the caramelized onions and stir for two minutes till the paste is cooked.

Once the paste is cooked, add tandoori tikka masala, stir for 1-2 minutes, and smell the appetizing aroma of the masala.

Add the blended gravy to the cooked above paste and let it simmer on low heat for 10 to 15 minutes until oil starts leaving the sauce.

If the gravy has thickened, you can add water to the sauceand cook till the water boils. The best way to gauge if yourdressing is cooked is to taste it. If you can still taste the raw spices, let them simmer for more than 5 minutes.

Once the gravy is thoroughly cooked, add the marinated tofu to the sauce and serve the appetizing Tofu Tikka Masala with delicious butter naan and fluffy white basmati rice.


Serving – 200g

Calories – 294kcal

Carbohydrates – 27g

Protein – 8g

Fat – 19g

Saturated fat – 3g

Polyunsaturated fat – 4g

Monounsaturated fat – 10g

Trans fat – 1g

Sodium – 30mg

Potassium – 910mg

Fiber – 6g

Sugar – 11g

Vitamin A – 2086IU

Vitamin C – 41mg

Calcium – 69mg

Iron – 3mg

Crispy Cauliflower Wings – savor the crunch of perfectly cooked cauliflower dipped in flavorful Korean BBQ sauce

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes


1 head Cauliflower (cut into large florets)

1 cup Rice flour

1/2 cup Cornstarch

1/2 cup 00 Pizza flour (purchase from Amazon if locally not available)

1 cup water (add more if need be)

Salt and pepper (to taste)

Oil for frying

Bomb Bay seasoning (add as per taste – word of advice – more the better)

Korean BBQ Sauce


Boil salted water in a pot, add the cauliflower florets and cook in the water for 5 to 6 minutes. Make sure it does not turn mushy.

Once cauliflower is cooked, transfer it to a tray and place it in the refrigerator until it cools down completely. This makes sure it does not cook further, or it might turn mushy.

For the batter – in a bowl, whisk rice flour, corn starch, 00″ flour, and salt & pepper with water to make a batter. Make sure to whisk all the lumps away. The consistency of the batter should be thick.

Dip the cauliflower in the batter and then into the panko crumbs for the added crunch.

Heat the oil and fry the cauliflower on medium gas till they are golden and crispy.

Sprinkle the wings with Bomb Bay seasoning, drizzle with flavorful Korean BBQ sauce, and serve MEOGGI JEON-e (Korean for BON APPETIT).


Serving – 50g

Calories – 973kcal

Carbohydrates – 215g

Protein – 21g

Fat – 4g

Saturated fat – 1g

Polyunsaturated fat – 1g

Monounsaturated fat – 1g

Sodium – 190mg

Potassium – 1843mg

Fiber -16g

Sugar – 11g

Vitamin C – 277mg

Calcium – 151mg

Iron – 3mg

Vegan Ham and Bean Stew – A quick delicious, healthy and soulful meal

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes


2 tbsp Redoro olive oil

4 cloves garlic (minced)

1 onion (finely chopped)

1 bay leaf

1/2 cup celery (finely chopped)

1tsp mixed herbs

1 large potato (chopped in dice)

2 cans Kidney beans (strained)

2 packets of Vegan meat

1 can of peeled tomatoes in juice

1 tbsp vegan chicken bouillon powder (purchase from Amazon if locally not available)

3 cups water

1tbsp fresh coriander leaves (finely chopped)


Add olive oil to a large pot and heat it.

Once the oil is heated, add minced garlic, finely chopped onions, and flavorful bay leaf, and cook for 2 minutes until aromatic.

Add celery to enhance the flavor. After mixing celery, add mixed herbs and cook for two minutes for the herbs to infuse themselves with the ingredients.

Christmas Restaurant Listings

Add diced potatoes, strained kidney beans, and vegan meat. Stir well so all the potatoes, beans, and meat are completely covered with the aromatic mixture.

Next, add peeled tomatoes along with their juice, chicken bouillon powder, and water and mix well. Let the stew simmeron slow heat for 10 to 12 minutes.

Garnish the flavorful stew with finely chopped coriander. Enjoy the soulful stew with some warm toasted bread!


Serving – 200g

Calories – 90kcal

Carbohydrates – 20g

Protein – 3g

Fat – 1g

Saturated fat – 1g

Polyunsaturated fat – 1g

Monounsaturated fat – 1g

Cholesterol – 1mg

Sodium – 29mg

Potassium – 478mg

Fiber – 3g

Sugar – 2g

Vitamin A – 70IU

Vitamin C – 22mg

Calcium – 34mg

Iron – 1mg

Committing to a vegan diet is honestly simpler than it looks. A well-planned and balanced vegan diet can provide sufficientnutrition and numerous health benefits. So, if you plan to go vegan, it is not the end of delicious food. There are manyoptions available for you to satisfy those taste buds!

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Lite Blogs

Nutritious drinks for your healthy diet chart

A dairy-free product, oat milk contains zero cholesterol, regular consumption may even lower bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. It is high in beta-glucan, a type of soluble fibre with heart health benefits…reports Asian Lite News

The secret to leading a healthy lifestyle is eating well. It’s crucial to consume the proper amount of nourishment on a daily basis. But maintaining a balanced diet is challenging given the hectic lives that many are leading. Even when the cravings appear sometimes, it is challenging to stay on a diet plan. This is where wholesome drinks that are ready to consume might help.

These beverages are packed with vitamins and minerals and are therefore convenient to use. You may easily consume your diet from a bottle wherever you are. There are now a plethora of nutritious ready-to-drink beverages available that address various health concerns. In addition to stores selling it and health professionals blogging about it, many social media celebrities are urging their followers to consume it. You should absolutely include the following nutritious drinks in your diet.

andMe Cranberry Juice UTI Drink

This UTI juice drink is an unsweetened juice that contains cranberry extract and 24 herbal ingredients which help manage and eventually prevent UTI naturally. A unique blend of ayurvedic herbs, this drink helps with the burning sensation and bacterial infection. This beverage is ideal for anyone looking for a convenient and natural way of maintaining UTI, because a regular consumption of the juice can help reduce the pain and avoid recurrence.

andMe herbal juices are smooth, delicious, and preservative-free. Convenient and ready-to-drink whenever and wherever your day takes you.

Dia Free Juice by Kapiva

Crafted by certified vaidyas of Kapiva Academy of Ayurveda, Dia Free Juice is the ultimate herbal blend to manage diabetes. Made from 100% Ayurvedic Herbs, this fruit juice is a unique herbal blend of 45 Amlas, 24 Jamun Seeds and 1 Whole Karela. With no added sugar, colour or flavour, this juice helps maintain sugar levels in the body naturally. This drink is considered to be fuel for diabetes management and prevention

Vegan, 100 per cent Organic & Dairy-free Oat beverage by Earthmade Organix

The dairy and lactose-free oat beverage is a certified organic product that is vegan friendly. It is unsweetened with no added sugar or preservatives and is made from oats, grown organically without any pesticides or synthetic fertilizers.

A dairy-free product, oat milk contains zero cholesterol, regular consumption may even lower bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. It is high in beta-glucan, a type of soluble fibre with heart health benefits.

Metabolism Booster Shots by Akika

Bagged with three powerful ingredients- green tea, apple cider vinegar, and fennel, these booster shots help in regulating weight naturally. With the convenient packaging, the consumption of the drink can be done in three simple steps of- shake, open and drink. This 3-star-ingredients drink helps with unhealthy weight, low immunity and especially in detoxification. Aiming at providing the right balance of nutrients and taste, the consumption of these booster shots can be your first step in the journey of weight management.

BP Care Juice

Curated using an effective blend of herbs, Kapiva’s BP care juice helps in controlling high blood pressure. The hero ingredients of the juice- Arjuna, Lahsun, Sarpagandha, Brahmi, Guggul,etc., help in strengthening heart muscles and lowering bad cholesterol in the body. To add to the nutrient value of the drink, cold-pressed garlic juice is used in the making of the drink.

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Lite Blogs

Inflammatory diet may lead to depression

Diet is thought to have a substantial impact on how frailty develops. One of the earliest research projects to make an effort to comprehend the connection between dietary inflammation, frailty, and depression…reports Asian Lite News

The association between depression, eating, and the onset of frailty was discovered in a recent study.The Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences published this study. Frailty is defined as an identified state of increased vulnerability brought on by a decrease in function across numerous physiological systems, affecting 10 to 15 per cent of older people. It typically happens alongside other health issues, like depression. Frailty is defined as an identified state of increased vulnerability brought on by a decrease in function across numerous physiological systems, affecting 10 to 15 per cent of older people. It typically happens alongside other health issues, like depression.

Diet is thought to have a substantial impact on how frailty develops. One of the earliest research to make an effort to comprehend the connection between dietary inflammation, frailty, and depression.

An inflammatory diet that contains synthetic trans fats (such as partially hydrogenated oil), processed carbohydrates, and saturated fats increases the chance of becoming feeble, according to earlier studies. A study titled “Association of the pro-inflammatory diet with frailty onset among adults with and without depressive symptoms” used the findings from the Framingham Offspring Study to examine whether people with depressive symptoms are more likely to experience dietary inflammation and subsequently become frail. The study made use of data from the Framingham Heart Study Offspring cohort. The 1,701 non-frail participants gave baseline data on their nutrition and mental symptoms, and they were followed for roughly 11 years before having their frailty status revaluated. According to the study, eating inflammatory foods was associated with a higher risk of frailty, and this association was considerably stronger in persons who had depressive symptoms. The researchers hypothesised that since individuals with depressive symptoms usually have higher levels of inflammation, dietary inflammation added to that level may speed the onset of frailty.

Courtney L. Millar, PhD, a post-doctoral fellow at the Marcus Institute of Aging Research, Hebrew SeniorLife, and Harvard Medical School, is the study’s lead author. This study found that eating an inflammatory diet may increase one’s risk of getting weak because of depressive sentiments. This demonstrates how consuming a diet high in anti-inflammatory compounds (including fibre and plant-based molecules called flavonoids) may help in delaying the onset of frailty, according to Dr Millar.

By eating a pro-inflammatory diet, middle-aged and older people are more likely to develop frailty and depression symptoms at the same time than they are to do so independently, according to the exploratory findings.

A Mediterranean-style diet may delay the emergence of frailty, according to a previous study by Dr Millar, while a pro-inflammatory diet raises the likelihood that frailty will manifest, according to another. These studies serve as a foundation for the current one. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published both of these researches.

This study “adds to our understanding of the relationship between dietary inflammation, depression, and frailty,” claims Dr Millar. For people who are depressed, increasing their intake of fruits and vegetables high in fibre, flavonoids, and other dietary antioxidants maybe even more important. (ANI)

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Lifestyle Lite Blogs

How does diet play a role in body odour?

Spinach, lettuce, kale, arugula and other leafy green vegetables contain high levels of chlorophyll. Odour-inducing components in the body can be easily neutralised by chlorophyll…writes Lothungbeni Humtsoe

In simple terms, body odour is the smell your body exudes when sweat comes in contact with the bacteria. The odour is not a result of just sweat but the bacteria that causes the sweat to smell. The most common affected areas are the armpits, groin, and pubic areas.

While body odour is common in most people and the extent of the odour depends from person to person, an individual may be more prone to body odour if they are overweight, eat certain types of foods, have certain prior health conditions or are under stress.

There are many factors that cause our body to smell and according to Soumita Biswas, Chief Nutritionist, Aster RV Hospital, “Various factors like diet, sex, health, and medication contribute to body odour but the major contribution comes from bacterial activity on skin and gland secretions. There are three types of sweat glands present in the human body namely sebaceous glands, eccrine sweat glands and apocrine sweat glands. Body odour typically results from the apocrine sweat glands from which most chemical compounds are secreted that the microbiota present on the skin further processes into the substances that cause odour. Certain areas are more prone to this process, such as the underarm area, the navel area, the neck, the genitals and behind the ears. Largely the armpits are an area of concern in comparison to any other part of the body.”

“Diet can play a contributing role in body odour. Potent items like chilly, garlic, onion etc. can give a pungent odour to the sweat. A protein-rich diet is also believed to be a cause of body odour. If you are eating high levels of certain foods, foul-smelling compounds they contain may be excreted through your sweat glands to give an unpleasant odour. Those compounds are known as VOCs (volatile organic compounds), and they can produce some particularly pungent sweat, according to a New York-based dermatological study”, Soumita adds, “Increasing intake of certain nutrients helps reduce body odours.

Greens: Spinach, lettuce, kale, arugula and other leafy green vegetables contain high levels of chlorophyll. Odour-inducing components in the body can be easily neutralised by chlorophyll.

Fibre-rich Foods: Food stuff like peas, lentils, and beans are high in fibre content. Ensure you are eating enough of these as it facilitates digestion. Consequently, any smelly compounds in your food is processed more quickly and less can exit through sweat.

Citrus Fruits: The acids contained in citrus fruits like oranges, lemons and grapefruit encourage the passage of water through the body, which minimizes toxins. These can be consumed in form of fruit or fruit juices for maximum benefit.

Herbal Teas: Herbal teas such as chamomile, green tea and peppermint improve digestion hence preventing unwanted residuals in the gut which cause bad odour. Floral jasmine tea can actively help you smell fresher.

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