Health Lite Blogs

Gut Bacteria Linked to Compulsive Eating, Obesity

They found an increase in bacteria belonging to a group called the Proteobacteria phylum and a decrease in bacteria belonging to the Actinobacteria phylum in the food-addicted mice…reports Asian Lite News

Worried about your food addiction? Take heart, a team of researchers has identified a specific gut bacteria associated with both mice and human compulsive eating disorder and obesity.

In the research, presented on Thursday at the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Forum 2024, the international team identified bacteria that play a beneficial role in preventing food addiction.

While until now, the mechanisms underlying this behavioural disorder were largely unknown, the new findings, also published in the journal Gut, could be used as potential new treatments for this obesity-related behaviour.

“Potential new treatments could involve using beneficial bacteria and dietary supplementation,” said Rafael Maldonado, from the Laboratory of Neuropharmacology-NeuroPhar at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain.

In the study, the team investigated the gut bacteria in mice who were and were not addicted to food.

They found an increase in bacteria belonging to a group called the Proteobacteria phylum and a decrease in bacteria belonging to the Actinobacteria phylum in the food-addicted mice.

These mice also had a decrease in the amount of another type of bacteria called Blautia from the Bacillota phylum.

Similar to the findings in mice, decreases in the Actinobacteria phylum and Blautia were seen among people with addiction to food and increase in the Proteobacteria phylum.

“The findings in both mice and humans suggested that specific microbiota could be protective in preventing food addiction,” said Elena Martin-Garcia, from the varsity.

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Food Lite Blogs

Smart Eating for a Strong Heart

Lentils, legumes, chickpeas, beans, and peas stand out as excellent providers of plant-based protein, dietary fibre, and important minerals. Not only are they low in saturated fat, but they also actively help to lower cholesterol levels…reports Asian Lite News

One can say seven steps to heaven, seven colours of the rainbow, seven super foods for excellence, seven super specialty foods for excellence in health, healing, and wellness.  Best foods, super foods for health, the term super foods have come because they bring ultimate vitality in low volumes of their consumption. You don’t need to consume huge portions to bring vitality, immunity, and longevity. Super foods or the best foods that support heart health need to be consumed sensibly and intelligently as per your needs, objectives, and medical concerns only, never indiscriminately. Yet, one can list down these seven super foods and see how they fit into your life for your desires of wellness, your upregulating your immunity, upscaling your energy. Plant-based nutrition is associated with heart benefits. 

Here are the 7 heart friendly food groups shared by Dr. Mickey Mehta, Global Leading Holistic Health Guru/ Corporate Life Coach:

Whole grains like millets, buckwheat, steel cut or rolled oats, quinoa, brown rice are high in soluble fibre. This fibre type helps to lower cholesterol levels. Furthermore, whole grains have a lower glycemic index, which promotes stable blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, a major precursor to heart disease.

Lentils, legumes, chickpeas, beans, and peas stand out as excellent providers of plant-based protein, dietary fibre, and important minerals. Not only are they low in saturated fat, but they also actively help to lower cholesterol levels.

Nuts and seeds like Almonds, walnuts, peanuts, flaxseeds, hemp, and chia seeds are high in heart-healthy fats, fibre, and plant-based proteins. These nutritional powerhouses help to control LDL (bad) cholesterol levels while maintaining HDL (good) cholesterol levels.

Leafy greens like spinach, moringa leaves, dill, kale, are rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre. These greens provide antioxidants such as vitamin K, which is important for blood clot management, and nitrates, which help to lower blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels. Similarly, cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, contain fibre which help to lower the LDL (bad) cholesterol. 

Fruits like berries, which include blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and pomegranate, grapefruit, peaches, plums emerge as powerful heart-health partners due to their high antioxidant content. These antioxidants work tirelessly to counteract oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which play important roles in the development of heart disease. These fruits play an important function in cholesterol management and digestive wellness.

Inclusion of remarkable compounds namely Omega 3 fatty acids in your daily diet help to lower triglyceride levels and reduce inflammation. It is recommended that you consume some amount of Omega 3 sources like walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, beans, edamame daily to receive these benefits.

Extra virgin olive oil, green and black olives, a staple of the Mediterranean diet, is high in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. These aid in lowering LDL cholesterol and reducing inflammation. 

Green tea is high in antioxidants like catechins, may have heart health advantages. Its polyphenols fight oxidative stress and reduce inflammation. Daily consumption may help decrease LDL cholesterol.

Dark chocolate, of at least 70% cocoa content, has heart-health benefits. Its flavonoids help reduce inflammation.

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Food Lite Blogs

Slow Down, Eat Less: The Science Behind Mindful Eating

With superior taste, cost savings, and environment-friendliness, seasonal produce shines brightly. By incorporating fresh flavors, your plate becomes a reflection of the changing seasons, promoting wellness within…reports Asian Lite News

Are you tired of the never-ending cycle of overeating and dieting? Food is frequently reduced to ingredient lists, calorie counts, or transient visuals on social media platforms today. Images of supposedly perfect bodies, diets that promise quick results, and the unrelenting pursuit of physical ideals surround us. However, if you’re prepared to adopt a different strategy that draws on the knowledge of our forebears, mindful eating is a route worth taking. This age-old method offers a unique path of transformation.

Mindful eating strengthens the relationship with food, realizing how it affects physical and mental health; it is a transformative journey that simply comes with practice. Fitelo solves one of the biggest problems associated with obesity, which is obesity bounce-back. With roots in physiology, psychology, and technology, Fitelo focuses on habit formation and lifestyle correction with an integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Intelligence (HI). We encourage mindful eating and analyze each customer’s unique nutrition and fitness requirements while providing them with customized diet charts for weight loss.

Sahil Bansal, co-founder, and CEO of Fitelo shares with IANSlife ten behavioral hacks for mindful eating. 

Eat slowly and control your food portion: When we eat quickly, we end up eating more than required and don’t have control over food intake. On the other hand, chewing slowly allows the body to break down the food, there by preventing digestive problems. This technique will help you to reduce your calorie intake by up to 10%.

Small plates big impact: Your brain takes 15-20 minutes to understand if your stomach is full. A bigger plate has more space to adjust a few extra dishes and you will end up eating more. Replacing it with a small plate can prevent you from overloading your plate and help you maintain a healthy weight.

Stay away from sugar – without realizing you are having an excess of it: A sugary pitfall is hidden in every meal, from morning breakfast to midday lassi. We must be cautious about ‘what we eat/drink’ because some foods might be high in sugar and low in nutrients, making the weight loss journey difficult. While a glass of Lassi might be considered healthy and tempt you to take a few sips, a single serving can contain up to 30 gm of added sugar, which is more than the recommended daily intake.

Packaged fruit juices are not as healthy as they may appear: Fruit juices might appear healthy but are a hidden source of sugar and artificial sweeteners. A single cup of ready-made/ packaged fruit juice can contain up to 20 gm of sugar, nearly reaching the daily intake limit. Some individuals might also consider cereals as a convenient breakfast, but they can also be a sugary trap. One bowl of breakfast cereal can contain as much as 12 gm of sugar. 

Excess Sodium can also make you fat and cause multiple health issues: Packaged snacks offer convenience but at a nutritional cost. A small INR 20 packet of chips can contain up to 300-400 mg of sodium. An individual is recommended to limit the intake of sodium up to 1500 mg per day, as per guidelines issued by the American College of Cardiology and physicians worldwide.

Many packaged or restaurant soups contain up to 800 mg of sodium per serving.  Talking about instant noodles which might be your go-to instant meal, just one pack could cover up to 70% of an individual’s daily sodium needs. Sodium traps threaten your health; therefore, go for unprocessed meals that promote wholesome living.

Consume more seasonal grains: With superior taste, cost savings, and environment-friendliness, seasonal produce shines brightly. By incorporating fresh flavors, your plate becomes a reflection of the changing seasons, promoting wellness within.

Don’t cook food on high flame: Treat your food with care. To retain healthy nutrients, avoid high flames. Selecting mellow cooking methods will help in retaining the nutrients in food and improve overall wellbeing.

Plate over Bag: The best way to conquer the snack attack: Eating from a plate is always better than eating from a packet/bag when enjoying chips, popcorn, or nachos. When eating from a bag, we tend to overeat as we do not have a visual cue of food intake. Whereas, plate usage allows us to monitor consumption and indicate when to slow down.

Avoid fad diets for long-term, permanent weight loss results: When on a weight-loss journey, long-term permanent results should always be your ultimate goal. Fad diets have their own set of restrictions and can lead to nutrient deficiencies. These diets not only hamper the physical but also the mental health of an individual. Focus on changing your dietary patterns and make habit transformations to achieve long-term results in your weight loss journey.

Practice label reading: Reading food labels holds the key to making informed food selections. Understand the amount of sugar, fat, and other components in food and it can hold immense power in shaping your journey towards mindful eating. Even if labeled “sugar-free,” substantial amounts of fat and other harmful ingredients may be present. It is essential to curb your cravings and choose natural foods over processed ones.

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Health Lifestyle

Healthy eating for skin in Winter

Omega-3 fatty acids found in walnuts, flax seeds, and fish like Salmon and Mackerel help in keeping the skin nourished…writes Rohit Shelatkar

Your food habits have a huge impact on your energy levels and even show on your skin. The dietary choices we make every day can either make us feel energetic and look good or can make us look older than our actual age.

Healthy eating is beneficial for maintaining proper body weight as well as boosting the immune system. It rejuvenates your skin and improves your hair quality, thereby leaving you with glowing skin and reduced hair fall. Apart from that, it also helps to smoothen the skin, curb wrinkles and strengthen nails. Skin, during winters, can become dry, and one might not be able to protect it in the right manner despite moisturizers. Certain superfoods can help healthily protect the skin-

Water: This one is one of the most important elements in our daily diet. Water gives our body and skin the much-needed boost of hydration. Consuming ample water makes the skin soft, smooth and supple. If the opposite is done, it can lead to dryness, clogged pores, wrinkles and blemishes. Further, drinking less water leaves you dehydrated that can trigger fatigue and make you look older.

Fatty Acids: Omega-3 fatty acids found in walnuts, flax seeds, and fish like Salmon and Mackerel help in keeping the skin nourished. These polyunsaturated fats accelerate the production of the skin’s natural oil barrier, which is critical in keeping your skin hydrated. It even makes it plumper, and younger-looking.

Carrots: Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and lycopene that protect skin from UV damage. Although the sun is not too bright in winters, UV rays are still present all around us. Carrots are also packed with Vitamin A, potassium and antioxidants that keep dry skin and uneven skin tone issues at bay.

Citrus fruits: Winters are the time when fresh juicy and refreshing citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerine, grapefruit, and lime are available in abundance. These vitamin C rich fruits can be excellent winter superfoods. Some common benefits provided are – Vitamin C can help boost immunity, the water content can help keep the body hydrated, and fibre can help improve digestion.

Sweet Potatoes:
A winter special is loaded with tons of benefits. Sweet Potatoes are loaded with fibre which keeps the stomach full for a longer time. The high levels of beta-carotene found in sweet potatoes not only nourish the skin but also makes it glow from within. They are essential to boost immunity and help in safeguarding the body against minor ailments.

The change in weather demands a change in diet. With Covid cases on a rise again, it poses a lot of health problems as we continue to work from home and there is less physical activity. Joint problems, weight gain, vitamin D deficiency, constipation are some of the common problems people are facing during self-quarantine. With winter stepping in, dry skin and hair fall also become a cause of concern. Enriching your diet with nutrient-rich foods may help deal with all these problems and let you enjoy good immunity, good skin and overall good health.

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