Social Media

Instagram Threads now supports ‘all languages’ in search

To comply with the EU’s regulations, Meta might offer a view-only mode of its app to users in the region for consumption…reports Asian Lite News

Instagram’s Thread now supports all languages in its latest keyword search update, as it takes on Elon Musk-run X social media platform.

According to Instagram head Adam Mosseri, keyword search will be “supported in all languages.”

“We’re expanding keyword search everywhere Threads is available. This feature is supported in all languages – we hope this makes it easier to find and join conversations you’re interested in,” he posted on Threads.

“More improvements are coming to search soon, let me know in the replies if you have feedback,” he added.

The feature was initially tested in English-speaking markets including Australia and New Zealand in August before expanding to other countries.

“That will make the app, now used by nearly 100 million people per month, more useful to a broader, global audience,” reports TechCrunch.

Meta’s social network Threads could launch the platform in the EU next month, according to The Wall Street Journal.

To comply with the EU’s regulations, Meta might offer a view-only mode of its app to users in the region for consumption.

“This means users won’t necessarily have to make a profile in order to view posts. But they might have to create one for posting,” the report noted.

Additionally, the company rolled out a way for users to delete their Threads profile without deleting their Instagram profile.

ALSO READ-WhatsApp rolling out view once photos, videos option

Social Media Tech Lite USA

Meta may charge $14 a month for ad-free Instagram, FB

Those who pay for the subscriptions would not see ads while Meta would also continue to offer free versions of the apps with ads in the EU…reports Asian Lite News

Meta is reportedly planning to charge $14 for accessing an ad-free Instagram or Facebook in Europe where users will have an option to pay the fee or agree to see personalised ads.

If users in Europe want to access both Instagram and Facebook, they can get the combo for $17 per month, reports The Wall Street Journal.

Meta is reportedly pitching the pricing to EU regulators who want Mark Zuckerberg to stop using personal data to target ads at European citizens without their consent. “The bloc’s users could have three options by the end of this month: pay up, use for free but agree to personalized ads, or quit, with the latter looking very tempting,” the report mentioned.

Those who pay for the subscriptions would not see ads while Meta would also continue to offer free versions of the apps with ads in the EU. Meta has been forced by the EU to ask permission from its users before showing them targeted advertising, after a series of regulatory rulings challenged its financial strategy.

Reports surfaced earlier this year that Meta is testing a new subscription service that would let Facebook and Instagram users pay for a verified account. Meta is also working on generative AI chatbot called ‘Gen AI Personas’ for younger users.

According to reports, the AI chatbot “would come in multiple personas geared towards engaging young users with more colourful behaviour”.

ALSO READ-Meta gears up to launch dozens of AI chatbots for younger users

-Top News EU News

EU warns Zuckerberg to protect kids on Instagram

The penalty for non-compliance with the DSA, regarding the failure to curb the spread of child sexual abuse material (CSAM), can scale up to 6 per cent of the social media company’s global annual turnover…reports Asian Lite News

The European Union (EU) has warned Meta Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg to take immediate action on protecting kids on Instagram or face “heavy sanctions”.

The warning came after reports emailed that Instagram’s recommendation algorithms are allegedly promoting networks of pedophiles who commission and sell child sexual abuse content on the popular image sharing platform.

The Wall Street Journal worked with researchers at Stanford University and the University of Massachusetts Amherst to undercover and expose such a network of Instagram accounts.

In a tweet, the EU’s internal market commissioner, Thierry Breton, said the company’s “voluntary code on child protection seems not to work”.

“Mark Zuckerberg must now explain and take immediate action. I will discuss with him at Meta’s HQ in Menlo Park on June 23,a he said in the tweet.

After August 25, under the Digital Services Act (DSA), “Meta has to demonstrate measures to us or face heavy sanctions,” he added.

The penalty for non-compliance with the DSA, regarding the failure to curb the spread of child sexual abuse material (CSAM), can scale up to 6 per cent of the social media company’s global annual turnover.

According to the WSJ report, Instagram “helps connect and promote a vast network of accounts openly devoted to the commission and purchase of underage-sex content”.

The investigators found “128 accounts offering to sell child-sex-abuse material on Twitter, less than a third the number they found on Instagram”.

Meta told the Journal that it had failed to act on these reports and that “it was reviewing its internal processes”.

‘Apple Vision Pro headset not the one I want’

In a meeting with employees, Meta Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg discussed Apple’s Vision Pro headset launch and said it “could be the vision of the future of computing, but like, it’s not the one that I want”.

During the companywide meeting, Zuckerberg said that Apple’s device didn’t introduce any major advancements in technology that Meta hadn’t “already explored”, reported The Verge on Friday.

He also stated how Meta will be able to reach a larger user base due to the Quest 3 headset’s lower pricing of $499 as compared to the Vision Pro’s $3,499 selling price.

“I think that their announcement really showcases the difference in the values and the vision that our companies bring to this in a way that I think is really important,” Meta CEO mentioned.

According to Zuckerberg, the Quest headset is about “people interacting in new ways and feeling closer” in addition to “about being active and doing things”.

“By contrast, every demo that they showed was a person sitting on a couch by themself,” he said about Apple’s ‘Worldwide Developers Conference’ keynote event which was held earlier this week.

“I mean, that could be the vision of the future of computing, but like, it’s not the one that I want,” he added.

The iPhone maker had unveiled the ‘Vision Pro’ headset earlier this week, which seamlessly blends the digital world with the real one around us.

ALSO READ-Meta Verified badge arrives in India

Social Media

Instagram bio can now include up to five links

Creators will now be able to see what the top trending topics and hashtags are on Reels…reports Asian Lite News

Meta-owned Instagram has announced a new feature, which will allow users to add up to five links to their profile bios.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Tuesday announced the new feature in a post on his Instagram channel, saying, “the feature has been a top request among creators”, reports The Verge.

With the new feature, users can now add links by editing their profile in the mobile app, where they can give them titles and reorder how they’ll appear.

However, if a user adds more than one link to their profile, visitors will need to click through a message that says “(Your first link) and 1 other” to view the complete list of links, according to the report.

This means that if a user has more than one link to display on their Instagram profile or already utilises a ‘Link in bio’ service like Linktree, folks will have to click an extra time to see their links.

Meanwhile, Instagram has announced new features on its short-video making app to empower creators.

The social network has added a dedicated destination for trending audio and hashtags, two new metrics to Reels insights and brought gifts on Reels to more countries.

Creators will now be able to see what the top trending topics and hashtags are on Reels.

Meanwhile, has announced new features on its short-video making app to empower creators.

The social network has added a dedicated destination for trending audio and hashtags, two new metrics to Reels insights and brought gifts on Reels to more countries.

Creators will now be able to see what the top trending topics and hashtags are on Reels.

“We’re making it easier for you to edit your reels on Instagram by bringing together video clips, audio, stickers, and text on a unified editing screen,” said Meta.

This makes it easier to align and time elements of your reel to the right moments in a more visual way. This feature is available globally, across both iOS and Android devices. The two new metrics being added on Reels are total watch time and average watch time.

“Total watch time captures the total amount of time your reel was played, including any time spent replaying the reel. Average watch time captures the average amount of time spent playing your reel, calculated by dividing watch time with the number of total plays,” explained the company.

For example if your average watch time is 17 seconds, out of everyone who watched your Reel they watched an average of 17 seconds.

This will help creators better understand where people are being engaged or where you may need to create a stronger hook to have viewers stay longer.

“We’re also adding a new way to see how your reels are contributing to your growth. You’ll now receive a notification with new followers from your reels,” the company mentioned.

The company is also adding a new feature to show creators which fans have sent them a gift, so they can recognise their supporters.

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-Top News Social Media USA

Trump is back on Facebook after 2 year ban

Meta, on January 7, 2021, suspended Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts for two years following his praise for people engaged in violence at the Capitol on January 6, 2021…reports Asian Lite News

At last a happy news for former US President Donald Trump that Meta, the parent company of Facebook, has announced that it will be reinstating Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts in the coming weeks.

The announcement was made by Meta’s President of Global Affairs Meta Nick Clegg in a blog post on Wednesday.

Meta, on January 7, 2021, suspended Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts for two years following his praise for people engaged in violence at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

“The suspension was an extraordinary decision taken in extraordinary circumstances. The normal state of affairs is that the public should be able to hear from a former President of the US, and a declared candidate for that office again, on our platforms,” Clegg elaborated in the blog post.

“Like any other Facebook or Instagram user, Mr Trump is subject to our Community Standards. In light of his violations, he now also faces heightened penalties for repeat offences – penalties which will apply to other public figures whose accounts are reinstated from suspensions related to civil unrest under our updated protocol,” he added.

Clegg also said that Meta is reinstating Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts, however, with new guardrails in place to “deter repeat offences”.

“We know that any decision we make on this issue will be fiercely criticised. Reasonable people will disagree over whether it is the right decision. But a decision had to be made, so we have tried to make it as best we can in a way that is consistent with our values and the process we established…,” he asserted.

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Social Media

Meta purges 23 mn pieces of content on FB, Instagram

On Instagram, the company received 2,368 reports through the Indian grievance mechanism…reports Asian Lite News

Meta on Thursday said it took down over 19.52 million pieces of content across 13 policies for Facebook and over 3.39 million pieces of content across 12 policies for Instagram in the month of November in India.

Between November 1-30, Facebook received 889 reports through the Indian grievance mechanism, and the company said it provided tools for users to resolve their issues in 511 cases.

These include pre-established channels to report content for specific violations, self-remediation flows where they can download their data, avenues to address account hacked issues etc, said Meta in its monthly report in compliance with the IT (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021.

“Of the other 378 reports where specialised review was needed, we reviewed content as per our policies, and we took action on 218 reports in total. The remaining 160 reports were reviewed but may not have been auctioned,” Meta added.

On Instagram, the company received 2,368 reports through the Indian grievance mechanism.

“Of these, we provided tools for users to resolve their issues in 1,124 cases,” the company informed.

Of the other 1,244 reports where specialised review was needed, Meta reviewed content and took action on 850 reports in total. The remaining 394 reports on Instagram were reviewed but may not have been auctioned.

Under the new IT Rules 2021, big digital and social media platforms, with more than 5 million users, have to publish monthly compliance reports.

“We measure the number of pieces of content (such as posts, photos, videos or comments) we take action on for going against our standards. Taking action could include removing a piece of content from Facebook or Instagram or covering photos or videos that may be disturbing to some audiences with a warning,” said Meta.

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Social Media Tech Lite

Instagram to help hacked users regain account access

Then the platform will guide them through a series of steps to help regain access to their accounts…reports Asian Lite News

Photo and video sharing platform, Instagram announced that it will now help users to regain access to their hacked accounts.

The platform said in a blogpost on Thursday that it has created, a new destination for users where they can report and resolve account access issues.

Users will need to visit on their mobile phone or desktop browser, if they are unable to log in to their account.

They will be able to select if they think they have been hacked, forgot their password, lost access to two-factor authentication or if their account has been disabled.

Then the platform will guide them through a series of steps to help regain access to their accounts.

If someone has multiple accounts associated with their information, they will be able to choose which account needs support.

“We know losing access to your Instagram account can be stressful, so we want to ensure people have multiple options to get their accounts back if they lose access,” Instagram said.

The company also provides the option to choose two of your Instagram friends to verify your identity and get back into your account.

Additionally, Instagram is testing new ways to prevent hacking on the platform.

It will remove accounts that its automated systems find to be malicious, including ones that impersonate others and which go against its Community Guidelines.

Moreover, the blue verified badge for verified accounts will now appear in more places across the platform including Stories and DMs.

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Travel Travel & Tourism

Insta-worthy destinations in India to explore

Among the notable attractions, the Neelakurinji, which blooms once every 12 years, is a sight to behold, as these rare and unique flowers present a picturesque blue and purple landscape against the green rolling hills of Munnar…reports Asian Lite News

Travel is opening up across the world, and with that, our Instagram feeds are now being blessed with pictures of people exploring new and unique destinations. While most travel influencers flaunt beautiful destinations from across the globe, there is absolutely no dearth of insta-worthy destinations in India.

Right from flower-filled landscapes to snowcapped mountain ranges, there is no shortage of beautiful destinations within the country, especially for those who want to make a quick getaway and explore picture-perfect destinations.

To help spice up your travel feed, EaseMyTrip shares a list of some of the most beautiful destinations that will make others envious of your Instagram feed:

* Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh

Popular for its scenic mountain ranges, coniferous landscapes, and 400-year-old monasteries adorned in colorful Tibetan flags, the quaint town of Tawang is considered to be one of the prime Insta-worthy destinations, not just for those who want to grace their feeds with aesthetic posts, but also for those who want to visit a destination with tremendous natural beauty and history. The town is also home to one of the biggest, and oldest monasteries in India, dating back to 1680. This destination is especially perfect for those who want to enjoy an offbeat vacation, and who want to explore the unique hiking trails such as the Gorichen Peak, which gives travelers a breathtaking 360-degree view of Tawang.

Insta Worthy Location: GadenNamgyalLhatse (Tawang Monastery)

* Munnar, Kerala

Located in the Idukki district of Kerala, Munnar is a scenic destination straight out of a fairytale. This quaint hill station is a romantic paradise nestled in the confluence of three mountain streams. Among the notable attractions, the Neelakurinji, which blooms once every 12 years, is a sight to behold, as these rare and unique flowers present a picturesque blue and purple landscape against the green rolling hills of Munnar. The tea estates, Lakkam waterfalls, and Eravikulam National Park are some must-visit destinations for those who want to explore the unique and magnificent sights of the hill station and add more color to their Instagram feed.

Insta Worthy Location: Neelakurinji Bloom Hills

* KremLiatPrah, Meghalaya

From the dazzling blue pools to stalagmites in gleaming hues, the unique caves nestled in KremLiatPrah make a traveler feel as if they are visiting a destination straight out of a fantasy novel. The KremLiatPrah stands as one of the longest natural caves in South Asia and is interconnected with over 150 caves to awaken the explorer in you. The caves can, however, only be explored along with an experienced cave guide, during the daytime, to truly experience the beauty of this unique destination. Winter is the perfect season to experience the vast stretches of cherry blossoms that bloom during this time of the year. KremLiatPrah is one of the most remote destinations in Meghalaya, which is why pre-booking a bus or a taxi to reach your destination from Shillong is considered to be the best option.

Insta Worthy Location: Krem Dam Caves

* Thiksey, Leh

Thiksey in Leh is one destination that is surely set to become an instant favorite, especially with the concept of glamping being at the forefront of the experiences here. While there are only specific months during the year when visitors can enjoy the sights, the pictures clicked here are sure to last a lifetime. The Chamba Camp in particular is a luxury glamping site that offers some of the best backdrops for scenic views. When visiting Thiksey, opt to stay in one of the local luxury tents, which creates a unique wilderness camping experience. October is one of the best times to visit this destination owing to the ThikseyGustor Festival, which gives visitors a unique insight into the ritualistic life of Tibetan people, and the culture that has been upheld for centuries in this region.

Insta Worthy Location: Chamba Camp

* Kutch, Gujarat

Aptly dubbed as the “White Desert of India”, Kutch is a unique destination that exudes a surreal feeling that is unmatched and sure to add a touch of flair to your feed. The vast and expansive white salt desert coupled with a backdrop of a starry sky is sure to have you staring in awe at the pictures that come as a result of it. The Rann Festival in particular is one of the most popular and instagrammable events, as the numerous sights and stalls set up here add a pop of color to an otherwise pristine backdrop. One of the attractions of this festival is also the hot air balloon rides being offered to patrons, giving them a unique bird’s eye view of the vast saline mudflats that are iconic to this region. Kutch is also known for being home to the unique Tent City of Gujarat, whose notable attractions include the extensive lines of white tent houses and stores, as well as the renowned Statue of Unity.

Insta Worthy Location: RaanUtsav (Tent City)

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-Top News Europe Social Media

Russia bans FB, Instagram, labels Meta extremist

The Russian court ruling will come into effect immediately but will not affect WhatsApp….reports Asian Lite News

 A Moscow court has ruled to ban Facebook and Instagram in Russia, labelling the parent company of the two social networks Meta Platforms Inc. as “extremist”.

In its ruling on Monday, the Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia said that the lawsuit was aimed at protecting Russians from “a violation of their rights”, reports Xinhua news agency.

“Meta has violated its own rules by allowing posts with violent speeches towards the Russian military and has ignored more than 4,500 requests to remove fake information on Russia’s special military operation and calls for unauthorised rallies,” the prosecutors said.

The court ruling will come into effect immediately but will not affect WhatsApp.

Under the ruling, Russian media must now declare Meta an “extremist” organisation whenever it is mentioned, said a BBC report.

The designation must now be specified every time Meta is mentioned in the media, according to Russia’s Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media.

Meta is also banned from doing business in Russia as the Prosecutor General’s Office and Russia’s Federal Security Service accused the social media giant of acting against Moscow and its armed forces.

Facebook has been blocked in Russia since March 4.

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Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Top beauty influencers on social media

Unlike many other beauty influencers, Gutierrez, also known as Manny Mua on social media, began his influencer career on Instagram and only later expanded to YouTube…reports Olivia Sarkar

Beauty influencers are gaining ground in the social media world. Fans enjoy seeing their posts and videos to learn new make-up, hairstyle, and product tips. Many influencers have launched beauty brands as a result of their online success.

Huda Kattan (Followers: 50M)

Kattan is an Iraqi-American entrepreneur and make-up artist best known for her brand Huda Beauty, which she co-founded with her sisters Mona and Alya. She shares beauty tips and product information on her Instagram page. These products, according to her bio, have not been tested on animals.

Nikkie de Jager (Followers: 15.4M)

The Dutch make-up artist, who announced her transgender identity in January 2020, is one of the most well-known beauty influencers. Her make-up tutorials on YouTube, where she first started posting tutorials, are among the most popular. Her Instagram feed features videos and posts of her experimenting with various looks, make-up tips, and shout-outs to celebrities with whom she has collaborated.

Zoë Sugg (Followers: 9.3M)

Sugg has been an influencer for a little more than a decade, during which time she also launched her own brand, Zoella. The brand’s Instagram account, which has approximately 1.1 million followers, features a variety of posts about make-up, women’s issues, food, and fashion. Sugg’s personal Instagram account is like a diary in which she chronicles her life.

Manny Gutierrez (Followers: 4M)

Unlike many other beauty influencers, Gutierrez, also known as Manny Mua on social media, began his influencer career on Instagram and only later expanded to YouTube. He is one of the most popular male influencers on social media. Gutierrez’s influence in the beauty industry led to him becoming Maybelline’s first male ambassador. On his feed, he shares make-up tips, beauty challenges, and product reviews, but his fans also appreciate his sense of humour. Follow him for his glamorous eye looks and amusing video mash-ups.

Shayla Mitchell (Followers: 2.8M)

Mitchell, a trailblazer for people of colour in the world of beauty influencers, uses her Instagram account to share everything she knows and does in the worlds of beauty, fashion, and make-up. Every beauty post she shares exudes an undeniable sense of glitz. Her longer make-up tutorials are available on YouTube.

Nabela Noor (Followers: 2.2M)

Noor is a Bangladeshi-American who is leading a revolutionary shift in preconceived notions of beauty. Noor’s Instagram account contains both beauty secrets and important messages about her advocacy.

Thuy Le (Followers: 1.8M)

Thuy Le began her career as a beauty influencer on Instagram while working part-time at M.A.C. Cosmetics and freelancing as a make-up artist. As her following grew, the London-based influencer began producing YouTube content.

Kiitan Akinniranye (Followers: 785k)

Kiitan, who was born in Nigeria, is now a beauty, travel, and fashion blogger based in Los Angeles. Her blog was where she first gained recognition as an influencer. Her candid discussions about her hair, skin, and personal fears drew readers in. Kittan quickly established herself as a major figure among beauty influencers. Kiitan’s Instagram account features posts about her make-up routine, hair styling tips, and fashion advice.

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