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PML-N nominates Ishaq Dar as interim PM

Sources in the PPP have denied any consultation with the party by PML-N on Dar’s name….reports Asian Lite News

The ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) party has the proposed name of Finance Minister Ishaq Dar as the next caretaker Prime Minister with additional powers to the temporary setup during its tenure through the crucial transitional period.

According to PML-N sources, it has been proposed that Dar should be appointed at the interim premier after amendments in the electoral law.

The proposition by PML-N aims to grant more powers to the caretaker government, in view of taking major economic reforms decisions and to also ensure smooth process of management till the next government takes over after the general elections. 

In a recent interview, Dar had stated that the critical three-month period of the caretaker government, should not be handed over to a setup that deals with day-to-day affairs 

“It is important to not allow the nation’s three-month transition period to be spent solely on day-to-day affairs. Such an approach has led to past inefficiencies. 

“Significant decisions, especially concerning the country’s economy, needed to be made during the caretaker government’s term to ensure a smooth and productive transition,” he added. 

However, the decision to select an interim Prime Minister is not of the PML-N alone as it is a coalition government and needs nods from its political partners as well, especially from the Pakistan People Party (PPP), who does not seem to be impressed by the proposal. 

Sources in the PPP have denied any consultation with the party by PML-N on Dar’s name.

The PPP’s secretary information and SAPM (Special Assistant to the Prime Minister), Faisal Karim Kundi expressed concerns over the news, stating that a decision taken in this regard without consultation may lead to controversy. 

PPP’s concern on the matter is something that PML-N cannot ignore and will have to convince them if it intends to make electoral amendments and push Dar as the interim Prime Minister. 

PPP sources also stated that while there has been no consultation in this regard by PML-N yet, the party has also got a proposition and a name for the interim prime minister as well, which would be put forward when the consultation between coalition partners is initiated. 

The government had recently inked a staff level agreement with the IMF for the next ninemonths, injecting some stability to its crippling economic situation.

Experts say that the government would want to bring in IDar to handle the interim period of the government to ensure that its commitments with the IMF do not lag behind and also because it can manage the election process with the Election Commission of Pakistan for its political gains and re-election into power. 

ALSO READ: Unprecedented exodus in Pakistan amidst economic turmoil

-Top News Asia News Economy

‘Pakistan won’t plead to IMF’: Dar on delay in funds

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar stated that the delay was not because of discrepancies within Pakistan’s positioning and standing and went on to criticise IMF’s “abnormal behaviour”, stating that Pakistan will not plead to the global lender nor will take any dictation from it, reports Hamza Ameer

At a time when Pakistan, under the current coalition government of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, is facing a towering challenge of reviving its economic and financial conditions and prevent from moving towards a complete meltdown, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar has expressed his displeasure over the delay in the ninth International Monetary Fund (IMF) review, saying that he will not bow down to what he termed as “dictation” of the IMF.

Talking to a local media outlet, Dar said that he was not concerned whether the IMF team arrives or not to assess and finalise the pending review of the country’s $7 billion Extended Fund Facility (EFF).

The Minister said that the IMF team is more than welcome to visit as the compliance details for the ninth review was “completely in order”.

“I do not care if they come, I don’t have to plead before them. I have to look at Pakistan’s interest first,” he said.

Dar further stated that the delay was not because of discrepancies within Pakistan’s positioning and standing and went on to criticise IMF’s “abnormal behaviour”, stating that Pakistan will not plead to the global lender nor will take any dictation from it.

“I have reassured them that our ninth review is in order and you should come and give Pakistan the $500 million funds,” he said.

The Minister further said that if the IMF review team does not come to Pakistan for the review, Islamabad has already formulated a plan to manage the financial situation by getting support from “friendly countries”.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif

“If they don’t come then we will manage, no problem,” he added.

Part of which has already started to come as Saudi Arabia has agreed to extend term of $3 billion deposit for another year, shoring up the country’s foreign exchange reserves and giving fuel to domestic economy.

However, when Dar was questioned about his rigid positioning on the IMF and its worrisome implications and fallout, he stated that he understands the potential fallout of a breakdown in the talks, which was why he was still talking to the lender.

“I know how to complete the IMF programme. The government will not only complete the current programme, it will also make its payments in time and as per schedule. We will not default,” the Minister emphasized.

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