Arab News News World

International ‘Blue Flag’ air combat exercise started in Israel

Air forces of eight countries began the international “Blue Flag” air combat exercise in Israel…reports Asian Lite News

The annual exercise is taking place at the Ovda Air Force Base in southern Israel, with the participation of air forces from the United States, Germany, Italy, Britain, France, India and Greece, Xinhua news agency quoted an Israeli military spokesperson as saying.

The exercise kicked started on Sunday with an honorary flyover, led by the Commander of the Israeli Air Force Amikam Norkin in an F-15, alongside an Israeli “Adir”, the Israeli version of F-35 stealth jet.

International ‘Blue Flag’ air combat exercise started in Israel

The Chief of the German Air Force Ingo Gerhartz flew with them in an “Eagle Star” Eurofighter, which has been specially painted with Israeli and German flags.

The 12-days drill will simulate air-to-air and air-to-ground combat, advanced surface-to-air missiles threats, and various operational scenarios in enemy territory, the Israeli military said.

ALSO READ: Israel detects a rise in cyberattack attempts against hospitals

The goal is “to strengthen strategic international cooperation through shared learning about the integration of fourth and fifth-generation aircraft in complex operational scenarios, with a focus on broadening and enhancing the operational capabilities,” the spokesperson said in a statement.

The exercise provides an opportunity to carry out “joint tactical flights against a variety of threats using advanced technology,” the statement added.

Arab News Social Media World

Israel detects a rise in cyberattack attempts against hospitals

The Israeli Ministry of Health has detected an abnormal increase in the number of cyberattack attempts against hospitals…reports Asian Lite News

The Israeli Ministry of Health has detected an abnormal increase in the number of cyberattack attempts against hospitals and medical organisations in the last two days, the Ministry and the Israel National Cyber Directorate (INCD) said in a joint statement.

The Israeli cybersecurity company Check Point Software Technologies later said that an average of 627 cyberattack attempts per hospital or organization was recorded in Israel on Friday and Saturday, 72 per cent higher than previous weekends, reports Xinhua news agency.

Early preparing and rapid response by the ministry’s cyber centre and computer teams in the attacked organisations stopped the attempts and no damage was caused, the joint statement said.

Meanwhile, the Ministry and the directorate continued to work to restore the data systems of the state-owned Hillel Yaffe Medical Centre in the coastal city of Hadera, following a severe cyberattack carried out against the hospital on Wednesday.

ALSO READ: India, UK hold talks on Cyber Capacity Building

Following the cyberattack, the Ministry instructed hospitals to ensure that there is backup data that is separate from hospital networks, including printing of critical medical information.

The Ministry and the INCD stated that they have recently carried out many actions along with healthcare bodies to further strengthen protection levels, while detecting new vulnerabilities that may be used for attacks.

COVID-19 Travel & Tourism World

Israel started enforcing ‘Green Pass’ restrictions

Israel has started enforcing its ‘Green Pass’ restrictions, limiting entry to various public venues only to people who have received a third Covid-19 booster shot…reports Asian Lite News

The enforcement of the Green Pass, part of the Israeli government’s plan to fight the coronavirus, started on Sunday after more than two weeks of delay, reports Xinhua news agency.

Under the new guidelines, a person will have to receive a third dose of the coronavirus vaccine in order to be considered fully vaccinated and be eligible to receive the Green Pass.

Israel started enforcing ‘Green Pass’ restrictions

People who have recently recuperated are also eligible.

The Green Pass is a barcode valid for six months that enables entry to various venues, including restaurants, cafes, bars, cultural and sporting events, cinemas, weddings, gyms, conferences and hotels.

In order to comply with the new rules, these venues are now obliged to scan QR codes before allowing entry.

The enforcement of the Green Pass was supposed to begin on October 3 but was postponed over “technical difficulties”, according to the Health Ministry.

ASLO READ: UAE, Israel Agree to Boost Tourism Ties

The move comes amid a sharp drop in new infections and severe illness in Israel, with a decrease of about 80 per cent in the number of daily cases since early September.

After a peak of 766 severe cases in late August, the number dropped to 388 on Sunday.

“It is possible to say with caution that we are defeating the fourth wave,” Prime Minister Naftali Bennett told his weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday.

However, he warned that the current outbreak, driven by the quick spread of the Delta variant, is not over yet.

“We are not taking the foot off the gas and are not taking off the masks… We are continuing to see to full stocks of vaccines and tests,” Bennett said.

He also noted that the Israeli government is preparing for a possible another coronavirus wave.

“We are preparing the infrastructure for the Omega scenario, the code name for a new variant, and of course, we are preparing for the winter, for a combination of flu and the coronavirus,” he said.

The Green Pass is widely seen in Israel as a tool to encourage people to receive the third dose of the coronavirus vaccine.

The government has based its strategy to tackle the current fourth wave on large-scale vaccination rollout.

So far, some 41 per cent of the country’s 9.3 million people have received the third dose, according to official figures.

-Top News India News

Jaishankar pays homage to Indian soldiers at Talpiot

India and Israel elevated bilateral relations to a Strategic Partnership during the historic visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Israel in July 2017…reports Asian Lite News.

Dr S Jaishankar, who is on a maiden five-day (October 17-21) trip to Israel as an Indian External Affairs Minister, arrived in the West Asian country on Sunday.

Soon after his arrival, he visited the Indian cemetery at Talpiot in southern Jerusalem and paid homage to brave Indian soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice during World War-I.

Tweeting about it, the EAM wrote: “Visited the Indian Cemetery at Talpiot as my first engagement in Jerusalem. Paid homage to the brave Indian soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice during World War I.”

During the visit, he will hold a bilateral meeting with the Alternate Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Israel. Further, he will also call on the President, the Prime Minister,and the Knesset Speaker, the Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement.

India and Israel elevated bilateral relations to a Strategic Partnership during the historic visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Israel in July 2017.

Since then, the relationship between the two countries has focused on expanding knowledge-based partnership, which includes collaboration in innovation and research, including boosting the ‘Make in India’ initiative.

The EAM will interact with the Indian-origin Jewish community in Israel, Indologists, Indian students who are currently pursuing their education in Israeli universities, and business people, including from the hi-tech industries, the MEA said. (India News Network)

ALSO READ-Jaishankar due in Israel to elevate bilateral relations

READ MORE-Ensuring inclusive govt in Afghanistan top priority, says Jaishankar

-Top News UAE News World

UAE, Israel Agree to Boost Tourism Ties

Both national discussed further growing business opportunities across priority sectors, accelerating non-oil trade exchanges and diversifying bilateral investments…reports Asian Lite News

Dr. Ahmad Belhoul Al Falasi, Minister of State for Entrepreneurship and SMEs, met with the Israeli Tourism Minister Yoel Razvozov at the opening of the Israeli Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai to review advancing economic cooperation and increasing direct flights between the two nations.

The two ministers deliberated the prospects of further growing business opportunities across priority sectors, accelerating non-oil trade exchanges and diversifying bilateral investments in the post-pandemic phase.

UAE, Israel Agree to Boost Tourism Ties

“The UAE-Israeli relations are steadily growing and we’re determined to further develop them over the coming period,” Al Falasi said, noting that Expo 2020 Dubai represents a valuable opportunity for the Israeli businesses to benefit from the opportunities up for grabs during the global fair. He remarked that the non-oil trade exchanges between the two nations amounted to $700 million during the first year that followed the signing of the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement.

“The UAE tourist and hotel establishments have secured high occupancy rates over the past period, overtaking 10 of the world’s most-visited tourist destinations. An achievement that would not have been made but for the efforts made at the country level to stamp out the challenges triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic,” the minister said.

For his part the Israeli minister said, “On the occasion of the first anniversary of signing the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement, we affirm the impressive success achieved over the past period by the two nations specially at the tourist level.

“Despite the movement restrictions associated with the pandemic, the tourist exchanges between the two nations witnessed significant momentum, with around 250,000 Israeli tourists having visited the UAE over the past period. And we expect cooperation in this field to further grow over the coming period,” he said, noting that the tourist sector is a mainstay for the development of economic relations between the two countries.

Meanwhile, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan has concluded an official visit to the United States, during which he met top US and Israeli officials.

The UAE top diplomat’s visit to the States set an example for joint action between allies to reinforce regional peace and stability in a way that would help meet the aspirations of the nations of the region.

Sheikh Abdullah during the visit met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, The meeting resulted in the announcement of two trilateral working groups; the first on religious coexistence and the other on water and energy issues.

ALSO READ: Israel and Sudan discuss bilateral cooperation

Commenting on the visit, Sheikh Abdullah said the UAE-US relations have been steadily and significantly growing over the past period and culminated in a privileged and fruitful partnership, noting that the UAE values tolerance and peaceful coexistence.

For his part, the US top diplomat commended the strategic relations between the two nations and their importance in underpinning peaceful coexistence in the region.

He pointed out that the normalisation of ties between Arab nations and Israel will contribute to achieving stability in the region. “We are working together for delivering a bright future for the peoples of the region,” he said.

Sheikh Abdullah also met with the members of the American-Jewish Committee and discussed the strategic relations between the two nations and their role in underpinning the pillars of peace and stability in the region.

UAE, Israel Agree to Boost Tourism Ties

The meeting covered the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement and its key role in forging sustainable solutions conducive to strengthening peace and stability in the region.

Sheikh Abdullah also met with the US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and discussed with him the efforts made by the two nations to help establish peace and stability in the region.

He also met with the Foreign Minister of Greece Nikos Dendias and discussed a number of issues of interest, including the situation in the eastern Mediterranean and commended the growth of the UAE- Greece strategic relations.

EXPO 2020 UAE News World

UAE, Israel review business opportunities between two nations

Dr. Ahmad Belhoul Al Falasi, Minister of State for Entrepreneurship and SMEs, met with the Israeli Tourism Minister Yoel Razvozov at the opening of the Israeli Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai…reports Asian Lite News

Dr. Ahmad Belhoul Al Falasi, Minister of State for Entrepreneurship and SMEs, met with the Israeli Tourism Minister Yoel Razvozov at the opening of the Israeli Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai to review advancing economic cooperation and increasing direct flights between the two nations.

The two ministers deliberated the prospects of further growing business opportunities across priority sectors, accelerating non-oil trade exchanges and diversifying bilateral investments in the post-pandemic phase.

UAE, Israel review business opportunities between two nations

“The UAE-Israeli relations are steadily growing and we’re determined to further develop them over the coming period,” Al Falasi said, noting that Expo 2020 Dubai represents a valuable opportunity for the Israeli businesses to benefit from the opportunities up for grabs during the global fair. He remarked that the non-oil trade exchanges between the two nations amounted to $700 million during the first year that followed the signing of the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement.

“The UAE tourist and hotel establishments have secured high occupancy rates over the past period, overtaking 10 of the world’s most-visited tourist destinations. An achievement that would not have been made but for the efforts made at the country level to stamp out the challenges triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic,” the minister said.

For his part the Israeli minister said, “On the occasion of the first anniversary of signing the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement, we affirm the impressive success achieved over the past period by the two nations specially at the tourist level.

ALSO READ: UNRWA starts rebuilding destroyed Palestinian refugee’s homes by Israel

“Despite the movement restrictions associated with the pandemic, the tourist exchanges between the two nations witnessed significant momentum, with around 250,000 Israeli tourists having visited the UAE over the past period. And we expect cooperation in this field to further grow over the coming period,” he said, noting that the tourist sector is a mainstay for the development of economic relations between the two countries.

-Top News Arab News India News

Jaishankar due in Israel to elevate bilateral relations

The relationship between the two countries has focused on expanding knowledge-based partnership, which includes collaboration in innovation and research, including boosting the ‘Make in India’ initiative…reports Asian Lite News.

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar will pay an official visit to Israel from October 17-21.

He will be visiting at the invitation of Alternate Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Israel Yair Lapid, said the Ministry of External Affairs on Saturday.

He will hold a bilateral meeting with the Alternate Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Israel.

He will also call on the President, the Prime Minister, and the Knesset Speaker.

This will be Jaishankar’s first visit to the country as External Affairs Minister.


India and Israel elevated bilateral relations to a Strategic Partnership during the historic visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Israel in July 2017.

Since then, the relationship between the two countries has focused on expanding knowledge-based partnership, which includes collaboration in innovation and research, including boosting the ‘Make in India’ initiative.

India, Israel

The EAM will interact with the Indian-origin Jewish community in Israel, Indologists, Indian students who are currently pursuing their education in Israeli universities, and business people, including from the hi-tech industries.

The visit will also be an occasion to pay tribute to the valiant Indian soldiers who laid their lives in the region, especially during the First World War, the MEA said.

ALSO READ-Jaishankar to visit Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan, Armenia

READ MORE-Ensuring inclusive govt in Afghanistan top priority, says Jaishankar

Arab News News World

UNRWA starts rebuilding destroyed Palestinian refugee’s homes by Israel

UNRWA started rebuilding Palestinian refugees’ homes, which had been destroyed by Israel in the Gaza Strip…reports Asian Lite News

The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) started rebuilding Palestinian refugees’ homes, which had been destroyed by Israel in the Gaza Strip in May, a UN official said.

Phillippe Lazzarini

UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini told a news conference before the agency started to reconstruct a destroyed home in a refugee camp in western Gaza city as the beginning of reconstruction process of refugees’ homes, Xinhua news agency reported.

PHILIPPE LAZZARINI, COMMISSIONER-GENERAL, UNRWA: “The process includes 1,200 Palestinian refugee families who left their homes with severe damage and were unable to return to them due to the massive destruction. There are 7,000 other families that will be provided with assistance once the financial support is available, reminding that UNRWA needs 20 million US dollars “in order to deal with these cases.”

ALSO READ: Israel FM calls for peace with Palestinians and Arab nations

On May 21, Egypt brokered a cease-fire agreement which ended 11 days of fighting between Israel and militant groups led by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), which has been ruling Gaza since 2007.

The fighting in the Gaza Strip in May left more than 250 Palestinians and 13 Israelis killed besides large destructions of buildings and infrastructure in the besieged coastal enclave.

Africa News Arab News UAE News

Israel and Sudan discuss bilateral cooperation

Israel said that two government officials met Sudan’s Justice Minister Nasredeen Abdulbari in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to discuss bilateral cooperation…reports Asian Lite News

In two separate meetings in Abu Dhabi, Abdulbari met Israel’s Regional Affairs Minister Issawi Frej and Deputy Foreign Minister Idan Roll, respectively, in a bid to push forward the bilateral ties, according to statements issued on behalf of the two ministers.

During their meeting, Abdulbari told Frej that cultural and educational cooperation between Sudan and Israel is important even more than economic ties, reports Xinhua news agency.

Israel and Sudan discuss bilateral cooperation

“We must get to know each other and strengthen the contacts between our peoples,” said a statement.

In another meeting, Abdulbari and Roll agreed to establish cooperation in technological training, education and culture.

They “agreed on future cooperation between the two countries under the Abraham Accords”, according to a statement issued by the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

The two sides agreed that there is “a mutual interest” in cooperation in the field of education and technology in order to “help young people from all countries that are part of the Abraham Accords”.

ALSO READ: UAE, US, Israel announce new working groups

Roll also stressed the importance of signing a normalization agreement between the two countries “soon”.

The meetings were the first official high-level meetings between Israeli and Sudanese ministers since January.

Israel and Sudan agreed to normalize their ties in October 2020.

However, an official deal between the two countries has yet to be signed.

The so-called Abraham Accords are a series of US-brokered normalization deals in which the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco agreed to normalize their relations with Israel.

-Top News UAE News World

UAE, US, Israel announce new working groups

Sheikh Abdullah said he will soon visit Israel at the invitation of the Israeli Foreign Minister…reports Asian Lite News

UAE Foreign Affairs Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan said the UAE, US and Israel have agreed on establishing two new working groups; with one focusing on religious coexistence and the other on water and energy issues.

The UAE top diplomat made the statements as he met in Washington the Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid.

H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, UAE

The meeting covered the progress achieved one year following the signing of the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement by the UAE and Israel as well as the prospects of consolidating bilateral cooperation in several areas of common interest. The three top diplomats also explored a number of regional and international developments.

Sheikh Abdullah said the three-way meeting reflects the US’s commitment to build bridges of cooperation between two nations that are “committed to achieving advancement and development.”

“Our presence here today reaffirms our commitment to the necessity of changing the prevailing conditions in the region in the right direction,” Sheikh Abdullah noted.

“We have succeeded in establishing a nation that respects values and recognises tolerance and co-existence,” he said, stressing that the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement is a catalyst for establishing peace in the region.

He added that he would soon visit Israel at the invitation of the Israeli Foreign Minister. “I will visit Israel soon in order to meet our friends and partners. We need to not only celebrate this bilateral relationship, but also to look forward to wider prospects of cooperation between the two nations.’’ He added that there could be no talk of peace in the Middle East if Israel and the Palestinians were not “on talking terms”.

ALSO READ: CBAEU and ADGM joins for the growth of UAE’s FinTech sector

“Therefore, we’re happy to see over the past weeks Israeli officials meet with their Palestinian counterparts. We have to continue encouraging them to do so. We believe that the UAE-Israeli relations have enabled us to be frank with each other and helped us to encourage others whenever there are something we can do.”

“We’re impressed with the growing relationship with Israel. We always rely on our friends in the United States of America. This is an important thing for us. And we need to look forward to wider prospects of cooperation between the UAE and Israel in several fields.”

On Yemen, Sheikh Abdullah said that the UAE is always discussing the conditions in Yemen. “We should recall that it’s the lack of commitment on the part of Houthis that drew us to the situation in Yemen. We’re working hard and diligently with our friends to put an end to the Yemeni crisis and to ensure Yemenis will enjoy a better life.”

He emphasised that the UAE will never accept a Hizbollah-style entity on the borders of the sisterly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. “The Houthis have managed to increasingly reinforce their presence in a manner similar to that of Hizbollah. We certainly want to put an end to this dispute and to work with the international community on a plan to ensure reconstruction of Yemen. Neither do we want to see in Yemen a situation similar to that in South Lebanon,” he continued.

For his part, the US Secretary of State emphasised his country’s strong support for the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement between the UAE and Israel, noting the importance of working for delivering a bright future for the peoples of the Middle East region.

He underlined the importance of ensuring peaceful coexistence in the region, noting that diplomacy will remain the preferred option to end all conflicts.

The US top diplomat lauded the UAE’s 2050 net-zero initiative as well Israel’s endeavours to reduce carbon emissions by 25 percent by 2050 as well.

For his part, the Israeli Foreign Minister said his country is seeking to make the peace agreements signed recently a source of inspiration for other nations to follow suit, noting that the Israeli-UAE partnership is based on co-existence, economic prosperity and countering terrorism and extremism.

UAE, US, Israel announce new working groups

“There are leaders in the Middle East who believe that we can change the course of history together in order to achieve peace,” he said, noting that Israel is endeavouring to expand the scope of peace agreements in the region.

Sheikh Abdullah then held a bilateral meeting with Blinken where the two top diplomats discussed ways of advancing the longstanding strategic partnership and expanding the prospects of joint cooperation. They also stressed the importance of working for finding lasting solutions that will achieve security and stability in the region.

He affirmed the depth of ties between the UAE and US and their commitment to leveraging their joint strategic partnership and developing bilateral cooperation in all fields as well as working together to solidify foundations of security, stability and peace and realise prosperity for peoples in the region.

The UAE top diplomat commended the outcome of the trilateral meeting, underscoring the significance of the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement for opening up a new chapter of cooperation between the states in the region and for delivering the aspirations of the peoples for development, stability and prosperity.