Lite Blogs

Healthy meal to fuel your body

Smoothies are a perfect and nutritious way to start your day. Blend a banana, spoonful of yoghurt, scoop of plant-based protein powder, almond milk and a dash of honey/ maple syrup…reports Asian Lite News

Every year on June 21, the world observes International Yoga Day as a reminder to live an active and healthy lifestyle. It is crucial to choose a healthy meal that will fuel your body, encourage awareness, and support your yoga practise. With these five delicious, invigorating, yet practical breakfast options, you can start your day off correctly and honour the advantages of yoga:

Yogi’s Oats Powered Smoothie: Smoothies are a perfect and nutritious way to start your day. Blend a banana, spoonful of yoghurt, scoop of plant-based protein powder, almond milk and a dash of honey/ maple syrup. A spoonful of almond or peanut butter will give it an added twist. This protein-packed smoothie is also a great source of fibre and vitamins, and will give you the energy to embrace your yoga practice with vitality.

Nourishing Muesli Bowl: Indulge in a wholesome muesli bowl to energise your body for your daily workouts. Combine a generous serving of Yoga Bars’ Classic Fruit & Nut Muesli with your choice of milk or yoghurt. Let it sit for a few minutes to soften. Enhance the flavours by adding sliced fresh fruits like bananas, berries, or diced apples. This nutrient-rich breakfast will provide a satisfying crunch while keeping you fuelled post your yoga sessions.

Wholesome Oats Pancakes: Select a nutrient-rich choco-almond oats variant and blend it into a fine powder. Mash a ripe banana until smooth in a bowl and add a scoop of blended oats, almond milk or any milk of choice. Stir well until you achieve the desired consistency, creating a thick rich pancake batter. Cook the pancakes and serve them with toppings, such as sliced fruits, a dollop of yoghurt, some honey/ maple syrup, or a sprinkle of nuts. The oats contribute to a satisfying texture, while the combination of flavours and toppings create a delightful variety and indulgence to your meal.

Energising Breakfast Bars: Energising Yoga Bars for breakfast bars provide a convenient and nourishing option for those busy mornings when time is of the essence. Else, look for high-protein and high-fibre options that are also soy-free and gluten-free, as they are readily available in the market. These bars are perfect as pre- and post-workout snacks and serve as healthy meal replacement options. Grab one on the go and experience the benefits of a wholesome and satisfying breakfast that supports your active lifestyle.

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Lite Blogs

Yoga, a complete therapy for body and mind

Physical and mental therapy are one of yoga’s most important achievements. What makes it so powerful and effective is the fact that it works on the holistic principles of harmony and unification…reports Asian Lite News

Ever since its inception, international yoga day has been celebrated on June 21st throughout the world, and yoga has been recognised as an ancient practice that helps to improve the state of relaxation, improves the blood flow, enhances immunity and aids with mindfulness.

According to the Doctors at CGH Wellness Experiences

Yoga’s regulated rhythmic breathing strengthens the core diaphragmatic muscles, improves the cognitive functions, increasing the pain threshold, improves mood related problems am overall well proven that yoga can provide a healthy and fruitful life in all aspects.

Physical and mental therapy are one of yoga’s most important achievements. What makes it so powerful and effective is the fact that it works on the holistic principles of harmony and unification. Yoga has succeeded as an alternative form of therapy in conditions like obesity, asthma, diabetes, blood pressure, arthritis, digestive disorders, and other ailments of a chronic and constitutional nature, where modern science has not. Yoga therapy has been successful because of the balance created in the nervous and endocrine system which directly influences all the other systems and organs of the body.

How To Heal The Body Mind And Soul Through Yoga

According to Yoga literature, which has been well validated by science too, all lifestyle diseases are primarily rooted in the mind which in turn affects one’s energy and manifests in the body as symptoms of illness. Therefore, the healing process also needs to start from the mind itself and here yoga comes with a perfect solution for your Heath issues as it works not only on your mind but also on your energy and physical planes.

Yogic breathing:

Yogic breathing is a technique where inweuseourabdomen,chestandshoulders systematically. Expand your abdomen, chest and shoulder systematically while you inhale and relax your shoulders, chest and the abdomen while you exhale. This helps to make your breath slow, deep, calm and controlled while rhythmic.

Surya namaskar:

This is a combination of 12 steps with alternative forward and backward stretching. When practiced slowly with awareness, it helps to maintain balance in the hormonal and nervous system and brings harmony in the body.

Yogic Asanas:

Yoga ‘Asanas‘ are postures which involve stretching and maintaining it for a while. It helps to give movement to the muscles in our body; thereby aiding in providing nutrition even to the minor set of muscles in the body. It is always better including a variety of asanas, rather than practicing the same set of asanas daily. Asanas were never intended to be practiced rapidly or to be in conflict with the body. As traditional texts explain Yoga Asanas are about being in a state of stability and comfort.


‘ Pranayama’is the systemic breathing methodology in Yoga to change the arrhythmic inhalations and exhalations into rhythmic , slow and steady. It helps to purify energy channels and to bring harmony to the physiological functions in the body. ‘Pranas’ are the Yogic concepts for the vital energy in the body and its rhythmic and harmonious flow is very crucial in keeping our body healthy and disease free.

Yoga Nidra:

There are scientific evidence shows that Yoga nidras and other meditation techniques have an impact in your health by neutralizing our emotional behaviors and stress. Regular practice of Yogic meditative techniques helps to calm down your mind and helps to make intellectual choices in deciding your lifestyle.

Understanding illness in a Yogic Way

Diseases of mankind originate from within the layers of the Mind and affects / disturbs the Energy Layer to manifest in the Physical layer as a disease or symptoms of one. In the Mind the imbalance starts as Likes &Dislikes which leads to emotional reactions. Emotions in turn lead to wrong actions which end up as wrong outcomes, that create Mental stress. This Mental stress is named as “Adhis’ (the primary disease but no symptom seen at the physical level). This causes an agitated body and mind. When the body and mind is agitated, it affects all the normal physiological functions of the body, especially the digestive system which leads to faulty digestion, non-digestion & over digestion of food eaten. This impairment in the digestive system causes the settling of improperly digested food(toxins)in the body which finally manifest as Vyadhi –Psychosomatic ailments.

Integrated Yoga Therapy

In the treatment of psychosomatic ailments, it is mandatory to work on the body and mind to bring about a complete cure. In integrated Yoga therapy, various Yoga modalities are used to treat the psychosomatic diseases.

For the Physical body:

Kriyas (Neti, Dhouthi, Nouli) ,sithilikarana vyayama, cultural and relaxative asanas.

For the mind:

Breathing exercises, pranayama, kriyas, Bendhas and Mudras, Dharana, Dhanya, Yoganidra.

General Instructions & point store member while Practicing Therapeutic Yoga

Always practice under the guidance of a qualified trainer.

Don’tcopypracticesprescribedforothers.Eventhoughthediseaseconditionmightbesame, therpeautic Yoga prescriptions are prescribed taking into account various factors like age, gender, general health, and co-morbidities.

Ifyoufeelanykindofunusualpainordiscomfortduringpractice,stopthepracticeimmediately and bring it to the notice of the doctor.

Don’t fight with your body–always know your limits.

Keep your awareness in the body and breath during the practice.

Loosening practices can be done dynamically but ensure to relax completely before the next practice.

Avoid yoga if you are suffering from a fever, after surgeries, in case spinal cord issues and hernia – seek expert guidance.

Practice on an empty stomach or alternately 3 hours after your last meal

Wear loose and comfortable attire

Use a comfortable yoga mat, which has a good grip

Do your practice in a place which has good air circulation

Don’t take bath immediately after your Yoga practice. Keep a minimum gap of 30 mints

If you feel any kind of unusual pain or discomfort during practice, stop the practice immediately and contact your trainer.

Always take adequate relaxation between each practice. 

By default always breathe through your nose, unless instructed otherwise

Don’t practice general yoga during your menstrual cycle and pregnancy.

End the practice by relaxing in the Shavasana pose for 5 to 10 mins and let your breath , body temperature, muscles  and heart beat return to normal.

ALSO READ-Let’s have a healthy digestive system

Health Lite Blogs

Quality exercise benefits for body and mind

Elevation Series upright bikes’ advanced technology enables users to benefit from wearables and fitness applications while maintaining the degree of connectivity they’ve come to expect…writes Olivia Sarkar

It goes without saying that frequent and quality exercise benefits both your body and mind, but if your schedule prevents you from visiting your neighbourhood gym on a regular basis, creating a training space within your home is the next best thing. Purchase top-notch exercise gear, such as dumbbell sets, treadmills, Pilates balls, fitness kit combos, and more. Here’s a list of what you should get your hands on:


Facilities can customise the gaming experience for their users thanks to the variety of console options. Create an enjoyable cardio workout with easy access to entertainment and fitness apps, or make it possible to simply get on and go. The comfort offered by FlexDeck technology, a running surface that lessens stress on the joints, benefits both walkers and runners. Facilities can easily update console software and monitor critical asset data thanks to wireless internet connectivity. Integrity treadmills are perfect for facilities looking for a warm, contemporary aesthetic with a variety of features that will appeal to their users.

Price: Rs. 1, 35, 799/- (approx.)


Premium cardio equipment with enticing appearance and lots of entertainment options on the console to keep users entertained while riding. Wide Ride pedals and an adjustable, padded seat provide users with comfort. Exercisers can choose their position for leisurely rides or harder pedalling thanks to deluxe racing handlebars. Elevation Series upright bikes’ advanced technology enables users to benefit from wearables and fitness applications while maintaining the degree of connectivity they’ve come to expect.

Price: Rs. 1, 24,000/- (approx.)


Using this adaptable exercise ball, you may work on your posture, balance, core stability, and other things. Exercise balls are a favourite among many since, depending on how you use them, they may help adapt exercises and even advance some training techniques. They’re a comprehensive piece of exercise equipment for all fitness levels. It deserves a place in any home gym just for its versatility, but because they’re so big, you’ll need to make sure you have enough room.

Price: Rs. 6,700/- (approx.)


The PowerMill is the best cardio machine at the gym for people looking for one of the hardest and most intense cardio workouts due to its smooth stepping motion and 26 different speeds. During all types of workouts, from the most intense to the least intense, safe footing is provided by the spacious step area and anti-toe-pinch design. And during each of them, steady motion is guaranteed by an effective AC motor. Fitness centres feature a variety of console alternatives, from easy to use to entertaining and interesting.

Price: Rs. 57,800/- (approx.)


Jump ropes are a great addition to any home gym because they are portable. They have the power to dramatically alter your workouts. Crossrope consistently performs admirably in our tests thanks to its premium components, comfortable handles, and stylish overall design.

Price: Rs. 14100/- (approx.)


Absolute beginners to advanced fitness aficionados of all levels will find this gear to be the perfect at-home workout buddy. This package comes with a pair of locks, a skipping rope, PVC weight plates, convertible dumbbell rods, and gym gloves. It is a fantastic substitute for those who are unable to visit a gym and is portable and simple to assemble.

Price: Rs. 2,299/- (approx.)

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Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Ideas to kick start your self-love journey

Simply put, allow your thoughts to flow. Proactively writing allows you to set intentions that lead to positive thoughts, self-image and overall happiness…reports Asian Lite News

When you hear the term “self-love”, images sheet masks or spontaneous road trips in films and spa days come to mind. However, self-love is more than this. It can take different forms for each of us. A rigorous pilates workout can be as relaxing as a spa treatment. Self-love entails accepting your true self — with all of the flaws and imperfections that make you unique as an individual. Smytten lists down five ideas to kick-start your self-love journey!

* Clean and organise: There is nothing better than getting something done first thing in the morning. Starting your day with a win can instantly boost your mood and self-esteem. You will end up getting more done than usual as a subconscious attempt to replicate that feeling. Devoting some time to organising your room can also significantly aid in the decluttering of your thoughts.

* Meditate: Meditating allows you to quiet your mind and refocus your attention on the present moment. While there are numerous approaches, here’s one you can try: spend at least three minutes doing a slow, breath-work meditation that focuses on your inner strengths. Finally, express your gratitude for a fully functional body. And, while it may seem counterintuitive, complimenting yourself aloud can be a game-changer!

* Experiment with self-care: The internet is flooded with self-care tips that can confuse a reader to the point of doing nothing. This is where experimentation comes into play! Find what works for you, whether it’s the viral Moroccan Argan Oil Facial Kit or taking a bubble bath. Although it may appear time-consuming and tedious, trying something new is always rewarding. At the end of the day, when you find the perfect match, it will all be worth it!

* Maintain a journal: Write as if you were writing to a friend. Document your dreams, goals, dilemmas, or even a single day in your life. Simply put, allow your thoughts to flow. Proactively writing allows you to set intentions that lead to positive thoughts, self-image and overall happiness.

* Buy yourself flowers: Break the stereotype of waiting for someone else to present you with flowers by representing a tangible form of love. Shower yourself with fragrance and love by selecting the right flowers and bringing freshness to your home or office. Alternatively, you could treat yourself to the ideal floral perfume — the choice is entirely yours!

Finally, choose to love yourself on a daily basis. It’s simple: hydrate, eat at least three meals a day, get eight hours of sleep, limit screen time and avoid activities that are harmful to your physical and mental health.

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Health Lite Blogs

Colour therapy as a mood booster

Colours like red make strong statements and stand out, while blue has a calming and soothing effect and can help to increase focus…writes Lothungbeni Humtsoe

In terms of colour therapy and how each colour has a significant meaning, there has been a standardisation of colours. It can have its own impact and associative memories in the new-age approach, and they can either elevate your mood or simply become a trigger.

Colour therapy has been used for health and wellness since ancient Egyptian times. Furthermore, light can be processed and perceived as colours by the eyes and brain. Nakshi Satra, Founder, In:ha Wellness explains further how colour therapy act as a mood booster and how colour therapy could help improve overall health.

How does colour therapy act as a mood booster?

Nakshi: Based on my experiences with over 3000+ clients, the human eyes and brain trigger memories, perceptions, and emotions about experiences of memories for each individual differently. As these triggers travel backwards in our minds, they cross the critical filter into our subconscious mind where the deepest of memories are all stored.

This defines our perception towards colours which can be subjective and personal. Some colours have an associative memory of safety and precaution; some might have a bitter memory associated with them. Below are a few examples to understand this well.

. A lot of clients prefer black and white tones and associate these colours with their personality. Black and white can exude feelings of power, freedom, safety and protection etc.

. Colours like red make strong statements and stand out, while blue has a calming and soothing effect and can help to increase focus.

. Green and pastel shades are often associated with nature, flora & fauna.

. Teals, greys, oranges, whites and other English pastel colours are recent trends because they break the monotony of conservative environments and regular way of life. They are appreciated because of the newness and urban freshness that they bring into our lives.

Colours also have negative associations and very subconsciously we decide to block these colours from being in our homes or wardrobes. To get rid of such negative triggers, an emotional cleanse or release as a combination can help to disassociate from such memories and emotions, and this could eventually help to open up one’s colour palettes.

How does colour therapy improve overall health?

Nakshi: Colours have a deep effect on our lives and including the right ones in our diet, homes, and wardrobes can really help to positively impact our overall health. We must constantly work on incorporating colour palettes that are associated with positive feelings into our food, homes and wardrobes.

The healing quality of colours through rainbow eating also has an impact on overall health. Also, I strongly advise including colours that are based on the elements of nature i.e. earth, water, fire, air, space for your surroundings.

Colour therapy infused with mindful eating, living and clothing contributes to overall health improvements as it changes energies and vibrations for the same. The more you open up your colour palette, the more you can do with your life while progressing in your overall moods and health. The freedom to express yourself through colours creates opportunities for better health, better relationships, a stable mind and a better version of yourself.

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