Tag: Russia-Ukraine War

  • ‘NATO Expansion Concerns Not Cause of Ukraine Invasion’

    ‘NATO Expansion Concerns Not Cause of Ukraine Invasion’

    Oleksandr Svitych is an Associate Professor at the Jindal School of International Affairs. His research interests lie at the intersection of political economy, critical theory, and political philosophy. Oleksandr was born and raised in Ukraine. He pursued higher education in Ukraine, Hungary, and Singapore. Prior to moving to India, he worked in the development sector for a Danish NGO in the Ukraine’s Donbas region. While there, he also ran a taekwon-do club for the local kids of his hometown Sloviansk. While Oleksandr has developed a cosmopolitan outlook, he remains firmly rooted in his homeland. In a bit of serendipity, he happened to move to India just a few days before Russia invaded his country.Besides social sciences, Oleksandr finds meaning in martial arts, philosophy, and his family. They reside in Sonipat, Haryana. In this interview with ABHISH K. BOSE, he discusses the Russia – Ukraine war and the damages of it in the economy of the countries and other related developments.

    Excerpts from the interview      

    Abhish K. Bose: In the book “The Rise of the Capital-state and Neo-Nationalism: A New Polaniyan Moment” you argue that populist nationalism emerged as a reaction to the pro-market structural changes in the political economies of nation-states. You claim that there is a link between free market reforms, declining state legitimacy, and identity-based mobilization. You also saythat discontented voters are pulled toward populist nationaliststo cope with their insecurities generated by the state restructuring. How did these dynamics play out in the case of India? Is this how BJP rose to power in 2014 and 2019?

    Svitich: In the book, I draw on the ideas of the Austro-Hungarian political economist Karl Polanyi from his famous book The Great Transformation. Polanyi made several important insights on the relationship between the state, market, and society, backing his claims with rich amount of anthropological and historical evidence. Firstly, there is no such thing as the complete “free market.” The market needs concrete institutional and legal arrangements for it to operate, which historically have been provided by the state. Secondly, the market economy is only one possibility for organizing human activity, albeit it has crowded out other alternatives. In contrast to classical economists, there is nothing natural or “rational”about the desire to barter or strive for profit. Humans can be productive through other motivations, such as social recognition, social standing, occupational pride, or a sense of solidarity. Thirdly, state attempts to promote the free market generate strains in society and lead to counter-movements to protect people’s livelihoods from the market forces. These observations are especially pertinent in the era of neoliberal globalization that we are living in today. In the book, I explore how these dynamics played out in different national contexts and generated populist nationalism – both on the Right and the Left of the political spectrum – as a form of Polanyian counter-movement.

    Regarding the case of India, my cautious estimation is that a similar framework can be applied yet it must accommodate the specificities of the Indian society, politics, and culture. In fact, quite a number of researchers have applied Polanyi’s ideasto the Indian context. Some focused on the neoliberal restructuring of the Indian state since the 1990s as an example of Polanyian “great transformation.” Others analyzed a myriad of counter-movements – both at the grassroots and state levels – that these changes generated, ranging from fights to reclaim the land, to labour movements, to farmers’ protests, to environmental campaigns, and so on. Yet others charted the links between the structural changes in the Indian political economy and the rise of right-wing populism, most notably exemplified by the Bharatiya Janata Party.There’s a lot of excellent work on these themes done by scholars like Ajay Gudavarthy, Ashoka Mody, Christophe Jaffrelot, Partha Chatterjee, Rahul Verma, and Sarbeswar Sahoo, to name a few.

    There’s a consensus among academics to classify BJP as a “populist” party despite different interpretations of the term “populism.”What is unique about this case is that it illustrates how populism can be combined with religious nationalism to offer an irresistible cocktail for voters. My intuition is that political economy indeed contributed to the electoral success and persistence of BJP. There’s certainly a correlation between liberalisation of the Indian economy and the appeal of BJP’s message to the public. The class politics are alive and well in the Indian society. At the same time, India’s distinct institutional legacies must be factored in – post-colonialism, the role of caste, and statism, for instance. In addition, India has come up withvarious responses to neoliberalization of its economy and society, sometimes quite creative ones.I would therefore refrain from drawing a direct connection between state transformation and neo-nationalism, especially that more data are needed. And yet the general tendencies, on the surface, are remarkably similar to what we observe elsewhere across the globe. In other words, there is roomboth for similarity and contextual specificity in the Indian case.

    Q. The war in Ukraine has devastated the country, isolated Russia from the West, and fuelled economic insecurity around the world. The embargoes and sanctions have affected Russian oil trade. Could you assess the financial burden the war brought onto the people of Russia and how it affected their standards of living, including health, education and food? What is your projection for future?

    I am not an economist by training, and thus cannot estimate with precision the impact of Russia’ criminal war against Ukraine onto Russian citizens.And all future projections are futile, of course. I am much more informed about the situation in Ukraine. However, based on the information that I receive both from the Russian sources (by virtue of knowing the language) and foreign ones, the Russian economy does not perform well. This should not come as a surprise as the war disrupted Russia’s economic, business and financial ties with the world, as you pointed out, and put pressure on people’s ability to make both ends meet. Still, I’d like to balance this narrative by several crucial observations.

    Firstly, there’s enough evidence that Russia is managing to manoeuvre its way around the sanctions regime, albeit not entirely. This is done via either trade and military ties with China and Iran, for instance (and probably will be done via the expanded BRICS club), or intermediary companies to bypass sanctions, or smuggling activities as in Kazakhstan. Secondly, some Russians have certainly benefited from the war, materially speaking. And here I am less interested in the Russian oligarchs whose wealth mushroomed through military contracts with the state. I am talking about the Russian soldiers who choose to fight in Ukraine in the hope to reap lucrative bonuses from the state – and pay off their mortgages. This is a sort of a Russian roulette: you either die or get rich. Thirdly, we should not underestimate the effect of Russia’s obscene propaganda which targets the audiences both at home and abroad. Domestically, the narratives of “national greatness,” “fighting Nazis,” and “defending Russian values” obfuscate economic hardships. This combination of material and symbolic rewards is an explosive mix that helps sustain loyalty to the Putin regime.

    Finally, the foreign aspect of Russia’s propaganda and disinformation campaigns is related to your first question on populist nationalism. I disagree with researchers who describe Putin as “populist” in the period before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. He is and was part and parcel of the elite, which is the complete opposite of being a populist who blames the elites for leaving the people behind. Now, however, I think Putin can be described as a transnational populist as part of his overall political persona. He taps skillfully into the anti-western and de-colonial sentiments in the countries of the so-called Global South. It is ironic how an authoritarian and an imperialist like Putin flirts with leftist ideas of anti-colonialism and anti-neoliberalism. Unfortunately, his narrative – propagated by Russia’s propaganda machine –does seem to gain traction among former colonies, including India. What needs to be remembered, however, is that Russia is one of the most neoliberal and unequal countries in the world, while Ukraine has been on the receiving end of its imperialist politics for decades, if not centuries. 

    After the flower-laying ceremony on National Unity Day, Vladimir Putin speaks with representatives of civil society and youth organisations. (Photo via Kremlin)

    Q. According to the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 2022 was a bad year for the Russian economy. It is estimated that in 2022, Russia’s gross domestic product (GDP) dropped by 2.1%. Russia’s economy may continue to shrink in 2023. Its GDP is forecast to decline by 2.5% in the worst-case scenario (OECD) or by 0.2% according to the World Bank. Going by the statistics,the economy is going down. Do you agree with this assessment?

    I think my response to the previous question largely covers this. I will add that we need to be cautious with “objective” assessments like these ones as they do not, and cannot, completely reflect realities on the ground. Overall, I think it’s prudent to take a middle stance between two extreme positions: the inevitable collapse of Russia’s economy and, vice versa, the infinite strength of its regime.

    Q. What was the driving force behind the Russian invasion of Ukraine? What was the political advantage Putin and the Russian elites envisioned when they ordered the aggression? Do you think they overestimated its benefits?

    In the question of the driving force behind the invasion, I have tried to cover it elsewhere for the Indian audience, so I will largely and briefly repeat myself. I have also already touched upon this in the previous questions. The main reason for the invasion is Russia’s aggressive imperialism. In fact, Putin has been quite explicit about this, comparing himself to the Russian historic figures like Peter the Great and Catherine the Great who “collected lands.” His pseudo-historical essay on the eve of the invasion makes it abundantly clear that Putin, in the good old KGB tradition, is paranoid about the so-called “project Anti-Russia.” This, in his erroneous view, justifies bullying its sovereign and peaceful neighbours.

    Putin has denied the existence and identity of Ukraine for years, treating it as his “sphere of influence” and interfering into Ukraine’s domestic politics long before the country officially adopted pro-EU and pro-NATO trajectories. This is why he was so adamant to blame Lenin, by the way: for him Lenin had committed a grave error by allowing a degree of national self-determination for the Soviet republics. All Russia’s criminal policies in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine seek to erase all traces of the Ukrainian identity – by abducting children, forcing the Russian language, giving away Russian passports, or torturing dissenting locals. This is provided they had not been killed earlier by Russian rockets, missiles, bombs, and drones.

    A repeated claim I keep hearing from some researchers, students, and Indian common people, such as taxi drivers or street vendors, is that this is a proxy war between Russia and the US, or Russia and NATO. India’s political establishment seems to share this view, at least rhetorically. More ironically, the overwhelming majority of Indian leftists, including prominent figures like Arundhati Roy, do the same.This is a flawed and a very dangerous stance. Empirically speaking, there’s plenty of evidence that Russia’s alleged security concerns about NATO expansion were not the reason behind the invasion. To mention just one, the 2022 escalation, to remind the readers, was preceded by an 8-year-long Russia-ignited war in the Donbass and the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014. These, in turn, were justified by Putin as a reaction to the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity which ousted pro-Russian president Yanukovych and, in Putin’s view, was nothing but a U.S. orchestrated coup d’état.

    The Russia-NATO argument is not only wrong, but is also politically dangerous for several reasons. It denies the agency of Ukraine and Ukrainians. It ignores the fact that empires do not come only from the West. And it fans anti-western and NATO-sentiments instead of mobilizing solidarity with the oppressed Ukrainian people.

    Q. Is Russia getting any monetary or other support from any country in the wake of sanctions against it?

    I’m not aware of any direct financial support. And if there is one (for instance, from China), the Russian state will do its best to conceal this information from public. Other examples are better known, like receiving military assistance from Iran and North Korea. Also, while China does not openly supply weapons to Russia for its war against Ukraine, it may be secretly selling some components. Finally, in my view, the recent expansion of the BRICS club should be viewed as another opportunity for Russia to steer away from the sanctions regime.

    Q. The Russia-Ukraine war has passed six hundred days. As a Ukrainian academic, what do you think will be the lasting vestiges of the war and its ramifications in theUkrainian and Russian economies? How long will it take for both the economies to resuscitate from the damages?

    I am a Ukrainian academic by birth but not by affiliation. That said, of course I remain very must invested emotionally and morally into my own country. If you permit, I’ll shift the focus away from the economy (except one comment in the end) as we’ve talked quite a bit about it. Other vestiges of the war will reverberate for years and decades to come: colossal damage to Ukrainians in terms of lost lives, displaced people, destroyed infrastructure, contaminated territory (Ukraine hasthe biggest number of landmines in the world), and polluted environment. And these are just the material effects. On a bit more optimistic note, the war has forged and consolidated Ukrainian national identity. It is also an opportunity to steer the country’s socio-economic development in a more socially just manner. This will become especially important as Ukraine embarks on the path of reconstruction upon. In this regard, there are some important advocacy campaigns and proposals launched by the Ukrainian leftists, such as cancellation of the foreign debt, which I totally support.On the international scale, the war will be a reminder of the fragility about the global security architecture and the need to reform the UN Security Council. It will be also a stark warning about the dangers of “whataboutism” where, in a twisted manner, references to the injustices conducted by powerful nations in the past (such as the US) can be used strategically to fuel the sense of imperial nostalgia, status frustration, andnational greatnessby others (such as Russia).

    (Image shared by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Ukraine.)

    Q. India has apparently initiated a shift in its foreign policy by favouring Israel instead of Palestine in the Israel-Hamas war. Is this a shift from the country’s conventional foreign policy stand and the stanceit adopted for the purpose of realpolitik? Is this the appropriate stance?

    By “shift” you must be referring to India’s abstention to condemnunequivocally Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. There are several reasons why India has taken a clearer stance on the Israel-Hamas war. India still wants to see itself as an ally of the US, which is Israel’s key partner. There is a sizeable Indian diaspora in Israel. Also, condemning the terrorist Hamas is in line with the Indian government’s tough stance on terrorism allegedly emanating from the training camps in Pakistan. Lastly, as highlighted repeatedly in the media, there is a personal affinity between Narendra Modi and Benjamin Netanyahu. In my opinion, the source of this affinity is ideological and comes from similar right-wing majoritarian politics.At the same time, if India clams to be the voice of the Global South, as it has tried to be, it must remember to acknowledge the voice of Palestine in the longer Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    Q. What do you think about the future of the Russia-Ukraine confrontation? How long will it last according to your perspective?

    I’ll be very laconic here. The war will end with Ukraine’s victory and Russia’s defeat.

    ALSO READ: Will Russia’s Middle East Bid Gain Advantage?

  • Putin: Ukraine Won’t Last A Week Without Western Aid

    Putin: Ukraine Won’t Last A Week Without Western Aid

    Earlier this week, US President Joe Biden said that he “does worry” US support for Ukraine might get derailed, reports Asian Lite News

    As the West continues to provide aid for war-torn Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed that Ukraine would not survive for more than “a week” without Western military and financial aid, reported Al Jazeera.

    Putin made this claim on the same day when the European Union official warned that the bloc could not replace the funding gap if the US’s support dries up for Kyiv.

    Earlier this week, US President Joe Biden said that he “does worry” US support for Ukraine might get derailed.

    Putin while speaking at the meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club, said that Ukraine was being propped up “thanks to multi-billion donations that come each month”.

    “If one just stops, it will all die in a week,” Putin said.

    “The same applies to the defence system. Just imagine the aid stops tomorrow. It will live for only a week when they run out of ammo,” he added.

    Additionally, Putin further noted that Ukraine had lost over 90,000 troops since Kyiv’s counteroffensive against Russian forces till date.

    Moreover, while addressing a meeting of the European Political Community (EPC) in Spain on Thursday, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said that the EU could not replace the US as Kyiv’s primary donor.

    At a meeting of the European Political Community (EPC) in Spain on Thursday, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said the EU could not replace the US as Kyiv’s primary donor.

    “Can Europe fill the gap left by the US? Well, certainly Europe cannot replace the US,” Borrell said.

    War in Ukraine. (Photo: Instagram)

    Moreover, the EU and the US, which includes most NATO members are crucial in Ukraine’s fight against Russia.

    Over this period of time, the EU and its member states have promised over USD 100 billion of aid to Ukraine, including financing weapon deliveries.

    Meanwhile, Washington has committed USD 43 billion in military assistance, whereas, Congress has approved USD 113 billion, including humanitarian aid.

    However, following the weekend deal struck with opposition Republicans to avert the US government shutdown, the new US funding for Ukraine has been at a standstill.

    Following the US House of Representatives on Tuesday voted to oust Republican Kevin McCarthy as Speaker, it has made the Ukraine support even more uncertain.

    Hours after the short-term spending bill was passed to avoid a government shutdown, US President Joe Biden assured that Washington will “not walk away” from supporting Ukraine, CNN reported.

    “I want to assure our American allies and the American people and the people of Ukraine that you can count on our support. We will not walk away,” CNN quoted Biden as saying.

    Moreover, some of the hardliners also want US aid to Ukraine to cease, according to Al Jazeera.

    Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, speaking to the meeting in Spain of European leaders on Thursday expressed concerns about Washington’s “political storms” but noted that he was confident that he still had US bipartisan backing.

    Earlier, French President Emmanuel Macron reassured Zelenskyy of further support and pledged “tireless” support for Ukraine.

    French President Emmanuel Macron reinforced that message in a meeting with Zelenskyy, pledging “tireless” support for Ukraine. (ANI)

    ALSO READ: Ongoing War Costs Ukraine’s Infrastructure $151.2 Billion

  • US to Provide Ukraine With ‘Long-Range Missiles’

    US to Provide Ukraine With ‘Long-Range Missiles’

    It is unclear when the Army Tactical Missile System known as ATACMS will be delivered, nor is it certain when a formal announcement will be made.

    US President Joe Biden has told his Ukrainian counterpart that the Washington will send Kiev a type of long-range missile capable of striking inside Russia, local media reported.

    According to NBC News, it is unclear when the Army Tactical Missile System known as ATACMS will be delivered, nor is it certain when a formal announcement will be made.

    The report cited three US officials and a congressional official familiar with the discussions. They were not authorized to disclose the information publicly.

    Ukraine has long asked for ATACMS, from the US to boost its fighting forces in the ongoing conflict with Russia, Xinhua news agency reported.

    The Biden administration had feared that Ukrainian troops would hit targets inside Russia using the long-range missiles.

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was in Washington on Thursday for a meeting with Biden at the White House.

    Biden told reporters after the meeting that “the first US Abrams tanks” will arrive in Ukraine “next week.”

    ALSO READ: Biden announces $325 mn military aid for Ukraine

  • War Puts Ukraine’s Historical Sites in Danger

    War Puts Ukraine’s Historical Sites in Danger

    The historical sites in Kiev and Lviv have been placed on Unesco’s List of World Heritage in Danger.

    The Unesco has said that historical sites in the Ukrainian capital Kiev and the city of Lviv are in danger of destruction due to Russia’s ongoing war.

    According to UN cultural body, the sites include the iconic Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, the medieval buildings of the city’s Kiev-Pechersk Lavra monastery site and the historic centre in Lviv, the BBC reported.

    These sites have been placed on Unesco’s List of World Heritage in Danger.

    In a statement, the unesco said its World Heritage Committee had concluded that “optimal conditions are no longer met to fully guarantee the protection of the Outstanding Universal Value of the property and that it is threatened by potential danger due to the war”.

    “Faced with the risk of direct attack, these sites are also vulnerable to the shockwaves caused by the bombing of the two cities.”

    Lviv’s historic old town was founded in the Middle Ages and has maintained much of its architectural and cultural heritage as an administrative, religious and commercial centre from the 13th to the 20th centuries, reports the BBC.

    It was added to the World Heritage List in 1998.

    The Saint Sophia Cathedral, meanwhile, was built in the 11th century and was designed to rival the Hagia Sophia in Turkey, which was then part of Constantinople.

    It is one of the few surviving buildings from that age.

    Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, otherwise known as Kiev’s Monastery of the Caves, was founded at around the same time as the cathedral.

    It is the oldest monastic complex of the Rus people, who lived in eastern Europe during the Middle Ages, and became a prominent spiritual and cultural centre.

    The latest additions to the danger list come after the Ukrainian port city of Odesa was added in January.

    ALSO READ: ‘Ukraine Progressing Steadily in Counter-Offensive’

  • Finland Bans Entry of Russia-Registered Passenger Cars

    Finland Bans Entry of Russia-Registered Passenger Cars

    With this move, Finland complies with the guidelines of the European Commission issued on September 8.

    As of midnight, Finland will close its borders to passenger cars registered in Russia, the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press statement.

    “In the future, only EU citizens permanently residing in Russia or their family members, diplomats or equivalent individuals, or people travelling for humanitarian reasons, can enter Finland with a passenger car registered in Russia,” the statement said on Friday.

    With this move, Finland complies with the guidelines of the European Commission issued on September 8, prohibiting the entry of passenger cars registered in Russia into the European Union, Xinhua news agency reported.

    The decision aims to prevent Russian citizens from circumventing sanctions imposed on the country, the Ministry said.

    Cars that are already in Finland and have Russian license plates must leave the country by March 16, 2024, the Ministry added.

    The move follows similar decisions made by Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania earlier this week to bar the entry of vehicles registered in Russia.

    ALSO READ: Russia expels two US diplomats, Washington vows to respond

  • Russia bans dozens of UK journalists and politicians

    Russia bans dozens of UK journalists and politicians

    People on the sanctions list include journalists from the BBC, the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph newspapers, as well as prominent politicians like Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer, Minister of State for Defence Annabel Goldie and International Criminal Court chief prosecutor Karim Khan, reports Asian Lite News

    The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that it has banned 54 British nationals, including journalists and politicians, from entering the country due to their alleged involvement in “propaganda support of the activities of the (Ukrainian) Zelensky regime” and of being “Russophobic”.

    “We would like to emphasise again that any efforts by London to further spin the anti-Russian sanctions flywheel will inevitably receive a decisive response from our side,” CNN quoted the Ministry as saying in a statement late Friday.

    “Work on expanding the Russian ‘stop list’ in response to the actions of the British authorities will continue,” it added.

    People on the sanctions list include journalists from the BBC, the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph newspapers, as well as prominent politicians like Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer, Minister of State for Defence Annabel Goldie and International Criminal Court chief prosecutor Karim Khan.

    In its statement, the Ministry said Khan featured on the list due to his involvement “in issuing a warrant for the arrest of the Russian leadership”.

    In March this year, the International Criminal Court had issued the arrest warrant against Russian President Vladimir Putin, accusing him of the war crime of illegally deporting children from Ukraine, which Moscow denies, the BBC reported.

    With regards to banning Frazer, the Russian Foreign Ministry claimed that she was “actively lobbying for the international sports isolation of Russia.”

    Lucy Frazer, UK’s Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport

    Earlier this year, Frazer said in a social media post that she asked sponsors of the Olympic Games “to join 35 like-minded nations and press the IOC for a continued ban on Russian and Belarusian athletes competing in international sporting competitions”, adding that “we must continue to ensure that Russia and Belarus cannot use sport for their propaganda purposes”, reports CNN.

    Meanwhile, the Ministry accused Goldie of being “responsible for the supply of weapons to Ukraine, including depleted uranium shells”.

    Russia has already barred a number of British journalists and defence figures as well as hundreds of elected MPs.

    In June last year, the BBC’s Clive Myrie and Orla Guerin were among journalists who have reported from Ukraine to be banned.

    BBC director general Tim Davie was also on the list.

    The UK is among Western countries to have sanctioned Russia in response to its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

    These include a ban on the import of goods from Russia such as diamonds, oil and gas.

    Earlier this month, the British government announced what it described as the “largest ever UK action” targeting Russia’s access to foreign military supplies, the BBC reported.

    More than 1,000 Russian businesses and individuals have been sanctioned by the US, EU, UK and other countries.

    ALSO READ: Russia-Ukraine conflict core agenda of upcoming G20 summit, says US

  • Indian NSA in Jeddah for Ukraine peace talks

    Indian NSA in Jeddah for Ukraine peace talks

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s National Security Advisor Ajit Doval has arrived in Jeddah to participate in a summit of national security advisers and other officials being hosted Saudi Arabia on Saturday to discuss the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war.

    Doval was welcomed at the Jeddah Airport by Indian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Suhel Khan and Consul General Mohammed Shahid Alam.

    “Shri Ajit Doval, NSA arrived in Jeddah to take part in National Security Advisors’ meeting on Ukraine. He was welcomed at Jeddah Airport by Ambassador Dr Suhel Khan and Consul General Mohd Shahid Alam,” the Indian Embassy in Riyadh said on Twitter.

    The meeting is being organised in the coastal city of Jeddah to discuss Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s plan for peace amid the ongoing conflict with Russia.

    The Ministry of External Affairs on Friday confirmed India’s participation in the summit.

    “India will participate in this event and our participation is in consonance with our long-standing position that dialogue and diplomacy is the way forward,” said MEA spokesperson Arindam Bagchi.

    “Yes, India has been invited to a meeting being hosted by Saudi Arabia on Ukraine in Jeddah,” Bagchi said while replying to a question at a press briefing of the Ministry of External Affairs.

    Russia’s state-run Tass news agency reported Kremlin spokesperson Dmitri Peskov as saying: “Russia will keep an eye on this meeting” but would need “to fully understand what goals are being set.”

    The Wall Street Journal, on July 29 first reported on the summit citing “diplomats involved in the discussion”, and said the talks would take place on August 5 and 6, in the city of Jeddah, with some 30 countries attending.

    WSJ also said that Ukrainian and Western officials are hopeful that the efforts could conclude in a peace summit later this year where global leaders would sign up to shared principles for resolving the war.

    For the Jeddah summit, the 30 invitees include Chile, Egypt, the European Union, Indonesia, Mexico, Poland, the United Kingdom, the United States and Zambia, according to WSJ.

    Zelenskyy’s chief of staff, Andriy Yermak, said on Sunday that officials from several countries would take part in the Saudi Arabian summit but did not say when or in which city the meeting will be held, reported Al Jazeera.

    Yermak wrote on Telegram, that discussions will take place on the Ukrainian Peace Formula, which “contains 10 fundamental points, the implementation of which will not only ensure peace for Ukraine, but also create mechanisms to counter future conflicts in the world”.

    “We are deeply convinced that the Ukrainian peace plan should be taken as a basis because the war is taking place on our land,” Al Jazeera quoted Yermak as saying.

    Regarding the Russia-Ukraine conflict, India has always maintained that the conflict must be resolved by dialogue and diplomacy. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also said, “India is ready to do whatever it can for a peaceful resolution of the conflict.”

    On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine in an escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War which began in 2014. The invasion has killed tens of thousands on both sides. Russian forces have been accused of mass civilian casualties and of torturing captured Ukrainian soldiers. (ANI)

    ALSO READ: Jeddah talks: Ukraine, allies push peace plan

  • IAEA finds no explosives on rooftops of Zaporizhzhia

    IAEA finds no explosives on rooftops of Zaporizhzhia

    IAEA chief said the expert team would continue its requests to visit the roofs of the other four reactor units at the facility.

    The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has said that its experts had found no mines or explosives on the rooftops of two reactor units and turbine halls at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi in a statement on Friday said that “following repeated requests”, the agency’s expert team was given “unimpeded access” on Thursday afternoon to the rooftops of Unit 3 and Unit 4 reactor buildings at the Zaporizhzhia plant in Ukraine and “could also clearly view the rooftops of the turbine halls”.

    Grossi said the expert team would continue its requests to visit the roofs of the other four reactor units at the facility.

    On July 23, the IAEA experts stationed at the Zaporizhzhia plant spotted “directional anti-personnel mines on the periphery of the site”.

    The IAEA chief said on Friday that experts confirmed “the mines first observed on July 23 were still in place” during an inspection on Aug. 1, but “no new mines or explosives were observed during any walk-downs over the past week”.

    Grossi stressed the importance of the IAEA experts being granted timely access to all areas of the Zaporizhzhia plant, saying that “timely, independent and objective reporting of facts on the ground is crucial to continue the IAEA’s efforts to support nuclear safety and security”.

    ALSO READ: Jeddah talks: Ukraine, allies push peace plan

  • Tensions rise as Russia reacts to Pak-Ukraine presser incident

    Tensions rise as Russia reacts to Pak-Ukraine presser incident

    The Russian Embassy in Pakistan has asked the Pakistan Foreign Ministry to provide clarity on the incident, reports Asian Lite News

    The Russian Federation has expressed its serious dismay after Russian journalist Ruslan Bekniyazov was expelled minutes before the joint press briefing of Pakistan Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and his visiting Ukrainian Counterpart Dmytro Kuleba, DND News Agency reported.

    The matter pertains to the Senior Correspondent of the Russian ITAR-TASS News Agency in Islamabad, Ruslan Bekniyazov being forced out of the press room while he was waiting along with other Foreign Affairs Correspondents before the Joint Press Conference of the Pakistani and Ukrainian foreign ministers at the Ministry of Foreign of Affairs in Islamabad on Thursday. “It is inadmissible to violate reporters’ rights to access information,” the Russian Embassy in Pakistan said on Twitter.

    It further said that “it stands in solidarity with the Russian journalist Ruslan Bekniyazov” and the Embassy has requested the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Islamabad to provide clarity on the incident.

    Notably, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba was on a bilateral visit to Pakistan from July 20-21.

    DND News Agency stated citing a report by ‘Pakistan Daily’ that a day before the mentioned joint press stakeout, the Pakistani Foreign Office Press Wing collected and registered the names of Foreign Office Correspondents and Ruslan Bekniyazov’s name was also enlisted to cover this media briefing a day ago by Pakistani Officials.

    However, when the journalists in the press room acknowledged the absence of Bekniyazov and asked the spokesman Mumtaz Zahra Baloch about the reason, she was totally “unaware” of the matter, DND News Agency reported. (ANI)

    ALSO READ: New US sanctions target Russian access to battlefield supplies

  • Yoon makes surprise visit to Ukraine in show of support

    Yoon makes surprise visit to Ukraine in show of support

    Yoon and first lady Kim Keon Hee arrived in Ukraine following a three-day official visit to Poland, reports Asian Lite News

    South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol made an unannounced visit to Ukraine on Saturday, sending a strong signal of support for the war-torn nation, his office said.

    Yoon and first lady Kim Keon Hee arrived in Ukraine following a three-day official visit to Poland, according to senior presidential secretary for press affairs Kim Eun-hye.

    He met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky later in the day to discuss areas where South Korea can provide additional aid, reports Yonhap News Agency.

    Earlier Saturday, Yoon visited the site of mass killings in Bucha, near Kyiv, before visiting Irpin, a civilian residential area that has been subject to large-scale missile attacks, the press secretary said.

    He was also scheduled to lay a wreath at the Wall of Remembrance of the Fallen for Ukraine in Kyiv.

    Further details are yet to be disclosed.

    Yoon has shown strong support for Ukraine in line with his campaign for freedom, human rights and the rule of law in solidarity with like-minded nations.

    South Korea has provided humanitarian assistance to Ukraine in its protracted war with Russia but denied the country’s requests for lethal weapons.

    This will be the second Yoon-Zelensky meeting after one held on the sidelines of a G7 Summit in Hiroshima, Japan, in May.

    At the time, Yoon promised additional non-lethal aid, including demining equipment and ambulances.

    Yoon’s visit to Ukraine came at the end of a two-leg trip that earlier took him to Lithuania for the NATO Summit and then to Poland for an official visit.

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