Lite Blogs Travel

Embark on a Celestial Adventure

Midnight from late August to April is typically the optimal time for spotting the Northern Lights, with September often offering clearer skies and higher visibility in Lapland…reports Asian Lite News

As winter blankets the Northern Hemisphere, a celestial dance unfolds across the night sky – the enchanting display of the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights. Under the Arctic night sky, witness the ethereal glow of the Aurora Borealis, creating memories that last a lifetime.

Here are a few tips to enhance your Northern Lights adventure:

Where and When to See the Northern Lights: The Northern Lights, most commonly observed between latitudes 60 and 75 degrees, offer breathtaking displays in regions such as Finnish Lapland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Russia, Canada, Alaska, and southern Greenland. Finnair destinations in Finnish Lapland, including Ivalo, Kittilä, and  Rovaniemi, provide excellent vantage points. Additionally, Tromsø in Norway and Reykjavik in Iceland offer prime viewing opportunities.

Best Time of Year for Viewing: Midnight from late August to April is typically the optimal time for spotting the Northern Lights, with September often offering clearer skies and higher visibility in Lapland.

Predicting the Aurora: While the Northern Lights can be somewhat predicted, their appearance remains elusive. Short-term forecasts are available through resources like the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s Space Weather Center ISES, offering insights into current conditions and probabilities.

Experiencing the Magic: While on the ground, travellers can participate in Northern Lights tours, enjoy frozen lake expeditions, or opt for special accommodations designed for optimal viewing, ensuring an unforgettable experience.

Bonus Tip: If you don’t manage to see any northern lights on the ground during your trip or from your airplane window, you might still be able to spot them on your long-haul flights.

For those embarking on a quest to witness the Aurora Borealis, Finnair offers direct flights from New Delhi to Helsinki, making the quest to witness this timeless wonder convenient and unforgettable.

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Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Beat Dry Winter Skin

Vitamin C, known for its antioxidant properties, serves as a potent defender against free radicals while promoting collagen synthesis. This dual action not only revitalizes the skin but also imparts a natural radiance…writes Dr Jyoti Aneja

During the winter months, many individuals experience the discomfort of dry skin. The combination of cold wind, low humidity, and indoor heating can strip our skin of its natural moisture, leaving it dry, tight, and flaky. However, there are often overlooked factors that may exacerbate this issue, as well as simple steps that can be taken to alleviate it.

Avoid hot showers and baths

While hot showers might feel heavenly during the chilly winter days, they contribute to dry skin. Hot water strips away the natural oils from the skin, leading to moisture loss and increased dryness. Switch to lukewarm water and limit your shower or bath time to retain the skin’s natural moisture.

Moisturization is key

A good moisturizer is essential in combating dry skin. Choose a hydrating product that contains ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ceramide, and glycerin, which help attract and retain moisture in the skin. Apply your moisturizer immediately after showering or washing your face to lock in hydration. Additionally, take advantage of the overnight hours. Before going to bed, apply a thick layer of moisturizing lotion or body butter to your skin. This will allow the product’s hydrating ingredients to penetrate deeply into your skin while you sleep, resulting in soft, moisturized skin in the morning. 

Exfoliation to remove dead skin cells

Exfoliating regularly is essential for removing dead skin cells that can accumulate on the surface, leading to a dull and flaky complexion. However, it’s crucial to choose a gentle exfoliator, especially during winter when your skin is more sensitive. A physical exfoliant with fine particles or a chemical exfoliant like salicylic acid can effectively slough away dead skin and reveal a smoother, more radiant complexion.

Vitamin C and retinol for the boost

Vitamin C, known for its antioxidant properties, serves as a potent defender against free radicals while promoting collagen synthesis. This dual action not only revitalizes the skin but also imparts a natural radiance. On the other hand, retinol, derived from Vitamin A, addresses dryness at its roots by promoting cellular turnover, unclogging pores, and stimulating collagen production. Adding a retinol product to your nighttime routine can help fight dryness while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Also, pampering your skin to masks weekly or bi-weekly, with ingredients like retinol, vitamin C, aloe vera, and honey, provides a potent moisture boost. 

Humidify your living space

Indoor heating can contribute to dry air, which further dehydrates your skin. Invest in a humidifier to add moisture back into the air inside your home. This will help prevent excessive drying of your skin, keeping it hydrated and healthy. Place the humidifier in your bedroom or living room to provide maximum benefits while you sleep or spend time indoors.

Protect your skin from harsh weather

When venturing outdoors in the winter, protect your skin from harsh weather conditions. Wear a scarf, hat, and gloves to shield your face, head, and hands from the cold wind and low humidity. Also, consider using a moisturizing lip balm to prevent chapped lips, which can worsen dryness and discomfort.

Hydrate from within

Maintaining well-hydrated skin is a year-round essential, with water consumption playing a pivotal role in achieving this goal. Although you might not feel as thirsty during winter as you do in the warmer months, it’s crucial to stay adequately hydrated. Water helps nourish your skin from within, keeping it plump and reducing the risk of dryness and flakiness. Besides, consider enhancing your skin’s moisture retention through advanced treatments like bio-remodeling and hydroboosters. Profhilo, a groundbreaking bio-remodeling treatment, employs hyaluronic acid to deeply hydrate and remodel the skin from within, resulting in improved elasticity and radiance. Conversely, the Viscoderm Booster, a hydro-stretch procedure, blends stabilized hyaluronic acid with essential nutrients to revitalize and hydrate the skin, promoting a smoother and more youthful appearance. These treatments offer a comprehensive solution for women looking to address both hydration and fine lines.

A balanced diet

Lastly, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables will contribute towards overall skin health. Include foods with omega-3 fatty acids, like fish, flaxseeds, and nuts, and lots of colorful fruits and veggies full of vitamins A, C, and E such as grapefruit, lime, avocado, carrot, pumpkin, red pepper, cucumber etc. Foods with protein, like chicken and beans, help your skin heal and stay healthy. Choose whole grains as they are rich in nutrients and fiber. Try not to eat too many processed foods and sugary treats. Too much smoking and consuming alcohol can change the skin’s thickness, cause dry skin, and change pigmentation.

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Health Lite Blogs

Winter Cough Woes

Ginger is another herbal ingredient that is highly valued in ayurvedic medicines for cough and cold as it helps not just with phlegm reduction, but also with fighting infections and reducing inflammation…writes Sushma P S

Each year, that persistent winter cough seems to make an unwelcome return. The winter months bring about a surge in the common cold, and it’s almost expected that many individuals will grapple with its symptoms. The common cold, a mild viral infection, targets the nose, airways, throat, and sinuses, leading to manifestations like a congested or runny nose, sneezing, a sense of fatigue, a scratchy throat, and coughing. While there’s no definitive cure for the common cold, we’ve compiled a list of everyday foods, herbs, and home remedies that may help alleviate the symptoms of your winter cough.

Garlic: Embracing powerful antioxidant properties, garlic stands as a potential ally in warding off or shortening the duration of colds. Notably, studies reveal that incorporating a garlic supplement into your routine can lead to a remarkable 63% reduction in the frequency of colds. Beyond its impact on colds, garlic offers additional health perks, including the ability to lower blood pressure, enhance cholesterol levels, and contribute to the prevention of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Ginger: Ginger is another herbal ingredient that is highly valued in ayurvedic medicines for cough and cold as it helps not just with phlegm reduction, but also with fighting infections and reducing inflammation. These anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects are linked to gingerols, the active components in ginger. Research shows that ginger and ginger extracts can work like a bronchodilator, relaxing the airway smooth muscle to reduce irritation, coughing, and breathlessness. Ginger can be used to prepare herbal teas along with honey or you can even drink the freshly extracted juice or chew on some ginger.

Tulsi: Tulsi, is an Ayurvedic herb that has been used for centuries in India for its vast array of health benefits. Tulsi is an expectorant, meaning it helps to expel mucus from the respiratory tract, making it an effective remedy for dry cough. In addition, tulsi is a natural antibacterial agent, helping to fight off infection and speed up the healing process.

Fruits and vegetables: While vitamin C may not possess the mythical powers once attributed to it in preventing colds, it can still play a supportive role when that unwelcome sniffle starts looming. Embrace the goodness of citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, lemons, or limes to fortify your immune system with this essential vitamin.

For those not keen on the tangy delights of citrus, fear not. Numerous other foods stand ready to deliver a robust dose of vitamin C:

Kiwi fruit



Red bell pepper

Brussels sprouts





Onion juice: Onions are another staple in every Indian kitchen, making this a very convenient remedy.people don’t realize that onions don’t just add flavor to food, but can also be therapeutic. Studies show that onion extract has an anti-inflammatory effect and relaxes the trachea, which can reduce or stop coughing spasms. These benefits may be linked to sulfur compounds in onions. This value of onions as a dry cough remedy has long been recognized in Ayurved and it’s worth a try. You can crush and extract onion juice, mixing it with equal parts of honey.Most  have a tablespoon of the mixture at least twice or thrice a day.

Honey: Research suggests that honey may offer relief from a persistent cough. In a 2021 review, scientists examined the impact of honey in treating coughs related to upper respiratory infections. The findings revealed that honey outperformed standard care, effectively suppressing coughs and reducing the need for antibiotics.

In another study comparing honey with dextromethorphan, a common cough suppressant, both were found effective in curbing coughs. One trial even indicated that honey scored slightly higher, while in another, it matched the efficacy of dextromethorphan.

To utilize this remedy, individuals can consume a spoonful of honey directly or incorporate it into a hot beverage, such as herbal tea.

Hot Fluids: Although current research is limited, an older study from 2008 suggests that consuming liquids at room temperature may help ease symptoms such as cough, runny nose, and sneezing. However, individuals with additional cold or flu symptoms may find more relief by opting for warm beverages. According to the same study, hot drinks can provide immediate relief for symptoms like sore throat, chills, and fatigue. The positive effects were noted to persist for a sustained period after finishing the hot beverage.

Hot beverages that can offer comfort include clear broths, herbal teas, decaffeinated black tea, warm water, and warm fruit juices.

Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of zinc, a mineral essential for enhancing the function of white blood cells. These cells play a crucial role in combating pathogens such as the flu virus. You can enjoy pumpkin seeds by the handful or sprinkle them on salads to add a delightful crunch to your diet.

Turmeric: Turmeric milk stands out as a popular home remedy in India for various ailments, renowned for its effectiveness in treating sore throats and coughs. The key component in turmeric, Curcumin, imparts its yellow color and possesses potent anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric has the capacity to enhance the immune system and stimulate antibody responses against infections. For expedited relief, consider adding black pepper to the turmeric mixture. This combination harnesses the therapeutic benefits of turmeric, offering a natural and soothing remedy for respiratory discomfort.

Pineapple: Surprisingly, pineapple proves to be an effective aid in alleviating coughs, thanks to the presence of bromelain, an enzyme with anti-inflammatory and mucolytic properties. Bromelain’s unique combination of attributes makes pineapple an excellent choice for promoting relief from coughs by aiding in the breakdown of mucus and reducing inflammation. Consider incorporating this tropical fruit into your diet for its natural and beneficial impact on respiratory comfort.

Banana Berry Smoothie: Introducing the Banana Berry Smoothie – A nutrient-packed blend that harnesses the goodness of ripe banana and mixed berries. Bananas, known for their richness in essential vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin B6, and potassium, play a vital role in supporting the immune system. Combined with antioxidant-rich berries, especially strawberries and blueberries, this smoothie offers a powerful dose of vitamin C and antioxidants. These elements contribute to reducing cough symptoms and enhancing overall immune function, making the Banana Berry Smoothie a delightful and healthful choice to fortify your well-being.

As we embrace these natural remedies to tackle the winter cough, it’s crucial to recognize that individual responses may vary. Consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable, especially if symptoms persist or worsen. While these home remedies offer potential relief, maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and practicing good hygiene are integral components of overall well-being. Embrace the nourishing power of nature’s ingredients to support your health, providing comfort and wellness during the chilly winter months.

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Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Dynamic Duo for Winter Skin Woes

Honey is a natural sweetener and culinary delight but has amazing skin care properties. Honey contains natural sugars that help retain moisture, preventing dry skin from becoming overhydrated. It is an excellent emollient, softening and soothes the skin…writes Lothungbeni Humtsoe

xxxx While dry skin is common, especially during winter, it can be effectively managed, resulting in comfort and a pleasant complexion. Some natural remedies can help alleviate these problems and restore moisture to your skin. Two such ingredients are glycerin and honey, which have incredible nourishing power to combat dry skin.   Glycerin: The Humectant Hero   Glycerin, also known as glycerol, has been used in skincare for centuries due to its incredible moisturizing properties. It is a hygroscopic ingredient, which can absorb and retain moisture from the environment, making it a popular ingredient in many skincare products.   One of the main benefits of glycerin is that it acts as a protector for the skin. When used on dry skin, glycerin works by absorbing small droplets from the surroundings, and the skin feels nourished and smooth.  

Honey: Nature’s Liquid Gold   Honey is a natural sweetener and culinary delight but has amazing skin care properties. Honey contains natural sugars that help retain moisture, preventing dry skin from becoming overhydrated. It is an excellent emollient, softening and soothes the skin.   Honey is packed with antioxidants and has antibacterial properties, making it an ideal product for the skin’s health. The antioxidants in honey can protect the skin from environmental damage, which can lead to dry skin. Additionally, its antibacterial properties can help reduce inflammation and soothe skin irritation, a common occurrence during dry seasons.  

The Power of the Duo: Glycerin and Honey   When combined with honey, glycerin is a powerful combination that can do wonders for dry skin. Moisturizing glycerin and soothing honey complement each other perfectly, providing the perfect solution to dry skin problems.   Ekta Makhijani, a Lifestyle Influencer, said, “My skin used to get chapped and it used to look dull, especially during winters but ever since I have started including glycerin and honey in my skincare routine, my skin has been softer than ever. I would recommend adding these two ingredients to your daily skincare routine.”  

Glycerin and honey are two natural ingredients that have amazing nutritional value for sensitive skin. Glycerin’s moisturizing properties help lock in pores, while honey’s soothing, hydrating properties help keep skin soft and healthy. By incorporating these two ingredients into your skincare routine, you can harness their full potential to help your skin stay supple and smooth. So, the next time you’re looking for a solution to your chapped skin, reach for glycerin and honey to experience their natural skin-nourishing magic.

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Lite Blogs

Debunking Winter Skincare Myths

While staying hydrated is crucial for overall health, relying solely on drinking water may not be enough to combat winter skin woes…reports Asian Lite News

As the temperature drops, so does the moisture level in the air, making winter a challenging season for our skin. However, navigating the realm of winter skincare requires separating fact from fiction.

Winter skincare requires a thoughtful and informed approach. By debunking these common myths, you can tailor your skincare routine to combat the specific challenges posed by colder weather. Embrace the season with a well-rounded regimen that keeps your skin nourished, hydrated, and glowing all winter long.

Let’s debunk some common cold-weather beauty myths to ensure your skin stays radiant and healthy throughout the chilly months highlighted by Priya Bhandari, Head Of Training, Skeyndor.

Myth #1: You Don’t Need Sunscreen in winter

One of the biggest misconceptions is that sunscreen is only essential during the summertime. In reality, harmful UV rays are present year-round and can lead to premature aging and skin damage. Snow can even reflect UV rays, intensifying their impact. So, don’t stash away the sunscreen – make it a year-round skincare staple to shield your skin from the winter sun’s subtle but damaging effects.

Myth #2: Hot Showers Help Combat Dry Skin

While a hot shower may feel heavenly on a cold winter day, it can exacerbate dry skin issues. Hot water strips the skin of its natural oils, leading to increased dryness and irritation. Opt for lukewarm showers and limit their duration to maintain your skin’s natural moisture balance. Afterward, lock in moisture with a rich, hydrating lotion or cream to keep your skin soft and supple.

Myth #3: Drinking Water Alone Hydrates Your Skin

While staying hydrated is crucial for overall health, relying solely on drinking water may not be enough to combat winter skin woes. Cold air tends to be drier, and indoor heating systems further contribute to moisture loss. Incorporate hydrating skincare products with ingredients like hyaluronic acid and glycerine to replenish and lock in moisture. This dual approach will keep your skin hydrated from the inside out.

Myth #4: Petroleum Jelly Is the Ultimate Moisturizer

While petroleum jelly can create a barrier on the skin to prevent moisture loss, it doesn’t actively hydrate the skin. For effective winter skincare, opt for moisturizers with ingredients like Shea butter, ceramides, and fatty acids. These components help nourish the skin, restore its protective barrier, and combat the harsh effects of winter weather.

Myth #5: Exfoliation Is a No-Go in Winter

Contrary to popular belief, exfoliation remains a vital step in winter skincare. Cold weather can lead to a buildup of dead skin cells, causing dullness and flakiness. Choose a gentle exfoliator with ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) to slough off dead skin cells, promoting a smoother and more radiant complexion. Limit exfoliation to once or twice a week to avoid over-drying.

Myth #6: You Only Need Lip Balm When Lips Are Chapped

Prevention is key when it comes to caring for your lips in winter. Waiting until your lips are chapped to use lip balm can make it harder to restore their natural softness. Make lip balm a daily essential, applying it regularly to keep your lips moisturized and protected from the harsh winter elements.

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Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Cold-Weather Beauty Myths Unveiled

Incorporate hydrating skincare products with ingredients like hyaluronic acid and glycerin to replenish and lock in moisture. This dual approach will keep your skin hydrated from the inside out…reports Asian Lite News

As the temperature drops, so does the moisture level in the air, making winter a challenging season for our skin. However, navigating the realm of winter skincare requires separating fact from fiction.

Winter skincare requires a thoughtful and informed approach. By debunking these common myths, you can tailor your skincare routine to combat the specific challenges posed by colder weather. Embrace the season with a well-rounded regimen that keeps your skin nourished, hydrated, and glowing all winter long.

Let’s debunk some common cold-weather beauty myths to ensure your skin stays radiant and healthy throughout the chilly months highlighted by Priya Bhandari, Head Of Training, Skeyndor.

Myth #1: You Don’t Need Sunscreen in winter

One of the biggest misconceptions is that sunscreen is only essential during the summertime. In reality, harmful UV rays are present year-round and can lead to premature aging and skin damage. Snow can even reflect UV rays, intensifying their impact. So, don’t stash away the sunscreen – make it a year-round skincare staple to shield your skin from the winter sun’s subtle but damaging effects.

Myth #2: Hot Showers Help Combat Dry Skin

While a hot shower may feel heavenly on a cold winter day, it can exacerbate dry skin issues. Hot water strips the skin of its natural oils, leading to increased dryness and irritation. Opt for lukewarm showers and limit their duration to maintain your skin’s natural moisture balance. Afterward, lock in moisture with a rich, hydrating lotion or cream to keep your skin soft and supple.

Myth #3: Drinking Water Alone Hydrates Your Skin

While staying hydrated is crucial for overall health, relying solely on drinking water may not be enough to combat winter skin woes. Cold air tends to be drier, and indoor heating systems further contribute to moisture loss. Incorporate hydrating skincare products with ingredients like hyaluronic acid and glycerin to replenish and lock in moisture. This dual approach will keep your skin hydrated from the inside out.

Myth #4: Petroleum Jelly Is the Ultimate Moisturizer

While petroleum jelly can create a barrier on the skin to prevent moisture loss, it doesn’t actively hydrate the skin. For effective winter skincare, opt for moisturizers with ingredients like Shea butter, ceramides, and fatty acids. These components help nourish the skin, restore its protective barrier, and combat the harsh effects of winter weather.

Myth #5: Exfoliation Is a No-Go in Winter

Contrary to popular belief, exfoliation remains a vital step in winter skincare. Cold weather can lead to a buildup of dead skin cells, causing dullness and flakiness. Choose a gentle exfoliator with ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) to slough off dead skin cells, promoting a smoother and more radiant complexion. Limit exfoliation to once or twice a week to avoid over-drying.

Myth #6: You Only Need Lip Balm When Lips Are Chapped

Prevention is key when it comes to caring for your lips in winter. Waiting until your lips are chapped to use lip balm can make it harder to restore their natural softness. Make lip balm a daily essential, applying it regularly to keep your lips moisturized and protected from the harsh winter elements.

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-Top News India News Politics

Two bills passed on first day of winter session

The bill was passed by a voice vote after a reply by the Minister for Communications, Electronics and Information Technology Ashwini Vaishnaw…reports Asian Lite News

The first day of the Winter Session of Parliament saw two bills being passed with the Rajya Sabha also deciding to discontinue suspension of AAP MP Raghav Chadha.

The Standing committee reports on ‘The Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023’, ‘The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023’, and ‘The Bharatiya Sakshya Bill, 2023’ were tabled in the two Houses. The reports were submitted to the Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar on November 10 by Brij Lal, MP and Chairman of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs. The three bills are on the agenda of the government for passage in the winter session of Parliament.

The report of Ethics Committee, which looked into cash-for-query allegations Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra, was not tabled in the Lok Sabha though it was in the listed agenda.

Rajya Sabha passed the Bill to repeal the Indian Post Office Act, 1898 and to consolidate and amend the law relating to the post offices in India.

The opposition members raised questions over some provisions of the bill and asked if the government wanted to create a “surveillance state”.

The government rejected the apprehensions of the members. Minister of State for Communications Devusinh Chauhan said provisions have been made for reasons of national security and there were similar provisions in the previous version of the Post Office Bill too.

“The government has a right to keep track of illegal substances like narcotics being transported through postal networks and this is in the public interest,” Chauhan said.

The Bill states that the Central Government may, by notification, empower any officer to intercept, open or detain “any item in the interest of the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, emergency, or public safety or upon the occurrence of any contravention of any of the provisions of any law for the time being in force”.

The bill was passed by a voice vote after a reply by the Minister for Communications, Electronics and Information Technology Ashwini Vaishnaw.

The bill provides that Post Office shall provide such services as the Central Government may by rules prescribe and the Director General of Postal Services shall make regulations in respect of activities necessary to provide those services and fix the charges for such services.

The bill provides India Post will not incur any liability with regards to its services, except any liability prescribed through rules.

Participating in the debate, opposition members said the bill provides that the government can open any parcel.

YSRCP’s V Vijayasai Reddy supported the Bill and said it is a step towards three pillars of good postal service, reliability, reach, and relevance.

Shiv Sena’s Priyanka Chaturvedi raised surveillance concerns “under the garb of reforms”.

The MP said that clauses 9 and 10 of the Post Office Bill can lead to surveillance and authorities responsible will not be held liable once this Bill is passed.

Chaturvedi also mentioned that she wrote a letter to the government about messages received by some Opposition members about possible hacking.

CPI’s P Sandosh Kumar said he was grateful to the Communications Minister for retaining the name of the Bill in English so that it is “understandable to each and every Indian”.

AAP MP Raghav Chadha alleged that the Post Office Bill has “Big Brother syndrome”.

“The legislation betrays a ‘Big Brother’ syndrome that plagues the government as it will give the government unchecked power to open, read, detain and intercept mail and take whatever action they like, without due limitations embedded in the law. The grounds to open and intercept mail are vague and the Bill fails to specify procedures for allowing such interception,” Chadha said.

He also raised the issue of the recent iPhone hacking alerts and called for an investigation by a Joint Parliamentary Committee on the attack.

Lok Sabha passed the Advocates (Amendment) Bill, 2023 which is in line with the government’s policy of repealing all obsolete laws or pre-independence Acts which have lost their utility.

The Government in consultation with the Bar Council of India has decided to repeal the Legal Practitioners Act, 1879. It has decided to amend the Advocates Act, 1961 by incorporating the provisions of section 36 of the Legal Practitioners Act, 1879 in the Advocates Act, 1961 so as to reduce the number of superfluous enactments in the statute book.

Replying to the debate on the Bill, Law Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal said the bill would also help to regulate the legal profession by a single Act, the Advocates Act, 1961.

Rajya Sabha on Monday decided to discontinue suspension of Raghav Chadha holding him “guilty of breach of privilege” but noting that the suspension suffered by him so far be taken as sufficient punishment.

The motion for discontinuing the suspension of Raghav Chadha, on the first day of the winter session of Parliament, was moved by BJP member GVL Narasimha Rao after Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar asked him to do so.

Chadha was suspended from the Upper House on August 11, during the Monsoon session.

The report was presented in the House by CPI-M member Elamaram Kareem.

The Chairman said the committee after “deep and thoughtful consideration” has found Raghav Chadha guilty of both the charges levelled against him.

“Charge one (is) that he intentionally and deliberately presented misleading facts to the media, misinterpreted proceedings of the council, resulting in affront to the authority of Chairman Rajya Sabha and engaged in outrageous defiance of the resolutions of the house and directives of the honourable chairman of the Rajya Sabha,” Dhankhar said. (ANI)

ALSO READ-18 crucial Bills listed for winter session  

Fashion Lite Blogs

Mastering Professional Winter Style

Invest in a good pair of leather gloves, a stylish scarf, and a hat that complements your overall look. These accessories not only add flair to your outfit but also provide essential warmth. Choose accessories in neutral tones or classic patterns to maintain a professional appearance…reports Asian Lite News

As the temperature drops and winter settles in, the challenge of maintaining a professional appearance while staying warm becomes a top priority for many working individuals.

While the weather calls for transitioning from comfortable and cool to comfortable and snugish; it is entirely possible to look polished and put together even in the coldest weather.

Here’s a guide outlined by Latika Kapoor, Styling Head, of FS Life to help you navigate the world of professional winter attire.

Layer Smartly: Layering is the key to staying warm without compromising your professional image. Start with a thermal or silk base layer to trap heat close to your body. Add a stylish sweater or cardigan as your mid-layer, and finish with a tailored coat or blazer for a sophisticated look. This strategy allows you to adjust your clothing according to the fluctuating indoor and outdoor temperatures.

Invest in Quality Outerwear: Your winter coat is a crucial element of your work wardrobe during the colder months. Opt for a well-structured, insulated coat in a neutral color like black, camel, or gray. A tailored wool coat or a classic trench can seamlessly complement your professional attire while keeping you warm during your commute and outdoor activities.

Accessorize Thoughtfully: Accessories are not just for style—they serve a practical purpose in winter workwear. Invest in a good pair of leather gloves, a stylish scarf, and a hat that complements your overall look. These accessories not only add flair to your outfit but also provide essential warmth. Choose accessories in neutral tones or classic patterns to maintain a professional appearance.

Opt for Season-Appropriate Fabrics: Selecting the right fabrics is crucial for winter workwear. Fabrics like wool, cashmere, and tweed are not only warm but also exude a professional aesthetic. Cotrise and suede are fabrics that are anticipated to make a big deal this season. Incorporate these materials into your wardrobe with tailored trousers, skirts, and blazers for a polished and warm ensemble.

Tailored Fit Matters: A well-tailored outfit not only looks more professional but also helps to trap heat close to your body. Ensure that your winter workwear fits you properly, especially if you are layering. Tailored jackets, pants, and dresses not only enhance your appearance but also contribute to better insulation.

Experiment with Dark Colors: Dark colors have a slimming effect and are also more forgiving in terms of hiding any winter-related stains or dirt. Incorporate a mix of black, navy, and charcoal into your winter wardrobe for a professional and practical approach.

Don’t Forget Indoor Attire: Remember that you’ll be spending a significant portion of your day indoors. Choose clothing that is easy to layer and de-layer as you move between indoor and outdoor spaces. Avoid heavy, cumbersome outerwear that may be uncomfortable when worn inside.

Navigating winter workwear doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By strategically layering, investing in quality outerwear, accessorizing thoughtfully, choosing warm yet stylish footwear, opting for season-appropriate fabrics, prioritizing a tailored fit, experimenting with dark colors, and considering indoor attire, you can maintain a professional and polished look throughout the colder months. Most importantly, be thoughtful about your body type and pick your attire accordingly. Always make sure to embrace your body and style rather than hoping onto trends set by influencers etc.

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India News Politics

Winter session of Parliament to be held from Dec 4

Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi said in a post on X that the session will have 15 sittings spread over 19 days…reports Asian Lite News

The winter session of Parliament will be held next month from December 4 to 22. Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi said in a post on X that the session will have 15 sittings spread over 19 days.

“Winter Session, 2023 of Parliament will commence from 4th December and continue till 22nd December having 15 sittings spread over 19 days. Amid Amrit Kaal looking forward to discussions on Legislative Business and other items during the session,” he said.

The session will be held a day after the declaration of results of assembly polls in five states – Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Mizoram, and Telangana.

The outcome of the polls is expected to have resonance in the session.

While the government will seek to push its legislative agenda, opposition parties are likely to press for discussion on issues of concern for them.

Several important Bills are likely to be taken up for consideration and passage during the Winter Session, including three legislations seeking to replace the Indian Penal Code, the Evidence Act, and the Code of Criminal Procedure, as well as a Bill related to the appointment of the chief election commissioner and election commissioners.

Another item on the agenda will be the Lok Sabha Ethics Committee’s report on the “cash-for-query” allegations against Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra, recommending her expulsion from the Lok Sabha. In order for the expulsion to come into effect, the House must adopt the panel’s report.

This will also be the first full session to be held in the new Parliament building. A five-day Special Session had been held in September, during which the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha had ceremonially moved their sittings to the new building.

The historic Women’s Reservation Bill was the first legislation to be passed in the new Parliament building. It seeks to provide 33% reservation for women in the Lok Sabha and State assemblies.

The 75-year history of the old Parliament building was also commemorated during the Special Session. That building will now be used as an additional space for parliamentary events, and a part of it will be converted into a museum to preserve the history of the iconic structure.

The Winter session will be concluded before Christmas and will be the last session of the parliament this year.

The BJP-led NDA government called a five-day special session of the Parliament in September. The special session was conducted in the new parliament building, in which the government discussed the 75-year history of the old parliament building, which will be retrofitted to provide additional space for parliamentary events and a part of the old building will be converted into a museum to preserve the history of the iconic structure.

However, the winter session in 2022 – from 7 December to 23 – was the shortest in recent decades, with only 13 sittings. The winter session in 2021 – from 29 November to 22 December – convened for 18 days. In 2019, it was scheduled from 18 November to 13 December, with 20 sittings. The Parliament did not have a winter session in 2020 because of the pandemic.

Earlier, a 5-day-long special session of Parliament was held to enter the new Parliament building from September 18 to 22. The special session witnessed historical moments when the first session in the new  building was organised and the Women’s Reservation Bill (Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam) passed. Parliamentarians also took part in the discussion on Parliament’s 75-year journey, starting from the Constituent Assembly that first met on December 9, 1946.

Earlier, the Monsoon Session of 2023 was held from July 20, 2023 to August 11, 2023. Lok Sabha functioned for 43% of its scheduled time and Rajya Sabha functioned for 55%. Twenty-three Bills were passed during this session. This session also saw the discussion on the first no-confidence motion of the 17th Lok Sabha.

his session saw high legislative activity despite Parliament working for just half of its scheduled time. Most Bills were passed with little scrutiny. 56% of Bills introduced in this session were passed by both Houses. On average, a Bill introduced in this session was passed within eight days of introduction.

For example, Bills expanding the discretionary powers of the LG in Delhi, allowing for mining of strategic minerals like lithium, and regulating personal data were passed by Parliament within seven days of introduction. The Anusandhan National Research Foundation Bill, 2023 was passed within five days of introduction.

Out of 25 Bills introduced, three have been referred to committees. In this Lok Sabha, so far, 17% Bills have been referred to Committees. This is lower as compared to the last three Lok Sabhas. Of the 23 Bills passed in this session, seven have been examined by Standing Committees.

ALSO READ-Parliamentary Panel to Review 3 Bills to Replace Criminal Laws

-Top News Afghanistan Environment

Afghan farmers hit hard by severe drought and harsh winter

The organization added that FAO requires USD 252.4 million to assist eight million people in Afghanistan in 2023, according to TOLO News…reports Asian Lite News

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said in a report that severe and widespread drought and a bitterly cold winter have impacted farmers in Afghanistan, reported TOLO News.

“Severe and widespread drought, in addition to an extremely harsh winter, have impacted farmers…,” reported the Food and Agriculture Organization. Referring to Afghanistan, the FAO added that 80 percent of Afghan families are dependent on agriculture for their livelihood.

“With 80 percent of families dependent on agriculture for their food and income, humanitarian livelihood support is critical,” FAO added.

The FAO mentioned in a report published in 2022, “Every USD $1 spent to protect rural livelihoods saved around USD $7 in additional humanitarian assistance, generated further income for Afghan families and supplied food in local markets.”

Moreover, the organization added that FAO requires USD 252.4 million to assist eight million people in Afghanistan in 2023, according to TOLO News.

Abdul Baseer Taraki, an economist, said that since the Taliban is not recognized, there is less assistance.

“Currently, our country is not recognized, the banking system is problematic, the business is down and we are forced to accept less than 30 to 40 percent of assistance,” he said.

However, Abdul Latif Nazari, the Deputy Minister of Economy, said that the main reasons for poverty are the imposed sanctions on Afghanistan and the suspension of international assistance for infrastructural projects, reported TOLO News.

“The sanctions and freezing of Afghan assets will undoubtedly have their effects on the livelihood of the people of Afghanistan,” said Nazari.

Furthermore, in June, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) report said that the estimated number of people in need of humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan has surged to 28.8 million from 28.3 million which was recorded at the beginning of 2023, according to TOLO News.

Livestock farmers hit by drought

Livestock farmers said that due to drought in Bamyan province of Afghanistan, animal fodder has decreased which has made agriculture, especially feeding livestock, very challenging, TOLOnews reported.

Lamenting over the challenges faced by Livestock farmers on a daily basis in the province, they said that the lack of fodder is not the only problem but the occurrence of various animal diseases has also had a bad effect on livestock farming and has reduced their income, TOLOnews said. One of the Bamiyan livestock farmers is Mohammad Kazem. He claimed that while he once kept close to 60 sheep, he is now only able to feed10 sheep.

“The drought affected me so much that I was keeping fifty or sixty sheep at that time and that was easy for me. Now that I keep ten sheep, we are in trouble. Now our children are shepherding them. I give them water from the well,” Mohammad Kazem said, according to TOLOnews.

Livestock farmers claimed that in the past, their livelihoods were supported by raising livestock, but that this is no longer possible for them.

According to livestock farmer Mohammad Alim, “Drought and persistent pests have presented people with challenges, which has reduced the number of people’s livestock year by year.”

“Eighty per cent of the people have sold their livestock because of both disease and drought,” said Mohammad Baqir, another livestock farmer, as the situation remains grim in the province.

Given that the majority of Afghans live in great poverty, it is the humanitarian organisations that have navigated the way for Afghan families to get basic amenities and have provided essential relief and services to the people.

With time, the situation of people in Afghanistan has become miserable. People continue to face food shortages, and the basic amenities to live have become a far cry for all. Moreover, the situation of women in the country has only got worse. (ANI)

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