Health Lifestyle Lite Blogs

A healthy combination of workout and fasting

During fasting, glycogen levels in your body are low. This encourages the body to use stored fat as a source of energy…reports Asian Lite News

Fasting has been a tradition as old as any. We all have fasted at one time or another, for various reasons including but not limited to cultural, religious, and health purposes.

While fasts are often observed for good health, an unhealthy myth follows this custom. It is often believed that one should not workout during fasting. But, the truth cannot be any far from the truth. In reality, working out during fasts can actually be beneficial, as long as you know what kind of workout plan works for you.

While you do need to consider certain things while working out during a fast, it is preferable to not skip your workout. Kushal Pal Singh, Fitness and Performance Expert of Anytime Fitness discusses how to schedule your workout during fasts.

Benefits Of Workout During Fasting

Contrary to popular belief, working out during fasting can have ample benefits. Let’s take a look at some of them below.

Fat Burning: During fasting, glycogen levels in your body are low. This encourages the body to use stored fat as a source of energy.

Improved insulin sensitivity: A healthy combination of workout and fasting aids in enhanced insulin sensitivity which can improve blood sugar control and have long-term benefits for metabolic health.

Mind-body connection: Fasting can create a heightened sense of awareness and mindfulness. Coupled with exercise, it can enhance the mind-body connection and promote a deeper sense of focus and presence during your workouts.

Mental focus and clarity: Some individuals report improved mental focus and clarity during fasted workouts. This could be due to the body adapting to using alternative fuel sources and the potential cognitive benefits associated with fasting.

How To Revamp Your Workout During Fasting?

Oftentimes, after knowing the benefits of the workout during fasting, people may get too excited and indulge in an extreme workout. And, that is exactly what is not to be done. Working out during a fast requires a strategy to compensate for the lack of energy. Too much of anything is wrong, and the rule applies here too. So, how should one workout during fasting? Just follow the guide below, and you should be able to workout efficiently during a calorie deficiency.

Avoid Heavy Workouts: Engaging in heavy or intense workouts during fasting periods can be challenging for your body due to limited energy and hydration. It’s generally recommended to avoid heavy workouts during fasting to ensure your well-being and prevent potential health risks. Some of the reasons for this may include lower energy levels, a dehydrated body, muscle breakdown, and irrelevant resources for recovery and repair of the body.

Instead of heavy workouts, consider opting for lighter, low-intensity exercises, such as gentle cardio, yoga, or stretching during fasting periods. These activities can help maintain movement, promote flexibility, and provide a lower-intensity option that is more suitable during fasting.

Maintain Energy Level: Maintaining the right levels of energy is important for a fruitful workout. You won’t be able to utilize your workout time if you do not have enough resources to move about. So, what can you do?

Schedule your workout in accordance with the time of the day when you have the most energy. It may take some time to figure out the right time frame, but once you understand it, you will be able to workout during fasting more efficiently.

Consume a balanced meal during the non-fasting window ahead of your workout. Select foods that contain a variety of complex carbs, lean protein, and healthy fats. This can help you maintain energy levels during your workout.

It may be beneficial for you to reduce the strenuousness of your workouts while fasting. Focus on low to moderate-intensity activities that are less exhausting.

Prioritize restoring your energy stores and providing your body with the nutrition it requires for replenishment after your workout and breaking the fast. Eat a well-balanced meal with carbohydrates for energy, protein for muscle repair, and healthy fats for satiety.

Focus On More Cardio And Fewer Weights: During a fast, focusing on cardio exercises and reducing the intensity of weightlifting can be a suitable approach. Here are some tips for incorporating more cardio and reducing weight-lifting during fasting:

Opt for activities like jogging, brisk walking, cycling, swimming, or aerobics as your primary workout during the fasting period.

Perform cardio exercises at a moderate intensity level that allows you to maintain a steady pace without excessive strain.

Consider interval training, alternating between periods of higher and lower intensity, to challenge yourself while still focusing on cardio.

If you wish to include some weight training, choose lighter weights and perform fewer repetitions rather than heavy lifting that could cause undue strain on your body.

Listen to your body and adjust the duration and intensity of your workouts according to your energy levels and comfort.

Workout For A Less Time: Working out for a shorter duration during fasting can be a practical approach to ensure you don’t overexert yourself and maintain your energy levels. You may instead engage in low to moderate interval training.

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Health Lite Blogs

‘Living at the gym’ is not a healthy solution

Overtraining causes you to develop a dislike for exercise. In response to excessive training, the immune system treats the strain as an ailment. As a result, you will feel fatigued more, and may fall sick frequently…reports Meenakshi Mohanty

A common misconception around fitness remains that working out for longer durations fetches better results. The reality is quite the contrary. The ideal duration of exercise varies depending on your fitness goals. Timing your workouts ensures that you get enough exercise without overdoing it. It also makes you less prone to losing out on motivation, in turn helping you achieve your fitness goals in a sustainable manner.

Have you heard the expression ‘too much of a good thing’? It often holds true in case of working out. While performing a challenging workout to gain strength, your body needs time to rejuvenate. In contrast, a strenuous workout, while removing stress chemicals, produces new ones. It can knock off the immune system for up to 72 hours. Strength training generates minute rips in muscle tissue, which when mended, strengthen it. If you don’t allow your body a day or two off between strenuous exercising, it won’t be able to restore itself.

Excessive workout is a recipe for failure

Overtraining causes you to develop a dislike for exercise. In response to excessive training, the immune system treats the strain as an ailment. As a result, you will feel fatigued more, and may fall sick frequently. The intensity of your workout should determine the duration of your workout. A vigorous exercise session requires fewer minutes than a relaxed, low-intensity workout. Be mindful of the time you are spending working out. Modulate it according to the needs of your body, depending upon the intensity.

Consistency matters

Life is full of unanticipated events, but that doesn’t call for missing out on your workout. To achieve the desired fitness levels, consistency in exercised is key. If you break your workout streak, you can always start again. But that doesn’t mean that you can make up for the missed days by over-exerting your body. An easy way to avoid falling off the fitness bandwagon is to take a simple walk around the block at night on days you miss exercise due to any unforeseen circumstance or simply because you didn’t feel like hitting the gym. Stay committed to your fitness regimen.

Why It’s Important to Time Your Workouts(IANSLIFE)

Variation matters too

It is necessary to balance your exercise routine with other commitments. But doing nothing except crunches for hours every day will not give you a six-pack. You must be realistic if you are serious about losing weight and sculpting your physique. To make it happen, you will also need to put in the necessary work. Exercise less than three times a week, and you may find it easier to maintain your fitness. If you want your metabolism to be in overdrive, you must work out four to six days in a week. Adopt a workout regimen that offers variation to your body, without overdoing any exercise.

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Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Dear moms…find some time for workout

‘Prana’ in Pranayam is defined as the ‘life-force’, and control over the breath is one of the main ways in which the practice of yoga helps individuals achieve states of awareness and calmness…writes Meenakshi Mohanty

Becoming a mother is an act of infinite optimism. Every mark left behind from having a child signifies the mother’s status as a superhero, as children grow to perceive them as some of the strongest, kindest and wisest souls. The following postpartum signifies a period of revivification, and the hormonal turbulence can be fatiguing for the body. In such a state, it becomes even more important for new moms to plan ahead to secure health and well-being for themselves, given the responsibilities they’re faced with.

Thanks to the age of information, the journey of postpartum needs little demystification, and a plan with ample conviction and steady dedication can go a long way for new moms. The benefits of physical exercise on the mind and body are no longer a thing of speculation, evident from its empirical impact on people from across the world.

Post-partum fitness for breastfeeding mothers (Photo: Pixabay)

The task to choose the right routine for oneself, a routine that balances convenience and efficacy, is what the new mom needs. Getting back to fitness can be hard, and the type of pregnancy and delivery determine when is a good time to start, and a consultation with the doctor is imperative.

Let’s take a look at two workout routines that can help new moms adapt to the growing responsibilities of motherhood while ensuring that they stay healthy to tend to their little ones.

Postpartum Functional Training, the postpartum period requires new moms to focus on movement and feel good. Functional training is one of the most common exercises, practiced by amateurs and athletes alike, and can aid the recovery from pregnancy in an immensely effective manner.

A combination of strength training, cardio, and low-intensity aerobic exercises can help new moms strengthen their muscles, boost energy, promote better sleep, relieve stress, and help them lose the extra weight from pregnancy. A combination of exercises mentioned below can form a routine that helps moms strengthen their core, achieve states of relaxation and revive energy levels to take the responsibility of motherhood head-on:

Pelvic Floor Exercises: Core strength can be greatly affected due to pregnancy, and it becomes more important for mothers to focus on building the strength back to return to the fitness levels before conceiving. Pelvic floor exercises such as planks, side-planks leg-lifts, Cat-Cow table tops, glute bridges, and other exercises are some of the options that can be done easily at home, without equipment.

Walking: Walking is a simple, refreshing, and effective way to stay active, increase energy, and improve blood-oxygenation levels, and can be done anywhere at any time. This form of low-intensity steady-state cardio can help increase stamina and make new moms proactive, and mindful, and alleviate stress levels, affected by the topsy-turvy hormonal bodily state.

Postnatal Yoga, the myriad asanas, breathing techniques, and transcendental meditation are another elaborate system that new moms can access in order to take control of the period of recovery following delivery. Depending on the nature of the delivery, new moms can start yoga within a few days or weeks from childbirth. Postnatal yoga is a modified, low-intensity yoga practice that increases calmness, reduces irritability and anger, lowers blood pressure, reduces tension in the muscles, and can even benefit moms experiencing depression and anxiety.

Pranayam: ‘Prana’ in Pranayam is defined as the ‘life-force’, and control over the breath is one of the main ways in which the practice of yoga helps individuals achieve states of awareness and calmness. The postpartum period for mothers can be full of severe mood swings, insomnia, anxiety, and a range of other psychological problems that bear negative effects on the baby and the mother as a whole. Remaining calm and relaxed becomes imperative in the company of infants, as the propensity for fear is greater for a newborn. The various breathing exercises from yoga can help mothers to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression to achieve and in return impart the feeling of calmness and serenity that a baby needs.

Nike to strengthen bond between Motherhood and Sport (IANSLIFE)

Asanas: Yoga asanas can help greatly with building back strength, remaining active, and attaining rest and relaxation in the postpartum period. Some common poses from Yoga include the cat-cow pose, child’s pose, legs-up-the-wall, and the corpse pose (sravasana).

Being mindful of the body postpartum is as crucial as remaining mindful during the time of being pregnancy. New moms should prepare in advance, and consult a doctor to know when the right time to exercise begins. Exercising can be fruitful but oftentimes needs supervision. Trained professionals can help new moms choose the right programs that aid the mother in their postnatal journey of healing and being healed.

ALSO READ-Workout if you have diabetes

Lite Blogs

Kate Middleton’s favourite workout for fitness

Regular exercise can help to reduce stress and anxiety as it releases a hormone called cortisol. It also helps us to retain focus and be more present, taking time aside to forget about our everyday worries…writes N. LOTHUNGBENI HUMTSOE

Kate Middleton, Jessica Biel, Cameron Diaz, and Vanessa Hudgens are all well-known to include CrossFit in their weekly routines in order to improve their fitness, put on muscle, and lose weight.

For those who are unsure of what CrossFit is, fitness experts at BarBend provide all the information you need, including how many calories it burns, what it entails, the advantages, and how you can perform it at home. A representative for BarBend said, “CrossFit is one of the most effective workouts to build muscle, burn fat, and tone your body, so it’s no surprise to see that Kate Middleton is a huge fan.

“The workouts can be challenging, combining weightlifting, gymnastics, and metabolic conditioning, however, the focus is on hitting your next fitness or strength goal, rather than the number on the scales, which helps people forget about their weight and become more confident.

“High-intensity workouts are known to have numerous benefits on mental health, too, from stress relief and sleep quality to confidence and mood.”

What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is a workout focused on functional fitness, which includes exercises based on the types of movements you do every day. The concept emphasizes explosive, strength, and endurance-based exercises that push your body and mind through new challenges. Common exercises include squats, snatches, handstands, and pull-ups, using kettlebells, weights, and medicine balls.

How many calories does CrossFit burn?

While everyone is different, CrossFit burns a lot of calories, due to its high-intensity approach. It’s estimated you can burn up to 15 calories per minute of CrossFit, with a 60-minute session burning 480 calories on average for a 180lb person.

A typical workout is one hour and is split up into 4 parts including the warm-up (5-10 minutes), strength component (15 minutes), workout of the day (20-30 minutes) and cool down (5 minutes).

Why do this work out?

Variety – It is a great choice, as it combines cardio, strength training, and gymnastics.

Confidence – While the workout isn’t for everyone due to its high intensity, it can massively help build confidence, as the aim is to become stronger both mentally and physically, rather than dropping pounds.

Metabolic rate -Strength training is known to burn more calories than cardio alone, as it builds muscle, which increases your resting metabolic rate.

Manages stress – Regular exercise can help to reduce stress and anxiety as it releases a hormone called cortisol. It also helps us to retain focus and be more present, taking time aside to forget about our everyday worries.

A better night’s sleep – A recent study in Preventive Medicine Reports says that adding some strength training into your routine during the day can actually help improve your quality of sleep. Compared to lighter exercise like a leisurely run, strength training tends to create a bigger surge of adenosine, which promotes drowsiness.

Lower Blood Pressure – At least 31 percent of adults worldwide experience high blood pressure. If left untreated, it can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Exercise is one of the ways that can help improve blood pressure and help decrease the risk of heart disease-related illnesses. CrossFit training specifically has been positively associated with a significant decrease in blood pressure over a period of a year.

Can you try CrossFit at home?

While most people go to a CrossFit gym to do this work out, there are plenty of ways you can get started at home, without splashing out on a membership.

It’s a good idea to start adding some key exercises into your weekly workout sessions to get the hang of the foundational movements. These are great for beginners who are curious about this royal-approved workout but aren’t quite ready to dive right in.

If you’re not already working out regularly, try these exercises out and focus on quality over quantity. These are some of the fundamental movements in CrossFit training.


Tuck Jumps

Tricep dips


Handstand push-ups

Air squats


Running (1 mile)

If you are already hitting the gym and feel ready to step up, try the ‘Murph’ workout, which is a popular CrossFit sequence, involving an intense combo of strength, stamina, and endurance. It may be tough, but you can lower the reps or scale it down if this feels too difficult at first. When you’re starting out, you’ll likely need to scale the workouts to meet your own level.

Perform each exercise in turn, for time.

Run: 1/2 mile

Followed by 10 Rounds Of:

Ring Row: 5

Push-Up: 10

Air Squat: 15

Run: 1/2 mile

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Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Workout to focus, relax and to build strength

Nutrition expert Garima further shares simple yoga exercises to help build strength, agility, meditation, relaxation, and focus…reports Asian Lite News

One of the best times of year to witness nature’s full splendor is during the monsoon. However, monsoons are notorious for their never-ending spells of sickness and cold. One’s immune system is tested though the entire season.

And it doesn’t stop there. There is always the possibility of contracting cholera, dengue fever, or other distressing ailments. So, how can one enjoy the monsoons as they should be while being safe and healthy? Good eating habits, exercise, and adequate rest are a few factors that can keep you safe during the rainy season.

It doesn’t end there. There is always the risk of contracting cholera, dengue fever, or other dreadful diseases. So, how can one truly enjoy the monsoons while remaining safe and healthy? Yoga and nutrition expert Garima Goyal recommends doing a workout session of 60 minutes a day to help you stay active and fit during the season. Garima further shares simple yoga exercises to help build strength, agility, meditation, relaxation, and focus.

Padangusthasana (Big Toe): Padangusthasana is a foundational asana in Ashtanga Yoga. It is a basic standing position that incorporates forward bending. The asana is classified as beginning due to its easiness. Padangusthasana stretches every muscle in the body from head to toe. It relaxes the body and soothes discomfort. It is beneficial for flat feet, among other things. Padangusthasana is an excellent place to begin your yoga experience.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose): Trikonasana is derived from the Sanskrit terms ‘Trikona’ (three corners) and ‘Asana’ (posture). In trikonasana yoga, the practitioner spreads their legs apart without bending their knees, with their hands extended apart, producing a 90-degree angle between the upper and lower bodies. Trikonasana yoga, also known as Triangle position exercise, is a standing posture that improves strength, balance, and flexibility. There are several variants in the trikonasana stages or processes. In general, it is divided into three types: Baddha Trikonasana, Parivrtta Trikonasana, and Utthita Trikonasana.

Utkatasana (Chair Pose): Chair posture, also known as “awkward chair pose” and “fierce stance” in Sanskrit, is a form of asana or yoga practice. Begin in a standing stance and bend your knees to lower your body as if you were sitting in an imaginary chair. This standing forward bend is part of the Vinyasa or Ashtanga yoga Sun Salutation routine. Chair posture strengthens your legs, upper back, and shoulders while also improving balance and flexibility. The chair position is a standing yoga practice that works the core. This strong stance may help you strengthen your legs, back, and shoulders.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Post): Bhujangasana is derived from the words bhujanga (cobra or snake) and asana (position). Cobra Stretch is another name for Bhujangasana. Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutations Position) and Padma Sadhana incorporate this pose. Do you wish to tone your stomach but lack the time to go to the gym? Are you exhausted or anxious as a result of an excessive workload? Bhujangasana, also known as Cobra Stretch, is a great way to cure these and other issues while sitting (or lying down) at home! Bhujangasana, also known as the Cobra Pose, is performed while laying on your stomach. It stretches your body (particularly your back) and rapidly melts your tension away!

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose): Vrksasana is a Sanskrit noun that combines the terms Vriksha and Asana. The Sanskrit term for a tree is Vriksha, whereas the Sanskrit word for posture is Asana. As a result, this is known in English as Tree Pose. Vrikshasana is a standing fundamental yoga position. Furthermore, in Hinduism, Sages utilised this stance as a form of austerity or Tapasya. In a seventh-century CE rock temple in Mallapuram, a man performs a position akin to Vrikshasana. As a result, this is an old yoga stance.

Shishuasana (Child Pose): A child’s pose, also known as balasana/shishuasana, is a beginner’s position that aids in the relaxation of the mind and body. Balasana is derived from the Sanskrit words Bala, which means “young and childlike,” and asana, which means “seat or sat pose.” It is a vital resting posture that helps to quiet your senses. It is a fundamental yoga stance that teaches us that inactivity may be as helpful as action and doing. It’s a chance to take a breather, assess your circumstances, and prepare to move on.

Tadasana (Mountain Pose): While Tadasana is one of the most fundamental yoga asanas, it is a challenge for all levels and delivers various physical and emotional advantages. Tadasana calms your body and mind, promoting inner tranquility. Maintaining alignment and body awareness is an ongoing effort. Standing firm, stable, and focused in Mountain Pose helps to improve posture, alignment, and balance. This can help with other yoga positions as well as your regular activities. Keep your practice new by always thinking of ways to change the stance.

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Bollywood Lite Blogs

Taapsee ups her own game with her performances

The sports drama, which is directed by Akarsh Khurana, narrates the story of a small-town girl, who overcomes all societal barriers to become a national-level athlete, but is hindered when she is asked to undergo a gender test.

From changing her diet to training vigorously to ace her look, Taapsee Pannu has upped her own game for her film ‘Rashmi Rocket’. The actress says she does not want to see herself competing with others and she likes to up her own game with each performance she does.

“I don’t want to see myself competing with anyone and I try to maintain it like it because I just feel that I need to just need to up my game,” Taapsee said while in a conversation.

She added: “Every year whatever I perform I need to up it the next year. That has been the only thing that has put me in pressure… That pressure drives so it is a good pressure to have. That’s the pressure I like today and that’s the race like to run, where I am running solo. I am competing with my timing and not other competitors.”

The sports drama, which is directed by Akarsh Khurana, narrates the story of a small-town girl, who overcomes all societal barriers to become a national-level athlete, but is hindered when she is asked to undergo a gender test.

‘Rashmi Rocket’ is very close to Taapsee’s heart as she has been attached to it since the idea was presented.

“If not the character definitely the film is the closest than any film has been because I have never been attached to film from that level … where you know the germ of an idea is presented and I kind of hand held it and gave it to someone else to develop because when I heard it I felt it deserves to be made into a film that our entire country sees,” she said.

Taapsee reached out to Pranjal Khandhdiya, the producer of the film, to discuss about the movie.

“That’s when I reached out to Pranjal (Khandhdiya) and I was casually discussing with him not with an intension that he will end up making this film… My partner and producer in the film he is the one who I shared this idea with… because it is an ambitious film not just for the actor but for the producer also because it deserves a certain scale… It deserves a scale. It’s his (Pranjal’s) conviction that help us get a director like Akarsh Khurana and then RSVP (producer) came on board then everyone else.”

The 34-year-old actress revealed that she has never been so attached and engrossed with a film.

She said: “I usually get a script I like it or not like… I see the final edit and that’s all. This is much more than it.”

The film will be released on ZEE5 on October 15.

ALSO READ-This is how Taapsee made herself for ‘Rashmi Rocket’

Health Lite Blogs Woman

Women need to embrace a heart-healthy life style

The stress they experience, among other common risk factors, often goes unnoticed by those around them. And stress has a greater influence on CVD risk in women vs men…writes Brajesh Kunwar.

Many people believe that heart disease typically affects men. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth. Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of mortality not only among men, but also among women. But women are actually at greater risk if not detected early, and this exacerbates the issue.

Signs of poor heart health do not appear as visibly in women as it does in men. What this means is that if a man has a heart issue, there are specific symptoms like angina which can be spotted easily and the right course of action be recommended. The same issue in a woman may not result in a sign or symptom that can be easily spotted. So often, their symptoms go ignored or unrecognised and they do not receive timely intervention to correct the problem. The issue is so acute that today 1 in 3 deaths among women is due to coronary heart disease.

There is also a significant lack of self-awareness among women about risk factors and the prevention of CVDs. Women don’t only attend to matters of the home, but they hold positions at leading companies, and continue to rise to the occasion and meet impossible demands on their time. Through all of this, they take care of the emotional needs of their family members and loved ones; and still culturally are predisposed to putting the needs of others before their own.

The stress they experience, among other common risk factors, often goes unnoticed by those around them. And stress has a greater influence on CVD risk in women vs men. Along with stress, other factors like diet quantity and quality also have a greater influence on CVD risk in women vs men. Additionally, women are also impacted by female-specific risk factors for CVD like polycystic Ovarian syndrome PCOS, preeclampsia, pregnancy induced hypertension and gestational diabetes.

In such a situation where symptoms of a heart problem do not manifest visibly, it is extremely important for women to be aware of their own risk factors and adopt proactive measures to take care of their heart health. For example, one risk factor, stress has been linked to a greater intake of energy and nutrient-dense foods, mainly sources of sugar and fat, and to poor diet quality. Women can take simple steps like reducing unhealthy fats and products with high content of sugar and salt to improve the quality of their diet. Choose ingredients that are good for the heart, like oatmeal, wholegrains, fiber rich vegetables, blended oils with the right balance of fatty acids, legumes, soy products, and the like. Regular and consistent exercise, adequate sleep, and other such lifestyle modifications can help maintain heart health in the long term.

Furthermore with signs of poor heart health not manifesting visibly in women, it is crucial that they get regular health check-ups done to assess their risk proactively. Self-awareness and early identification of cardiovascular risk factors can lead to better prevention of CVD in women.

This World Heart Day, let’s choose self-care. Get a simple heart check-up done and encourage other women in yourselves too, to get the same done. Take proactive steps for heart health today.

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Health Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Impactful immunity-boosting exercises

Opt for power walking to reduce fat, a casual stroll for a more relaxed feel or marathon walking for high-impact results…writes Siddhi Jain.

A life without workout is not good and possible in the modern era. We know that exercising is the best way to keep the body and mind fit and healthy. But exercise does more than that! It also acts as an immunity booster. The good news is that you do not have to do heavy exercises for long hours to strengthen your immune system.

Here are five simple exercises recommended by InterMiles that can get the job done. Check out these impactful immunity-boosting exercises to do at home:


If you find it difficult to fit an hour-long workout in your schedule, but want to keep active, add this simple exercise to your daily routine. Walking has several health benefits — the heart stays fit, muscle endurance is improved, bones get stronger, body fat is reduced, high cholesterol can be managed and the body’s defense mechanism gets better. People of any age can participate in this without any difficulty. Opt for power walking to reduce fat, a casual stroll for a more relaxed feel or marathon walking for high-impact results. With so many health benefits, walking undoubtedly ranks high on the immunity boosting workout checklist.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are an amazing workout to boost immune system. It is one of the easiest workouts to do from the comfort of your home. All you need to do is add a bit of variation to this immunity power exercise to boost up your fitness regime. Doing so will not only promote stability but also strengthen your immune system. Here are some variations for you to include in your fitness plan: step jack, basic jumping jack, press jack, squat jack, plyo jack, crossover jack, skier jack and seal jack. Adding 20 minutes of this session to your routine will be enough.


Squats are one of the most popular exercises among fitness enthusiasts. When done regularly, this exercise can tone your legs and strengthen your glutes and muscles. There is no better exercise to work your lower body than squats. In addition, this activity also boosts blood circulation in the body. All you have to do is get the posture correct. Once you excel in the form, you will never skip a leg again. Switch it up with some variations to have a lasting impact. Overhead squat, landmine squat, front squat, split squat and jump squat are some of the more popular ones that you can try. Add some weights to your squats and you will burn calories quicker than ever.


Any list of exercises for the immune system is incomplete without Pilates. They are great for building flexibility, strength and immunity. Pilates promotes muscle development, flexibility, core strength, energy, weight loss and increases joint motions. That is not all! It also improves body posture. A pilates workout can generally take anywhere between 45 minutes to an hour to perform. But you can also perform the shorter ones when you are short on time. Although optional, you can get hold of a yoga mat for better comfort.


Not many workouts engage so many muscles at the same time as a plank does! It is also the best exercise to tone your abs. Beginners or experts, this simple exercise is for all of us to strengthen our arms, shoulders and backs. This activity can be completed within a minute or two. Just balance your body and hold it in position for a minute. If you are someone who can do it longer, go for it! Or you can take breaks and start afresh. Although a bit challenging, with practice you can do it in one go. Include its variations for a fun routine. Side star plank, reverse plank, extended plank and low plank arm reach can be the best ones to begin with.

Now that you have a list, try taking out some time for these exercises from your daily schedule and do them at home. For an even more comfortable and fun time, you can shop online and invest in some workout equipment.

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Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Simple workouts for busy WFH life

Replace screen time while you take your in-between breaks with some quick stretches. They are beneficial for both the mind and the body…Siddhi Jain.

Duties are non-excludable in our daily life. One of the most common changes post-pandemic is the global adoption of the ‘work-from-home (WFH) culture. As professionals set up their indoor workstations, their overall physical activity has reduced.

The shutdown of public spaces like gyms, beaches and parks, coupled with restrictions on other outdoor activities such as walking, jogging or cycling, has further added to the problem, says Dhara Tanna, Senior Vice President of Fitternity. Advocating for inclusion of varying forms of exercise in one’s daily routine, Tanna believes individuals can achieve their fitness goals right from the safety of their homes.

Here are some workouts that she suggests you can easily include in your WFH regime to seamlessly achieve the balance between work and well-being.

Before starting your work day

It is essential to start your day with a calm and relaxed approach. Engaging in some breathing exercises like pranayama or anulom vilom will help you stay focused and stress-free. Further, practicing these will ensure lowered blood pressure, heart rate, and risks of depression. These exercises are also known to better the symptoms of diabetes and effectively lower chronic pain. They help in keeping the body adequately oxygenated, which is very necessary during the present times.

Walk and talk

With most office meetings turning into conference calls, you end up staying seated for longer time periods. You can start taking your calls while walking around your workspace to stay active. Apart from improving your blood circulation, it will also help you benefit from the much-needed break from screen time. Additionally, walking induces the release of healthy endorphins or happy hormones in the body as well as helps in loosening muscles. You can even increase your steps by going to the kitchen for water; instead of sitting with a bottle. You can also keep yourselves motivated by having a healthy competition with a friend or family member on who achieves the most steps.

Well-being breaks

Replace screen time while you take your in-between breaks with some quick stretches. They are beneficial for both the mind and the body. It will provide muscles and joints with the required movement while simultaneously breaking the monotony of sitting in one position for far too long. It even reduces soreness and stiffness. Some of these exercises like neck rolls, side stretch, back and upper back stretch, seated hip stretch, spinal twist are a few stretches that can be performed right at your desk. Just like our body, our eyes also need some rest.

Eyes need rest too

Eyes have muscles which also require proper exercising in order to stay strong and healthy. One such easy exercise to reduce eye strain while working from home is the 20-20-20 rule exercise. One should practice to look away from the screen after every 20 minutes and focus on any object that is 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This will surely work as a strain relief to your eyes.

Post-work workout

To stay fit, people need to include at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week; or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise weekly. You can pick from a wide range of workout regimes that can be easily done at home. Some of these workouts include Yoga, Zumba, Pilates, Functional Training, and High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) among others. To stay on track and enjoy the best results, you can even join online classes. Most such digital platforms even offer the option of one-on-one training with instructors.

With fitness being the top priority of many, these are just a few things that one can include in their daily lives. Professionals can make adjustments in this plan depending on their specific work routines, says the Fitternity expert.

However, to regularly engage in some form of physical activity is something you can’t afford to compromise. Consistency is the primary ingredient in the recipe for a healthy life. Exercise not only improves a person’s physical health but also works wonders for their mental well-being.

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Bollywood Interview Lite Blogs

Malaika shares her ‘herculean task’ of Covid recovery

I felt disappointed that my body wasn’t supporting how my mind felt. I was afraid that I’d never gain back my strength. I wondered whether I’d even be able to complete one activity in 24 hours,” says Malaika

Many stars in the Bollywood industry have tested positive for corona virus and continuously shared their experience through social media. Malaika Arora also opened up on her post-Covid recovery experience. She says being infected by the virus broke her physically, and it’s only after about 32 weeks of testing negative that she started to feel like herself again.

Malaika posted a collage of three pictures on Instagram, where she flaunts perfect washboard abs in a black sports bra, which she teamed with matching cycling shorts.

“What defines strength?’You’re so lucky’, ‘It must have been so easy’ is something I hear regularly. Well yes, I am grateful for a lot of things in my life. But luck, played a very small role in it. And easy!? Boy! That, it was not. I tested positive on the 5th of September and it was really bad. Anyone out there calling a Covid recovery easy, is either blessed with great immunity or isn’t aware of the struggles of Covid. Having gone through it myself, “Easy” is not the word I’d choose. It broke me physically. Walking 2 steps felt like a herculean task. Sitting up, just stepping out of bed, wanting to stand in my window was a journey in itself. I gained weight, I felt weak, lost my stamina, I was away from my family and more. I finally tested negative on the 26th of September and I was so grateful that I did. But the weakness stayed. I felt disappointed that my body wasn’t supporting how my mind felt. I was afraid that I’d never gain back my strength. I wondered whether I’d even be able to complete one activity in 24 hours,” she wrote.

“My first workout, was brutal. I couldn’t do anything well. I felt broken. But Day 2, I got back up and I told myself, I am my own maker. And then day 3 and 4 and 5 and so on. It’s been about 32 weeks since I tested negative and I finally have started to feel like myself again. I’m able to work out the way I used to before I tested positive. I’m able to breathe better and I feel strong both physically and mentally,” she added.

Malaika (Credits : Pallav Paliwal)

Talking about what motivated her, she said: “The four-letter word that pushed me through was HOPE. The hope that it’s all going to be okay, even when it feels like it’s not okay. Thank you to all of you who have been sending me messages, DMs and inspiring stuff which kept my spirits high. But I also pray that the world recovers as well and we all come out of this together. I come out of this phase with 2 words. GRIT & GRATITUDE. Thank you my dearest brother & partner @sarvesh_shashi. Next 30 week phase starts in June!”

ALSO READ-PICS: Malaika Ready For A Fit Start

READ MORE-Malaika Shares Her Secrets