‘The Family Man’ and ‘Scam 1992’ star Shreya Dhanwanthary also took to X to make a larger point when she said: “I know we wanna view this as a collective victory for the Indian film industry but I believe it truly belongs to Payal Kapadia and her incredible cast and crew.”…reports Asian Lite News
Comedian Varun Grover expressed the view of a number of people across the country when he expressed his appreciation for Payal Kapadia’s ‘All We Imagine As Light’ with the comment: “Magical to see four Indian women on stage at Cannes. Dissent, in art and in life, is a tough path to choose. But sometimes it does create magic.”
He took to X to say: “Unbelievable day for Indian cinema. An independent filmmaker — from much-hated FTII — whose first film was a poetic love letter to the idea of dissent in a democracy, wins the second highest honour at the biggest film festival in the world.”
‘The Family Man’ and ‘Scam 1992’ star Shreya Dhanwanthary also took to X to make a larger point when she said: “I know we wanna view this as a collective victory for the Indian film industry but I believe it truly belongs to Payal Kapadia and her incredible cast and crew.”
She continued to say: “Making a film here is tough, especially when it doesn’t follow the rules. More, if it doesn’t tick certain boxes.”
Pointing out how it is “even tougher if the film stars female leads”, Shreya wrote: “I know this fight personally and from talented colleagues whose brilliant stories are overlooked without big stars. They succeeded despite the industry’s typical standards of success and non-existent encouragement.”
She concluded by stating, “This achievement is solely theirs. No one made it easy for them and they got here on their own. Congratulations, Payal Kapadia and team! You deserve this glory. This is your moment!”
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