UK News

Virus Kills Christmas

The planned relaxation of coronavirus rules for Christmas has been scrapped for a large part of southeast England, and cut to one day for rest of the region…. Reports Asian Lite News

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced a new Tier Four of coronavirus restrictions for London and other parts of England to combat an alarming surge in new coronavirus cases linked to a new virulent strain.

The planned relaxation of coronavirus rules for Christmas has been scrapped for a large part of southeast England, and cut to one day for rest of the region, Xinhua news agency quoted Johnson said at a virtual press conference at Downing Street on Saturday evening.

From Sunday morning, London, the South East and East of England will move into Tier Four restrictions, which will be broadly similar to national restrictions introduced in England in November, he said.

Under the new tougher measures, residents in those areas must stay at home, with limited exemptions.

People are also urged to work from home when they can, and should not enter or leave tier four areas.

Meanwhile, non-essential retails and indoors gyms must close, the Prime Minister said.

The restrictions will last for two weeks and will be reviewed on December 30, Johnson said.

He said the previous plan to allow up to three households to meet during five days around Christmas will have to be scrapped.

“We cannot continue with Christmas as planned,” Johnson said.

People should not to travel into a Tier Four area, though support bubbles remain unaffected as do the exemptions for separated parents and their children.

Also Read: Johnson announces new curbs amid Covid-19 surge

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