-Top News Asia News Canada

Lanka Rebuts Canadian PM’s ‘Genocide’ Claim

Sri Lanka’s Foreign Ministry on Thursday rejected the allegation made by the Canadian Prime Minister…reports Asian Lite News

Sri Lanka has once again rejected allegations of the Tamil minority ‘genocide’ charge by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and claimed the accusation was ‘arising from local domestic vote bank politics.

Sri Lanka’s Foreign Ministry on Thursday rejected the allegation made by the Canadian Prime Minister in a statement issued on July 23 to mark the 1983 alleged “anti-Tamil violence” day in Sri Lanka.

“Sri Lanka vehemently reiterates its rejection of the allegation of genocide in their country in the statement issued on July 23, 2024, by the Canadian Prime Minister. Sri Lanka’s position on this matter has been previously reiterated to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,” Foreign Minister Ali Sabry stressed.

“This allegation arising from local domestic vote bank politics in Canada is not conducive to unity and communal harmony in both Sri Lanka and Canada,” the Sri Lanka government complained.

Marking 41 years on the violence against Tamils on July 23, 1983, which is known as ‘Black July’, PM Trudeau said, “Forty-one years ago today, violent attacks targeting Tamil civilians and businesses started in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Thousands of innocent lives were lost, and many more Tamils were injured, subjected to sexual violence, and forced to flee the country.”

“The anti-Tamil pogrom, known as ‘Black July’, escalated tensions in what became a decade-long armed conflict. It remains one of the darkest chapters in Sri Lanka’s history,” the Canadian PM has said.

Referring to May 18, 2009, the day Sri Lanka’s security forces militarily defeated Tamil Tiger rebels, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) after killing its leader Velupillai Prabhakaran, Canadian PM last May said that in 2022, the Parliament of Canada unanimously adopted a Motion to mark May 18 as the Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day — a recognition of Canada’s commitment to stand in solidarity with Tamil-Canadians and Tamil communities around the world in remembering and honouring the victims and survivors of these senseless acts of violence.

“As a steadfast defender of human rights, the Government of Canada will continue to demand accountability for human rights violations and abuses against vulnerable communities in Sri Lanka,” PM Trudeau reiterated.

In May, the Sri Lankan government immediately rejected PM Trudeau’s allegation and hit out at him claiming that the Prime Minister was engaging in electoral votebank politics.

Last year in September India strongly criticised PM Trudeau for claiming the “potential” involvement of Indian agents in the murder of Khalistan separatist Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Canada. India immediately rejected the allegation, saying it was “absurd” and “motivated”.

In May, Sri Lanka joined India, which had already confronted Canada referring to Khalistani separatist elements, and said that the Canadian government was sending a message that its vote bank was more powerful than its rule of law.

Last year in September India strongly criticised PM Trudeau for claiming the “potential” involvement of Indian agents in the murder of Khalistan separatist Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Canada. India immediately rejected the allegation, saying it was “absurd” and “motivated”.

India has said that the main issue was Canada giving space to pro-Khalistani elements operating from Canadian soil with impunity.

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-Top News Canada India News

India Calls Out Canada’s Double Standards

With another Hindu temple in Alberta’s capital Edmonton vandalised with hateful graffiti on Tuesday, New Delhi has slammed Ottawa for its inability to rein in the extremists…reports Asian Lite News

India on Thursday reiterated that it expects Canada to take action against anti-India elements otherwise “the rule of law and respect for pluralism” in the country will continue to be “severely undermined”.

“When a democracy adopts different yardsticks to measure or implement the rule of law and freedom of expression, it only exposes its double standards. We expect Canada to take action against anti-India elements who have repeatedly threatened Indian leaders, institutions, airlines, and diplomats with violence,” Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said during the weekly media briefing on Thursday.

“We would like to see stronger action at the same level of seriousness on the threats posed to us as well,” he added.

With another Hindu temple in Alberta’s capital Edmonton vandalised with hateful graffiti on Tuesday, New Delhi has slammed Ottawa for its inability to rein in the extremists.

The MEA stated that it has “strongly” taken up the matter with the Canadian authorities, both in New Delhi and in the Canadian capital.

“We condemn the vandalisation. We expect the local authorities to take swift and strong action against those responsible. These attacks against temples have become a recurring occurrence and are done with a purpose, which is not very difficult to fathom,” said Jaiswal.

“We have seen a number of such incidents in recent times in Canada. Lack of action against the perpetrators has further emboldened such criminal elements. Those advocating and responsible for extremism and violence need to be brought to justice, or else the rule of law and respect for pluralism in Canada will continue to be severely undermined,” he added.

Tuesday’s incident added to the series of attacks targeting Hindu establishments in Canada.

“During the last few years, Hindu temples in the Greater Toronto Area, British Columbia, and other places in Canada have been vandalised with hateful graffiti. Gurpatwant Singh Pannun of ‘Sikhs for Justice’ last year publicly called for Hindus to go back to India,” Canadian Member of Parliament Chandra Arya wrote on X on July 23.

“Khalistan supporters publicly celebrated in Brampton and Vancouver the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and brandished images of deadly weapons. As I have always been saying, Khalistani extremists seem to get away with ease with their public rhetoric of hate and violence.

“Again, let me put on record. Hindu-Canadians are legitimately concerned. Like a broken record, I again call on Canadian law enforcement agencies to take this issue seriously before these rhetorics get translated into physical action against Hindu-Canadians,” Arya detailed.

The Indian government has repeatedly expressed its deep concern and strong protest at the disturbing actions being allowed to continue unchecked in Canada, saying it illustrates the political space that has been given in the country to separatism, extremism, and violence.

In May, External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar targeted the Justin Trudeau government for giving refuge to pro-Khalistani elements, asserting that further deterioration in bilateral ties would eventually result in a big loss for Canada.

“Freedom of speech cannot be freedom to advocate violence, freedom of speech cannot be freedom to support separatism and terrorism in a foreign country. It cannot be… A group of Khalistanis have been misusing Canada’s freedom laws for years.

“But when the Canadian government has any political compulsions, they accommodate these people who are also their vote bank,” Jaishankar said while speaking at the ‘Vishwabandhu Bharat’ interaction in Nashik.

ALSO READ: Another Hindu Temple Vandalised in Canada

-Top News Canada India News

MP Chandra Arya Stands Up for Hindu-Canadians

Arya further noted that Hindu-Canadians, with their long history of Hindu culture and heritage, have enriched the multicultural fabric of Canada….reports Asian Lite News

In a staunch response to separatist leader Gurpatwant Singh Pannun’s video demanding him and his Hindu-Canadian friends return to India, Canadian Member of Parliament Chandra Arya said that Canada is their land and that they have enriched the multicultural fabric of the country.

He emphasised that Hindus have come to Canada from all parts of the world and have significantly contributed to the socio-economic development of the nation.

Sharing a post on X, the Canadian MP wrote, “In response to my condemnation of the vandalism of the Hindu temple BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in Edmonton and other acts of hate and violence by Khalistan supporters in Canada, Gurpatwant Singh Pannun of Sikhs for Justice has released a video demanding me and my Hindu-Canadian friends to go back to India.”

Arya further noted that Hindu-Canadians, with their long history of Hindu culture and heritage, have enriched the multicultural fabric of Canada.

He did not shy away from holding the Khalistani extremists accountable for “polluting” Canada.

“We Hindus have come to our wonderful country, Canada, from all parts of the world. From every country in South Asia, many countries in Africa and Caribbean, and many other parts of the world, we have come here and Canada, is our land,” the Canadian MP wrote.

“We have made and continue to make an immense positive and productive contribution to the socio-economic development of Canada. With our long history of Hindu culture and heritage, we have enriched the multicultural fabric of Canada. Our land is being polluted by Khalistani extremists abusing our freedoms guaranteed by our Canadian Charter of Rights,” he further added.

In a troubling recurrence of targeted attacks on Hindu places of worship, the BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in Edmonton fell victim to vandalism again this week.

Member of Parliament for Nepean, Chandra Arya, voiced deep concern over the escalating incidents of hate-fueled violence directed at Hindu-Canadian communities.

“The Hindu temple BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in Edmonton is vandalised again. During the last few years, Hindu temples in the Greater Toronto Area, British Columbia, and other places in Canada are being vandalised with hateful graffiti,” Arya said in a post on X on Tuesday, sharing the picture.

The recent attack adds to a string of similar incidents documented in recent years, underscoring a distressing trend of religious intolerance. Last year, a Hindu temple in Windsor suffered defacement with anti-India graffiti, sparking widespread condemnation and calls for action from both Canadian and Indian officials.

Earlier incidents in Mississauga and Brampton saw temples similarly targeted, drawing strong reactions from the Indian community in Canada.

Arya, a Liberal member of Parliament known for his advocacy on multicultural issues, pointed to the impunity enjoyed by Khalistani extremists in Canada, citing instances where their rhetoric has openly incited hatred and violence.

Canadian law enforcement agencies have been urged to take proactive measures to address these threats and ensure the safety and security of all religious communities in Canada.

The incidents have prompted renewed discussions on bolstering security measures around Hindu temples and enhancing efforts to combat extremist propaganda. (ANI)

ALSO READ: Another Hindu Temple Vandalised in Canada

-Top News Canada India News

Another Hindu Temple Vandalised in Canada

The vandalised temple wall reads: “PM Modi MP Arya Hindu Terrorists are Anti-Canada….reports Asian Lite News

Canadian Member of Parliament Chandra Arya took to X to express his concern over BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir that was defaced.

He wrote: “During the last few years, Hindu temples in Greater Toronto Area, British Columbia and other places in Canada are being vandalised with hateful graffiti.”

Drawing attention to the extremist elements instigating such incidents, the Liberal MP, known for his advocacy on multicultural issues, highlighted that “Gurpatwant Singh Pannun of Sikhs for Justice last year publicly called for Hindus to go back to India. Khalistan supporters publicly celebrated in Brampton and Vancouver the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, brandishing images of deadly weapons.”

“As I have always been saying, Khalistani extremists seem to get away with ease with their public rhetoric of hate and violence,” he asserted, adding: “Again, let me put on record. Hindu-Canadians are legitimately concerned.”

With a picture of the defaced temple wall, he concluded his post by urging: “Like a broken record, I again call on Canadian law enforcement agencies to take this issue seriously before these rhetorics get translated into physical action against Hindu-Canadians.”

The vandalised temple wall reads: “PM Modi MP Arya Hindu Terrorists are Anti-Canada.”

Last year in November, Canada-India Foundation, an advocacy body, had asked politicians in the country to break their silence and rein in radicals before it got too late. However, Canadian politicians and media ignored the threat.

In response to the situation, they had expressed in an open letter: “We are even more disappointed that our political leaders have maintained a total silence on this grave issue. This selective approach to dealing with terrorism and threats will not make this world a safe place.”

In recent times, vandalised Hindu temples include Ram Mandir in Mississauga, Vishnu Mandir in Richmond Hill, BAPS Swaminarayan Temple in Toronto, Lakshmi Narayan Mandir in Surrey.

These attacks are viewed as attacks on the freedom of religion and are perceived as a dangerous trend. The advocacy body also highlighted that the extremists have started to even target ordinary Hindus, telling them to leave Canada.

ALSO READ: Canada, after US and EU, mulls tariffs on Chinese-made EVs

-Top News Canada UK News

UK govt handed $1.5m contract to firm that bribed Qaddafi’s son

AtkinsRealis won the contract in September 2023 and it is set to run until December 2025. There is no suggestion of any wrongdoing by the company relating to the contract…reports Asian Lite News

A Canadian company that pleaded guilty to bribing late Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi’s son to win contracts in the North African nation was granted a £1.2 million ($1.5 million) contract by the Conservative government, The Independent newspaper reported on Wednesday.

Department for Transport documents reveal that AtkinsRealis, a company formerly known as SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. that is based in Montreal, successfully bid for a contract to provide specialist technical and commercial advice to support the department’s oversight of rail fares, ticketing and retailing policy.

The business previously pleaded guilty to bribing dictator’s son Saadi Qaddafi with millions of dollars between 2001 and 2011 to win contracts in the North African nation, the Independent said.

AtkinsRealis won the contract in September 2023 and it is set to run until December 2025. There is no suggestion of any wrongdoing by the company relating to the contract.

“The events in question occurred before 2012,” a spokesperson for AtkinsRealis’ told the Independent. “The company has transformed culturally, operationally and in its governance over the last decade, with a new leadership team and a robust and transparent integrity and compliance program recognized and independently verified by the Ethisphere Institute, a global leader in ethical business practices.”

The newspaper said that prior to the company’s rebranding, it was linked with historic allegations of bribery and corruption in several countries.

After winning a government contract in India in 1995 to refurbish a hydroelectric power station, it faced accusations of bribery and financial fraud. Several Indian officials were sacked following an official investigation.

More recently, four former employees of SNC-Lavalin who faced corruption allegations over their role in the construction the Padma Bridge in Bangladesh were acquitted by a Canadian Court.

The company pleaded guilty to paying $48 million in bribes to public officials in Libya to win contracts while Muammar Qaddafi was in power. In 2014, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police charged two former employees of bribing Libyan officials to secure deals over the course of a decade. In 2019, Canadian prosecutors said payments were directed to Saadi Qaddafi in return for him using his influence to secure construction contracts.

In response to questions about the awarding of the rail contract to AtkinsRealis, the Department for Transport told The Independent it is committed to delivering value for money for taxpayers and contracts are awarded through transparent and fair processes. The Conservative Party refused to comment.

AtkinsRealis said the company has been providing technical advice on rail fares and ticketing to the Department for Transport since 2020.

“This specialist advice has been used to support the development of fares strategies for the UK passenger rail network, including the expansion of ‘pay as you go’ ticketing, fares simplification and reform, and ticketing and retail strategies,” the spokesperson added.

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-Top News Asia News Canada

Canada, after US and EU, mulls tariffs on Chinese-made EVs

Freeland said public consultations will help the government decide its policy response, which may include tariffs on imports….reports Asian Lite News

Canadian Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland said that the country is considering whether to impose import tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles and will seek the public’s opinion about the idea, Al Jazeerea reported.

Freeland said on Monday, that the domestic car sector faced unfair competition because of China’s “state-directed policy of overcapacity,” adding that Ottawa would open a 30-day public consultation period on July 2 as to how Canada can respond.

“Chinese producers are quite intentionally generating a global oversupply that undermines EV producers around the world, including here in Canada,” Freeland told reporters in Vaughan, Ontario, echoing concerns raised by the United States and the European Union.

Freeland said public consultations will help the government decide its policy response, which may include tariffs on imports. She added that the move would align Ottawa with its allies in Washington and Brussels.

Last month, US President Joe Biden unveiled a bundle of steep tariff increases on an array of Chinese imports, including electric vehicles. The European Commission, which oversees trade policy in the 27-nation, is also planning to impose additional duties of up to 38.1 percent on Chinese producers such as BYD, Geely and SAIC, as well as Chinese-built Tesla and BMW cars, as reported by Al Jazeera.

However, China has rejected accusations of unfair subsidies or that it has an overcapacity problem, saying the development of its EV industry has been the result of advantages in technology, market and industry supply chains.

An opinion piece published in the Chinese state-backed Global Times newspaper, advocated for “Canada to remain strategically rational” and not “sacrifice normal economic exchanges with China for the sake of Washington’s strategic selfishness.”

Canadian tariffs on Chinese EVs “may undermine market confidence among Chinese investors, worsen bilateral relations, and hinder normal economic and trade cooperation,” the opinion piece stated.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government, which has been trying to position Canada as a critical part of the global EV supply chain, had come under domestic pressure to act against Chinese EVs.

The premier of Ontario, Canada’s most populous province and the main car-making centre, last week urged Ottawa to impose tariffs of at least 100 per cent on Chinese-made electric vehicles to protect jobs.

Freeland declined to get into the specifics of what Ottawa’s potential action would be or if EV components like batteries could also be targeted, but said “everything was on the table.”

“We’re not ruling anything out,” she said, adding “that we are bringing to bear our strongest trade action tools.”

Canada has inked deals worth billions of dollars to woo companies involved in all parts of the EV supply chain to bolster its manufacturing heartland in Ontario, Al Jazeera reported. (ANI)

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-Top News Canada India News

Indian envoy pays homage to victims of Kanishka bombing

The Indian High Commission in Canada stressed that India stands at the forefront of countering terrorism and works closely with all nations to tackle this global threat…reports Asian Lite News

On the 39th anniversary of the Air India flight ‘Kanishka’ bombing, Indian High Commissioner to Canada, Sanjay Kumar Verma, paid homage to the victims of the tragedy in Ottawa.

Despite the rains, the Indian High Commission in Canada led the memorial service for the victims at the Air India Flight 182 Monument at Commissioner’s Park, Dow’s Lake, Ottawa.

While addressing the gathering, Sanjay Kumar Verma stated that no government in the world should overlook the threat of terrorism emanating from its territories for political gains and called human lives much more important than transitory political interests. He asserted that all terrorist activities should be met with exemplary legal action.

Taking to X, the Indian High Commission in Canada stated, “High Commissioner Sanjay Kumar Verma paid homage to the victims of Air India flight 182 Kanishka in Ottawa today on the 39th anniversary of the cowardly terrorist bombing in which 329 innocent victims including 86 children, lost their lives.”

In his address, Verma said, “No government in the world should overlook the threat of terrorism emanating from its territories for political gains. Human lives are much more important than the transitory political interests. All terrorist activities should be met with exemplary legal and social actions, before they start harming the larger humanity. Governments, security agencies, and international organizations must work in concert to dismantle terrorist networks, disrupt their financing, and counter their twisted ideologies.”

The Indian High Commission in Canada stressed that India stands at the forefront of countering terrorism and works closely with all nations to tackle this global threat.

In a post on X, the Indian High Commission in Canada stated, “Family members and friends of the victims, officials of Government of Canada including the Asstt RCMP Commissioner, Amb of Ireland and more than 150 members of the Indo- Canadian community attended the solemn occasion. India shares the sorrow and pain of the victims’ near & dear ones. India stands at the forefront of countering the menace of terrorism and works closely with all nations to tackle this global threat.”

The Consul General of India in Toronto, Siddhartha Nath, attended the memorial service at Queen’s Park Toronto for Air India 182 flight bombing victims and met with the bereaved families. He laid a wreath at the Air India 182 memorial, Humber Park, Etobicoke in solemn remembrance of the 329 victims of the terrorist bombing of Air India flight.

The Consulate General of India in Toronto said, “Consul General @S_Nath_S laid a wreath at the Air India 182 memorial, Humber Park, Etobicoke in solemn remembrance of the 329 victims of the terrorist bombing of AI 182 on this day, 39 years ago.”

In another post on X, the Consulate General of India in Toronto wrote,”CG attended the memorial service at Queen’s Park Toronto for AI 182 flight bombing victims and met with the bereaved families. In his remarks, he highlighted the importance of unified global efforts to combat terrorism and standing firm against its glorification.”

Notably, a bomb exploded on Air India Flight 182 “Kanishka” from Canada off the coast of Ireland on June 23, 1985, killing 329 passengers and crew.

On Sunday, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar called the Air India flight bombing one of the worst acts of terrorism in history. He said that the anniversary of the tragedy is a reminder of why terrorism should never be tolerated.

“Today marks the 39th anniversary of one of the worst acts of terrorism in history. Pay my homage to the memory of the 329 victims of AI 182 ‘Kanishka’ who were killed this day in 1985. My thoughts are with their families. The anniversary is a reminder why terrorism should never be tolerated,” Jaishankar posted on X.  (ANI)

ALSO READ: India lodges protest with Canada over extremists holding court

-Top News Canada India News

Canadian Dy PM Stumbles Over Question On Parliament Tribute To Nijjar

Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland even did not comment on why Nijjar was on the no-fly list, why his bank accounts were frozen, or why such a person was paid tribute in Parliament.

Deputy Prime Minister of Canada Chrystia Freeland stumbed over a question posed to her on why Khalistani separatist Hardeep Singh Nijjar, who was on the no-fly list and had his bank accounts frozen before his death, is now being honoured with a tribute in the Canadian Parliament.

In a video that has now gone viral on social media, a journalist asked Freeland on the paradox of honouring Nijjar despite past government actions against him.

The journalist questioned the reason behind this sudden change.

Freeland responded, emphasising the recent solemn anniversary and condemning the murder of a Canadian on Canadian soil. She praised Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s stance post-assassination, calling it necessary but challenging.

“I do want to start by saying that this week was a very sad and solemn anniversary of the murder. I was in the House of Commons, and I guess all three of us were (referring to the two men sitting beside her). It was important to have a moment of silence to recognise this was the murder of a Canadian in Canada on Canadian soil, and that is entirely unacceptable. Second of all, I do want to say I was very proud of the prime minister and of the strong position he took after the murder.”

She further stated, “It was the right thing to do, but it wasn’t an easy thing to do.”

Freeland reiterated Trudeau’s commitment to equality under Canadian law and protection against threats, regardless of consequences. However, she evaded direct answers on why Nijjar was on the no-fly list, why his accounts were frozen, or the rationale behind Parliament’s tribute to him.

“The government of Canada will enforce our laws and protect all Canadians regardless of who is threatening them and what the consequences might be. Doing that was a big thing for the prime minister, and I think all of us should feel safer and more secure knowing that he will stand for Canadians and against the killers of Canadians no matter what”, she said.

However, Chrystia Freeland avoided answering the question of why there was sudden support for Nijjar after his death when the same government had put restrictions on him when he was alive.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets Canadian PM Justin Trudeau at the G7 Outreach Summit, in Apulia.

The minister even did not comment on why Nijjar was on the no-fly list, why his bank accounts were frozen, or why such a person was paid tribute in Parliament.

Hardeep Singh Nijjar, born in the Jalandhar district of India’s Punjab, migrated to Canada in 1997 and worked as a plumber in British Columbia. Desingated as a Khalistani terrorist by India’s National Investigation Agency (NIA) Nijjar was fatally shot outside a Surrey Gurudwara on June 18 last year by unidentified assailants. (ANI)

ALSO READ: India lodges protest with Canada over extremists holding court

-Top News Canada India News

India lodges protest with Canada over extremists holding court

The extremists reportedly burned an effigy of Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the event….reports Asian Lite News

India lodged a strong protest with Canada on Thursday regarding Khalistani extremists holding a “citizens court” outside the Indian consulate in Vancouver.

Authoritative sources reported that India issued a note verbale, or diplomatic note, to the Canadian high commission, expressing serious objections to the demonstration and the “citizens court” held by Khalistani elements, news agency PTI reported.

The extremists reportedly burned an effigy of Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the event.

India strongly condemned the actions of the Khalistani elements and criticized the Canadian government, led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, for providing space to these groups.

This protest by New Delhi follows a “moment of silence” observed in the Canadian parliament in memory of Khalistani extremist Hardeep Singh Nijjar, who was killed in Surrey, British Columbia, in June last year.

Even as the Canadian Parliament ‘honoured’ a Khalistani terrorist, the Indian Consulate in Vancouver reminded the world of the bombing of Air India flight 182 (Kanishka) in which 329 people, including 86 children, were killed.

The ‘India in Vancouver’, the official Twitter account of the Consulate General of India in Vancouver in a post on Wednesday said, “India stands at the forefront of countering the menace of terrorism and works closely with all nations to tackle this global threat.”

“23 June 2024 marks the 39th Anniversary of the cowardly terrorist bombing of Air India flight 182 (Kanishka), in which 329 innocent victims, including 86 children, lost their lives in one of the most heinous terror-related air disasters in the history of civil aviation,” mentioned the post.

The consulate will also hold a Memorial Service at 1830 hrs on June 23 at the Air India Memorial at Stanley Park’s Ceperley Playground area.

“@cgivancouver encourages members of the Indian Diaspora to join the event in a show of solidarity against terrorism,” said the consulate in the post.

As India reminds the world of the horrors of terrorism, the Canadian Parliament marked the first anniversary of the death of Khalistani terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar by holding a moment of silence in the House of Commons on Tuesday.

This comes days after Canadian PM Justin Trudeau said that there is an “alignment on several big issues” with India and he sees an “opportunity” to engage with the new Indian government…”.

Trudeau had said this after meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Italy during the G7 summit.

Nijjar was gunned down in Canada’s Surrey, outside a parking lot on June 18 last year. India had put him on a list of ‘designated terrorists’ under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA).

Canada has alleged that Indian officials were involved in the killing but has failed to provide evidence of this. This has strained ties between Ottawa and New Delhi.

India has been maintaining that the main issue between the two countries is that of Canada giving space to pro-Khalistan elements operating from Canadian soil with impunity.

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-Top News Arab News Canada

Canada Adds Iran’s IRGC to Terrorist List

Thousands of senior Iranian government officials, including top IRGC members, are now banned from entering Canada…reports Asian Lite News

Canada has declared Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a branch of the Iranian Armed Forces, as a “terrorist entity”.

Canadian Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc announced on Wednesday afternoon, saying that Canada will use all of the tools at its disposal “to combat the terrorist activity” of the IRGC.

Thousands of senior Iranian government officials, including top IRGC members, are now banned from entering Canada, and those already inside the country may be investigated and removed, LeBlanc said.

As an immediate consequence of the listing, Canadian financial institutions, such as banks and brokerages, are required to immediately freeze the property of a listed entity, and it is a criminal offence for anyone in Canada and Canadians abroad to knowingly deal with property owned or controlled by a terrorist group, according to a press statement issued by Public Safety Canada as quoted by Xinhua news agency report.

According to local media, charitable organisations can lose their status if they maintain their connections to terrorist groups, and people found to be associated with those groups can be denied entry into Canada.

The US designated the IRGC a “terrorist group” in 2019.

ALSO READ: India Calls Out Canada for Kanishka Bomber Tribute