-Top News USA

Trump accuses Biden of ‘assault on Christianity’

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said on social media that the “Biden White House has betrayed the central tenet of Easter” and called the decision “outrageous and abhorrent.”…reports Asian Lite News

President Joe Biden is facing criticism from Donald Trump’s campaign and religious conservatives for proclaiming March 31 — which corresponds with Easter Sunday this year — as “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

The Democratic president issued the proclamation on Friday, calling on “all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity.”

But in 2024, the March 31 designation overlaps with Easter, one of Christianity’s holiest celebrations. Trump’s campaign accused Biden, a Roman Catholic, of being insensitive to religion, and fellow Republicans piled on.

“We call on Joe Biden’s failing campaign and White House to issue an apology to the millions of Catholics and Christians across America who believe tomorrow is for one celebration only — the resurrection of Jesus Christ,” said Karoline Leavitt, the Trump campaign’s press secretary. She assailed what she called the Biden administration’s “years-long assault on the Christian faith.”

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said on social media that the “Biden White House has betrayed the central tenet of Easter” and called the decision “outrageous and abhorrent.”

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said the Republicans criticizing Biden “are seeking to divide and weaken our country with cruel, hateful and dishonest rhetoric.”

“As a Christian who celebrates Easter with family, President Biden stands for bringing people together and upholding the dignity and freedoms of every American,” Bates said. “President Biden will never abuse his faith for political purposes or for profit.”

Biden devoutly attends Mass and considers his Catholic upbringing to be a core part of his morality and identity. In 2021, he met with Pope Francis at the Vatican and afterward told reporters that the pontiff said he was a “good Catholic” who should keep receiving Communion.

But Biden’s political stances on gay marriage and support for women having the right to abortion have put him at odds with many conservative Christians.

ALSO READ-Trump sparks outrage with new video 

-Top News Europe

Oppn secures major victories in Turkey’s local polls

The Washington Post reported that voter turnout, citing the state-operated Anadolu Agency, stood at approximately 76 per cent, a decrease from the 87 per cent recorded in the previous year…reports Asian Lite News

In a significant blow to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, the main opposition party secured substantial victories in Sunday’s local elections, maintaining control over crucial cities and making substantial gains elsewhere, according to preliminary results, The Washington Post reported.

The results showcased the Republican People’s Party (CHP) retaining its grip on key urban areas, dealing a setback to Erdogan’s ambitions of reclaiming control over these pivotal territories.

With nearly 60 per cent of the ballot boxes tallied, incumbent Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu of the CHP led the race in Istanbul, Turkey’s largest city and economic nucleus, The Washington Post reported, citing, state broadcaster TRT.

Similarly, Mansur Yavas, the incumbent mayor of Ankara, clinched victory by a considerable margin, according to preliminary results.

The CHP was ahead in 36 of Turkey’s 81 provinces, The Washington Post reported, citing, results shown by TRT.

This electoral showdown was viewed as a barometer for President Erdogan’s popularity, as he aimed to recapture territories lost to the opposition in the elections five years ago. The CHP’s previous victories in Ankara and Istanbul in 2019 had punctured Erdogan’s aura of invincibility.

The focal point of the electoral battle was Istanbul, a city of 16 million people, where Erdogan commenced his political journey as mayor in 1994. The outcome served as a testament to the electorate’s desire for change and represented a substantial boost for the opposition, which had grappled with division and demoralisation following last year’s electoral defeats.

“The voters decided to establish a new political order in Turkey,” said CHP leader Ozgur Ozel to a jubilant crowd of supporters. “Today, the voters decided to change the 22-year-old picture in Turkey and open the door to a new political climate in our country.”

In Ankara, a jubilant crowd congregated outside City Hall to celebrate Yavas’ resounding victory, chanting slogans of pride for their mayor, “Ankara is proud of you!”

Sinan Ulgen, director of the Istanbul-based Edam think tank, said “the surprising outcome” was voters’ desire to penalise the ruling party for the depth of economic turmoil gripping the nation. Mounting inflationary pressures have rendered basic commodities unaffordable for many Turkish households.

“Turnout was relatively low compared to past elections,” he said. “There were cross-party shifts in the vote, which did not happen in the national elections because of stronger ideological attachments. This time around, the economy prevailed over identity.”

Approximately 61 million individuals, which included over a million newly eligible voters, were eligible to participate in the elections for metropolitan municipalities, town and district mayorships, as well as neighbourhood administrations.

The Washington Post reported that voter turnout, citing the state-operated Anadolu Agency, stood at approximately 76 per cent, a decrease from the 87 per cent recorded in the previous year.

Despite a substantial security presence comprising 5,94,000 personnel across the nation, sporadic incidents marred the otherwise peaceful electoral process. In Diyarbakir, a dispute over the election of a neighbourhood administrator escalated into violence, resulting in one fatality and multiple injuries. Similar clashes erupted in the province of Sanliurfa, leaving several individuals wounded.

“According to the data we have obtained, it seems our citizens’ trust in us, their faith in us has paid off,” Imamoglu said.

Preliminary results indicated Imamoglu secured approximately 50 per cent of the votes in Istanbul, while AKP’s candidate, Murat Kurum, trailed with 41 per cent, as reported by TRT.

Imamoglu, a charismatic figure widely touted as a potential challenger to Erdogan’s dominance, ran independently of some parties that supported him in his previous victory in 2019. Notably, both the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party and the nationalist IYI Party fielded their own candidates in this election, signalling a fractured opposition landscape.

The disintegration of a six-party opposition alliance following its failure to unseat Erdogan in the previous year’s elections underscored the challenges facing the opposition. Despite opportunities presented by economic woes and the government’s inadequate response to crises such as last year’s devastating earthquake, the opposition failed to capitalise effectively.

Ulgen highlighted the pivotal role assumed by Imamoglu in the opposition, positioning him as a formidable contender for the presidency in the 2028 elections. “This outcome has certainly been a watershed for Imamoglu,” he said, adding, “He will emerge as the natural candidate of the opposition for the next round of presidential elections.” The emergence of the New Welfare Party (YRP), a new religious-conservative entity, siphoned votes from disillusioned AKP supporters dissatisfied with the government’s economic management. (A

ALSO READ-UK begins post-Brexit trade talks with Turkey

-Top News Asia News Europe

Putin signs decree on spring military conscription

The ministry said investigation of these incidents showed that “the traces of these crimes lead to Ukraine.”…reports Asian Lite News

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree setting out the routine spring conscription campaign, calling up 150,000 citizens for statutory military service, a document posted on the Kremlin’s website showed on Sunday.

All men in Russia are required to do a year-long military service, or equivalent training during higher education, from the age of 18.

In July Russia’s lower house of parliament voted to raise the maximum age at which men can be conscripted to 30 from 27. The new legislation came into effect on Jan. 1, 2024.

Compulsory military service has long been a sensitive issue in Russia, where many men go to great lengths to avoid being handed conscription papers during the twice-yearly call-up periods.

Conscripts cannot legally be deployed to fight outside Russia and were exempted from a limited mobilisation in 2022 that gathered at least 300,000 men with previous military training to fight in Ukraine – although some conscripts were sent to the front in error.

In September Putin signed an order calling up 130,000 people for the autumn campaign and last spring Russia planned to conscript 147,000.

Meanwhile, Russia is demanding that Ukraine hand over all people connected with terrorist acts committed in Russia, including the head of the country’s SBU Security Service, the foreign ministry said on Sunday.

The SBU immediately dismissed the Russian demand as “pointless” and said the Russian ministry had “forgotten” that Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin was the subject of an international arrest warrant.

A Russian Foreign Ministry statement listed violent incidents that have occurred in Russia since the Kremlin’s forces invaded Ukraine in February 2022, including bombings that killed the daughter of a prominent nationalist and a war blogger, and an incident in which a writer was seriously hurt.

The ministry said investigation of these incidents showed that “the traces of these crimes lead to Ukraine.”

“Russia has turned over to Ukrainian authorities its demands … for the immediate arrest and extradition of all those connected to the terrorist acts in question,” the statement said.

Among those listed in the statement to be handed over are SBU head Vasyl Maliuk, who has acknowledged his service was behind attacks on the bridge linking Crimea to the Russian mainland since the Kremlin’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine. Russia seized control of Crimea in 2014; the bridge was built after the region was annexed.

“The Russian side demands that the Kyiv regime immediately cease all support for terrorist activity, extradite guilty parties and compensate the victims for damages,” the ministry statement said.

“Ukraine’s violation of its obligations under anti-terrorist conventions will result in it being held to account in international legal terms.”

ALSO READ-Kremlin reveals Putin’s inner turmoil post-Moscow terror attack

-Top News Politics UK News

Tory rebels warn Sunak on poll date

Downing Street sources have moved to play down speculation that a summer election could be on the cards, stressing that going to the ballot box in the autumn remains the aim…reports Asian Lite News

Tory rebels have warned Rishi Sunak off holding a June general election, claiming they would launch a fresh move to oust him as leader if that month was picked.

Downing Street sources have moved to play down speculation that a summer election could be on the cards, stressing that going to the ballot box in the autumn remains the aim.

Central to that argument is the improving economic picture, with inflation and possibly interest rates likely to be lower and economic growth higher at the end of the year than now.

But the idea of a June election, which would have to be called by early May if it is to happen, has spooked some critics of the Prime Minister on the Tory backbench.

One Conservative MP told The Telegraph of a June election: “If he does that, the letters will go in before he gets to see the King.

“Colleagues don’t want an election yet. They’re trying to be as loyal as they can, but they think it will be political suicide. Someone’s clearly floating a June election to stop the plotters. He would obviously prefer to be ousted by the election than fellow MPs.”

Another said: “It would be disastrous. It would cause a move against the PM. There is an increasing view that he’s just not up to it. People are thinking ‘we are not having you lead us into the next election’.”

Since the start of the year, the Prime Minister has been saying publicly that he expects the vote to be held in the second half of the year, though he has avoided being categorical. He did earlier in March say that the general election would not be held on May 2, the same day as the local elections.

That comment was widely seen as a sign that a spring election was being ruled out, since sending voters back to the polls a few weeks after the local elections could risk a backlash.

But focus has now turned on whether a surprise summer general election, perhaps in June or early July, could be on the cards. Sunak’s allies accept that if Tory MPs try to force him from office that could trigger an early vote, but otherwise autumn remains the working assumption.

The argument for calling the election in the summer is that the Tory vote share, which has been ticking downwards this year, could fall even further if Number 10 waits until the autumn.

Politicians usually avoid calling elections at the height of summer since Britons often head away for their holidays, making turnout hard to predict.

But on Thursday figures at the top of the party moved to play down the idea of a June election.

A senior Tory source said, “I think everyone needs to enjoy a long weekend and have a cold shower. We have been working on the assumption of Oct/Nov for over a year and I’ve not seen anything to suggest that’s changed.”

Only a small number of advisers and trusted figures are expected to be in the loop about Mr Sunak’s real thinking about when to call the election.

With there being a political incentive to retain an element of surprise and keep the Labour Party guessing, it is difficult to say with confidence exactly what date is being planned.

But the widespread expectation within Westminster among government insiders and MPs of all political stripes is that the election will be called for either October or November.

ALSO READ-Tory Councillor Expelled For Alleged Antisemitic Comments

India News Politics

BJP win will set country on fire, warns Rahul  

Punjab Chief Minister and AAP leader Bhagwant Mann said that the BJP government can arrest Arvind Kejriwal, but not his “ideology.”…reports Asian Lite News

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Sunday said that if the Bharatiya Janata Party wins the upcoming Lok Sabha elections and tries to change the Constitution, then the whole nation will be set on fire.

Addressing the public at Delhi’s Ramlila Maidan, Rahul Gandhi said, “If the BJP wins these match-fixed elections, and changes the Constitution, the whole country will be on fire. Remember this.”

Rahul Gandhi further alleged that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is trying to fix the elections in his favour.

“Prime Minister Narendra Modi is trying to do match fixing in these elections. Without EVMs, match-fixing, social media, and pressurizing the press, they cannot win more than 180 seats,” Wayanad MP said.

He further said that the Constitution will cease to exist if the BJP registers victory in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls.

“The day this match fixing becomes successful, our Constitution will cease to exist right there. These are not ordinary elections. These elections are to save the future of India, and the rights of farmers. The whole country knows match fixing is going on,” he said.

Earlier today, INDIA alliance leaders, including Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi, Mallikarjun Kharge, Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann, J-K NC leader Farooq Abdullah, PDP chief Mehbooba Mufti, Jharkhand CM Champai Soren and other leaders, attended the INDIA bloc rally in Ramlila Maidan, Delhi.

Displaying a show of strength at the capital’s Ramlila Maidan on Sunday, Opposition leaders staged a protest against the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in connection with the Delhi liquor policy case.

Punjab Chief Minister and AAP leader Bhagwant Mann said that the BJP government can arrest Arvind Kejriwal, but not his “ideology.”

“You can arrest Arvind Kejriwal, but how will you arrest his ideology. In which jail will you send the lakhs of Kejriwals that are born in India. Arvind Kejriwal is not a person, Arvind Kejriwal is the name of an ideology… Today, the INDIA Alliance is together. But they don’t want us to be together,” Punjab CM said.

Meanwhile, Jharkhand Chief Minister Champai Soren attacked the Modi government and said that it did not like the upliftment of the backward classes and communities that Hemant Soren did in Jharkhand.

“The reason why Hemant Soren has been arrested, there is no mention of that land anywhere in any books. BJP did not like the upliftment of the backwards classes and communities that Hemant Soren did in Jharkhand. This is the fight our ancestors also fought in Jharkhand. We are one. We will not let the ideology of BJP thrive in Jharkhand as well as the country,” Soren said.

Likening the BJP and RSS with “poison,” Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge on Sunday attacked the BJP-led government, saying this is the time to decide whether we want “democracy or dictatorship.”

“You have to decide if you want democracy or dictatorship… Those who support dictatorship need to be kicked out of the country. The BJP and RSS are like poison. You will die even if you taste poison,” Kharge said. (ANI)

Kharge says democracy is at risk

Likening the BJP and RSS with “poison,” Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge on Sunday attacked the BJP-led government, saying this is the time to decide whether we want “democracy or dictatorship.”

Addressing the INDIA bloc rally at Ramlila Maidan, the Congress President asserted that the BJP and RSS are like poison.

“You have to decide if you want democracy or dictatorship… Those who support dictatorship need to be kicked out of the country. The BJP and RSS are like poison. You will die even if you taste poison,” Kharge said.

He further said that we are all united to save the country, democracy and the Constitution.

“We need to unite and only then will we be able to fight the BJP. We won’t succeed if we keep attacking and fighting each other,” he added.

Kharge also accused the PM Modi of misusing institutions to threaten opposition parties and its leaders, and toppling their governments to form BJP governments.

Meanwhile, Jharkhand CM Champai Soren attacked the PM Modi government and said that it did not like the upliftment of the backward classes and communities that Hemant Soren did in Jharkhand.

“The reason why Hemant Soren has been arrested, there is no mention of that land anywhere in any books. BJP did not like the upliftment of the backwards classes and communities that Hemant Soren did in Jharkhand. This is the fight our ancestors also fought in Jharkhand. We are one. We will not let the ideology of BJP thrive in Jharkhand as well as the country,” Soren said.

Punjab CM and AAP leader Bhagwant Mann said that the BJP government can arrest Arvind Kejriwal, but not his “ideology.”

“You can arrest Arvind Kejriwal, but how will you arrest his ideology. In which jail will you send the lakhs of Kejriwals that are born in India. Arvind Kejriwal is not a person, Arvind Kejriwal is the name of an ideology… Today, the INDIA Alliance is together. But they don’t want us to be together,” Punjab CM said.

INDIA alliance leaders, including Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi, Mallikarjun Kharge, Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann, J-K NC leader Farooq Abdullah, PDP chief Mehbooba Mufti, Jharkhand CM Champai Soren and other leaders at the INDIA bloc rally in Ramlila Maidan, Delhi.

Opposition leaders came together in a show of strength at the capital’s Ramlila Maidan on Sunday to protest against the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in the Delhi liquor policy case.

Arvind Kejriwal was arrested by the ED on March 21. He is in custody till April 1. (ANI)

ALSO READ-‘BJP targeting opposition, fearing losing polls’

-Top News Politics

Kejriwal is a lion, wouldn’t be in jail for long, says Sunita  

All leading Opposition leaders on Sunday came together and shared the stage at the Ramlila Maidan to register their protest over Kejriwal’s arrest in the case…reports Asian Lite News

Amid the protests and political showdown around her husband’s arrest in connection with the Delhi liquor policy case, Sunita Kejriwal, wife of the embattled chief minister and AAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal, assured party workers that he was as valiant as a lion and wouldn’t be in jail for long.

Addressing party workers at a mega show of strength of the AAP and its partners in the INDIA bloc to rally support for CM Kejriwal, his wife said, “Your Kejriwal is a lion, they (BJP-led Centre) will not be able to keep him in custody for long. He remains in the hearts of crores of people across the country.”

The Delhi CM is currently in the custody of the Directorate of Enforcement (ED) till April 1, Monday, in connection with the liquor policy case.

In an emotional pitch to party supporters and people before reading a message from her husband, Sunita, a former Indian Revenue Service (IRS) officer, said, “Your very own Kejriwal has sent a message for you from custody. However, before reading out this message, I would like to ask you something. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi put my husband in custody. Do you all believe that he did the right thing? Do you believe that Kejriwal-ji is a true patriot and honest person? These BJP people are saying that since Kejriwal is in custody, he should resign. Do you all believe he should resign?”

She added that the strong determination and courage with which she saw her husband fighting his arrest in the liquor case reminded her of the freedom fighters who made the ultimate sacrifice during the struggle for independence.

“The courage with which he is fighting his arrest and for the people and the country often reminds me of the freedom fighters who died fighting for the country’s independence. Maybe Kejriwal was destined to wage this struggle for Bharat Ma,” she said.

She then proceeded to read out six promises that Kejriwal said the INDIA bloc would fulfil if voted to power in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. These include 24×7 electricity supply across the country, free power supply for the poor, good government schools in every village and mohalla, MSP (minimum support price) for farmers in accordance with the Swaminathan Commission report and full statehood for Delhi.

Kejriwal was arrested by the ED on March 21 after several hours of questioning in connection with the excise policy case.

All leading Opposition leaders on Sunday came together and shared the stage at the Ramlila Maidan to register their protest over Kejriwal’s arrest in the case.

Speaking at the Maha Rally, senior AAP leader and Delhi minister Gopal Rai questioned the need to arrest Kejriwal, a sitting chief minister, in the liquor policy case.

“Protests erupted across the country since his arrest on March 21. No one has a clue yet why a sitting CM had to be arrested. But it isn’t about Kejriwal alone. Before arresting the Delhi CM, his Jharkhand counterpart Hemant Soren was arrested (in a land ‘scam’ case) as well. Such misuse of the ED and CBI (against Opposition leaders) has put our democracy in peril,” Rai said at the rally on Sunday. (ANI)

Akhilesh takes dig at BJP over poll pitch

Taking a dig at the BJP-led NDA at the Centre, Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav on Sunday questioned why it was ‘scared’ of the AAP and other Opposition forces if it was so confident of going ‘400 paar’ (beyond 400 seats) in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.

Addressing the Opposition’s Maha Rally at Delhi’s Ramlila Maidan on Sunday, the former UP chief minister said, “These people (BJP and its NDA partners) are raising chants of ‘400 paar’. If they are so confident of winning that many seats, why be scared of the AAP and the other Opposition leaders? They are sending elected chief ministers to jail. Not just fellow countrymen but the whole world has condemned these arrests.”

Further raising the pitch against the BJP, the SP chief added, “The BJP call themselves the biggest political party in the world. However, on the evidence of their track record over the last 10 years, they are a party of the biggest liars in the universe.”

Accusing the ruling party at the Centre of using probe agencies at their disposal to harass Opposition leaders and keep their hold on power, Akhilesh claimed that they would lose as many seats as they are claiming to win.

“If they keep using the ED, CBI and IT to stay in power, then they are not going to win but lose 400 seats. A closer look at the prevailing state of affairs in the country would tell you that the people are not with the BJP,” the former UP chief minister added.

“The entire country knows today how the BJP raised funds using the ED and CBI. To prevent more skeletons (on electoral bonds) from tumbling out, they are filing false cases against Opposition leaders using the ED and CBI,” Akhilesh said.

In a show of strength against the arrest of Chief Minister Kejriwal in connection with a money laundering case linked to the Delhi excise policy ‘scam’, and several other issues, the leaders of the INDIA bloc held a ‘Loktantra Bachao’ rally at the Ramlila Maidan on Sunday.

Kejriwal was arrested by the ED on March 21 and is currently in the custody of the central agency till April 1.

Addressing the Loktantra Bachao rally, Kejriwal’s wife, Sunita, assured party workers that her husband is as valiant as a lion and will not be in jail for long.

“Your Kejriwal is a lion, they will not be able to keep him in jail for long. He is in the hearts of crores of people,” Sunita Kejriwal said at the Ramlila Maidan.

In an emotional pitch to AAP supporters and the people before reading out a message from her husband from ED custody, Sunita, a former Indian Revenue Service (IRS) officer, said, “Your very own Kejriwal has sent a message for you from custody. However, before reading out this message, I would like to ask you something. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi put my husband in custody. Do you believe he did the right thing? Do you all believe that Kejriwal-ji is a true patriot and an honest person? These BJP people are saying that since Kejriwal is in jail, he should resign. Should he resign?”

She said seeing the determination and courage with which her husband was fighting the arrest in the liquor policy case reminded her of freedom fighters who laid down their lives during the struggle for independence.

“Seeing the courage and strong resolve with which he is fighting his arrest and for the people and country often reminds me of our freedom fighters who died fighting for our independence. Maybe Kejriwal was destined to wage this struggle for Bharat Ma,” Sunita said. (ANI)

ALSO READ-No relief from HC for Kejriwal

-Top News Politics

INDIA bloc puts up show of strength

The arrests of Arvind Kejriwal and Hemant Soren acted as a catalyst for the rally which saw the participation of 17 parties…reports Asian Lite News

With less than three weeks to go for the Lok Sabha elections, the Opposition’s INDIA bloc Sunday put up a show of strength in Delhi’s Ramlila Maidan. The leaders present underlined the need to draw inspiration from the Hindu epic Ramayana’s depiction of “triumph of Lord Rama” despite being short on resources compared to his rival Ravana to end the run of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

While the arrests of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and former Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren acted as a catalyst for the rally — which witnessed the participation of 17 parties — it also saw Kejriwal’s wife Sunita reading out election “guarantees”, and Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra placing “demands” including the “immediate release” of the arrested leaders and a Supreme Court monitored probe into the scrapped electoral bonds scheme.

The issue of electoral bonds, however, was not a refrain, but only a passing reference in some speeches at the rally.

The organiser Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) went the extra mile, including taking down a poster showing Kejriwal behind bars from the front of the dais minutes before the event began, to assuage Congress’s concerns about the rally being “just about Kejriwal and Soren” and not about “India’s imperilled democracy and constitution”.

While Congress leader Rahul Gandhi outlined the potential “threats” that the BJP poses to the Indian Constitution, Priyanka invoked the “values of Lord Rama”, which, she said, were needed as a reminder to “those who call themselves Ram bhakts (devotees)”. Also present on the dais was former Congress President Sonia Gandhi, who sat beside Sunita Kejriwal and Hemant Soren’s wife Kalpana.

“I used to come here (Ramlila Maidan) as a child with my grandmother Indira Gandhi, who taught me Ram gatha. Today, those in power call themselves ram bhakts, so I thought I should remind them that what they are indulging in is exhibitionism. The message of ram gatha is that when Lord Rama fought for the truth, he lacked power, resources, or even a chariot. Ravana had access to all that and more including gold and an army. Ram had truth, courage, love, determination and modesty. I also want to remind Modiji that the message of Ram gatha is also that power is ephemeral, it comes and goes, arrogance is shattered,” Priyanka said.

With the Ayodhya Ram Mandir consecration ceremony a centre piece of the ruling BJP’s electoral campaign, particularly in the heartland states, the Opposition has often found itself struggling in crafting a response to draw Hindu votes to its fold. Priyanka’s forceful intervention appeared aimed at that elephant in the room.

Speaking before Priyanka, Kalpana Soren — whose growing involvement in the affairs of Jharkhand’s ruling Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) since the arrest of her husband has been a subject of discussion — made a similar point, underlining the need to absorb the essence of Lord Ram in the “truest sense”.

“Lord Rama followed principles, rules and ideals even during war time. He embodied tolerance despite being powerful and treated opponents with dignity,” she said, calling herself the voice of the women and Adivasis.

Hemant Soren, who handed over the baton of chief ministership to Champai Soren, was arrested on the evening of 31 January by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in an alleged land scam case.

The role of ED, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the Income Tax Department in going after Opposition leaders in various cases was brought up by nearly every leader who addressed the gathering. The speech by Sunita Kejriwal, who has also found herself thrust into the spotlight ever since the arrest of her husband and AAP chief, was her first in a major rally such as the one at Ramlila Maidan Sunday.

“Our prime minister has put my husband in jail. Has he done the right thing? The BJP is saying he should resign. Should he resign?” she asked, drawing a loud “No” from the crowd. “Kejriwal is a lion. They will not be able to keep him in jail for too long,” she said, before going on to announce “six guarantees of the INDIA alliance” as drafted by the AAP supremo.

The CM also apologised, through his wife, to the INDIA bloc leaders for having “unilaterally declared the guarantees”. “I could not consult you all since I am in jail,” Sunita, who meets Arvind Kejriwal in ED custody daily, quoted her husband.

The guarantees, broadly themed around AAP’s campaign mainstays, include uninterrupted, and free electricity for the poor, high quality government schools in each village and neighbourhood, neighbourhood clinics and multi-speciality hospitals, MSP to farmers based on Swaminathan commission report, and full statehood for Delhi. In the 2019 Lok Sabha polls, Congress had desisted from promising full statehood to Delhi, drawing flak from the AAP.

ALSO READ-Indian economy in distress, BJP unaware: Chidambaram

Food Lite Blogs Recipes

Recipe: Easter Simnel Cake


Flour 250 g

Butter 250 g

Egg 5 nos

Caster sugar 100 g

Brown sugar 150 g

Brandy 25 ml

Raisins 25 g

Blackcurrant 25 g

Cashew nuts 25 g

Orange zest 10 g

Lemon zest 10 g

Dry fig 25 g

Cherry 25 g

Almond paste 150 g

Apricot jam 25 g


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius for 10 min. In a mixing bowl place butter and sugar and keep mixing at in slow speed. Add egg one at a time and let mix completely in the batter once mixed well reduce the speed. Add flour, dry fruits, and a brandy mix without lumps. In an 8 inches baking dish pour the batter and bake it for 25 minutes. Cool down the cake for 30 min after baking. Apply the apricot jam on top of the cake.

ALSO READ-Recipe: Carrot Overnight Oats

Food Lite Blogs Recipes

Recipe: Carrot Overnight Oats


  1. Oats – 1 cup
  2. Chia Seeds – 1 tbsp
  3. Cinnamon Powder – ¼ tsp
  4. Carrot – ¼ cup [grated]
  5. Milk – 1 cup
  6. Maple Syrup – 2 tbsp
  7. Yogurt – ¼ cup
  8. Walnut – 2 tbsp [chopped]
  9. Raisins – 1 tbsp
  10. Salt – a pinch


  1. In a container, combine oats, chia seeds, cinnamon powder, grated carrot, milk, maple syrup, yogurt, chopped walnuts, raisins and salt.
  2. Whisk to combine all the ingredients. Close the container and refrigerate it overnight.
  3. Stir well the next morning before eating. Top it with some  greek yogurt, chopped walnuts, raisins and grated carrots.


ALSO READ-Recipes for Busy Women on the Go

Arts & Culture Lite Blogs

Shobhaa De Signs Copies of ‘Insatiable’ at Raffles Udaipur

As the event drew to a close, guests had the privilege of having copies of ‘Insatiable’ personally signed by Shobhaa De, transforming each book into a cherished memento of the evening’s festivities…reports Asian Lite News

Against the backdrop of the Raffles Udaipur, the hotel’s Writers Bar hosts an evening of literary enchantment, leaving an indelible mark on all those in attendance.

The event unfolded seamlessly with esteemed guests and literature enthusiasts gathered for an unforgettable rendezvous with acclaimed Indian Novelist and Columnist, Shobhaa De.

The evening commenced with a champagne reception, a nod to the elegance and sophistication that permeates every corner of Raffles Udaipur. As guests mingled and immersed themselves in the ambiance of the Writers Bar, anticipation mounted for the main event – a captivating reading session by none other than Shobhaa De, a luminary in the literary world. She mesmerized the audience with excerpts from her latest book, ‘Insatiable’, with her words weaving a tapestry of emotions and drawing guests into the heart of her narrative.

As the event drew to a close, guests had the privilege of having copies of ‘Insatiable’ personally signed by Shobhaa De, transforming each book into a cherished memento of the evening’s festivities.

Nestled within the magnificent walls of Raffles Udaipur, the Writers Bar stands as a testament to the legacy of literature and the art of storytelling. With a collection boasting over 3500 books, including works by some of the world’s most prolific writers, the Writers Bar has long been revered as a sanctuary for literary connoisseur

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