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Israeli Knesset votes to oppose Palestinian state

The Palestinian Authority responded that peace and security are unattainable without a Palestinian state, accusing Israel’s ruling coalition of deepening regional instability….reports Asian Lite News

An Israeli parliament vote opposing a Palestinian state as an “existential threat,” just days before Prime Minister Netanyahu’s visit to Washington, drew Palestinian and international criticism on July 18.

The Knesset passed the resolution with 68 votes to nine, stating that a Palestinian state on occupied land would “perpetuate the Israel-Palestinian conflict and destabilise the region.”

Although symbolic, the resolution sets a stance before Netanyahu’s Washington trip and an upcoming International Court of Justice opinion on the legality of Israel’s West Bank occupation.

The resolution declared that a Palestinian state in the heart of Israel would pose an existential danger, perpetuate conflict, and destabilize the region, predicting that Hamas would turn it into a “terrorist base.” It claimed promoting a Palestinian state rewards terrorism and encourages Hamas.

The Palestinian Authority responded that peace and security are unattainable without a Palestinian state, accusing Israel’s ruling coalition of deepening regional instability.

The French foreign ministry expressed “consternation,” stating the resolution contradicts UN Security Council resolutions.

Despite previous larger votes against unilaterally backing a Palestinian state, some centrist lawmakers joined coalition deputies in supporting the latest resolution proposed by a right-wing deputy opposing Netanyahu’s conservative and far-right coalition.

Meanwhile Palestine has rejected an Israeli-US proposal to temporarily reopen the Rafah border crossing, calling instead for an Israeli withdrawal and the establishment of Palestinian sovereignty, said an official source.

A meeting was held last week involving representatives from Palestine, the United States, and Israel to explore the possibility of operating the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, according to the source who requested anonymity, Xinhua news agency reported.

The Israeli side proposed that six Palestinian employees participate in managing the crossing without uniforms or police, and without raising the Palestinian flag, said the source in a statement.

The source explained that the proposal was rejected because it aimed to open the crossing temporarily without Palestinian sovereignty, which contradicts the Palestinian position and international agreements.

According to the source, the Palestinian stance is in line with the 2005 agreement on the Rafah crossing, which requires Palestinian sovereignty, European participation, and a full Israeli withdrawal from the crossing.

The meeting concluded after the Israeli-US proposal was rejected by the Palestinians, and there has been no further dialogue following the meeting, said the source.

The meeting is considered the first between Israel and representatives of the Palestinian Authority to discuss the future of Gaza after the ongoing conflict.

On May 7, the Israeli army announced the imposition of “operational” control over the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing, which led to the cessation of aid delivery from Egypt into Gaza through the crossing.

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