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Kuwait airport recommends lifting travel ban

Currently, the travel ban is imposed on 34 countries, after the government added France, Argentina, Afghanistan and Yemen to the list, and removed Singapore….reports Asian Lite News

.Authorities at the Kuwait International Airport have submitted a proposal to end the travel ban and enforce a mandatory 14-day institutional quarantine in the country amid the Covid-19 pandemic, it was reported.

Saleh Al Fadaghi, the airport’s Director of Operations, said that if the proposal was accepted, it would require the coordination of three governmental entities: the General Administration of Civil Aviation, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Interior, Gulf News reported on Monday.

The new proposal comes after authorities realized that many expats were quarantining for 14 days in neighbouring Gulf countries before coming to Kuwait, which according to the official has posed as an obstacle to many.

This is not the first proposal that the airport had presented to the government.

Last month, a similar proposal was submitted that called on the government to allow travellers arriving from the 34 banned countries to quarantine in facilities in Kuwait instead of abroad.

Nationals from the barred countries are able to enter Kuwait but are required to quarantine 14 days in a non-banned country before arriving in Kuwait.

It has been over two months since Kuwait enforced a travel ban on a number of countries the government has deemed as “high risk”, Gulf News reported.

The travel ban was first announced on August 1, hours after the Kuwait airport resumed commercial travel, and originally included 31 countries.

Currently, the travel ban is imposed on 34 countries, after the government added France, Argentina, Afghanistan and Yemen to the list, and removed Singapore.

Also read:UN mourns loss of late Amir of Kuwait

-Top News Arab News

Asian Lite Daily Digital – October 21, 2020 – Dubai Reopens Top Attractions

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Arab News UAE News

UAE ambassador to Bahrain partakes in ‘Zayed Ambitious Mission’

The UAE ambassador underscored the privileged relations binding the two countries across all fronts, noting that the bilateral relations are steadily growing thanks to the support of the two nations’ leadership…reports Asian Lite News

The UAE Ambassador to the Kingdom of Bahrain Sheikh Sultan bin Hamdan Al Nahyan took part in a virtual session, themed “Zayed’s Ambitious Mission”, which was organised by the UAE Embassy, the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre and Bahrain’s National Space Science Authority (NSSA).

The Bahraini King’s Representative for Humanitarian Work and Youth Affairs, Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa participated in the session along with Emirati astronauts Hazza Al Mansouri and Sultan Al Neyadi in addition to over 300 attendees.

The UAE ambassador underscored the privileged relations binding the two countries across all fronts, noting that the bilateral relations are steadily growing thanks to the support of the two nations’ leadership.

Sheikh Nasser stressed the importance of the session which he said would usher in future horizons for space science, commending the UAE strides which “represent a source of pride for Arab and Islamic nations.”

He underscored the significance of investing in youth and in future sciences, and pursuing scientific excellence and space exploration.

Sheikh Nasser praised the UAE success in overcoming difficulties, despite the current circumstances the world is going through, hailing its successful space strides, encouraged by President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai.

Also read:Asian Lite Daily Digital October 20, 2020 – UAE Ratifies Abraham Accord

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Asian Lite Daily Digital October 20, 2020 – UAE Ratifies Abraham Accord

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Asian Lite Daily Digital October 19, 2020 – Expo 2020 Climate Week to Draw Global Attention

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-Top News Arab News

Saudi steps up Umra pilgrims to 75% capacity

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has allowed its citizens and residents to perform Umrah at 75 percent capacity as part of its second phase of gradual resumption of the pilgrimage, said the Saudi Press Agency, SPA.

Citizens and residents on Sunday performed Al Fajr prayers at the Grand Mosque with the start of the second phase of gradually allowing citizens and residents to perform Umrah.

The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, in cooperation with the relevant authorities, have stepped up the preparations to serve the pilgrims in accordance with the highest quality standards. The authorities have taken all precautionary measures, and used all technical systems and electronic programmes to ease the procedures and offer all services promptly and efficiently.

According to the executive plan drawn up by government agencies, the second phase of the resumption of Umrah and the visit will witness greater numbers than the first phase, by 15,000 Umrah performers and 40,000 worshipers per day as a maximum.

The pilgrims will also be allowed to pray at Al-Rawadah Al-Sharifah, inside the Mosque of the Prophet Muhammad by 75% of the capacity that takes into account the precautionary health measures at Al-Rawadah Al-Sharifah of the Prophet’s Mosque.

Also Read: Mecca receives first batch of Umra pilgrims after six months

-Top News Arab News

Biden Presidency Ideal For Middle East Crude Oil Sector: Report

A Biden presidency is likely to be a huge win for the Middle East to gain back the market share as it restricts shale production and can be supportive for crude oil prices.

According to a report by Motilal Oswal Financial Services, for years, if not decades, OPEC members have been jousting for market share, which is, of course, the reason why the latest Saudi-Russia oil price war happened in the first place.

“A Biden presidency is likely to be a huge win for the Middle East to gain back the market share as it restricts shale production and can be supportive for crude oil prices,” the report said.

Talking about the OPEC approach, Trump would likely continue practicing Twitter oil diplomacy, which he started in his first term to urge OPEC plus producers to increase or cut supply during their meetings in Vienna. He takes credit for helping to negotiate an end to the March oil price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia.

“Under Biden, any US diplomacy toward OPEC might return behind the scenes. Antitrust legislation against OPEC would only see renewed interest if gasoline prices soar,” the report said.

Crude oil investors are facing a confused stance as US President Donald Trump’s presidency brings stability and Presidency under Joe Biden might bring uncertainty and more volatility in the market.

Prices can remain in levels of $45 as President Trump would like to keep prices at this level to make sure gasoline prices remain in control, which remains a main concern of taxpayers in U.S.

If U.S. voters decide to stay the course, the current push for energy dominance through increased drilling will continue. He is seen as a promoter of Shale which might put pressure as any stimulus and benefit to shale sector would lead to overproduction and more responsibility on OPEC plus to cut production and bring balance in the market.

Compared with a second term of the Trump administration, a Biden presidency could be a positive for U.S. oil and gas drillers because tougher regulations on hydraulic fracturing would likely reduce production, raising crude prices to levels of WTI $45-$55 in coming months after elections. If they elect a new president, the challenger has pledged to end new drilling on public lands and move toward a carbon-free future.

With his $2 trillion plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions, Joe Biden might seem a far-from-ideal president for the Texas oil and gas industry. Looks like for Crude oil to rally, markets are praying for Vice President Biden to win and bring back optimism in the market as demand recovery is stalling and it might take more months for crude demand to recover.

A Biden win will likely be an upward catalyst for oil prices because it will increase costs for shale patch and will likely result in a weaker U.S. dollar, the report said.

However, headwinds remains to this optimistic view that if sanctions are pulled off from Venezuela or Iran, they might re-emerge as a significant oil exporter, it might put pressure on prices and can force adjustment in production for the three big oil producers and likely a reduction in through cycle prices which can push additional pressure on prices and bring back glut fears and push prices to levels of $35.

Also Read: Oil prices decline as US crude stockpiles surge

Also Read: Challenges mar OPEC’s 60th anniversary

-Top News Arab News

Oman Health Minister urges to avoid protocol violations

Dr. Ahmed bin Mohammed al-Saidi, Oman’s Minister of Health has reiterated his plea to all members of the public to stick to the decisions of the Supreme Committee and precautionary measures it has set for the management of the pandemic.

The Minister who is also a Member of the Supreme Committee tasked with tackling developments resulting from coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, expressed his deep appreciation for the continuous support of His Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik to the health sector and departments dealing with the pandemic.

Speaking at the 17th press conference held by the Supreme Committee at the Ministry of Education, the minister said that all segments should refrain from gatherings and to report any violations. “Failure to report a crime is a crime in itself,” said the minister, who described crime reporting as a national duty.

Dr. Ahmed also pointed out that doctors and other health undergo tremendous stress as they watch young people dying from the disease. He explained that COVID-19 mortality rate in the Sultanate is still within the mark of 1% from total infection cases, “but any such death represents a disaster and great pain that could be limited if we follow proper preventive measures.”

Last week, COVID-19 death rate at Intensive Care Units (ICUs) reached 83% (Mortality rate in cases admitted to ICUs ranges from 75%-85%), said the minister, noting that the percentage of death among men is higher than women and that the disease damages a lot of organs in the body.

He added that all should understand that this virus spreads fast, with imminent risk looming from a third wave of infection, which already began in many countries, not only in our region. “The more we cooperate and rally efforts as a government, citizens and residents, the more we could cut down the number of infection cases and ease pressure on health establishments,” said Dr. Ahmed.

Also Read: EU commends Oman’s decision to exchange tax data

Also Read: Oman Restarts Diplomatic Mission In Syria





-Top News Arab News

Israel Parliament Approves Peace With UAE

Israel’s parliament approved the normalization deal signed last month between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The peace agreement was approved in an 80-13 vote in a special session of the Knesset, or the parliament on Thursday, Xinhua news agency reported.

During speeches ahead of the vote, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for peace with Lebanon, Israel’s neighbor in the north. The two countries have recently launched US-brokered negotiations to end a long-time dispute over their maritime border.

“I call on the government of Lebanon to continue and complete these talks,” Netanyahu said, adding that the move could “one day, in the future, lead to true peace.”

Israel and the UAE signed an agreement to normalize their relations in Washington on September 15. During the ceremony, a peace deal was also signed between Israel and Bahrain.

The UAE and Bahrain became the first Gulf countries to agree to form official relations with Israel.

Previously, two Arab countries, Egypt and Jordan, had signed peace agreements with Israel.

Also Read: Israeli Move To Build New Settlement draws Ire

Also Read: Palestine to take legal action against Israeli settlers

-Top News Arab News Asia News

Palestine to take legal action against Israeli settlers

According to the Palestinian Basic Law, any citizen whose rights are violated has the right to file a lawsuit at the Palestinian courts….Reports Asian Lite News

In a first, Palestinian courts will start within days to consider cases related to violations committed by Israeli settlers against Palestinian citizens, a Minister said.

Speaking to the state-run WAFA news agency on Wednesday, Justice Minister Mohammed al-Shalaldeh said that his Ministry in cooperation with other government agencies and civil society institutions, will facilitate the task of victims of Israeli settlers to take legal actions against the settlers.

According to the Palestinian Basic Law, any citizen whose rights are violated has the right to file a lawsuit at the Palestinian courts.

He indicated that work is underway to collect criminal evidence and affidavits to file the first lawsuit against known settlers for committing crimes and violations against the Palestinians citizens of the old town of Hebron and in Burin village, south of Nablus.

The Minister said that the Palestinian cabinet has decided “to form a national team to hold accountable and prosecute settlers who commit crimes against the Palestinian people before the Palestinian courts following the decision by President Mahmoud Abbas to forgo the Israeli and American agreements and understandings”.

The Minister said that “according to the national legislation in Palestine, and based on the Code of Civil and Commercial Procedure, there are provisions for the prosecution of a foreigner, which applies to the settler who resides within the Palestinian territorial jurisdiction over the occupied land”.

“Therefore we have the right to sue him based on the notion that settlement is a war crime, punishable by law in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention, and based on the statute of the International Criminal Court,” he told WAFA news.

Israeli media reported that it would be the first time since the Palestinian Authority was established in 1994 that Palestinian courts look into cases against Israeli citizens.

Also read:Palestine to hold ‘free and democratic elections’ soon