Health Lite Blogs

Hygiene tips for your workout life

Sweating is an inevitable part of running which will result in bad body odour. Whether you are a distance runner or a casual jogger, smelling good is something that can add a boost to your exercise. After all, no one wants to worry about body odour after the high that accompanies a great feeling run.

Also, in case you thought you could only sweat in summer that is not true. With the onset of winter come the heavy layers of clothing which results in even more body odour.

While sweating is your body’s natural way of regulating temperature, it is the body odour that accompanies it which can be embarrassing when interacting with fellow runners. It is bacteria that are present on sweaty skin that react with sweat and cause body odour.

Daniel Vaz, Marathon Coach for NIVEA Men, has some hygiene tips for you to follow when you step out for a run:

Take a pre-run warm shower. It not only warms up the muscles, but it will also clean your skin off sweat. Applying soap between your toes will ensure that those areas that are potential sites for fungal infections such as Athlete’ foot, are cleansed.

Wear clean running apparel that is preferably made of fabric that wicks away sweat, breathes and keeps you dry.

Maximum odour comes out from the underarms when bacteria mixes with the sweat. Use a deodorant or preferably a Roll On directly on underarm skin, so as to control body odour right at its source

Use face wash on your face and neck post run and follow that up with splashing an alcohol based sanitizer (preferably carried in your belt bag) on your hands, armpits and neck.

Instead of looking for strong fragrance deodorants, look out for deodorants with long lasting body odour control. What I personally recommend is, using deodorants or roll-ons that contain specially formulated Silver-Ions Technology that would effectively reduce odour-causing bacteria up to 99 per cent. It’s your best bet against odour, especially during long runs.

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COVID-19 Environment Health UK News World News

Fresh indoor air reduces COVID19 risk by 70%: Report

  • Research shows that being in a room with fresh air can reduce risk of infection from particles by over 70%
  • The film is part of the Hands. Face. Space. campaign which urges public to adopt simple health behaviours to help reduce the risk of the virus spreading

A new public information campaign launched by the Government to highlight how letting fresh air into indoor spaces can reduce the risk of infection from coronavirus by over 70%.

The campaign, which forms part of wider ‘Hands. Face. Space’ guidance, sees the release of a new short film created with scientists and an engineer at Leeds University.

Dr Amir Khan

The film illustrates how coronavirus lingers in the air in spaces with no fresh air, increasing the risk of people breathing in infected particles, and how the risk can be reduced significantly by regularly ventilating enclosed areas.

As we spend more time indoors, experts are recommending that the public open windows for short, sharp bursts of 10 -15 minutes regularly throughout the day, or leave windows open a small amount continuously, to remove any infected particles lingering in the room.

Additionally, it is advised that any household systems that use outdoor air, including kitchen or bathroom extractor fans, are used correctly and regularly as an additional method to remove infected particles. 

Airing indoor spaces is particularly important when:

1.       People have visitors (when permitted) or tradespeople in their home, for example for construction or emergencies;

2.       Someone from a support bubble is meeting with another household indoors;

3.       A care worker is seeing a patient indoors; or

4.       If someone in the household has the virus, as this can help prevent transmission to other household members


Professor Catherine Noakes, from Leeds University who advised on the film, said:

“When a room does not have any fresh air, and where people are generating large amounts of aerosol through activities such as singing and loud speech, that is when transmission of coronavirus is most likely. Fresh air must come from outdoors – recirculating air just means the aerosols containing the virus move around the same room rather than being extracted outdoors.

Coronavirus is spread through the air bydroplets andsmaller particles (known asaerosolsthat are exhaled from the nose and mouth of an infected person as they breathe, speak or cough[2]. They behave in a similar way to smoke but are invisible. The majority of virus transmissions happen indoors. Being indoors, with no fresh air, the particles can remain suspended in the air for hours and build up over time[3]

The longer people spend in the same room as these particles, the more likely they are to become infected.

GP, Dr Amir Khan said:

“As we approach winter, and inevitably spend more time indoors, fresh air is extremely beneficial. For COVID-19, it is important to ventilate indoor spaces if someone in your home has the virus as this can help prevent transmission to other household members.

“You should also let fresh air into your home when you have any visitors and just after they leave in case they are infected. Remember, opening windows alongside washing your hands, covering your face and making space is also essential in reducing your risk of COVID-19.”

Ventilation to provide fresh air in enclosed spaces is just as important as the other actions, so remember this as well as Hands, Face, Space. These are the most effective ways we can all control the spread of the virus. Visit for more information.

The public are encouraged to continue to be vigilant of coronavirus symptoms which include a new continuous cough, high temperature, or a loss or change in your sense of taste or smell. If you or someone you know, displays any symptoms please get a free test by calling 119 or visiting

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Health Lite Blogs

Keep Your Lungs Healthy

Covid 19 has put the focus back on health and overall well-being with immunity becoming the buzzword today. As we continue to face challenges imposed by the pandemic and with the rise in air pollution due to an ease in lockdown in most parts of the country, focusing on lung health cannot be emphasised enough.

It is vital to take care of the lungs and make them stronger. Fast&Up Co-Founder Mr Varun Khanna shares a few tips on how to boost lung immunity and keep them healthy:

Pranayama — This yogic technique of breathing is extremely beneficial for the lungs, boosting lung capacity. It is very important for the mind to be calm because when we are stressed or anxious, breathing is affected and the respiratory rate goes up. This puts pressure on the lungs. So pranayama will definitely help is staying relaxed and calm.

Avoid inflammatory foods– Ayurveda has its historical roots in ancient India and it lists certain foods to avoid which have a negative prana balance. Foods that increase mucus in the body should be avoided and foods that help in reducing stress should be consumed more often. India has a variety of natural and abundant antioxidants such as Amla, which will help to keeps the lung healthy.

Take Supplements — Supplements are an important aspect of our lives today that go hand in hand with a good and well-balanced nutritional diet. Just the way we boost our immunity, it is also important to boost lung immunity with supplements, which have N-Acetyl Cysteine. N-Acetyl Cysteine is recommended for people recovering from Covid-19 to help with lung recovery. At Fast&Up, we recently launched N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC), which contains a very critical amino acid that aids the breakdown of mucus, which gets accumulated in the lungs.

Avoid Polluted places — As the lockdown is easing, we are seeing a rise in pollution levels across many cities and regions across India. While it is almost impossible to avoid pollution in our country, it is best to cautiously stay away from polluted places and if possible. I firmly believe that do not be an end receiver of pollution and do not be the cause for it as well.

Wear a mask at all times — This point needs over-emphasis. Wearing a mask is the best way to prevent the virus from entering your respiratory tract.

Avoid/ reduce smoking if possible — Covid 19 is known to have an adverse effect on the lungs and the respiratory system, so if you are in the habit of smoking, it is advisable to reduce your intake of cigarettes or have a protein patch on you.

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Health Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Does poor sleep affect your heart health?

(Photo Courtesy: Pixabay)

The pandemic brought with it a new normal that came with its own consequences. The social distancing, erratic work hours, and the stress of living in times of an outbreak have raised anxieties for many. As we find ourselves busy fighting COVID-19, many other significant health issues seem to have taken a backseat…writes DR. MANJINDER SANDHU.

People are not only losing their sleep to overstretched working hours, and the uncertainty caused by coronavirus but are also finding it difficult to sleep properly. Experts warn this could take a toll on, not just your lifestyle but also heart health. Emotional and mental stress can lead to erratic sleep patterns, which, experts believe, may lead to heart-related health issues, eventually leading to something as critical as stroke.

It is important to understand that sleep management is not just restricted to a good night’s sleep or getting enough of it. The quality of your sleep is the most important. If you are snoring a lot, experiencing shortness of breath while sleeping or not able to sleep properly over a period, you must speak to a doctor. For instance, in some cases, people may experience a disturbance in the breathing pattern while sleeping. This could be a condition called sleep apnea, which can have a lasting impact on your cardiovascular system in the future.

Heart functions. (Photo: Pixabay)

The question really is – does poor sleep affect your heart health? If you look at a condition like sleep apnea, the answer is, ‘yes’. According to studies, “nearly one billion adults aged 30-69 years worldwide were estimated to have obstructive sleep apnea, with and without symptoms.” What makes this kind of sleep disorder more alarming is the fact that it could put a person more at risk of atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat which can then lead to a heart disease, eventually leading to a stroke.

When the upper chambers of your heartbeat too fast, it can give rise to a condition called AF. Atrial fibrillation can reduce the pumping efficiency of the heart by 30 percent. The chaotic rhythm causes the blood to form clots in the left atrial appendage, and if this clot travels to your brain, it can cause a stroke. Studies reveal that close to one third of people with atrial fibrillation will have a stroke. Therefore, sleep patterns are very important when it comes to heart health.

When the breathing is interrupted, the brain compels the person to wake up so that they can resume the breathing pattern to normal. During sleep apnea your airway gets blocked, and this can happen repeatedly while sleeping to the extent that you may even stop breathing for very short spans of time. It is important to note that while sleeping a person might not notice symptoms such as breathlessness, loud snoring, fatigue and night sweats, however, one can easily observe these symptoms during the day- tiredness, not feeling fresh right after waking up, weariness, poor memory and headaches.

While there are several medications and blood thinners are available to protect you from stroke, technology has made things simpler for patients living with AF.

Pacemakers are designed to monitor your abnormal heart rhythm by delivering an electrical impulse to help control your heart rhythm. It can effectively treat symptoms like light headedness and fatigue. Not only does a pacemaker monitor your heartbeat, it also keeps a check if your heart is beating too slowly. Pacemakers even store information. Atrial fibrillation burden and helping doctors to evaluate therapy efficacy. Pacemakers are now MRI safe such that if anyone needs to undergo MRI they can do so, despite having a metallic implant.

There are studies to prove that a good sleeping pattern can effectively reduce the chances of stroke. Hence, it is more imperative than ever before, to watch out for those irregular sleep patterns that are not just important from a lifestyle perspective, but also critical to your heart health.

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Health Lite Blogs

Stroke Survivors And Disabilities

Time is brain when it comes to the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. For every minute of delay in seeking treatment for a stroke, 1.9 million neurons die. In cases with a completed reperfusion in acute ischemic stroke, 1.2 billion neurons die. A third of those who survive a stroke are left with severe and chronic disabilities.

There are three levels of disabilities that could impact an individual affected by a stroke:

Physical Impairment: Those who suffer a major stroke tend to have significant disabilities. In those with dominant brain strokes (left side in most individuals), along with the weakness on the right side, they have residual language issues (difficulty in comprehending or expression) and in the majority, swallowing issues. Some posterior circulation strokes (affecting back area of your brain) can cause vision changes (Hemianopia), gait imbalance, and at times, swallowing difficulty. There may be issues with bladder and bowel control as well.

Cognitive Impairment: Cognition and memory abnormality is seen commonly after a major stroke or those involving strategic areas of the brain. Up to 30 per cent stroke survivors can have lasting cognitive impairment leading to dementia in the years to come.

Emotional and Behavioural Impairment: The dependence on seeking help with basic functions can lead to frustration and embarrassment. In addition, those who are disabled by stroke often feel guilty and anxious about being dependent on others. Stroke can also lead to emotional outbursts which can be distressing for both the patient and their caregiver.

Early stroke rehabilitation is important after an acute stroke. Depending on the dominant disability.

(weakness, loss of coordination, swallowing problems, bladder bower control, or emotional/ cognition deficits), exercise regimes are planned. Apart from the severity of the residual disability, successful Stroke Rehabilitation is also dependent on the patient’s mood and motivation and also support from friends and family.

Stroke rehabilitation should start in the hospital inpatient rehabilitation unit, on discharge in the outpatient unit and eventually, home-based programs should be planned. The duration and frequency of these exercises depend on the nature and severity of the disability.

What is involved in Stroke Rehabilitation?

Improvement of Physical Function:

Motor skill exercises- These are aimed to improve limb muscle strength, coordination, and also swallowing exercises. The physiotherapist can take the help of technology to improve motor function in selected muscles: use of a computer or video games to simulate real-life situations like cooking, picking up objects from the floor, or crossing the road, to help train the brain better. Some centres use robotic devices that assist impaired limbs to perform repetitive action and help in regaining lost function. Functional electric stimulation is used commonly to stimulate weakened muscles. The use of ankle or knee brace and the use of walking aids like walkers or canes adds to gait stability during therapy. An interesting concept used is �Constraint-Induced Therapy’. Here the unaffected limb is restrained and the patient is encouraged to use the affected limb to help recover lost function in that limb.

Cognition and Psychological Treatment- Speech and cognitive therapy are aimed at improving memory, problem-solving, and judgment. A trained Psychologist is an integral part of this rehabilitation that helps the patient get adjusted to their disability, and also keep them motivated for rehabilitation.

Medication: Patients need to be reassessed periodically for stiffness in the limbs or use of anti-depressants to improve outcomes from the rehabilitation program.

In most individuals, recovering from a Stroke can take time, leaving them frustrated. However, a good rehabilitation program, a motivated patient, and support from family, will help overcome these hurdles.

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Health Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Natural Care For Hair

Why bother with the tiresome and expensive hunt for exotic oils, when there’s a super oil, literally growing in our own backyard. Its abundantly available, its benefits are versatile, its superior among its peers’ its coconut oil. The old charm of this oil has sustained its influence for centuries and remains a staple in most homes. Here’s why…writes Puja Gupta.

Repairs Damage:

The woes of pollution, styling, and a busy lifestyles are bound to take a toll on your mane. Luckily, the solution is well at hand. Hair damage can be a thing of the past with coconut oil to the rescue. Use it as a shield or a pacifier, the choice is yours. For the former, a small coin-size amount, spread across your hair, works to form a layer that protects from the heat of styling gadgets and the sun. As a repair mechanism, this same oil goes deeper than any other oil into the hair and scalp to repair and truly exhibit the concept of ‘beauty from within’.

Secret Behind Voluminous Hair:

An immediate consequence of protected and well-nourished hair, is increased growth and more volume. The nutrients from this powerful nut oil work like magic to strengthen the roots, accentuate the growth, and improve the health of the scalp. The end result is a head full of lustrous and bouncy locks. Bid adieu to bad hair days.

The Magic of Preventing Greying:

Environmental factors, stress, hormonal changes, the list goes on toward the many dangers of greying. Luckily, help is around the corner. Worry no more. Grab your bottle of coconut oil and massage away to improve circulation around the scalp and simultaneously offer intensive nourishment from the outside. The combined effect is a sure shot formula toward grey hair prevention. As the dual effect takes hold, another positive side effect is hair lustre like never before.

Coconut oil your one stop shop to hair care and does the job far better than its counterparts. Apply like a serum, massage for intensive care, leave on overnight for a good old-fashioned soak — the choice is yours and the benefits endless.

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Health Lite Blogs Woman

Relation Between Menopause And Diabetes


Often women express irritation in ‘those five days in a month’, but menstruation is very important for a woman. When a woman undergoes menopause, it also triggers several health issues. Dr Uma Vaidyanathan, Senior Consultant — Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Fortis Hospital, Shalimar Bagh talks about the connection between menopause and Type 2 Diabetes.

With advancing age, the female sex hormone estrogen levels decline in the body, ovaries stop producing eggs and periods stop; this phase is called ‘menopause’. The average age of menopause is 45. If periods stop before the age of 40, that can be considered as early menopause’. If the ovaries get removed for a medical necessity, menses may stop. But, without any medical reason, if anyone experiences early’ menopause, it becomes worrisome.

Many researchers claim that premature menopause and type 2 diabetes are interconnected. Though, medical science is still looking for evidence to establish a direct cause-effect relationship between early menopause and type 2 diabetes. A Dutch study has shown that when women experience menopause before the age of 40, the risk of type 2 diabetes is 4 times greater than those who experience late menopause. On the other hand, if a woman is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes beforehand, she can experience premature menopause. Family history, age and obesity are considered as three major risk factors in diabetes.

When menopause sets in, it leads to some physical changes. The variation in the level of estrogen and progesterone leads to insulin resistance. In this situation, due to hormonal imbalance, the pancreas struggles to produce required amount of insulin in the body, it may remain less effective and fails to allow the cells to absorb glucose as per requirement. Therefore, the blood glucose levels surge. Insulin assists in burning down fat that helps to energise our body.

If insulin production gets disturbed, the risk of obesity increases. It is an established fact that weight gain enhances the risk of type 2 diabetes. The progesterone fluctuation accelerates our food cravings and then to satiate the craving, we chose eating snacks or sweets. This unrestrained food craving makes diabetes management even more complicated. When it was observed that post menopause, women become more vulnerable to type 2 diabetes, researchers tried another study on post-menopausal women to understand whether estrogen truly affects the glucose level in the body.

In that study, it has been observed that estrogen specifically targets some cells in the pancreas and the gut and helps in increasing glucose tolerance.

Women need to stay cautious and seek medical attention immediately if any symptoms appear such as irregular periods, decreased sexual desire, vaginal infection, sleep disturbances etc. Experts believe that estrogen therapy may be beneficial in post-menopausal women in lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes. If one can monitor the blood sugar levels frequently, follow a healthy diet, quit smoking and exercise regularly, diabetes can be managed well.

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Environment Health

Homoeopathic Remedies For Respiratory Issues

Air Pollution: People walk on the streets of Sarajevo – the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina wearing masks so as to avoid breathing polluted air. (File Photo: Xinhua/Haris Memija/IANS)

With thick smog blankets engulfing the air across most of the country, times can be especially hard for people with asthma or other respiratory issues. While many turn to mainstream medicine, homeopathic advice and treatments help as well…writes Siddhi Jain.

According to Dr Kushal Banerjee, a Delhi-based Consultant Homeopath, there’s substantial evidence linking air pollution and respiratory illnesses including bronchial asthma, other chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) and a long list of conditions. Exposure to outdoor air pollution can cause lung cancer. Children affected by air pollution may also suffer from abnormal development of their lungs, putting them at a high risk for many respiratory conditions.

“Air pollution, particularly small particulate matter can penetrate deep into lung tissue and trigger repeated inflammatory reactions and a cascade of other changes leading to lung injury. Prolonged exposure to air pollution can permanently affect the lungs ability to expand, efficiently exchange gases and push oxygenated blood to the heart. Structural changes in the tissues can open up abnormal cellular mechanisms which can lead to cancers and other conditions,” he says.

Suggesting that homeopathy can address most respiratory issues arising from air pollution, he adds: “In addition to providing relief in the short term for acute episodes of bronchial asthma, bronchitis, rhinitis and various other issues, homeopathy is very well suited at addressing the tendency and preventing these episodes from occurring. Patients are often surprised at how quickly homeopathic medicines are able to control asthmatic episodes and bad bouts of cough. Prolonged homeopathic treatment can bring the frequency and intensity of these illnesses. In many cases, even homeopathic medicines are withdrawn when the patients report no recurrence of episodes of their problem.”

As per Dr Jawahar Shah, Managing Director, Speciality Clinic, homeopathy has 423 different medicines for treatment of Bronchial Asthma which work on very precised indications, improves the immunity and decreases the sensitivity to allergens. Discussing some key practical behavioural changes to incorporate in lifestyle, he suggests regular pranayam, not going for walks on the roads, inhaling steam, and gargling with salt-turmeric-water. He advises that if symptoms do not seem to ease within 6-8 hours, one should contact their family physician.

Dr Banerjee adds:

The last eight months or so have inculcated in us, the habit of wearing masks. Many of these masks, particular those categorised as N95 are known to protect the wearer from inhaling most particulate matter which make up the pollutants in the air. Avoiding the outdoors during days of extremely low air quality and avoiding vigorous exertion (particularly outdoors) during increased air pollution is helpful.

Lead a healthy and disciplined life. This includes consuming a well-balanced nutritious diet consisting of ample portions of green vegetables and fruits. Fixing mealtimes and going to bed early is also important. These activities keep your body relaxed and running smoothly.

New Delhi: Smog engulfs the national capital as the air quality worsens. (Photo: IANS)

As a result, the immune system is not stressed and primed to effectively protect you against irritants to the body.

Most importantly, try to reduce your own contribution to air pollution. Walk where you can, do not allow or condone burning of trash or leaves near you, celebrate festivals responsibly, plant trees and avoid cutting them. There so many more common sense options which can go a long way in curbing air pollution.

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Health Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Campaign To Stem Type 2 Diabetes Among South Asians

Campaign To Stem Type 2 Diabetes

Notable community voices including celebrity chefs Atul Kochhar and Anjum Anand and media medic Dr Ranj Singh have joined forces to get behind the inaugural campaign from the NHS to urge South Asians to prevent or delay the development of Type 2 diabetes.

The call out, which is also supported by the South Asian medical community and faith organisations, including the South Asian Health Foundation, the British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO), British Sikh Nurses, British Islamic Medical Association and the Hindu Council UK comes as we are reminded that South Asians are up to six times more likely to develop diabetes than white people and that if not diagnosed, it can lead to blindness, kidney failure, loss of a limb and it also increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.

The campaign is asking people from the South Asian community to know their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes through using the ‘Know Your Risk’ tool hosted by Diabetes UK. Anyone at moderate or high risk of developing the condition may be eligible to join their local Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme, a joint initiative from NHS England and NHS Improvement, Public Health England and Diabetes UK. The programme supports people to make positive changes to their diet, weight and the amount of physical activity they do – to significantly reduce the risk of developing this disease.

TV Doctor Dr Ranj Singh said: “Although the risk of developing this condition is higher in people from a South Asian background, it’s not a given and can be prevented. Just making some simple changes could significantly reduce the chances. That starts with finding out more about your risk and the changes you can make.”

Professor Vinod Patel, Clinical Director Diabetes NHS England & NHS Improvement West Midlands and Trustee at the South Asian Health Foundation (SAHF) says: “There are several risk factors for Type 2 diabetes, some of which, such as your age or your family history that can’t be changed, however, it’s really important for the community to take heed that there are other risk factors such as your weight which are very much in your control – indeed, the risk of Type 2 diabetes can be reduced by getting support to lose weight, getting more physically active and eating healthy food. I urge everyone from the community to take a pragmatic and practical approach to this very serious health condition to reduce your risk.”

Food writer and TV chef of Indian Cuisine Anjum Anand said: “Type 2 diabetes is a serious issue within the South Asian community and that’s why I’m supporting this campaign from NHS England. A healthy and balanced diet is key to helping to reduce your risk but people often have the misconception that healthy means bland, which is so far from true. Whether it’s reducing the amount of ghee or butter, incorporating the rainbow of vegetables or choosing grainy breads such as chapatis, there are so many options within the South Asian diet open to us.”

Dr Bhasha Mukherjee, Celebrity Supporter of Diabetes UK, said: “As a clinician, I know only too well the devastating impact type 2 diabetes can have on South Asian communities. It’s time to talk about it, and it’s time to act. People from South Asian backgrounds are at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, but so many people don’t know it. Too many only find out when it is too late, and the condition can no longer be prevented or delayed – and every time it breaks my heart.”

“We must put a stop to this, but we can only do so by raising awareness. So please, make visiting the Diabetes UK’s Know Your Risk tool to find out your risk, your top priority. I promise you it will only take a few minutes and is completely free – all you will need is access to internet and a tape measure. Knowledge is power – if we all knew our risk, we can help each other in the fight against diabetes.”

The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme has continued through the pandemic via video calls and is also available digitally using websites and apps.

To find out your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, visit:

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Health Science World News

Climate Change to trigger major health conditions: Study

Researchers have revealed that climate change will extract an acute toll worldwide, with rising temperatures, wildfires and poor air quality, accompanied by higher rates of cancer, especially lung, skin and gastrointestinal cancers.

In a study, published in the journal The Lancet Oncology, the researchers provided a synopsis of future effects from global warming on major cancers, from environmental toxins to ultraviolet radiation, air pollution, infectious agents and disruptions in food and water supply.

Ultimately, the most profound challenge to the global cancer picture could come from the disruption of the complex health care systems required for cancer diagnosis, treatment, and care, the authors wrote.

“In the worldwide battle to mitigate climate change, the international community is not on track to slow emissions of greenhouses gases,” said lead author Robert A Hiatt from the University of California, San Francisco in the US.

The impact of climate change on health is large and is expected to continue growing without rapid action. High temperatures, poor air quality and wildfires lead to higher rates of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

Warmer temperatures and changing rainfall patterns raise the risk and spread of vector-borne diseases, such as malaria and dengue.

“Extreme weather events cause death, injury, displacement, and disrupt health care delivery,” the authors wrote.

Cancer is widely predicted to be the leading cause of death in the 21st century.

The authors said the biggest cancer threats are likely to be from air pollution, exposure to ultraviolet radiation and industrial toxins, and disruptions in food and water supply.

Lung cancer, already the primary cause of cancer deaths worldwide, is expected to increase as a result of increasing exposure to particulate matter in air pollution, estimated to be responsible for as much as 15 percent of new cases.

According to the researchers, one comprehensive modelling study predicted more than half a million climate-related deaths worldwide, including cancer deaths, as a result of changes in food supply by 2050.

Major disruptions are also expected to take place in the infrastructure of health care systems for cancer control, which could affect all cancers.

The Covid-19 pandemic has provided a clear example of this disruption, shifting medical resources away from cancer and causing thousands of patients to delay cancer screenings out of fear of contracting the virus.

By reducing pollution deaths from lung cancer could decline, the authors said, and there are numerous clinical, behavioural, and policy solutions to slow climate change and prevent cancer cases and deaths.

Also Read: Healthy Diet To Reduce Cancer Risk

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