-Top News Asia News USA

Iran calls on US to stop ‘economic war’

The US should compensate for losses that Tehran has suffered due to Washington’s economic pressures, the spokesman added…reports Asian Lite News

The Iranian Foreign Ministry has called for a cessation of the US economic pressures against the Islamic Republic.

The US administration “must make up for its past measures and stop its economic war against the Islamic Republic”, Xinhua news agency quoted Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh as saying to the media on Sunday.

“We are waiting for practical steps” to be taken by the US, said Khatibzadeh, adding that Washington should commit its international obligations.

It was the US that “violated” its obligations pertaining to Iran’s nuclear deal, he said.

The US should also compensate for losses that Tehran has suffered due to Washington’s economic pressures, the spokesman added.

US President Donald Trump pulled his country out of the Iranian nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, in 2018 and announced “maximum pressure” campaign to impose tough sanctions against Iran’s oil, banking, insurance, shipping and auto sectors.

Last month, the US imposed a number of sanctions targeting Iran’s financial and the oil sector.

Separately, it also designated five Iranian entities for “attempting to influence” the November 3 American presidential election.

Also read:Iraqi forces carry out major anti-IS offensive

-Top News UAE News

UAE, Uzbekistan discuss boosting ties

Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs, on Monday received Sardor Umurzakov, Uzbek Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade, and his delegation at Qasr Al Watan.

During the meeting, both sides discussed the bilateral ties between the UAE and Uzbekistan in the areas of investment and commerce, as well as ways of reinforcing and developing them to achieve their mutual interests. They also exchanged opinions on several regional and international issues of mutual concern.

Umurzakov wrote a statement on the VIP guest book at Qasr Al Watan expressing his happiness and pride at the bilateral ties between the UAE and Uzbekistan and hoping for their relations to develop and grow, to achieve the aspirations of their leaderships and peoples.

Also read:UAE,Italy FMs chair 4th strategic dialogue

-Top News Asia News USA

Trump admin to hit Iran with ‘flood of sanctions’

According to the sources, US envoy for Iran Elliott Abrams arrived in Israel on Sunday and met Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and National Security adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat to discuss the plan….reports Asian Lite News

US President Donald Trump’s administration is planning to impose a “flood of sanctions” on Iran by January 20, 2021, after it recently recently targeted the Islamic Republic’s oil and financial sectors, a media report said.

The administration, in coordination with Israel and several Gulf states, is pushing for the new sanctions, informed Israeli sources told the Virginia-based Axios media outlet on Sunday.

According to the sources, US envoy for Iran Elliott Abrams arrived in Israel on Sunday and met Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and National Security adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat to discuss the plan.

On Monday, Abrams will meet Defence Minister Benny Gantz and Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi to brief them on the proposal, the sources told Axios.

After Israel, the envoy is scheduled to the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to discuss the sanctions plan.

The development comes several days after Abrams said at a closed briefing that the Trump administration wants to announce a new set of sanctions on Iran every week until January 20, when President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurated as the new American President, another informed source told Axios.

Meanwhile, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is scheduled to arrive in Israel on November 18.

On October 8, the US designated 18 major banks of Iran, and a few days later on October 22, new sanctions were imposed on five Iranian entities for “attempting to influence” the November 3 American presidential election.

On October 27, the US imposed fresh sanctions against the Iranian oil sector, for its “financial support” to Tehran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force.

Also read:Trump will lose special privileges on Twitter

-Top News Arab News Syria

Syrian President alters military service law

Syrian males have to serve in the military upon reaching the age of 18 and those who study in the universities can postpone the service until finishing their education…reports Asian Lite News

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has made a big change in the military service law, mainly for Syrian expatriates.

The new amendment to the law announced on Sunday is mainly about setting military service exemption fees for Syrians living abroad and for one category of Syrians inside the country, reports Xinhua news agency.

Syrian males have to serve in the military upon reaching the age of 18 and those who study in the universities can postpone the service until finishing their education.

Previously, Syrian males living abroad for four years and above could pay $8,000 to get exempted from the two-year mandatory military service.

Now, the law covers those who spend as short as one year abroad as they have to pay $10,000.

For those who spend two years, three years and four years and above abroad, they should pay $9,000, $8,000 and $7,000, respectively to get exempted.

For Syrians who live inside the country, there was no exemption fee for military service before the new amendment.

Now, Syrians with medical conditions whose service is in fixed places in the army, largely office service, can pay $3,000 to get exempted.

The new amendment to the law is welcomed by Syrians, which will also help in supporting the state coffers as the country is reeling under tough economic pressure.

Also read:Syria to host refugee conference next month

Also read:UN expects ‘common ground’ over Syrian political process

-Top News USA

Biden to call on Governors to enact mask mandate

The development comes as Biden is scheduled to announce the names of scientists and other experts on his coronavirus task force on Monday….reports Asian Lite News

After US President-elect Joe Biden takes office in January 2021, he will call on Democratic and Republican Governors and Mayors from all across the country over enacting mask mandates in a bid to stem the raging Covid-19 pandemic, a senior adviser said.

“If a Governor declines, he’ll go to the Mayors in the state and ask them to lead,” adviser told NBC News on Sunday.

“In many states, there is the capacity of Mayors to institute mandates,” he added.

Currently, about 20 US states already have mask mandates in place.

The development comes as Biden is scheduled to announce the names of scientists and other experts on his coronavirus task force on Monday.

According to the adviser, the President-elect is also looking at a possible mask mandate for federal buildings, which the incumbent administration of President Donald Trump was yet to enforce.

As the pandemic is still raging in the US unabated, the country currently accounts for the highest number of confirmed coronavirus cases and deaths in the world.

On Monday, the caseload reached 9,972,333, while the death toll stood at 237,574.

Also read:Biden calls Harris ‘South Asian’ not Indian

-Top News EU News UAE News

UAE,Italy FMs chair 4th strategic dialogue

Sheikh Abdullah and his Italian counterpart discussed cooperative relations between the two countries across a number of fields, including economic, commercial and cultural….reports Asian Lite News

The UAE and Italy on Sunday held the fourth strategic dialogue between the two countries in Abu Dhabi, under the chairmanship of Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and Luigi Di Maio, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Sheikh Abdullah and his Italian counterpart discussed cooperative relations between the two countries across a number of fields, including economic, commercial and cultural.

The two sides exchanged views on the latest developments in the region, notably Libya and Iran, and discussed a number of regional and international issues of common interest, in addition to developments in the eastern Mediterranean.

The two officials also discussed the latest developments on COVID-19 and the efforts of the two countries to combat the pandemic, while supporting global efforts in developing a vaccine.

Sheikh Abdullah and Luigi Di Maio stressed the importance of strategic UAE-Italy dialogue in strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries and developing joint cooperation across all sectors.

UAE FM welcomed Di Maio and his accompanying delegation, stressing the distinguished Emirati-Italian relations and joint work and their importance in achieving common interests.

Sheikh Abdullah said that the current challenges brought by the pandemic necessitate that countries strengthen joint international action to contain its effects, especially on the health sector and the economy, and move forward on the path of sustainable development.

For his part, the Italian Minister praised the distinguished bilateral relations between the UAE and Italy and the continuous development of joint cooperation between the two nations.

The strategic dialogue was attended by Ahmed Ali Al Sayegh, Minister of State, and a number of senior officials from both sides.

Also read:UAE ambassador meets King of Norway

-Top News USA

N.Korea yet to respond to Biden’s victory

As of Monday, North Korean state media outlets, including the Rodong Sinmun and the Korean Central News Agency, have not reported on the former Vice President’s victory which was declared on November 7…reports Asian Lite News

Days after Joe Biden was declared the US President-elect after winning the 2020 presidential election, North Korea was yet to comment on his victory against incumbent American President Donald Trump.

As of Monday, North Korean state media outlets, including the Rodong Sinmun and the Korean Central News Agency, have not reported on the former Vice President’s victory which was declared on November 7, reports Yonhap News Agency.

The Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper of the North’s ruling Workers’ Party, published several reports on the country’s efforts against the Covid-19 on Monday but did not mention the election results.

No reports on leader Kim’s public activities have been released since he visited the cemetery of fallen Chinese soldiers in the North’s South Pyongan Province on October 21.

When Trump won the 2016 election, North Korean outlets reported two days later, and when his predecessor Barack Obama won a re-election in 2012, Pyongyang published a commentary four days later, said the Yonhap News Agency reported.

When Obama was first elected in 2008, the North reacted positively about it only two days later.

Trump became the first American President to meet a North Korean leader, when he held face-to-face meetings with Kim in September 2018 in Singapore.

In 2019, the two leaders met twice.

The first meeting took place on February 27–28, while the second was a one-day summit held at the Korean Demilitarized Zone on June 30, which also saw South Korean President Moon Jae-in in attendace.

Trump briefly stepped over the border, marking the first time a sitting US President to set foot on North Korean soil.

Also read:Pressing need to address climate change: Dalai Lama to Joe Biden

-Top News Africa News

UN hails resumption of flights in southern Libya

The statement said the decision is a product of the confidence built as a result of the October 23 ceasefire agreement and the follow-up talks of the Joint Military Commission in the Ghadames city on November 2-4…reports Asian Lite News

The UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) has welcomed the Libyan authorities’ decision to allow resumption of flights to the southern part of the country, while condemning the arrest of individuals at Tripoli’s international airport by armed groups.

“The UNSMIL welcomes the decision by the Civil Aviation Authority on November 4 to permit the resumption of flights to all airports in the Southern region of Libya,” Xinhua news agency quoted the Mission as saying in a statement on Sunday.

The statement said the decision is a product of the confidence built as a result of the October 23 ceasefire agreement and the follow-up talks of the Joint Military Commission in the Ghadames city on November 2-4.

Meanwhile, the mission expressed concern over the recent arrest of individuals coming from eastern Libya to Tripoli’s Mitiga International Airport.

From November 1-5, “a number of individuals from the east who travelled to Tripoli were arbitrarily arrested by armed groups,” which violated “Libya’s obligations under international law”, UNSMIL said.

On November 6, the Interior Ministry of Libya’s UN-backed government condemned the arrest of individuals, confirming that those who made the arrests are not affiliated with the ministry and ordering an investigation into the incident.

According to the National Committee for Human Rights in Libya, the nationals were arrested because of their origins, social backgrounds, and political opinions and positions.

The eastern-based army and the Tripoli-based UN-backed government engaged in a deadly armed conflict for more than a year in and around Tripoli, which ended recently with the UN-backed government taking over all of western Libya after the withdrawal of the eastern-based army.

The Libyan parties signed a UN-sponsored permanent cease-fire agreement in Geneva on October 23.

Also read:12 more bodies found in Libya mass graves

-Top News COVID-19 USA

US hits record-high average daily COVID-19 cases

Daily case count in the country set a new record on Friday at 132,830, which is an all-time high in the United States and around the world, according to the CDC….reports Asian Lite News

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported a record-high average daily increase of COVID-19 cases at nearly 100,000, a new milestone since the onset of the pandemic in the country.

The seven-day average daily cases and deaths have been on sharp rise recently, and stood at 99,320 and 938, respectively, as of Sunday, CDC data showed, Xinhua news agency reported.

Daily case count in the country set a new record on Friday at 132,830, which is an all-time high in the United States and around the world, according to the CDC.

Saturday was the fourth day in a row the country broke its case count record, according to The COVID Tracking Project.

A total of 715,000 cases were reported last week, which means that one in every 462 people in the United States tested positive for COVID-19 last week, according to the project.

“Hospitalizations are also spiking in all regions, and are now close to the totals we saw in the spring and summer surges,” the project tweeted.

There are around 56,000 Americans currently hospitalized with COVID-19.

The fall resurgence has brought regular new records in cases, people hospitalized and daily deaths. Experts are concerned the upcoming season may witness even more infections as many people may travel and attend indoor gatherings with friends and relatives.

“We’re going to see these case numbers really start to explode,” said former US Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb on Friday.

The virus can be dealt with by targeting mitigation state by state, but the country is not doing that currently, he said. The lack of intervention could build up for the future, spelling trouble for December and January, he added.

The United States has recorded more than 9,944,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases and over 237,400 deaths as of Sunday afternoon, according to the real-time count kept by Johns Hopkins University.

Also read:Texas becomes 1st US state to hit 1mn Covid cases

-Top News Arab News Iraq

Iraqi forces carry out major anti-IS offensive

The first day of the several-day operation resulted in the seizure of 14 roadside bombs, rocket launchers, and 10 mortar rounds as well as finding two tunnels used by the IS militants in the mountains…reports Asian Lite News

Iraqi security forces have launched a major offensive against the Islamic State (IS) terror group in a mountainous area in Salahudin province, the military said.

Iraqi forces, backed by the US-led coalition and Iraqi aircraft, began the offensive on Sunday in the mountain ranges of Makhoul and Khanogah, Xinhua news agency quoted the media office of the Iraqi Joint Operations Command (JOC) as saying in a statement.

The first day of the several-day operation resulted in the seizure of 14 roadside bombs, rocket launchers, and 10 mortar rounds as well as finding two tunnels used by the IS militants in the mountains, the JOC statement said.

The forces conducted a series of airstrikes on the IS positions, Yahia Rasoul, spokesman of the Commander-in-Chief of the Iraqi forces said in a separate statement.

JOC spokesman Tahsin al-Khafaji told the official Iraqi News Agency (INA) that the security forces “pursued a new tactic through setting up towers and thermal cameras for surveillance to prevent the extremist militants from returning to the areas”.

The mountains and vast rural areas in Salahudin province have witnessed intense IS activities during the past months, despite repeated military operations to hunt them down.

The security situation in Iraq has been improving since security forces fully defeated the IS militants across the country late in 2017.

However, IS remnants have since melted in urban areas or deserts and rugged areas, carrying out frequent guerilla attacks against security forces and civilians.

Also read:Thousands gather in Iraqi street on anti-govt protest anniversary