-Top News UK News

Boris refuses to rule out lockdown until Summer

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that it was “too early to say when restrictions will be lifted” as coronavirus infections in the country continue to remain high.

“We’ve got to observe the lockdown, the stay at home message, protect each other and protect the NHS (National Health Service). It’s absolutely crucial in what is unquestionably going to be a tough few weeks ahead,” he said on Thursday during a visit to the Greater Manchester area hit by heavy flooding.

Johnson said figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and other studies showed clearly that the new coronavirus variant, which was first discovered in the country late last year, is very contagious, reports Xinhua news agency.

“It is not more deadly but it is more contagious and the numbers are very great,” he said.

Meanwhile, Johnson’s spokesman told journalists at a Westminster briefing that the UK government continues to keep all of the scientific evidence and data under review regarding the decision to lift lockdown.

“It remains our position that we want to ease restrictions as soon as it is safe to do so, but in order for us to do that we need to see the transmission rates of the virus come down and we need to see the pressure on the NHS reduce,” said the spokesman.

Ministers “stand ready to strengthen our border policy where we think it’s appropriate to protect the public”, he said when asked about reports suggesting people coming to the UK could be required to pay to stay in a hotel for two weeks while they quarantine.

England is currently under the third national lockdown since the outbreak of the pandemic in the country.

Similar restriction measures are also in place in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

On Tuesday, the country’s Covid-19 death toll surpassed the grim milestone of 90,000.

As of Friday morning, the UK has registered a total of 3,553,773 confirmed Covid-19 cases and 94,765 deaths.

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-Top News COVID-19 UK News

Health Experts Urge UK People To Remain Cautious

British medical experts have called on the public to remain cautious despite the progress in vaccine rollout as Britain is still not out of woods in fighting coronavirus.

Their appeal came after Britain on Tuesday reached the grave milestone of 90,000 Covid-related deaths, Xinhua news agency reported.

Liverpool-based Public Health expert John Ashton, who last Spring predicted the virus would lead to at least 100,000 deaths across the country, said the latest figures did not surprise him.

Ashton told Xinhua: “Although the official figure has now exceeded 90,000, if you study the reports from the (British) Office for National Statistics (ONS), more than 100,000 people have already died with Covid-19 listed on their death certificates.”

Ashton said his work as an expert with the World Health Organization (WHO) on outbreaks of contagious diseases such as Swine Flu and Avian Flu helped him see the impact of allowing a virus to get out of control.

Ashton, who had a Covid-19 vaccine a few days ago, said Britain’s vaccination program could help ease the country back to some normality.

The total number of people who have died within 28 days of a positive coronavirus test has reached 91,470 in Britain after another 1,610 were confirmed on Tuesday, according to official figures. Tuesday’s daily death toll was the highest since the pandemic began in the country, the data showed.

UK health Secy Matt Hancock

British Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said the government’s plan to vaccinate all the four most vulnerable groups covering 15 million people by mid-February is on track.

People aged 70 and over and those listed as clinically extremely vulnerable in England have begun to receive the first dose of coronavirus vaccine from Monday.

Hancock confirmed that Britain is aiming to offer all adults the vaccine by September.

However, Ashton said Britain is not out of the woods despite the progress in the vaccine rollout.

“My worry is we are still not at the stage where we can relax what we have been doing. There are still a lot of people working in the NHS (National Health Service) who are off work with illnesses and more patients need urgent hospital care,” he said.

“Last year I would have said we should start seeing some shoots of normal life around March. Now I would say to people if they are planning to book a holiday overseas, don’t book anything before the fall. Perhaps it will be better to consider a holiday in this country,” he said. “We will be well into the summer months before we will start to see a more normal life, but we won’t be totally free until later in the year, around our autumn months.”

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-Top News COVID-19 UK News

Medics, Police Appeal to Public to Stay at Home

The new, highly contagious Covid-19 variant is spreading fast – 50% to 70% faster than the variant in 2020 – leading to increased pressure on a strained NHS and more deaths. The R-number has risen to 1.3 in many parts of the country, compared to 0.9 at last year’s peak, placing the country into a health emergency.

Medics and the Police are calling on the public to not be complacent this weekend and to stop the spread by sticking to the rules which are ‘crucial’ if the country is to successfully ease pressure on the NHS and minimise the number of Covid-19 deaths. Any deviation of the rules could be fatal to others.

Also Read – WHO stresses effective ‘multilateralism in pandemic response’

With a third of people having no symptoms when carrying the virus, the message is clear from the frontline workers – we all must act like we have the virus and understand that bending the rules leads to the virus spreading, which puts a huge amount of pressure on an already stretched NHS. 

A new short infographic film has been developed with NERVTAG data to demonstrate how quickly the new Covid-19 variant spreads. The film demonstrates how in some parts of the country 1 in 30 people are infected with the virus, so bending the rules could be fatal.

The film is narrated by TV and NHS medic Dr Ranj Singh and will run across PR and social media in England from this weekend.

As a plea to the nation, Dr Ranj said: “Please don’t risk contracting or passing on the virus and stay home as much as possible. I know it is tough and we are bored with the guidelines, but on behalf of my colleagues in the NHS, please stay at home. I can see it in my hospital, staff are struggling to cope with the amount of care needed to be given to more and more patients suffering from this terribly debilitating virus.

“If you are going out to exercise, please do so as locally as possible, never exercise with more than one person from another household and always keep 2 metres distance. If you have to go to the shops, go alone, wear a face mask when indoors and washing your hands before and afterwards. We all need to be vigilant – meeting someone in your supermarket who’s pushed the same trolley or held the same basket could well have coronavirus.”

The message is clear: stay at home. However, if you do have to go outside you must:

  • keep two metres away from everyone
  • wear a face mask covering the nose and mouth when indoors
  • keep washing your hands

If you have to go to the shops, go alone and limit the trips, someone in your supermarket who has pushed the same trolley or held the same basket is likely to have Covid-19.

If you have to exercise outdoors, exercise locally and never exercise with more than one person from another household and always keep some distance.

Whilst the vast majority of the public have supported this huge national effort and followed the rules, the actions of a few people who are ignoring or bending the rules is putting everyone at risk and placing further pressure on doctors, nurses and NHS staff across the country.

Chair of the National Police Chiefs’ Council, Martin Hewitt, said:  “We are at the most dangerous stage of this pandemic and each of us has a personal responsibility to do everything we can to stop the spread of Coronavirus.

“The easiest way to keep our family and friends safe is to stay at home. If you have to go out ask yourself if your journey is essential, and if it is, then think about the safest possible way to do that to minimise contact with others.

“Whilst the vast majority of us follow the rules and stay at home police officers will be visible in communities tackling those who are not playing their part. We will not hesitate to issue fines to those deliberately breaching the regulations with no regard for the safety of others.”

Also Read – EU set to start spending huge recovery fund in months

India News Lite Blogs UK News

Kishan Devani BEM honoured with being appointed Hon. VP of Green Lib Dem

Kishan Devani BEM a politician, consultant and educator whose work has been pioneering in the area of community-cohesion, has been honoured with being appointed Hon. Vice President of the Green Liberal Democrats. 

The Green Liberal Democrats are the environmental conscience of the Liberal Democrats. They promote a green approach to policy formation within the Liberal Democrats. They provide information and political education from a green perspective to Party activists and elected representatives. They establish and develop links with the wider green movement across the Globe.

One of the youngest BAME Freemen of the City of London as well as a seasoned politician, consultant and educator, his work has been pioneering in the area of community cohesion within the British-Asian community. Since leaving university ten years ago, he has engaged young Asian people to get involved in British civic life through talks at schools, colleges and universities, with the aim of inspiring them to join the fields of politics, education and social service.He has previously served as Deputy Chairman of the London Conservative Party, becoming the youngest politician of ethnic minority background to be appointed to the role, before leaving to join the Liberal Democrats. He now serves as a Board Member of the Lib Dems and Vice President of the Liberal Democrats Campaign for Race Equality. A passionate campaigner for equality and inclusion, he has worked closely with British Asians to build community links in London and beyond, as well as working with young people at risk of radicalisation. 

Kishan was honoured by Her Majesty the Queen in Her New Years Honour’s List 2020 with the BEM (British Empire Medal) for Services to Community Cohesion. Kishan was also made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in 2015 and was honoured with the Freedom of the City of London – making him one of the youngest BAME Freemans of London. He was the Deputy Chairman (Membership and Finance) of the Entire London Conservative Party. he sat on the National Association Finance Board of the Conservative Party. In addition to this, he was the Chairman of Conservative Way Forward’s Treasurers Committee. He stood for Parliament in 2015 for the Constituency of Leicester East and has previously stood for Council elections in 2014.

As well as this, he was a candidate for the Greater London Assembly for the elections in 2016. Kishan left the Conservative Party in 2017 & joined the Liberal Democrat Party due to Brexit & their Anti-Immigrant outlook – he was appointed to be a Treasurers Envoy for the Party by Lord Michael German the party’s Treasurer. He was also appointed to the Racial Equality Working Group of the party. Kishan was appointed Vice-President of the Liberal Democrats Campaign for Race Equality (LDCRE). Kishan was also elected Vice-Chairman of Liberal Democrats in Business. Kishan was also the Liberal Democrats Parliamentary Candidate for Montgomeryshire in the 2019 General Election.

Kishan was also appointed Ambassador of the REC (Religious Education Council of England and Wales) & is Advisor to The Unity of Faiths Foundation. Kishan Devani BEM was also appointed Associate Lecturer in the Department of Politics and International Relations. During his time there, he will have a particular focus on Geopolitics and Diplomacy.
Kishan Devani BEM has expressed his pleasure in accepting the honorary role of Vice President of the Green Lib Dems and said “It is a great honour to be appointed Honorary Vice President of the Green Liberal Democrats. As someone who lives a Vegetarian lifestyle and comes from a Hindu background, I fundamentally believe in the Verse from Hindu Scriptures: “Vasudeva Kutumbakam – The Whole World (The entire creation) is One Family”. Hence to be appointed as Hon. Vice President is a matter of personal pride and I shall look to assist the Green agenda going forward both within the Liberal Democrats, across the UK and Internationally”.

Keith Melton said “Green Liberal Democrats’ Chair, Keith Melton, said: “We are delighted to have Kishan join GLD as Honorary Vice President. Kishan’s excellent work on community cohesion (for which he was
awarded the British Empire Medal in 2020) and racial equality, together with his tireless campaigning will be of great value as we reach out to our diverse community of Liberal Democrat activists.”

Kishan Devani BEM joins two other distinguished individuals in becoming Honorary Vice Presidents chosen by the Green Liberal Democrats
– Former Lib Dem MEP Catherine Bearder, and Wera Hobhouse, Lib Dem MP for Bath.

“One of the great myths of environmentalism,” said Keith Melton “…is that it is often thought of as the exclusive reserve of the white middle classes. In fact, as has been discovered with coronavirus too, all communities are affected by environmental damage, whether it is loss of biodiversity, or pollution, or Climate Change. Part of our role as the environmental conscience of the Liberal Democrats, is to challenge false perceptions about the impact of these problems across all ethnicities.”

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our generation. Countries around the world urgently need to implement the commitments made in 2015 at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris. The UK needs to be a leader in this social and technological transition and the Green Liberal Democrats seek to influence political policies at a local and national level. Kishan Devani BEM shall play a vital role in enabling the Green Liberal Democrats to be at the forefront of national and International Green Agendas.

-Top News UK News

UK plans to protect historic monuments

New laws are likely be introduced in the UK to protect historic statues from campaigners aiming to censor the country’s past,the country’s Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick has said.

In an article published in the Sunday Telegraph, Jenrick wrote that he was planning new laws to protect links to the past, and generations-old monuments should be “considered thoughtfully”, reports Xinhua news agency.

It followed the removal of a statue in Bristol of merchant and philanthropist Edward Colston over his link to the slave trade and calls for street names linked to slave traders or the country colonial past to be changed.

The statue of Colston was dragged from its pedestal, rolled through city streets and thrown into the harbour at the height of Black Lives Matter campaigns last year.

Robert Jenrick (Wikipedia)

Jenrick said statues at risk are not just those of figures who are seldom remembered, adding: “It is absurd and shameful that the statue of Winston Churchill should be questioned. Nor is Horatio Nelson safe from the revisionist purge.

“I am changing the law to protect historic monuments and ensure we don’t repeat the errors of previous generations.

“Proper process will now be required. Any decisions to remove these heritage assets will require planning permission and councils after consultation with the local community.”

The Burton Cooper (Wikipedia)

Jenrick added in the article that he will unveil his new laws before Parliament on Monday.

“There has been an attempt to impose a single, often negative narrative which not so much recalls our national story, as seeks to erase part of it,” he said.

The legislation would require planning permission for any changes and a minister would be given the final veto.

Also Read-UK plans to offer first dose of vaccine to every adult

-Top News UK News

UK reports Covid surge amid vaccine roll-out

Another 38,598 people in Britain have tested positive for Covid-19, the lowest daily increase since the start of the year, according to official figures released on Sunday.

The daily figure, down from 41,346 reported on Saturday, brought the total number of coronavirus cases in the country to 3,395,959, the data showed, Xinhua news agency reported.

Another 671 have died within 28 days of a positive test. The total number of coronavirus-related deaths in Britain now stands at 89,261.

The figures revealed during the weekend are usually lower due to the delay in reporting in some regions.

Meanwhile, Britain is racing against time to roll out its vaccine programme to bring the pandemic under control.

According to Simon Stevens, chief executive of National Health Service (NHS) England, people in England are being vaccinated four times faster than new cases of the virus are being detected.

About 140 people a minute are now being given the first jab of the two doses, he told the BBC.

The NHS remains in a very precarious position, with 75 percent more COVID-19 patients than at the April peak, he added.

Earlier Sunday, British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said every adult in Britain is expected to receive at least one dose of a vaccine by September.

However, with deaths and cases remaining high, it is believed that Britain will still be under tight restrictions for the next few months.

England is currently under the third national lockdown since the outbreak of the pandemic in the country. Similar restriction measures are also in place in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Also Read-Global Covid cases surpass 95mn

-Top News UK News

UK Invites Modi For G7 Summit In Cornwall

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been invited by his UK counterpart Boris Johnson to attend the G7 summit in the UK as a guest in June this year.

The summit will be held in England’s Cornwall region from June 11 to 13.

Last year, US President Donald Trump had extended an invite to Prime Minister Modi for an expanded G7 meeting to discuss China.

On Sunday, an official statement issued by the British High Commission in New Delhi said that Prime Minister Johnson will use the G7 presidency to unite leading democracies to help the world build back better from coronavirus and create a greener, fairer and more prosperous future.

The G7 – UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the US – along with the EU is the only forum where the world’s most influential and open societies and advanced economies come together for close-knit discussions.

The UK has also invited heads of Australia and South Korea to attend as guest countries to deepen the expertise and experience around the table.

The statement said that Prime Minister Johnson’s ambition is to use the G7 to intensify cooperation between the world’s democratic and technologically advanced nations. Between them the 10 leaders represent over 60 per cent of people living in democracies around the world.

Describing the G7 as the most prominent group of democratic countries, Johnson said it has long been the catalyst for decisive international action to tackle the greatest challenges we face. “From cancelling developing world debt to our universal condemnation of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, the world has looked to the G7 to apply our shared values and diplomatic might to create a more open and prosperous planet,” he said.

Coronavirus, he said is “doubtless the most destructive force we have seen for generations and the greatest test of the modern world order we have experienced. It is only right that we approach the challenge of building back better by uniting with a spirit of openness to create a better future.”

The statement said that as “the pharmacy of the world, India already supplies more than 50 per cent of the world’s vaccines, and the UK and India have worked closely together throughout the pandemic.”

Recalling that the UK was the first P5 member to support a permanent UNSC seat for India and the first G7 member to invite India to a G7 summit in 2005, the UK government said that as the current BRICS President and G20 President in 2023, India will play a key role in driving multilateral cooperation around the world.

2021 marks a crucial year of international leadership for the UK. In addition to the G7 summit, during February the UK will assume the Presidency of the UN Security Council and later this year, the UK will host COP26 in Glasgow and a global education conference aimed at getting children in the developing world into school.

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-Top News COVID-19 UK News

UK Witnesses A Decline In Numbers

The UK’s daily increase of coronavirus infections dropped to its lowest level since December 27, 2020, but the country recorded the third highest single-day fatalities due to the disease since the pandemic began, according to official figures.

In the last 24 hours, another 41,346 people in the country tested positive for Covid-19, down from 55,761 a day ago, increasing the overall infection tally to 3,367,053, Xinhua news agency reported.

At least 1,295 infected persons died within 28 days of a positive test, the third highest single-day death toll.

The total number of Covid-19 deaths in the UK now stands at 88,747, the data showed.

On January 13, the UK reported 1,564 deaths, the highest single-day spike since the onset og the pandemic.

The latest figures were revealed as doctors warned that coronavirus patients were now younger and sicker than in the first wave last year.

“It’s relentless, the admissions come fast,” John de Vos, the leading Covid-19 consultant at the Royal Surrey County Hospital, told Sky News on Saturday.

“They are sicker now, sicker than the first wave. Sicker and younger… We are seeing some tragic situations.

“We are seeing patients who had gatherings over Christmas and New Year, which were allowed, but we are now seeing the after-effects of that and it brings a lot of guilt and emotion with it,” he added.

England is currently under the third national lockdown since the outbreak of the pandemic in the country.

Similar restriction measures are also in place in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The UK’s coronavirus reproduction number, also known as the R number, is estimated at between 1.2 and 1.3, compared with last week’s one and 1.4, according to the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE).

If the R number is above one, it means the number of cases will increase exponentially.

According to SAGE, the R number varies in the country.

It has gone down slightly in London, the South East and South West, as well as the North East and Yorkshire, but it has risen slightly in the East of England, Midlands and North West.

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-Top News Travel & Tourism UK News

UK Bans Visitors From South American Countries

The UK government has announced its decision to ban arrivals from more than a dozen South American countries, and as well as Portugal starting from Friday, after the detection of a new coronavirus variant.

Taking to Twitter on Thursday, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said: “I’ve taken the urgent decision to ban arrivals from Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela from tomorrow at 4 a.m. following evidence of a new variant in Brazil.

“Travel from Portugal to the UK will also be suspended given its strong travel links with Brazil, acting as another way to reduce the risk of importing infections. However, there is an exemption for hauliers traveling from Portugal (only), to allow transport of essential goods.

“This measure does not apply to British and Irish Nationals and third-country nationals with residence rights — but passengers returning from these destinations must self-isolate for TEN days along with their households.”

The new ban was announced after a meeting of senior UK government officials on Thursday.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Wednesday told MPs in the House of Commons, the lower house of Parliament, that the government was “concerned” about the new virus variant detected in Brazil, reports Xinhua news agency.

“We already have tough measures to protect this country from new infections coming in from abroad,” he said.

In December 2020, the UK had suspended flights from South Africa after the discovery of a new and concerning variant in the continent.

Johnson said there were “lots of questions” over the latest variant, including whether it is resistant to Covid vaccines.

At present, experts are uncertain how effective existing vaccines will be against the new variant, the Evening Standard newspaper reported.

Patrick Vallance, the UK government’s top scientist, told ITV that the new variant contains “a change of the genetic code, at position 484, and that changes a part of the protein, it changes a bit of a shape of the protein”.

He said that there is no evidence new variants are more deadly.

The latest development came as another 1,564 have died within 28 days of a positive test, the highest daily death toll since the pandemic began in the country, according to official figures released.

The total number of coronavirus deaths in the country now stands at 86,163, the data showed.

Another 47,525 people in have tested positive for Covid-19, bringing the total ninfection tally in the country to 3,269,757, the figures showed.

England is currently under the third national lockdown since the outbreak of the pandemic in the country.

Similar restriction measures are also in place in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

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-Top News Diaspora UK News

UK PM Greets Tamil Diaspora On Pongal

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson wished Tamil diaspora in the country on the festive occasion of Thai Pongal. Boris took to twitter to share his wish to the Tamil community through a video message that started with a stylised British ‘Vanakkam’.
“Today as you enjoy wonderful Pongal rice pudding and give thanks for nature’s bounty, I also want to thank you for everything you are doing in our struggle against COVID 19”,Boris said in the message.

He appreciated the community spirit and hard work of the community that shone bright during the tough time of the pandemic. Minister stressed on the roles of the NHS Tamil doctors who are in the frontline of the fight.
Boris applauded for people ‘not’ celebrating the festivals as they celebrate those usually, concerning the current global situation. He also shared his hope of people taking comfort from his message on the moment of the fantastic festival. “May your pot of Pongal always be overflowing with Joy, happiness and prosperity”, he concludes.

Meanwhile, another 1,564 people have died in the UK within 28 days of a positive Covid-19 test, the highest increase in daily fatalities since the pandemic began in the country early last year, according to official figures.
Boris Johnson warned on Wednesday that there was a “very substantial” risk of intensive care capacity in hospitals being “overtopped”. The situation was “very, very tough” in the National Health Service (NHS) and the staff were under “colossal” pressure, Johnson told the Commons Liaison Committee.

The Prime Minister once again appealed to the public to follow lockdown rules which require Britons to stay at home and only go out for essential reasons.

Johnson also told British lawmakers that the NHS will launch a 24/7 vaccination service as soon as possible, noting “at the moment the limit is on supply” of the vaccine.

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