-Top News World World News

More nations keen to join BRICS

The BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) account for over 40 per cent of the global population and nearly a quarter of the world’s GDP…reports Asian Lite News

Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Egypt plan to join BRICS, and their potential membership bids could be discussed and answered at next year’s summit in South Africa, BRICS International Forum President Purnima Anand told Russian media on Thursday.

“All these countries have shown their interest in joining (BRICS) and are preparing to apply for membership. I believe this is a good step, because expansion is always looked upon favourably, it will definitely bolster BRICS’ global influence,” Anand told Russian newspaper Izvestia.

The BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) account for over 40 per cent of the global population and nearly a quarter of the world’s GDP. The bloc’s stated purposes include promoting peace, security, development, and cooperation globally, and contributing to the development of humanity, RT reported.

Anand said the issue of expansion was raised during this year’s BRICS summit, which took place in late June in Beijing.

The BRICS Forum President said she hopes the accession of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Egypt will not take much time, given that they “are already engaged in the process”, though she doubts that all three will join the alliance at the same time, RT reported.

“I hope that these countries will join the BRICS quite shortly, as all the representatives of core members are interested in expansion. So it will come very soon,” Anand added.

The news of the three nations’ plans to join the BRICS comes after Iran and Argentina officially applied for membership in late June, with Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh touting the bloc as a “very creative mechanism with broad aspects”.

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India News

Modi calls for mutual cooperation at BRICS meet

In his opening statement at the 14th BRICS summit, Indian PM also said that though the pandemic is not as severe as it was, its adverse impact on the economy is continuing…reports Asian Lite News

The BRICS (Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa) block has taken a similar approach to the governance of the global economy and the mutual cooperation among the member countries has helped in useful contribution to the post-Covid economic recovery, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Thursday.

“Regarding the governance of the global economy, we BRICS member countries have a very similar approach. And so our mutual cooperation can make a useful contribution in the global post-COVID recovery,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi said at BRICS summit,” Modi said in the presence of Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Brazilian President Jair Messias Bolsonaro and South African President Cyril Ramaphosa were also present at the virtual summit.

Modi, in his opening statement at the 14th BRICS summit, also said that though the Covid 19 pandemic is not as severe as it was, its adverse impact on the economy is continuing.

The Prime Minister also said that the contours of the BRICS framework were further strengthened.

The people to people contact have also improved among the BRICS members, he said, noting that the International Yoga Day was observed in all the BRICS countries.

“There are multiple areas wherein through cooperation between BRICS nations, the citizens have benefitted,” he said.

Earlier, addressing the regular press conference, Wang Wenbin, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson said that BRICS is an important platform for cooperation among emerging markets and developing countries and that BRICS countries have become engines driving world economic recovery and growth.

BRICS members seek to benefit from global dislocations caused by war

Amid the geopolitical shift especially after the US thrashed sanctions against Russia after its invasion into Ukraine, the BRICS forum, which until now has not made any significant mark on the global map, could gain fresh momentum as the members seek greater economic integration in the post Covid phase.

Beijing based state owned news organisation Global Times said that with the conflict in Ukraine as a backdrop along the uncertain economic situation at an international level, mounting inflation in Western countries, and rising global prices of basic commodities that threaten the development of various emerging countries, “the voice of the BRICS as a mechanism for cooperation is more important than ever.”

Issues related to setting up an alternative international payment mechanism to SWIFT and a new global reserve currency have been discussed at the summit, according to reports.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, speaking at the BRICS Business Forum said that the emerging economies would be the engine of global growth and the BRICS forum was set up to drive this. “Today as the world focuses on post Covid recovery, the role and contribution of the BRICS countries will be crucial,” he said. BRICS nations, home to 42 per cent of the global population, account for 25.7 per cent of world GDP.

Wang Wenbin, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson at the regular press briefing said that fostering high-quality BRICS partnership is particularly important for advancing global development in the new era.

“BRICS countries will continue to deepen cooperation in economic integration, do their utmost to reduce the impact of poverty and food and energy crisis on people’s livelihood, and promote sustainable and inclusive development,” he said.

Russia is already looking to aggressively integrate its trade and economy with the other members of this block. Russian President Vladimir Putin virtually addressing the BRICS Business Forum – his first international appearance on an international forum since his country’s invasion into Ukraine, said that on Wednesday that despite the ‘politically motivated sanctions,” thrashed against his country, its total trade with Brazil, India, China and South Africa rose 38 per cent in the first three months of the year to $45 billion.

“Russian oil supplies to China and India are growing noticeably,” Putin added.

He also said that Moscow and New Delhi are already in talks for the launch of Indian retail store chains in Russia.

“Contacts between Russian business circles and the business community of the BRICS countries are being activated. For example, negotiations are underway to open Indian retail chain stores in Russia, to increase the share of Chinese cars, equipment and machinery in our market. Russia’s presence in [BRICS] countries is also expanding,” Putin said.

Notably, the BRICS nations have more or less taken the same stand on Russia even as the US increased pressure to condemn Moscow.

Many analysts have attempted to downplay the importance of the BRICS forum.

BBC in a report said that unlike the in-person QUAD summit that was held in Tokyo last month, the BRICS meet is a virtual one.

“The last two were held during the Covid pandemic, but it’s not clear why the leaders chose to skip face-to-face meetings this year,” the report said. “It’s in stark contrast to the Quad – which groups India with Australia, Japan and the US – whose leaders met in person in Japan last month amid the global media glare,” it added.

Aravind Yelery, senior research fellow at the Peking University and visiting faculty at Fudan University in Shanghai said that China is “extremely keen to see BRICS’ success.”

“Now with the rapid geopolitical shifts which have impacted the global supply chain, China feels the need to strike a chord with India,” Yelery said.

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-Top News India News World News

Mutual cooperation crucial for post-Covid recovery: Modi at BRICS summit

Prime Minister Modi has underlined the role of BRICS countries amid the global focus on post covid recovery at the opening ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum….report Asian Lite News

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the 14th BRICS summit on Thursday and said that member nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa- of the grouping have a similar approach regarding the governance of the global economy.

“BRICS members have a similar approach regarding the governance of the global economy. Our mutual cooperation can make a useful contribution to the global post-Covid recovery,” PM Modi said in his virtual address.

The 14th BRICS summit is being hosted by China in a virtual mode.

Prime Minister Modi in his address highlighted multiple areas of cooperation between BRICS nations. This includes an increase in connectivity between BRICS Youth Summits, BRICS Sports, civil society organizations and think tanks.

“There are multiple areas wherein through cooperation between BRICS nations, the citizens have benefitted. By increasing connectivity between BRICS Youth Summits, BRICS Sports, civil society organizations and think-tanks, we’ve strengthened our people-to-people connect,” he said further.

BRICS has become a platform for discussing and deliberating on issues of common concern for all developing countries. BRICS countries have regularly called for reform of the multilateral system in order to make it more representative and inclusive.

On Wednesday, the Prime Minister underlined the role of BRICS countries amid the global focus on post covid recovery at the opening ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum.

“BRICS was established with the belief that this group of emerging economies could emerge as engines of global growth. Today, when the world is focusing on post covid recovery, the role of BRICS countries will be very important,” said PM Modi in a recorded keynote speech.

“India supports innovation across every sector including drones, green energy and space. By 2025, India’s digital sector value will cross USD 1 trillion valuations,” he said.

The Prime Minister noted that this year India is expecting 7.5 per cent growth. “Which makes us the fastest-growing major economy. Transformative changes are taking place in every sector of emerging New India,” he added.

BRICS is a multilateral forum consisting of five major emerging economies of the world, namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. (ANI)

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-Top News India News

Modi to virtually attend BRICS Summit hosted by China

The Ministry of External Affairs said that BRICS has become a platform for discussing and deliberating on issues of common concern for all the developing countries….reports Asian Lite News

On the the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the 14th BRICS Summit hosted by China in virtual format on June 23-24.

This includes a high-level dialogue on global development between the guest countries on June 24.

The Dialogue will be held in virtual format under the theme of “Foster a Global Development Partnership for the New Era to Jointly Implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, and BRICS leaders and leaders of relevant emerging markets and developing countries will attend the event.

The Ministry of External Affairs said that BRICS has become a platform for discussing and deliberating on issues of common concern for all the developing countries. BRICS countries have regularly called for reform of the multilateral system in order to make it more representative and inclusive.

“Discussions during the 14th BRICS Summit are expected to cover intra-BRICS cooperation in areas such as counter-terrorism, trade, health, traditional medicine, environment, S&T and innovation, agriculture, technical and vocational education & training, and MSMEs. Discussions are also likely on issues like reform of the multilateral system, combating Covid-19 pandemic and global economic recovery, among others,” the MEA said.

Prior to the Summit, Modi will participate, by way of a recorded keynote speech, in the opening ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum on Wednesday.

Discussions during the 14th BRICS Summit are expected to cover intra-BRICS cooperation in areas such as counter-terrorism, trade, health, traditional medicine, environment, S&T and innovation, agriculture, technical and vocational education & training, and MSMEs, the MEA said in an official statement.

The discussions are also likely on issues like reform of the multilateral system, combating the COVID-19 pandemic and global economic recovery, amongst others.

BRICS is a multilateral forum consisting of five major emerging economies of the world, namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

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-Top News World News

BRICS countries vow to strengthen cooperation on intelligent customs

China’s bilateral trade with BRICS countries totalled 490.42 billion US dollars in 2021, up 39.2 per cent year on year, higher than the overall level of China’s foreign trade in the same period, official data shows…reports Asian Lite News

Customs authorities of BRICS countries vowed to deepen cooperation on intelligent customs at a virtual meeting, media reported.

Customs cooperation between BRICS countries has seen fruitful results since the establishment of the cooperation mechanism in 2013, while bilateral trade has maintained steady growth, said Sun Yuning, deputy head of the General Administration of Customs of China, Xinhua news agency reported.

China’s bilateral trade with BRICS countries totalled 490.42 billion US dollars in 2021, up 39.2 per cent year on year, higher than the overall level of China’s foreign trade in the same period, official data shows.

All parties should gradually improve the intelligence level of customs infrastructure, supervision methods and administrative management, and form cross-border coordinated governance among border administration departments, Sun said.

Against current risks and challenges, the participants on Tuesday pledged to ensure that the customs authorities of BRICS countries continue to work together to safeguard the international supply chain and promote rapid economic and trade recovery among BRICS countries.

ALSO READ-BRICS needs to stabilise rather than expand

-Top News Asia News

BRICS needs to stabilise rather than expand

Those eager to expand before stabilisation of relations between the existing members of BRICS are being impetuous, writes Prof. Madhav Nalapat

Altanticist structures misnamed as “international” were conceptualised at Bretton Woods in 1944, when it was clear that the inexhaustible armies led by Marshal Stalin were pounding into chaos the soldiers that had been let loose upon Europe and North Africa by Adolf Hitler. The IBRD (World Bank) and the IMF are the children of the discussions that took place at Bretton Woods. The United Nations followed. The problem with the IBRD and the IMF is that these are institutions which are still dominated by the Atlantic alliance. Japan, as has been the norm since 1945, is content to follow the US-EU lead in world affairs, and the US lead on the rare occasions when there is a divergence of approach between Brussels and Washington.

In its fealty to Washington, Tokyo is joined by London, although the contours of the UK-US “special relationship” has not been definitively defined. The glow of that phrase has ensured that Whitehall march in lockstep with the White House. The latest example of this is Boris Johnson’s response to the invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces. President Biden reacted through emotion, his anger at President Putin fuelled by the belief that but for the machinations of the Kremlin, it would have been Hillary Clinton and not Donald J. Trump that was elected as the 45th President of the United States in 2016. Such an approach by the White House to matters of geopolitical significance is not new.

President George W. Bush upended the Afghanistan conflict so badly in 2003 that in 2021, it caused the victory of the Taliban over NATO in Afghanistan. President George W. Bush believed that Saddam Hussein had sought to “kill Pappy” (George H.W. Bush) in revenge for the latter’s success in wresting back Kuwait from Saddam’s clutches. US media was inundated with spin about how Osama bin Laden and indeed all Wahhabi terror groups were secretly masterminded by Saddam, despite the reality of the Iraqi dictator being a principal target for assassination of Al Qaeda modules. This was for Saddam’s uncompromising stance on Iraq as a secular state where Christians in particular had the same opportunities for advancement as Sunni Muslims.

Any hint of a desire to do away with the Saddam dictatorship was a capital offence in Iraq, but otherwise, women and religious minorities in Iraq enjoyed the same freedoms that they had had in pre-Khomeini Iran. Whether it be Saddam Hussein, later Muammar Gaddafi, or subsequently Bashar Assad, the fact that all three of these rulers were secular rather than religious exclusivists and supremacists seems to have been a memo that governments within NATO failed to get. Removing them brought to life terror groups in Iraq, Libya and Syria, including ISIS. Not to mention a flood of refugees seeking asylum in Europe, who clearly lacked the charm so much in evidence where refugees from Ukraine are concerned.

Ukrainians have been welcomed by the EU with zest, even as Libyans, Syrians, Iraqis and others have been given as cold a reception as South Americans arriving at the southern border of the US. Ukrainians are clearly different from South Americans where the Biden administration is concerned, which is why the White House is spending tens of billions on that country, welcoming its refugees even while President Biden seems to have all but forgotten his $2.1 trillion social justice agenda. This remains stalled in the US Congress.

In view of the serious situation concerning Covid-19 in China, as is evident from the strong measures being taken in Shanghai and other cities in an effort by authorities to roll back the tide of cases, it is clearly inadvisable for health reasons for the leaders of Russia, Brazil, South Africa and India to travel to the PRC in person for the BRICS summit that will soon take place. President Xi has set a personal example that they should follow, of attending such conferences online. In the meantime, there is talk of BRICS being expanded to include some other countries. Such a move needs to be shelved. The priority for BRICS is to ensure the stabilization of relations within its ranks through the observance of internationally acknowledged codes of conduct by each of its members.

his would include respect for the internationally mandated laws of the sea, and in agreeing to ensure that kinetic means not be deployed by one member against the other, as happened in 2020, when Chinese troops launched incursions into India. Force should be taken off the table in conduct not just towards each other but towards other territories as well. Until such behaviour becomes the norm within BRICS, it would be premature to expand the group any further. Those eager to expand before stabilisation of relations between the existing members of BRICS are showing an impetuosity that is similar to the emotionalism that is driving US-UK-EU policy in the matter of Russia and Ukraine. After the overreaction by several countries to the spread of Covid-19 across the globe via flights out of affected areas of the PRC since the pandemic began has come the equally hysterical approach now witnessed in the matter of NATO assistance to Ukraine at the risk of a kinetic contest between itself and the Russian Federation.

President Bush got revenge on Saddam Hussein for the alleged effort by the Iraqi dictator to kill his father (a “plot” that was almost certainly a concoction of those non-resident Iraqis eager to pit the US against the dictator’s forces). The gainer has been Iran, which is now the most influential country in Iraq. The gainer from President Biden’s obsession with punishing Putin for allegedly depriving the Clintons of a third term in the White House is China, something that the Sino-Wahhabi lobby within the US of course welcome. At the soon to take place BRICS summit, the focus has got to be on ensuring internationally accepted norms of behaviour especially with each other of the five countries. Expansion, if any, can come after that, and not before.

There are those who seek to move on from tasks left incomplete by them to still more tasks, all of which will also remain incomplete. BRICS needs to ensure a higher standard of performance for itself before expanding. The focus during the forthcoming summit of the Heads of Government of India, China, Russia, South Africa and Brazil needs to be on making each within the own group more respectful of global norms than has been the case with some. Talk of expansion seems to be an effort at drawing attention from this unfortunate reality and towards peripheral issues. Such a diversion needs to be avoided if BRICS is to be taken seriously even by its existing members.

ALSO READ: China stresses ‘solidarity’ with BRICS

-Top News Arab News UAE News

UAE participates in virtual BRICS Plus conference

Ahmed Al Sayegh, Minister of State, participated in a virtual meeting of the BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs…reports Asian Lite News

The meeting was hosted by Wang Yi, China’s State Councillor and Foreign Minister, and attended by foreign ministers, including those of the five BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa).

A BRICS Plus conference was held as part of the main meeting with ministers from countries, including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Argentina, Nigeria, Senegal, and Thailand.

BRICS Plus is a new phase in the expansion of BRICS – already known for its combined economic growth potential – that aims to welcome more countries and enhance economic conditions.

During the conference, Al Sayegh discussed the UAE, under the leadership of President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, as a beacon for peace and tolerance, and a centre for development and advancement on both regional and global levels.

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Al Sayegh affirmed the importance of forming blocs to face the global challenges and bridge the gap between economies. He also discussed the UAE’s current active role in blocs, such as the G20 and BRICS, as well as new initiatives, such as the Belt and Road Initiative, the Asian Infrastructure Development Bank, and the New Development Bank.

Concluding the meeting, members agreed to commit to multilateralism, uphold the principles of the UN Charter and increase the representation of developing markets in global governance, as well as cooperate further to tackle the pandemic, promote shared development, and strengthen solidarity and cooperation.

-Top News India News

Jaishankar participates in BRICS virtual meeting

Noting that the globalised and digitised world will give due regard to trust and transparency, Jaishankar also said that the ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ must be approached in a comprehensive manner….reports Asian Lite News

India’s External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar on Thursday participated in a virtual meeting of BRICS Foreign Ministers, chaired by Chinese Foreign Minister and State Councillor Wang Yi.

The meeting was also attended by South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Naledi Pandor, Brazilian Foreign Minister Carlos Franca, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

In his remarks, Jaishankar said that the international organisations must see real change, not just in terminology.

A rebalanced and multipolar world should lead to reformed multilateralism, he said.

The Indian minister also said that terrorism in all forms and manifestations should be condemned. “We must crackdown on all support, including financing,” he added.

“The Covid pandemic followed by the Ukraine conflict is causing enormous socio-economic hardships in the developing world. We need resilient and reliable supply chains, economic decentralisation,” he said.

Global recovery should advance food and energy security and prioritize health, digital and green growth while the BRICS must display zero tolerance for terrorism, especially cross border terrorism, Jaishankar said.

Noting that the globalised and digitised world will give due regard to trust and transparency, Jaishankar also said that the ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ must be approached in a comprehensive manner.

According to the statement released by the External Affairs Ministry, the Ministers exchanged views on furthering intra-BRICS cooperation on the three pillars of political and security, economic and finance, and people-to-people and cultural exchanges.

In this regard, they recalled the adoption in 2021 of the revised Terms of Reference for guiding BRICS engagement.

They also reiterated that the BRICS countries shall continue work together to contain the spread and effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and supported the leading role of the WHO in combating the pandemic, the importance of the on-going discussions in the WTO including on TRIPS waiver proposal, and called for the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

The Ministers discussed the situation in Ukraine and supported talks between Russia and Ukraine, and expressed concern at the energy and food security implications of the conflict.

The Ministers participated in the dialogue between BRICS and developing countries on global governance and discussed greater engagement with the BRICS process.

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India News

Grouping agrees to strengthen collaboration

All parties emphasised that the world is currently facing multiple challenges such as the pandemic, weak economic recovery, and the Ukraine crisis…reports Asian Lite News

The BRICS sherpas have agreed to further strengthen solidarity and cooperation to address multiple challenges the globe is currently facing, including the Covid-19 pandemic and economic recovery.

The pledge came as the second BRICS sherpas’ meeting in 2022 was held from Tuesday to Wednesday through a videolink.

The meeting was chaired by Ma Zhaoxu, sherpa for BRICS affairs and Vice Foreign Minister of China, and attended by sherpas of Russia, India, Brazil, South Africa and representatives of relevant Chinese departments.

Noting that achieving the 2030 sustainable development goals faces new risks and challenges, he said BRICS countries should deepen strategic partnership, contribute solutions for maintaining fairness and justice, inject strength into the stability of the global market, build a defence line for the joint fight against the pandemic, and provide impetus for international development cooperation.

As the BRICS presidency this year, China looks forward to working with BRICS partners to continue to strengthen communication and coordination, deepen practical cooperation, and ensure the success of the summit, Ma added.

Group lauds China

The other Sherpas highly appreciated China’s leading role as the presidency, fully affirmed the achievements and progress of BRICS cooperation in various fields this year, and expressed that they will continue to support the work of the Chinese presidency. All parties emphasised that the world is currently facing multiple challenges such as the pandemic, weak economic recovery, and the Ukraine crisis. They agreed that BRICS countries should further strengthen solidarity and cooperation, and make greater contributions to improving global governance, promoting economic recovery, implementing the 2030 sustainable development goals and fighting the pandemic

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-Top News World News

BRICS bats for Ukraine-Russia talks

BRICS countries reiterated their respective national positions on the Ukraine issue, pledging to support multilateralism…reports Asian lite News

BRICS countries have expressed their support for continued dialogue and negotiations between Russia and Ukraine to seek a comprehensive solution to the Ukraine issue.

During the second BRICS sherpas’ meeting in 2022 held from Tuesday to Wednesday through a video link, BRICS countries reiterated their respective national positions on the Ukraine issue, pledging to support multilateralism, abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and respect the legitimate security concerns of all countries.

The meeting was chaired by Ma Zhaoxu, sherpa for BRICS affairs and Vice Foreign Minister of China, Xinhua news agency reported.

BRICS countries, consisting of China, Russia, India, Brazil and South Africa, expressed their concern over the humanitarian situation in and around Ukraine, as well as support for all humanitarian aid to Ukraine, including the contributions of the International Committee of the Red Cross and UN agencies.

Noting their particular concern about the serious impact of unilateral sanctions on the recovery of the world economy, the stability of industrial and supply chains, energy and food security, as well as the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the sherpas called for attention to and effective addressing of the concerns of the vast number of developing countries to ensure that the economy and people’s livelihood of all countries are not affected.

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