-Top News China USA

CIA plans forward-deployment of China specialists

Burns said the US is no longer the “only big kid” on the geopolitical block, especially with the rise of China…reports Asian Lite News

CIA Director William Burns has said the US is inspecting the possibility of forward-deploying China specialists in a bid to compete effectively with Beijing.

In a wide-ranging interview with NPR, Burns said, “…I am exploring right now, to forward-deploy China specialists – whether it is operations officers, analysts, technologists as well – to make us more effective in that competition, in that rivalry in the field as well.”

Burns said the US is no longer the “only big kid” on the geopolitical block, especially with the rise of China.

He added that China is the biggest geopolitical challenge to the US in the 21st century, and that the technology sector is the biggest area of competition between the two countries.

Speaking on the US drawdown from Afghanistan, Burns said he is troubled by the advances the Taliban movement is making in Afghanistan. “Well, the trend lines that all of us see today are certainly troubling. The Taliban are making significant military advances; they are probably in the strongest military position that they have been in since 2001,” Burns said.

The United States will retain significant capabilities in and around Afghanistan to gather information on terror groups, the CIA Director stressed.

Meanwhile, on the topic of Russia, the CIA Director said the former cold war rival could be behind the “Havana syndrome” affecting the health of US diplomats in Cuba. However, he added that there are no definitive conclusions and various possibilities.

Havana Syndrome is a series of unexplained medical symptoms first experienced by State Department personnel stationed in Cuba beginning in late 2016, The Wall Street Journal reported. Since then, diplomats and other officials stationed around the world have experienced similar symptoms.

Burns said that Russia “Could be, but I honestly cannot – I do not want to suggest until we can draw some more definitive conclusions who it might be. But there are a number of possibilities.”

Similar accusations against Russia have emerged in American media outlets from in the past, with Moscow repeatedly denying them, Sputnik reported. (ANI)

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-Top News USA

William Burns confirmed as CIA Director

The Senate on Thursday cleared Burns’ nomination by a voice vote on the floor….reports Asian Lite News

The US Senate has unanimously confirmed William Burns as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), installing an experienced career diplomat to head the spy agency.

The Senate on Thursday cleared Burns’ nomination by a voice vote on the floor.

With his confirmation, President Joe Biden now has his full team of top national security officials in place.

Retiring from the post of Deputy Secretary of State in 2014 after a three-decade career in the foreign service, Burns won bipartisan support after Biden tapped him to lead the CIA, reports Xinhua news agency.

US President Joe Biden

He sailed through the Senate confirmation hearing in February.

Burns’ confirmation came as Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz lifted his hold after the State Department released what Cruz considered to be a welcoming announcement saying the Biden administration would comply with Congress’ legislation sanctioning entities involved in the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline project between Russia and Germany.

At his confirmation hearing last month, Burns stressed that intelligence must not become political.

“That is exactly what President Biden expects of CIA. It was the first thing he told me when he asked me to take on this role,” he added.

“He said he wants the agency to give it to him straight — and I pledged to do just that, and to defend those who do the same.”

Also read:No talks possible with US for now: N.Korea