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WHO: Over 22,500 in Gaza suffer life-changing injuries

Severe limb injuries – estimated to affect between 13,455 and 17,550 individuals – were the leading cause of long-term rehabilitation needs, reports Asian Lite News

At least 22,500 people, or a quarter of those injured in the Gaza conflict as of July 23, are suffering from life-changing injuries that will require long-term rehabilitation, the World Health Organization (WHO) has reported.

The report published o Thursday underscored the immense burden on Gaza’s already crippled healthcare system, saying that severe limb injuries were the leading cause of rehabilitation needs. These limb injuries are estimated to affect between 13,455 and 17,550 individuals, Xinhua news agency reported.

These injuries are compounded by some 4,000 amputations, and a sharp rise in cases of spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and severe burns, many of which involve women and children.

Richard Peeperkorn, WHO representative in the occupied Palestinian territory, warned that Gaza’s health infrastructure is unable to meet the increasing demands.

“The huge surge in rehabilitation needs occurs in parallel with the ongoing decimation of the health system,” he said, emphasizing the critical shortage of acute rehabilitation services and specialized care for complex injuries.

As the conflict continues, ensuring access to essential healthcare, including rehabilitation services, remains crucial to preventing further illness and fatalities, the Geneva-based health agency said.

ALSO READ: Global outrage as Israel pounds UN-run Gaza school

-Top News Europe

UN envoy urges for ‘Serious breakthrough’ to end conflict in Yemen

The situation on the ground in Yemen remains fragile and challenging, said Grundberg, stressing that “we cannot afford to seek a seasonal peace”…reports Asian Lite News

UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, has called on the warring parties in Yemen to make efforts for a “serious breakthrough” in the ongoing talks to end the conflict in the country.

Yemen has been locked in a military conflict since the Houthi militia took control of several northern cities and ousted the Yemeni government from the capital Sanaa in 2014, Xinhua news agency reported.

On April 2, 2022, the Yemeni government and the Houthi militia agreed upon a two-month truce brokered by the United Nations, which was later renewed twice through October 2. However, Yemen’s warring sides have failed to reach an agreement on further extension.

Despite the expiry of the truce, Yemen and its people continue to feel the benefits from the longest period of relative calm since the beginning of the conflict, Grundberg told a Security Council meeting on Monday.

The period of relative calm has opened the door for serious discussions with Yemeni actors on the way forward toward ending the conflict, he said, noting that to sustainably end the war, the ongoing talks “have to reach a serious breakthrough”.

The situation on the ground in Yemen remains fragile and challenging, said Grundberg, stressing that “we cannot afford to seek a seasonal peace”.

The parties in Yemen need to immediately stop military provocations and prepare for and agree to a sustainable nationwide ceasefire, he said.

They also need to immediately de-escalate economically and address near- and longer-term economic priorities, Grundberg added.

He also urged the parties to make progress on agreeing to a clear path to restarting an intra-Yemeni political process under UN auspices.

He underscored that only Yemenis can debate and decide on the weighty and fundamental questions of sovereignty, national and local governance, revenue management and security arrangements.

“The UN-mediated process will be led and owned by Yemenis, and will involve and reflect the priorities of a plurality of Yemenis, including women and men from across Yemen’s governorates,” the envoy said.

ALSO READ-Number of migrants entering Yemen via Gulf exceeded 77,000